Thanks to:
Gerry Conway and Ross Andru for bringing the Punisher to life.
Jonathan Hensleigh and Michael Tolkin for reimagining Frank Castle’s story in a pedal-to-the-metal screenplay.
The good people at Artisan, in particular Paul David, Amorette Jones, and Steven Komarnitsky.
Keith Clayton and Steve Saffel, my editors at Ballantine/ Del Rey.
Nancy Delia, the Ballantine production editor.
Nora Reichard, the fastest, most thorough copyeditor in the east, west, north, and south.
Ms. Richie C. herself.
And, of course, Stan Lee, without whom neither comic, film, novelization, or the MMS itself would exist.
For those who enjoyed this particular iteration of Frank Castle, see:
Finally, thanks to my family for enduring the “punishment” right along with me.