© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019
David Andrich and Ida MaraisA Course in Rasch Measurement TheorySpringer Texts in Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7496-8_12

12. Comparisons and Contrasts Between Classical and Rasch Measurement Theories

David Andrich1   and Ida Marais1
Graduate School of Education, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia
David Andrich


Rasch measurement theory (RMT)Classical test theory (CTT)

Motivations and Background to CTT and RMT

In this chapter, we summarize some comparisons and contrasts between Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Rasch Measurement Theory (RMT) . Because the motivation of the theories and models appear so different we could take the position that the two theories are incompatible. However, although there are critical differences between the two, because of the way the theories are reflected in their assumptions and in their respective mathematical expressions as models, we take the position that RMT can be seen as an elaboration of CTT . We justify such a position in this chapter.

We begin by summarizing the very different motivations of the respective theories. We suggest that just because they have different motivations RMT can end up being an elaboration of CTT . We further suggest in a later chapter, which deals with general Item Response Theory (IRT) , that if one sets out to elaborate CTT directly, it does not lead to the kind of elaboration of CTT that RMT provides. In particular, it does not lead to the total score of a person on a set of items being the key statistic. Instead, the elaborations can be seen as an ad hoc addition of parameters to account better for different data sets.

Motivation of CTT

CTT , which appeared early in the twentieth century, seems to have arisen from the following ingredients. First, from a substantive point of view, the emergence and formalization of testing, in particular, intelligence testing for assessing whether or not young children could profit from a regular education in this period. Second, the development and application of the correlation coefficient in the human sciences using simply summed scores on dichotomously scored items that provided a test score. Third, from the developments in the analysis of data, the acceptance that observations could show random variation, where random variation may be seen as an error. Further, theoretical developments of error variance lead to the normal distribution and its application with true and error scores being additive. Fourth, the idea that different dichotomously scored items of a test administered to a person could be seen as replications of each other in some sense. As a result of these being replications, the possibility of summing the random variables to give a total score for a person seemed to have been justified rather than simply assumed. However, and asymmetrically, it was understood that different persons have different proficiencies.

Motivation of RMT

As we have indicated already, the motivation for RMT is that within a frame of reference , the comparisons of persons and the comparisons of items are invariant with respect to different subsets of items and persons, respectively. The comparisons are in terms of characterizations of persons and items with real numbers. The history of Rasch’s development of his theory of measurement can be obtained from the foreword to his book, Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests (1960), as well as from Andersen and Olsen (2001) and Andrich (2005).

As a consultant to the Danish Institute of Educational Research, Rasch was asked to help devise a study which would ascertain the effectiveness of a reading program for children who had reading difficulties. Instead of any conception of CTT , he approached the problem as he had done with research studies he worked on in biomedical and other research areas. There were different pieces of data collected, but the data set we refer to is the one in which the children read different texts out loud and the responses recorded were the errors they made in reading the words.

If the growth of students was to be assessed, then they had to be given texts to read that were not so difficult that the students would not engage with the reading, and not so easy that they would not make any errors at all. However, if they improved in their reading over time, then as their reading improved, they needed to be given more difficult texts. Therefore, the different texts of different difficulty had to be placed on the same scale .

Clearly, different words were of somewhat different difficulty within a text, but nevertheless, the texts were relatively homogeneous and were chosen to be of different overall difficulty. To place these texts on the same scale a linking design of the kind we saw in the last chapter was used. Thus, adjacent grades read common texts, and also texts that were of a relevant difficulty for the grade. Rasch characterized a response with a parameter for a person’s reading proficiency, and a parameter for a text’s reading difficulty. Because the error count was relatively small, he knew that the Poisson distribution had the potential to be useful in characterizing the distribution of responses. However, his use of the Poisson was distinctive—it was to characterize the error count of a particular person to a particular text, rather than a population of persons to a group of texts. Thus, he focused on the individual, and did not assume a normal distribution of persons as was done in CTT .

The references above describe how Rasch came to appreciate that his characterization provided the possibility of eliminating the person parameters while estimating the difficulties of the texts, and vice versa, and the formalization of the models that provided invariant comparisons . Rasch then worked out the model for dichotomous responses by extrapolating the response structure that would be required if each word was characterized for its difficulty, for each word to be read that would lead to the Poisson model for the text as a whole. He then applied it to two data sets he had at hand, a Danish intelligence test , and the nonverbal Ravens Progressive Matrices test . In the former, the responses did not conform to the model, in the latter they essentially did. In the former, he was able, from the study of fit, to diagnose different dimensions that were being assessed.

This is a brief summary of the way Rasch came upon the model for dichotomous responses, a way that was very different from the way CTT was developed. It was a model for dichotomous responses which had the property of sufficiency and the possibility of eliminating one set of parameters while estimating the others. This is the case for the model. It was not that it accounted for any data set. It came before any data were collected with its use in mind. However, one feature was common with CTT , that the items of a test assessed the same variable and that somehow, each person should be characterized by a single number.

