Linking of Instruments with Common Items
In many areas of social measurement , different instruments but with some common items, have been constructed to assess the same variable, and it is considered important to place them on the same scale . In these cases of some common items between two instruments, the implication is that not all persons have attempted the same items. We comment on applications of this feature after we describe a method for applying the Rasch model for analyzing a data matrix when not all persons have attempted all items. Often, when two sets of items with some common items are placed on the same scale , it is said that the sets of items have been linked. Such a design was in the original work of Rasch which led him to his theory of measurement (Rasch, 1960).
Linking Three Items Where One Item Is Common to Two Groups
Linking design for three items with one item common to two groups
Estimating Differences Between Difficulties and then Adjusting the Origin
In Chap. 9, we already estimated the
difference between difficulties of items 1 and 8. We consider that
this estimate has come from responses by group 1 in
Fig. 11.1. The relative difficulties were
where, because we can estimate only a
difference, we made
. We use the same procedure to
estimate the difference between difficulties of items 8 and 11 as
we did to estimate the difference between difficulties of items 1
and 8.
Responses of persons to items 8 and 11 given
Person |
Person count |
Item 8 |
Item 11 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
7 |
5 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
8 |
6 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
9 |
7 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Total = 7 |
Sum = 5 |
![$$ \begin{aligned} & {\text{Proportion}}\{ (x_{n8} = 1,x_{n11} = 0)|r_{n} = 1\} = \frac{5}{7}\,{\text{and}} \\ & {\text{Proportion}}\{ (x_{n8} = 0,x_{n11} = 1)|r_{n} = 1\} = \frac{2}{7}. \\ \end{aligned} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equa.png)
![$$ \ln \left[ {\frac{5/7}{2/7}} \right] = \ln \left[ {\frac{5}{2}} \right] = \ln \left[ {2.5} \right] = \hat{\delta }_{11} - \hat{\delta }_{8} . $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equb.png)
![$$ \hat{\delta }_{11} - \hat{\delta }_{8} = \ln [2.5] = 0.916. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equc.png)
Setting , gives
Now we have two values for Item 8,
from the comparison with item 1 with
the responses from group 1, and
from a comparison with item 11
obtained from group 2. To place estimates of all three items on the
same scale we note that the origin is
arbitrary in each set of estimates and that only the difference
between item difficulties has been estimated.
Thus, we can add constants to the estimates providing we preserve the differences. We can simply retain the value of item 8 as estimated from group 1, find the difference with its value obtained from group 2, and then add the same value to item 11.
![$$ 1.431 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq12.png)
![$$ \hat{\delta }_{8} = 0.973 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq13.png)
![$$ \hat{\delta }_{11} = 1.889 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq14.png)
Estimates of items 1, 8 and 11 placed on the same scale
Items |
Mean |
Group 1 |
−0.973 |
0.973 |
Group 2 |
−0.458 |
0.458 |
0.973 − (−0.458) |
1.431 |
1.431 |
Estimates |
−0.973 |
0.973 |
1.889 |
0.630 |
Estimates Mean 0.0 |
−1.603 |
0.343 |
1.259 |
0.000 |
If it is deemed convenient for some
reason that the sum of these item difficulties is 0, then this can
be achieved simply by subtracting the average difficulty of the
items from each item. The estimates with this subtraction, which
give , is shown in the last row of
Table 11.2.
Table 11.2 shows that item 11 is more difficult than item 8 and very much more difficult than item 1. Perhaps group 2 was more proficient than group 1 and that is the reason that the more difficult item was given to this group.
The case of three items was shown above for purposes of exposition. In general, there are of course many items in each test , and more than one common item. The generalization of the procedure above, where there are many items, is to calculate the mean of the common items in the two groups, and then add the difference between these means to all items of one of the sets of items. Another procedure is to analyze all the responses of all the items and take advantage of the analysis which handles missing responses. In Fig. 11.1 responses of group 2 to item 1 and group 1 to item 11 are said to be missing. This procedure is described next.
Estimating Differences Between Difficulties Simultaneously by Maximum Likelihood
We now summarize the approach that can estimate the parameters simultaneously in the case that not all persons respond to all items. We use the example of the three items 1, 8 and 11 with data from Table 11.1 of this chapter and Table 9.3 of Chap. 9. We show this because it is the basic method used by computer programs and we think it helps to understand the principles by which the programs provide estimates.
