We viewed various formats for ordered response categories in Chap. 2, described the threshold form of the Polytomous Rasch Model (PRM) and showed applications of the model in Chaps. 20–22. In this chapter, we derive the model from first principles. This derivation follows the original derivation of the threshold form of the PRM in Andrich (1978) which was built on Andersen (1977), which in turn was built on Rasch (1961). In doing so, we apply the concept of a response space that was described in Statistics Review 5. The derivation begins with an analogy between instruments of measurement and ordered response categories.
Measurement and Ordered Response Categories
In a prototype of measurement , an instrument is constructed in such a way that a linear continuum is partitioned by equidistant thresholds into categories called units. The thresholds are considered equally fine (same discrimination) and, relative to the size of the property being measured, fine enough that their own width can be ignored. Then the measurement is the count of the number of intervals, the units, from the chosen origin that the property maps onto the continuum . A prototype of measurement , the very familiar ruler partitioned into centimetres and millimetres, is shown in Fig. 27.1. To develop the analogy with ordered response categories, superimposed on the ruler are five ordered categories . We will see how the only differences are that the latter in general do not have equidistant thresholds and that floor and ceiling effects play a role, whereas in measurement they generally do not.
A continuum partitioned in the prototype of measurement with five ordered categories
Scoring criteria for the assessment of essay writing with respect to the criterion of setting (Harris, 1991)
0 (F) |
Inadequate setting: Insufficient or irrelevant information given for the story |
1 (P) |
Discrete setting: Discrete setting as an introduction, with some details that show some linkage and organization |
2 (C) |
Integrated setting: There is a setting which, rather than being simply at the beginning, is introduced throughout the story |
3 (D) |
Manipulated setting: In addition to the setting being introduced throughout the story, pertinent information is woven or integrated so that this integration contributes to the story |
A continuum partitioned into four, non-equidistant, ordered categories for assessing essays with respect to the criterion of setting
Minimum Proficiencies and Threshold Difficulty Order in the Full Space Ω
To derive the PRM in terms of the thresholds , their implied order is formalized. To simplify the notation, we do not subscript the person and item parameters in this derivation, emphasizing here that the response is with respect to a single person responding to a single item.
First, consider the minimum proficiency required to obtain
the successive grades, F,
P, C, D.
We take that the minimum proficiency to obtain a D is at the point on the continuum where the probability of success is 0.5.
Let this point on the continuum be the
, giving in complete notation
. Further, we take that this
probability is characterized by the dichotomous Rasch model,
is the usual normalizing factor which
ensures that
. At the minimum proficiency,
. Likewise, we take that the minimum
proficiencies required to obtain C,
P, respectively, are
and that the thresholds
on the continuum are such that
Again, if the response probabilities
are characterized by the Rasch model,
. It is stressed that the thresholds
are defined by their relationship to
minimum proficiencies
. Therefore, the minimum proficiency
required to achieve P, C, D,
respectively, can be referred to as the proficiency at respective
on the continuum . In achievement testing, they may be
referred to as difficulties.
Second, we take it that the minimum
proficiency required to achieve a D is greater than that to achieve a
C, which in turn is greater
than the minimum proficiency to achieve a P. These requirements reflect the
intended order of degrees of proficiency,
with the implication that . The relationship here is a
transitive one reflecting the very powerful constraint of order implied by the levels of proficiency. Now,
given the relationships
, the implication is that
with the parallel transitive
relationship on these thresholds . These
threshold locations are shown to conform to this order in Fig. 27.2. It is stressed that
this order is a requirement which will be reflected in
some way in the model. However, as we have seen in
Chaps. 21 and 22, there is no guarantee that the
data will reflect this requirement. If data do not satisfy this
requirement, then it is a property of the data which will manifest
itself by an incorrect ordering of the threshold estimates.
Before proceeding to derive the PRM, we note two related differences between Figs. 27.1 and 27.2. First, we have already indicated that unlike the thresholds in Fig. 27.1, those in Fig. 27.2 are not equidistant. Second, the thresholds in Fig. 27.1 are open ended in principle; those in Fig. 27.2 are finite in number. In the natural sciences, when the size of the property appears too close to the extreme measurements provided by the instrument , then an instrument that has a wider or better aligned range is sought and used. Specifically, if it is assumed that there are random errors of measurement , in which case the errors follow the normal distribution , then it is assumed, or required, that the instrument and property are so well aligned that the probability of an extreme measurement is zero (Stigler, 1986, p. 110). Such a luxury is not afforded in the case of a finite number of categories, and floor and ceiling effects are evident in items such as those shown above with the assessment of essays.