Relating Characteristics of CTT and RMT

Instead of simply listing similarities and differences under respective headings, we consider a particular feature and indicate the similarities and differences. These are summarized in Table 12.1.
Table 12.1

Some comparisons between CTT and RMT for dichotomous responses





Multiple items are a form of replication in the assessment of a person

Requirement: invariance of comparisons of items and persons relative to each other within a frame of reference

Assumptions, requirements, and implications

Unidimensionality, independent responses and a normal distribution of the variable in the population

Unidimensionality, independent responses, but no assumption of the distribution of persons

Item locations

Outside the theory, no formalization

In practice, a facility index referenced to a population

Formalized as a difficulty $$ \delta_{i} $$ and comparisons between items invariant with respect to the person distribution

Central to defining a continuum

Algebraic formalization

$$ x_{ni} = \tau_{n} + \varepsilon_{ni} $$

$$ x_{ni} $$ discrete!

$$ V[\varepsilon ] = s_{\varepsilon }^{2} $$ for all person/item engagements

Equal correlation among all pairs of items in the population

$$ u_{ni} = (\beta_{n} - \delta_{i} ) + \varepsilon_{ni} $$

$$ u_{ni} $$ continuous

$$ u_{ni} > 0 \Rightarrow x_{ni} = 1 $$

$$ V[\varepsilon ] = s_{\varepsilon }^{2} $$

$$ P_{ni} = \text{P} \,r\{ x_{ni} = 1\} = \frac{{e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{i} }} }}{{1 + e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{i} }} }} $$

Equal slopes for the ICCs

Key property

Total score on a set of items is defined (asserted) to characterize a person

The total score as the sufficient statistic for $$ \beta_{n} $$ follows from the model

Person estimation

$$ \hat{t}_{n} = \bar{y} + r_{yy} (y_{n} - \bar{y}) $$

Linear relation between total score $$ y_{n} $$ and true score estimate $$ \hat{t}_{n} $$ which is also a function of the group distribution and the reliability

$$ y = r_{n} = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{I} {\,P_{ni} } $$

Non-linear relation between total score $$ r_{n} $$ and location estimate $$ \hat{\beta }_{n} $$ which is independent of the group distribution and of the reliability

SE of the person estimate

$$ s_{e} = s_{y} \sqrt {(1 - r_{yy} )} $$

Same for all persons

$$ \sigma_{{\hat{\beta }}} = 1/\sqrt {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{I} {P_{ni} (1 - P_{ni} )} } $$

Variable depending on person and item locations and greater at extreme scores


$$ \begin{aligned} r_{yy} & = \frac{{s_{r}^{2} }}{{s_{y}^{2} }} = \frac{{s_{r}^{2} }}{{s_{r}^{2} + s_{e}^{2} }} \\ \hat{r}_{yy} & = \frac{I}{I - 1}\frac{{s_{y}^{2} - \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{I} {s_{i}^{2} } }}{{s_{y}^{2} }} \\ \end{aligned} $$

Ratio of the estimated true variance relative to observed variance, e.g. coefficient $$ \alpha $$ calculated from variances involving observed scores

$$ \begin{aligned} r_{\beta } & = \frac{{\hat{\sigma }_{\beta }^{2} - \hat{\sigma }_{\varepsilon }^{2} }}{{\hat{\sigma }_{\beta }^{2} }} \\ \hat{r}_{\beta } & = \frac{{\hat{\sigma }_{{\hat{\beta }}}^{2} - \hat{\sigma }_{{\hat{\varepsilon }}}^{2} }}{{\hat{\sigma }_{{\hat{\beta }}}^{2} }} \\ \end{aligned} $$

Ratio of the estimated location variance relative to observed variance, e.g. the index of person separation calculated from variances of estimates and their standard errors

Missing responses and linking /equating

Missing responses generally imputed, coefficient $$ \alpha $$ can only be calculated with complete data

Equipercentile equating

Missing responses are handled routinely, different persons can respond to different subsets of items and obtain proficiency estimates on the same scale

Item discrimination

Assumes common discrimination

Individual item discrimination outside the theory

In practice item discrimination is used as a fit index and low discrimination is a concern

The greater the discrimination the better, though it is understood it can be too high, resulting from strong local dependence, which leads to a loss of validity

It is known as the attenuation paradox

Assumes common discrimination

Individual item discrimination outside the theory

In practice different discriminations observed from a fit to the model perspective

The discrimination of items in each analysis sets the scale for the ICCs

Items discriminating significantly greater than the average and relatively worse than the average are both of concern

The Total Scores of Persons

We have seen that in CTT for dichotomous responses, each response to an item is scored 0 and 1 and that the sum of these scores is assumed to characterize a person. In RMT , the items are scored in the same way, and it turns out that as a consequence of the model, the total score of a person is the sufficient statistic for the person’s parameter estimate, and likewise for items.

