Chapter 1
“Holy abs,” my best friend Kat whispered as she gawked at the half-naked male standing in front of Pyper. He was dressed only in beige linen pants and brown leather work boots. “Where did she find him?”
I laughed and hung our costumes on a rolling rack. We had converged in a meeting room just off the grand ballroom in the Jean Baptiste Hotel. In just five short hours, we’d be throwing the most exclusive Halloween party on Bourbon Street. And part of the entertainment was body-painted servers. “Probably the modeling agency. Or he could’ve answered the call on her website.”
Kat fanned herself with her hand, her emotional energy giddy with attraction.
“Stop. You’re entirely too into that guy, and it’s making me uncomfortable.” Kat was my best friend, and because I was an empath, I was pretty much always tuned in to what she was feeling. Usually that wasn’t much of a problem, but when it came to sexual energy, it just made me feel gross. There were some things I shouldn’t be privy to.
Kat ignored my remark and said, “He doesn’t look like a model.”
I had to agree with her. The ones that Pyper usually hired for her body-painting gigs were metrosexual in the extreme; bodies entirely waxed, hair styled with fruit-scented products, and often wearing concealer to hide any blemishes. They were pretty, but not manly men. Not like the perfect specimen standing before us.
He had a couple days’ worth of growth in the facial hair department, thick, wavy, dark locks that fell to his chin, and a well-defined upper body without an ounce of extra weight. He had broad shoulders and a trim waist, his muscles well defined but not bulky. And judging by the slight farmer’s tan, I guessed his workouts came in the form of construction rather than weightlifting. He was ruggedly handsome in the extreme.
“They don’t make them like that anymore,” Kat said.
I elbowed her and was treated with another wave of her barely suppressed lust. Closing my eyes, I imagined my glass silo, the one I used to block out other people’s energy, and sighed in relief when I could no longer feel anything radiating from her. “You have a man. A gorgeous one.”
She grinned at me. “Oh, I know. Believe me, I haven’t forgotten. Did I tell you what he did to me last—”
“La, la, la, la, la,” I chanted, sticking my fingers in my ears. “I told you I don’t want to hear about any more sexcapades between you and Lucien. He’s my second-in-command. I don’t want to be picturing the two of you...doing whatever it is you do when I’m at the next coven meeting.”
She shook her head, laughing. “God, Jade. How can you be such a prude when your husband owns a strip club?”
“One has nothing to do with the other. Besides, I’m not a prude. I just don’t need the details.”
“Whatever you say.” She scooted closer to Pyper and asked, “Where’s everyone else?”
The black-haired beauty finished outlining the design on her model’s chest. “They’ll be here in an hour or so. Julius was a little early, so we went ahead and got started. Check it out.” Pyper waved me over and pointed to a jagged line she’d drawn on his chest. “See this?”
Kat and I both nodded.
“I’m going to paint a skeleton hand ripping his heart right out of his chest. What do you think?”
Kat grimaced. “It’s awesome. And a little gruesome.”
“Well it is a Halloween party,” I added. “And it sounds amazing. Can’t wait to see what everyone else is going to look like.”
Pyper winked and went back to work on Julius. He was completely fixated on her every movement. I had a hard time deciding if he was enamored with her work or just her. She was tiny, with a dancer’s body, and had black hair with a bright electric-blue streak in the front. She was sexy as hell and usually a total flirt. But at the moment, she was all business.
She glanced up at him. “Do you need a break?”
“From what?” he asked, his blue eyes nearly searing her with their intensity.
She stepped back and averted her gaze as she vigorously dabbed her dirty paintbrush over a clean surface of her painter’s palette. Only instead of wiping off the excess, she pushed it through two colors, making an even bigger mess. “Oh, crap!” She tossed the brush into a cup of water and put everything down, wrinkling her nose. “From standing still. If you need to sit for a while, just let me know.”
“No. I’m fine here.” He pulled his shoulders back and seemed to grow an inch or two taller.
“Look at those shoulder muscles,” Kat said, fanning herself again. “Whoa. I think I need a drink.”
Pyper glanced back at us, her expression amused. “I think we could all use a cold one. Get us something from the bar?”
“Sure.” I suppressed a laugh and yanked on Kat’s arm, pulling her into the grand ballroom. “You need to cool off.”
She frowned and shook her head as if trying to dislodge whatever had come over her. “Wow. I don’t know what happened back there, but either I was spelled or my hormones took a turn down slutville alley.”
I slipped behind the temporary bar and pulled a couple of beers from a giant bucket of ice. “Spelled? You think he was a witch of some sort? What did he do, cast a lust charm?”
“Oh, shut up,” she said, smiling. “It could happen.”