Specifying the Dichotomous Rasch Model for Responses at the Thresholds
![$$ \delta_{P} ,\,\delta_{C} ,\,\delta_{D} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq23.png)
![$$ y_{P} ,\,y_{C} ,\,y_{D} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq24.png)
![$$ \Pr \{ y_{P} = 1;\beta ,\delta_{P} \} = e^{{\beta - \delta_{P} }} /\gamma_{P} ;\Pr \{ y_{P} = 0;\beta ,\delta_{P} \} = 1/\gamma_{P} , $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equ1.png)
A resolved structure for a decision at each threshold proficiency
![$$ P_{y} = \Pr \{ y = 1;\beta ,\delta_{y} \} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq25.png)
![$$ Q_{y} = \Pr \{ y = 0;\beta ,\delta_{y} \} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq26.png)
![$$ 2^{3} \, = \,\,8 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq27.png)
![$$ \Omega \equiv \{ (0,0,0),(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),(1,0,1),(0,1,1)\} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq28.png)
The independent response
space Ω and the Guttman subspace for the responses from
Fig. 27.3
The Response Subspace ![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq30.png)
In addition to the space Ω,
Table 27.2 also shows another space, the subspace
. This subspace arises from the
following reasoning. Consider a response in the original ordered
format structure of Table 27.1 and Fig. 27.2. In this example,
there can be only one response in one of four categories. Suppose
first that the response is deemed a D. This implies a success at threshold
. However, because of the required
ordering of the thresholds ,
, this response necessarily implies a
success also at both thresholds
. That is, if a performance is deemed
a success at a Distinction, then it is also deemed, simultaneously,
a success at both Credit and Pass. This is analogous to
implications of a measurement . For
example, if an object is deemed to be 5 cm in length, then it
implies that it is deemed also to be greater than 4, 3, 2 and 1 cm
in length.
In the example of classifying an essay
as a D, the three implied
independent, dichotomous responses from Table 27.2 and
Fig. 27.3
at the three successive thresholds are
We notice that the number of
thresholds at which there is a success is
3, which is simply the sum
Now suppose that the response from
the format of Table 27.1 is C.
This response implies, not only a success at
, but because of the order
, it implies a success at
and a failure at
. The three implied responses from
Table 27.2 at the three successive thresholds are
. We note immediately that the number
of thresholds at which there is a success
is 2, again simply the sum
Suppose next that the response from the
format of Table 27.1 is This response implies, not only a
success at
, but because of the order
, it implies a failure at both
. The three implied responses from
Table 27.2 at the three successive thresholds are
where we again note immediately that
the number of thresholds at which there
is a success is 1, simply the sum
Finally, suppose that the response
from the format of Table 27.1 is F.
This response implies, not only a failure at
, but because of the order
, it implies a failure at both
. The three implied responses from
Table 27.2 at the three successive thresholds are
where we again note immediately that
the number of thresholds at which there
is a success is 0, simply the sum
![$$ \Omega ^{G} \equiv \{ (0,0,0),(1,0,0),(1,1,0),(1,1,1)\} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq56.png)
![$$ \delta_{P} < \delta_{C} < \delta_{D} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq57.png)
![$$ x = \{ y_{P} + y_{C} + y_{D} \} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq58.png)
![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq59.png)
![$$ x = 0,1,2,3 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq60.png)
Probabilities of the Guttman subspace
in the space Ω
This count of the successes is analogous to the count of the number of units an object exceeds from an origin in typical measurement considered above. However, because they are estimated, the thresholds do not have to be equidistant as they are in measurement .
The full space Ω has other response
elements which we may notate , where
stands for the subspace
. These responses are incompatible
with the required order . Thus, for
example, the response set
implies simultaneously a success at
C but failure at P which is of lesser proficiency than
C. Therefore, the responses in
are excluded from the possible set of
implied dichotomous responses at the thresholds and we focus on
the Response Space ![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq68.png)
To construct
the PRM, all that is required now is that the probabilities of the
responses in sum to 1. It is necessary to impose
this constraint for two reasons. First, given a response in one
category, the sum of the probabilities of responses in all
categories must sum to 1. Second, because the sum of the
probabilities of the responses in Ω sums to 1, the probabilities of
the responses of the subspace
are less than 1 in the full space Ω.