However, there are differences between the use of the total score to estimate the true score in CTT and the dichotomous RM estimate in RMT . In anticipation of considering these differences, Fig. 12.1 shows the raw score distribution of the example in Chap. 9 where all items are dichotomous.
Fig. 12.1

Distribution of total scores

CTT Estimation of the True Score

From Eq. (3.​4) in Chap. 3, we have that the estimate of the true score for a person is given by
$$ \hat{t}_{n} = \bar{y} + r_{yy} (y_{n} - \bar{y}). $$

Clearly, the estimate is referenced to the mean $$ \bar{y} $$ of the group and to the reliability $$ r_{yy} $$ of the instrument in that group. Furthermore, the relationship between the true score estimates and the raw scores is linear.

The variance of the true scores is given by
$$ V[\hat{t}_{n} ] = r_{yy}^{2} V[y] $$
with $$ SD[\hat{t}_{n} ] = r_{yy}^{{}} SD[y] $$ showing that the standard deviation of the true scores is shrunk by a factor of $$ r_{yy} $$. In the example, this is given by $$ SD[\hat{t}_{n} ] = 0.604\left( {2.508} \right) = 1.514 $$.
Moreover, the difference between two true score estimates from successive total scores is given by
$$ \begin{aligned} \hat{t}_{x + 1} - \hat{t}_{x} & = \bar{y} + r_{yy} (y_{x + 1} - \bar{y}) - [\bar{y} + r_{yy} (y_{x} - \bar{y})] \\ & = \bar{y} + r_{yy} y_{x + 1} - r_{yy} \bar{y} - \bar{y} - r_{yy} y_{x} + r_{yy} \bar{y} \\ & = r_{yy} y_{x + 1} - r_{yy} y_{x} \\ & = r_{yy} (y_{x + 1} - y_{x} ) \\ & = r_{yy} (1) \\ & = r_{yy} \\ \end{aligned} $$

That is, the difference between two successive raw scores has been shrunk by exactly the reliability .

In the example of Chap. 9, the coefficient alpha reliability is $$ \alpha = 0.604 $$ (this is different from the value calculated in Chap. 3, 0.47, when the items were not all dichotomous). Figure 12.2 shows the frequency distribution for the true scores, where the true score estimates are obtained from Eq. (12.1). It is evident that the shape of the distribution is the same as in Fig. 12.1, except that in terms of the raw score scale , the difference between successive scores is smaller in Fig. 12.2 than Fig. 12.1.
Fig. 12.2

Distribution of estimated true scores

Finally, because there is no parameter for an item to take account of its difficulty, for the above comparisons to be made, it is necessary that all persons have responded to the same items.

RMT Estimation of the Person Location Estimates

The person estimates in the dichotomous RM are given by Eq. (10.​5) of Chap. 10:
$$ r_{n} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{I} {\frac{{e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{i} }} }}{{1 + e^{{\beta_{n} - \delta_{i} }} }}} $$
Figure 10.​1 from Chap. 10 is reproduced in Fig. 12.3, however, the person estimates in Fig. 12.3 have been calculated using weighted likelihood estimation in RUMM2030. All such transformations have the S-shape shown in this figure. Figure 12.3 also shows the transformation of the scores 3 or less and 15 or greater. It is evident that within the range of 3–15, the transformed scores in logits and the total scores have virtually a linear relationship. However, beyond these scores the transformation is noticeably non-linear with the differences between successive logit scores increasing.
Fig. 12.3

Non linear transformation of the total score to a Rasch model estimate

For purposes of comparison with the true score distribution of Figs. 12.2 and 12.4 shows the distribution of dichotomous RM estimates obtained from Eq. (12.4). It is evident that although the distribution is still skewed because the scores at the extremes are stretched, the distribution appears less skewed in Fig. 12.4 than Fig. 12.2.
Fig. 12.4

Distribution of the dichotomous Rasch model estimates

CTT Estimation of Standard Errors of True Scores

We recall that the standard errors in CTT are the same for all scores, and are given by Eq. (3.​5) of Chap. 3:
$$ s_{e} = s_{y} \sqrt {1 - r_{yy} } . $$
In the above example, this value is
$$ s_{e} = 2.508\sqrt {1 - 0.604} = 2.508\left( {0.629} \right) = 1.578. $$

RMT Estimation of Standard Errors of Person Location Estimates

The Rasch model standard errors, given by Eq. (10.​9) of Chap. 10:
$$ \sigma_{{\hat{\beta }}} = 1/\sqrt {\sum\limits_{i = 1}^{I} {P_{ni} (1 - P_{ni} )} } $$
increase as the estimates become more extreme.

These were shown in Table 10.​4 and Fig. 10.​2 of Chap. 10.