One rainy night at the state penitentiary in Michigan City, Indiana, three hardened convicts escaped through a dark, muddy field. They had been convicted of everything from armed robbery to murder. Now they were armed and dangerous and had nothing to lose.
They crept up on a dark, still house. The garage door was unlocked, and they walked right into the kitchen. Creeping from bedroom to bedroom, they bound and gagged all four members of the family. One of the criminals rifled through all the jewelry boxes while another found the car keys. The third got the man’s wallet for the credit cards. Then they were off.
Back at the prison, a random bed check revealed the convicts’ escape. Soon, helicopters, dogs, and numerous state, county, and city units began combing the area. Once the family managed to free themselves and call the authorities, the police had a car description and a tag number.
Within moments a state trooper spotted the stolen family station wagon moving at a high rate of speed on the interstate. He gave chase, and the escapees made a run for it, veering across the grassy median in an attempt to lose the trooper.
As the fleeing car bounced up onto the other side of the highway, the driver lost control. The car rolled three times, and the convict in the backseat was thrown clear into the high grass. Unharmed, he lost no time disappearing into a nearby cornfield.
Two miles away at Ollie Hardison’s farm, the silent dawn was shattered by the thundering wash of police choppers overhead and the baying of bloodhounds closing in on a scent. Ollie had several hog sheds out behind his barn that were pretty well rusted out and falling down. He thought he had heard something out there just a moment before, but now he couldn’t hear anything for all the commotion.
One of the arresting officers, Larry Hawkins (the one from Indiana mentioned earlier, that is), will never forget the scene that followed.
The fleeing convict had cut through the fields off the interstate, running at top speed through corn nine feet high. When he came upon the dilapidated hog sheds, he tried to get into one. It was too small. But when he heard the choppers and dogs, the desperate man dropped to all fours and backed into the stinking hog shed.
“We didn’t know whether to turn the dogs loose on him, read him his rights, or just give him a good swift kick.”
Unfortunately for him, as he backed in, he also backed out. It seems the back of the shed was rusted out to form a perfect picture frame for the convict’s posterior, which was totally exposed. As the police encircled the shed, the convict’s rear was positioned in a most peculiar way for arrest.
“He really thought he was totally hidden. He looked like an ostrich with his head in the sand. He held perfectly still and we just sort of stared at this big rear end sticking out of that shed. We just had to laugh. We didn’t know whether to turn the dogs loose on him, read him his rights, or just give him a good swift kick.”
Good sense and professionalism prevailed. The officers and Ollie Hardison were the only ones to get a kick out of the situation. And they did—no ifs, ands, or butts.