Table 27.3 shows these probabilities in terms of the
dichotomous Rasch model with Γ the sum of the probabilities of the
responses in
![$$ \Pr \{ x\} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq72.png)
Explicit expressions for probabilities of the
subspace in the space Ω
![$$ \begin{aligned} & \Pr \{ x = 0;\beta ,(\delta )|\Omega \} = 1/\gamma_{P} \gamma_{C} \gamma_{D} ; \\ & \Pr \{ x;\beta ,(\delta )|\Omega \} = e^{{x\beta - \sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^{x} \delta_{k} }} /\gamma_{P} \gamma_{C} \gamma_{D} ,x = 1,2,3. \\ \end{aligned} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equ2.png)
The sum of the terms in
Eq. (27.2) can now be written as ,
. To ensure that the probabilities in
the subspace
sum to 1, each
needs to be divided by their sum Γ.
Note that the denominator
of each term
is the same, and is also the same as
the denominator of Γ. Therefore, in this division
cancels, leaving the numerators of
the terms as
, and their denominator as simply
their sum
; the sum γ has no threshold subscripts. The
division of each term in
by their sum Γ ensures they sum to 1
and therefore form a probability space.
Generalizing the Notation of Grade Classification
![$$ \delta_{P} ,\delta_{C} ,\delta_{D} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq100.png)
![$$ \delta_{1} ,\delta_{2} ,\delta_{3} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq101.png)
![$$ \delta_{0} \equiv 0 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq102.png)
![$$ \Pr \{ x;\beta ,(\delta )|\Omega ^{G} \} = e^{{x\beta - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x} \delta_{k} }} /\gamma ,x = 0,1,2,3. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equ3.png)
![$$ m + 1 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq103.png)
![$$ \Pr \{ x;\beta_{n} ,(\delta_{i} )|\Omega ^{G} \} = e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x} \delta_{ik} }} /\gamma_{ni} ,x = 0,1,2,3, \ldots ,m_{i} . $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equ4.png)
Equation (27.4) is a general form of the PRM. We encountered it as Eq. (21.6) in Chap. 21.
A Fundamental Identity of the PRM
We are now in a position to revisit and
expand on the understanding of the structure of the PRM introduced
in Chap. 21. This involves a fundamental
identity in the full space Ω and the Guttman subspace .
The Full Space Ω
First, recall that the thresholds in the assessment of essays were defined in terms of the
minimum proficiencies
required to succeed at each of them,
. We then replaced the specific
notation of the three thresholds
for the four categories of Fail,
Pass, Credit and Distinction to integer subscripts giving
. Then consistent with this notation,
the minimum proficiencies may be notated
, respectively. This notation was
generalized to
for an item i with
categories. The minimum proficiency
threshold is then
![$$ \beta_{n} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq115.png)
![$$ \Pr \{ y_{nix} = 1;\beta_{n} ,\delta_{ix} |\Omega \} = e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{ix} }} /\gamma_{ni} ,y = 1,2, \ldots m_{i} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equ5.png)
![$$ \Omega . $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq116.png)
At minimum proficiency, ,
. Equation (27.5) emphasizes that the
thresholds are defined in terms of
probabilities that have no constraints placed on them.