Before proceeding, we show how the complementary equations, Eqs. (9.1) and (9.2) of Chap. 9 with respect to items 1 and 8, can be written as a single equation.
![$$ P_{1.8|1} = \Pr \{ (x_{n1} = 1,x_{n8} = 0)|r_{n} = 1\} = \frac{{e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} }}{{e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} }} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ1.png)
![$$ P_{8.1|1} = \Pr \{ (x_{n1} = 0,x_{n8} = 1)|r_{n} = 1\} = \frac{{e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} }}{{e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} }} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ2.png)
We introduce the simplified notation of
because we use it below to help
summarize the solution equations. The first subscript indicates the
item which has the response 1, and the second the one that has the
response 0.
It is evident that when and the values are substituted in
Eq. (11.3), that it results in Eq. (11.1), and that when
and the values are substituted in
Eq. (11.3), that it results in Eq. (11.2).
![$$ \Pr \{ (X_{ni} = x_{ni} ,X_{nj} = x_{nj} )|r_{n} = 1\} = \frac{{e^{{ - x_{ni} \delta_{i} - x_{nj} \delta_{j} }} }}{{e^{{ - \delta_{i} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{j} }} }}. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ4.png)
![$$ r_{n} = 1 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq22.png)
![$$ \begin{aligned} L = \prod\limits_{n = 1}^{16} {\frac{{e^{{ - x_{n1} \delta_{1} - x_{n8} \delta_{8} }} }}{{e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} }}} & = \frac{{\prod\nolimits_{n = 1}^{16} {e^{{ - x_{n1} \delta_{1} - x_{n8} \delta_{8} }} } }}{{(e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} )^{16} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{ - \sum\nolimits_{n = 1}^{16} {x_{n1} \delta_{1} } - \sum\nolimits_{n = 1}^{16} {x_{n8} \delta_{8} } }} }}{{(e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} )^{16} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{ - \delta_{1} \sum\nolimits_{n = 1}^{16} {x_{n1} } - \delta_{8} \sum\nolimits_{n = 1}^{16} {x_{n8} } }} }}{{(e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} )^{16} }} \\ & = \frac{{e^{{ - 14\delta_{1} - 2\delta_{8} }} }}{{(e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} )^{16} }} \\ \end{aligned} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ5.png)
The coefficients and
, respectively, are 14 and 2 (the sum
of the responses), which is the number of times each one has a
score of 1 when the other has a score of 0.
![$$ \ln \,L = - 14\delta_{1} - 2\delta_{8} - 16\,\ln (e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} ). $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ6.png)
We need calculus to derive equations
that give values of and
that maximize the value of
Eq. (11.6). There is one equation for each item.
These are obtained by differentiating Eq. (11.6) first with respect
and then with respect to
![$$ \delta_{1} : - 14 + 16\frac{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} }}{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} + e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }} = 0 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ7.png)
![$$ \delta_{8} : - 2 + 16\frac{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }}{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} + e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }} = 0. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ8.png)
![$$ \delta_{1} : - 14 + 16\hat{P}_{1.8|1} = 0 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ9.png)
![$$ \delta_{8} : - 2 + 16\hat{P}_{8.1|1} = 0. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ10.png)
![$$ \delta_{1} :16\,\hat{P}_{1.8|1} = 14 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ11.png)
![$$ \delta_{8} :16\hat{P}_{8.1|1} = 2. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ12.png)
![$$ \hat{P}_{1.8|1} = 1 - \hat{P}_{8.1|1} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq31.png)
![$$ 16\hat{P}_{1.8|1} + 16\hat{P}_{8.1|1} = 16(1) = 16 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq32.png)
![$$ 14 + 2 = 16 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq33.png)
![$$ \hat{\delta }_{1} + \hat{\delta }_{8} = 0. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ13.png)
The solution to these equations is found iteratively, as shown for person estimates in Chap. 10. That is, initial values are placed on the left side of Eqs. (11.11) and (11.12), and then based on their differences from 0, adjustments are made with the constraint of Eq. (11.13) imposed with each iteration until the difference is small enough to be acceptable, perhaps 0.0001.
