In a Florida town, the first policewoman on the local force was sent undercover to crack down on the prostitution problem. Her particular targets were the “johns,” or clients, who are considered as much a part of the problem as the prostitutes themselves. (After all, it’s just as illegal to buy it as it is to sell it.) The police officer was dressed to look like a “working girl,” wired for sound, and sent out to walk the streets. It wasn’t long before a well-dressed man picked her up.
“Are you a cop?” the man asked her.
“Do I look like a cop?” she responded.
“Well, no, you look too nice to be a cop.”
So the conversation continued, and the man eventually told the undercover officer what he had in mind. But that wasn’t enough to arrest him for solicitation, however. He also had to offer to pay her.
“What’s in it for me?” the officer asked.
“Well, normally,” the man said, “I don’t pay more than fifty dollars. But as good as you look, I’d pay you a hundred bucks.”
The officer leaned down and spoke into her hidden microphone, “Fellows, did you hear that? I knew I could make a whole lot more money doing something besides being a cop.”
The man was flabbergasted. “You are a cop!” he yelled.
The female officer looked at him smugly. “Yes, I am.”
“Hell!” the man exclaimed. “If you’d have told me you’re a cop, I would’ve offered you two hundred bucks. I’ve never screwed a cop before.”
“You’ve been screwed by one now,” the officer remarked. “You’re under arrest.”