The Guttman Subspace ![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq119.png)
![$$ x - 1\,{\text{and}}\,x $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq120.png)
![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq121.png)
![$$ \begin{aligned} & \frac{{\Pr \{ x;\beta_{n} ,(\delta_{i} )|\Omega ^{G} \} }}{{\Pr \{ x - 1;\beta_{n} ,(\delta_{i} )|\Omega ^{G} \} + \Pr \{ x;\beta_{n} ,(\delta_{i} )|\Omega ^{G} \} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x} \delta_{ik} }} /\gamma_{ni} }}{{e^{{(x - 1)\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} /\gamma_{ni} + e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x} \delta_{ik} }} /\gamma_{ni} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x} \delta_{ik} }} }}{{e^{{(x - 1)\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} + e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x} \delta_{ik} }} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} - \delta_{ix} }} }}{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} + e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} - \delta_{ix} }} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} e^{{ - \delta_{ix} }} }}{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} e^{{ - \beta_{n} }} + e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} - \delta_{ix} }} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} e^{{ - \delta_{ix} }} }}{{e^{{x\beta_{n} - \sum\nolimits_{k = 0}^{x - 1} \delta_{ik} }} (e^{{ - \beta_{n} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{ix} }} )}} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{ - \delta_{ix} }} }}{{e^{{ - \beta_{n} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{ix} }} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{ix} }} }}{{1 + e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{ix} }} }},x = 1,2,3, \ldots m_{i} . \\ \end{aligned} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equa.png)
![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq122.png)
![$$ \Omega ^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq123.png)
![$$ \Omega _{x - 1,x}^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq124.png)
![$$ \Pr \{ x;\beta_{n} ,(\delta_{i} )|\Omega _{x - 1,x}^{G} \} = \frac{{e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{ix} }} }}{{1 + e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{ix} }} }} = e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{ix} }} /\gamma_{nix} ,x = 1,2,3, \ldots ,m_{i} . $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_Equ6.png)
Equation (27.6) is the conditional probability of success
at threshold as the probability of a response in
category x relative to a
response in the adjacent categories
and x in the PRM. These are parameters
estimated in the application of the
The Dichotomous Rasch Model Identity in Ω and
![$$ \Omega _{x - 1,x}^{G} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_27_Chapter/470896_1_En_27_Chapter_TeX_IEq128.png)
The identity of the
probability of a successful response in the two spaces Ω and
is fundamental to the interpretation
of the PRM. The identity defines the thresholds of the PRM in terms of the proficiency
required to succeed at the thresholds
unconstrained by any subspace.
Thus, the thresholds estimated by the
PRM are the minimum proficiencies
required to succeed at the thresholds
. And these require that
. Therefore, it is required that
This relationship is made concrete in
Andrich (2016). Responses were simulated for two sets of
two dichotomous items according to the Rasch model. Then, a subset
of responses which satisfied the Guttman
structure according to the hypothesized ordering of the
thresholds was taken. The original full
set of dichotomous responses is the set Ω above, while the chosen
subset of responses is above. The former set was analysed
with the dichotomous Rasch model and the latter with the PRM. The
dichotomous item parameter estimates,
and the corresponding PRM threshold estimates were within standard
errors of estimates, reflecting that they are estimates of
identical parameters
from different sets of data.
It is possible to derive the PRM
beginning from Eq. (27.6), that is, the conditional probability of a response in category
x given the response is in
either category or x. Then, it is required to ensure that
the sum of the probabilities is 1. If the implied sample spaces are
made explicit, then the Guttman subspace
is shown to be implied, and the
independent response space Ω can be
inferred as the space of which
is a subspace. This derivation is
shown in detail in Andrich (2013).
As we saw in Chaps. 20–22, it is possible that thresholds estimates from responses are not in this required order . In that case, there is some malfunctioning of the operation of the ordering of the categories. However, because the reversals can result from many different sources of malfunctioning, the reversed threshold estimates as such do not tell the specific source. The source or sources must be identified with further study of the format, the content, and so on, of the item.
Finally, the derivation of the PRM can
begin with the conditional probabilities in the subspace
of Eq. (27.6) resulting in
Eq. (27.4) of the PRM. Providing the implied sample
spaces are taken into account, the Guttman space of implied
successes at the thresholds is recovered
(Andrich, 2013).
A general and a specific point regarding fit in relation to reversed threshold estimates is stressed. First, fit to the Rasch model is understood to be a necessary condition for invariance of comparisons and for measurement , not both a necessary and sufficient condition. Thus, other statistical and empirical properties of measurement are not revoked or bypassed by the Rasch model and fit to the Rasch model (Duncan, 1984). Second, and in any case, because reversed threshold estimates are used to recover the data in the usual test of fit , the responses may fit the model even when threshold estimates are reversed. Therefore, although fit is a necessary condition for all the properties of the Rasch model to hold, fit in itself does not bear on evidence of the malfunctioning of ordered categories of items. It is, however, possible for fit and reversed threshold estimates to interact.