We do not go through the process, but
for completeness, we note that if we place the solutions we had
already established in Chap. 9, that is and
, into Eqs. (11.11), (11.12), and (11.13), we obtain
Estimating Item Parameters Simultaneously by Maximum Likelihood in the Presence of Missing Responses
With the notation and development above, we now generalize the procedure to the case of the design in Fig. 11.1 with three items in which only one item is common to both groups. As indicated above because not all persons have responded to all items, a design such as that one is often described as having missing data or missing responses.
![$$ L = \prod\limits_{n = 1}^{16} {\frac{{e^{{ - x_{n1} \delta_{1} - x_{n8} \delta_{8} }} }}{{e^{{ - \delta_{1} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} }}} \prod\limits_{n = 17}^{23} {\frac{{e^{{ - x_{n8} \delta_{8} - x_{n11} \delta_{11} }} }}{{e^{{ - \delta_{8} }} + e^{{ - \delta_{11} }} }}} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ14.png)
It is evident that item 8, the item common to the two groups, is involved in more responses than the other two items which are responded to by only one group.
![$$ \delta_{1} : - 14 + 16\frac{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} }}{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} + e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }} = - 14 + 16\hat{P}_{1.8|1} = 0 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ17.png)
![$$ \delta_{8} : - 7 + 16\frac{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }}{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} + e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }} + 7\frac{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }}{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{1} }} + e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} }} = - 7 + 16\hat{P}_{8.1|1} + 7\hat{P}_{8.1|1} = 0 $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ18.png)
![$$ \delta_{11} : - 2 + 7\frac{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{11} }} }}{{e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{8} }} + e^{{ - \hat{\delta }_{11} }} }} = - 2 + 7\hat{P}_{11.8|1} = 0. $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ19.png)
![$$ \hat{\delta }_{\,1} + \hat{\delta }_{\,8} + \hat{\delta }_{\,11} = 0 . $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ20.png)
Again, these equations are solved iteratively. We do not proceed to solve these equations in this way, but we leave it as an exercise to show that the solution in the last row of Table 11.2,
, satisfies Eqs. (11.17), (11.18), (11.19) and (11.20).
The above method of maximum likelihood is called conditional pairwise estimation. It has some desirable properties, including that the estimates obtained converge to the correct estimates as the sample size increases. However, because the same item appears in different pairings, the responses are not totally independent, and therefore it is not used directly in tests of fit. We consider tests of fit in subsequent chapters.
The design of Fig. 11.1 generalizes so that, providing each item is paired with at least one other item in a data matrix, the estimation can be carried out. We refer to this point again in the last section of the chapter.
Equating Scores of Persons Who Have Answered Different Items from the Same Set of Items
We have considered, above, placing items on the same scale when not all persons have answered all items. Focusing now on persons, we recall that in the Rasch model all persons with the same total score will have the same proficiency estimate. This is because the total score is a sufficient statistic for the estimation of proficiency. However, if two persons have responded to different items, then because the difficulties of the items are different, persons with the same total score will have different proficiency estimates. Thus, if a person has attempted 20 relatively difficult items and has a score of 15, then that will give a greater proficiency estimate than if the person had attempted 20 relatively easy items and also has a score of 15.