“Maybe. But I don’t think so. I would’ve felt something.” The thought had me frowning in confusion. I hadn’t gotten a read on Julius at all, had I? When we’d first walked in, I’d felt Pyper’s intense concentration and then Kat’s inappropriate lust connection, but I hadn’t sensed one thing from Julius. Interesting.
“Well, whatever it was, I’ll stay here. If I’m gonna start in on that beer, I don’t want to get caught drinking and drooling.”
“Good plan.” Chuckling, I opened two Abita Ambers and retreated back into the meeting room. “Okay, beers—whoa.” I stopped in my tracks and gawked. Pyper was wrapped in Julius’s arms, and the pair of them were going at it like sex-starved teenagers. He had one hand on her ass and the other curled into her hair, while she had one leg wrapped around his waist and her nails dug into his bare shoulders.
I silently placed the beers on the nearest table and backed up slowly, trying my damnedest to not be seen. I was almost to the door when—
I ran smack into someone coming in from the other room. “Oh, no, I’m so sorry,” I said, spinning around right into the arms of Kane, my husband. My husband. Was I ever going to get used to thinking of Kane that way? We’d been married for six months, and I still got giddy every time he called me his wife.
“Hey there.” He circled his arms around me. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”
I grimaced and jerked my head toward the make-out twins.
Kane glanced over my shoulder and grinned. “Oh, I see.” He inclined his head in greeting. “Hey, Pyper. Looks like we might be intruding.”
“Uh...well, no, not exactly,” I heard her say breathlessly.
Kane laughed while I turned around and sent her an apologetic look. She was completely rumpled, her face flushed, and her smock smudged with beige and white body paint.
“We’ll be in the other room,” I said and tugged Kane back into the ballroom as fast as I could.
“Well, that was interesting,” Kane said, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“Interesting?” I glanced up at him, exasperated. “He’s a client. And what about Ian? Holy cow. What if he’d walked in?”
“Oh my God! Is Pyper macking on that model?” Kat asked, her eyes alive with excitement.
Kane nodded, his lips curled into a ghost of a smile.
“Oh, good for her. Someone needed to taste that delicious piece of man meat.”
I shook my head. “Does no one care about Ian? Did you two forget about him?”
“Ian’s out of town. Again,” Kat said. “He’s working on that ghost-hunting cable show with what’s-her-name. The high school friend that has a crush on him. If I had to guess, he’s not exactly worried if Pyper walks in on him, if you know what I mean.”
Kane grabbed a beer from behind the bar. “About time she moved on. Ian’s been gone more than he’s been home for the last three months.”
“But that’s work,” I said. “Don’t you think we need to give the guy the benefit of the doubt?”
“I would if he stayed in touch.” Kane’s expression turned flat with irritation. “Did you know she hasn’t heard from him in over two weeks? Not even a text.”
I frowned, worried now. Ian wasn’t the typical guy. He was a ghost hunter and was known to care more about his work than anything else. But going a few weeks without touching base with Pyper wasn’t normal, even for him. “Something must’ve gone wrong on his investigation. He’d never—”
“I talked to him yesterday.” Kat popped a piece of chocolate in her mouth. “The investigation isn’t leading to anything. He’s considering going to another site before he comes home.”
She nodded. “I think they might’ve already broken up, but neither is really talking about it.”
The door flung open and Pyper came striding into the ballroom, wearing a fresh smock. She grabbed my arm and tugged me over to a corner away from Kane and Kat. “I need a favor.”
“Like a reminder you have a boyfriend?” I asked as gently as possible.
“Oh, fuck Ian.” She scowled. “He wants to break it off but doesn’t have the balls to do it.”
I raised my eyebrows. “And you know this because...?”
“He said as much the last time I talked to him. Something about needing some space and having to figure out what he really wants. You know, guy code for ‘I don’t want to be an ass.’ Whatever, I’m over it. Forget him. I need you to be my chaperone for the rest of the day. I don’t know what it is about Julius, but when I’m around him, I can barely control myself.”
I cast a glance at Kat. “You’re not the only one.”
She followed my gaze. “She felt it too?”
“Yeah. But I didn’t.” I pursed my lips in thought. “It’s weird. I didn’t feel anything radiating off him.”
“Good.” She grabbed my hand and tugged me back toward her workroom. As we passed Kane, she said, “I’m borrowing your wife for the rest of the afternoon.”
Kane bent and gave me a soft kiss. “Take care of her.”
“Yeah. Sure. Whatever.” Pyper pushed the door open and then stopped dead in her tracks.
I glanced around the deserted room, my heart sinking for her. In the short time she’d been in the ballroom, Julius had vanished.