Are Basilisks Just Big Snakes?

creatures. “Of the many fearsome beasts and monsters that roam our
land,” Hermione reads in Rowling’s Harry Potter
and the Chamber of Secrets, “there is none more curious or more
The basilisk is certainly more than just a large
snake. Also known as a cockatrice, it has existed in legend for
centuries. Rowling is just having fun in Beasts when she credits a Greek wizard named Herpo
the Foul with breeding the first basilisk. Herpein is a Greek word meaning “to creep” that came
to be a word describing snakes. The study of reptiles such as
snakes is now called herpetology.
However, just as she suggests, by legend the
basilisk was said to be the offspring of a rooster or hen mated
with a snake or toad. Some artists followed that description
literally, and drew strange beasts combining features from
See also: Beasts Nagini Spiders
those animals. But more often the basilisk was portrayed as a
serpent with a crown or a white spot on his head. Cobras, which
have such marks, may be the origin of the basilisk legend.
Basilisks, from an early
woodcut and a later engraving.
Humans who looked at the snaky head of Medusa were turned to stone. The hero Perseus slayed
it by looking only at its reflection in his metal shield, just as
Hermione avoids the full force of the basilisk’s power because she
sees only its reflection.
See also: Beasts Nagini Spiders
The basilisk was reported to be deadly even from
afar. The Roman naturalist Pliny said, “He kills all trees and
shrubs, not only those he touches but all he breathes upon. He
burns the grass, and breaks stones, so venomous and deadly is
Some sources describe three varieties: The
golden basilisk could poison with a look; another sparked fire; a
third, like the famous snaky hair of Medusa in Greek mythology,
caused such horror that victims were petrified.
William Shakespeare even mentioned a basilisk in
his play Richard III. The evil title
character kills his brother then immediately flatters his brother’s
widow by mentioning her beautiful eyes. But she replies, “Would
they were a basilisk’s, to strike thee dead!”
A basilisk controlled by Lord Voldemort slinks
through Hogwarts in Chamber, almost killing
Harry and his friends. Fawkes, Professor Dumbledore’s pet phoenix,
attacks the monster. That also matches legend. A bird—the
rooster—is fatal to the beast. In the Middle Ages travelers carried
roosters as protection against basilisks.