![$$ r_{n} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{I} {a_{ni} x_{ni} = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{I_{n} }} {a_{ni} \frac{{e^{{\hat{\beta }_{n} - \hat{\delta }_{i} }} }}{{1 + e^{{\hat{\beta }_{n} - \hat{\delta }_{i} }} }}} } $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_Equ21.png)
![$$ I_{n} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq41.png)
![$$ a_{ni} $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq42.png)
![$$ i $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq43.png)
![$$ i $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq44.png)
![$$ \beta $$](/epubstore/A/D-Andrich/A-Course-In-Rasch-Measurement-Theory/OEBPS/images/470896_1_En_11_Chapter/470896_1_En_11_Chapter_TeX_IEq45.png)
Person estimates from two sets of items on the same scale
Item subtests selections |
Item |
Set 1 |
Set 2 |
2 |
X |
1 |
X |
5 |
X |
6.4 |
X |
3 |
X |
4 |
X |
6.3 |
X |
9.1 |
X |
9.3 |
X |
6.1 |
X |
9.2 |
X |
6.2 |
X |
7 |
X |
10.1 |
X |
8 |
X |
10.3 |
X |
10.2 |
X |
10.4 |
X |
No. |
9 |
9 |
Max |
9 |
9 |
Total score and equivalent proficiencies |
Score |
Set 1 |
Set 2 |
0 |
−3.642 |
−1.992 |
1 |
−2.764 |
−1.117 |
2 |
−2.088 |
−0.422 |
3 |
−1.572 |
0.122 |
4 |
−1.120 |
0.617 |
5 |
−0.688 |
1.112 |
6 |
−0.242 |
1.640 |
7 |
0.263 |
2.247 |
8 |
0.923 |
3.022 |
9 |
1.780 |
3.926 |
Estimates of person proficiency from two tests composed of items on the same scale
In each case, the person’s total score (on those items attempted) is the relevant statistic for estimating the proficiency, but the estimate itself depends on the difficulty (parameters) of the items. If the items are on the same scale , then the proficiency estimates will also be on the same scale .
Estimating item locations on the same scale where not all persons have responded to all items is common in education. For example, in large scale assessment exercises, at national and international levels, it may be necessary to compare the proficiencies of persons over different year groups, and older year groups need to be administered more difficult items than younger year groups. In order to link the items administered to the two groups, some common items, those which may be somewhat more difficult for the younger group but not too difficult, and somewhat easier for the older group but not too easy, may be administered as common items. Then all items are linked through the common items as shown above, and person estimates are obtained only from those items to which the persons have responded.
As a concrete example, in Australia, there is a National Assessment Program in Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in which students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are assessed and the assessments are placed on the same scale . This design of the assessments requires that there are some common items between adjacent year groups, with the majority of items unique to each year group.
Another example in education is where achievements over time are to be compared. It is important that the items from year to year are not the same. If they are, then performance on the items becomes an end itself and students and teachers can prepare just for those items. In this case, validity is destroyed, and improvements would be considered artificial. Instead, new items which assess the same variable need to be constructed. Then, the items from different times of assessment can be considered illustrative of achievement of the variable and the performance does not depend on which items have been chosen. To link the items over different times, it is necessary to have some items that are not made public and that are used across times. These items provide the link.
The above procedure for linking items is possible provided there is an overlap of persons and items so that there are no mutually exclusive blocks of persons and items. The greater the overlap, the stronger the link. Once the link has been made and the item parameters have been estimated, then the person parameters can be estimated from the different subsets of items, and these estimates are on the same scale .
The above example of NAPLAN involves common items between adjacent year groups, with the older students being given more difficult items. If you recall reading Rasch’s Chap. 1 in Rasch (1960), this is exactly the design he had in measuring students’ progress in reading with older students being given more difficult texts to read, but with students mostly from adjacent year groups having some texts in common.
Having items on the same scale and having students answer only those items which are close to their own proficiencies, is the basis of computer adaptive testing. Here, students are administered items that are close to their proficiency and not those either too difficult or too easy. Styles and Andrich (1993) show an example in which items were administered in a computer adaptive testing format and two forms of a test were linked using the principles described above.
Most modern computer programs can cater automatically for data missing in the sense that not all persons have attempted all items. This means that, in principle, it is possible to equate the scores of two or more tests from a common set of items that have been compiled from the same joint analysis.
In CTT , the approach to equating is to take people from the same population, and preferably the same people, and administer them all the tests to be equated. The persons are then ordered by their total scores on the respective tests, and the cumulative percentages are calculated. Then scores on different tests which reflect the same cumulative percentage are taken to be equivalent. This procedure is referred to as equipercentile equating . Styles and Andrich (1993) compare a Rasch equating to an equipercentile equating from CTT . The advantage of using the Rasch model is that not all students need to be administered the same items.
In addition to examples in education, there are examples of linking items in the health outcomes areas. Here there have been many instruments constructed that attempt to assess the same health status and many have some similar or same items. In the cases where there are common items, it is possible to link these different instruments. Linking such instruments means that studies which have used the different instruments can be compared.