Chapter 11

Jacob paused. For a moment he simply let himself drink in the fact of Sunni’s proximity. His acute senses took in everything about her at once, from the pearly ovals of her fingernails to the way her black hair curved into points just below her cheekbones. For so long he’d watched her from a distance, and imagined her close-up, for so long she’d filled his thoughts, that to have her near enough to touch was a dream come true. But it had come with a price that might be too much for either of them to pay.

Sunni looked nothing like Jacob’s wife. Jane had been tall and heavy-limbed, with untamable blond curls and a generous laugh that came from deep in her belly. She was strong enough to churn butter and wash sheets in a bucket and butcher and dress any animal on the farm. Sunni looked like a strong breeze could knock her over. They were as different as night and day, and yet Jacob felt things for Sunni that he had only ever felt for his wife. How could it be, that in the long span of history that encompassed Jacob and Richard’s lives, that Richard would covet the same two women as Jacob? Was this God’s idea of a joke, or just Richard’s?

Jacob closed his eyes and let the pain that two centuries had barely assuaged wash over him. He let himself think again of what Richard had done to him and his family.

June 1775

Jacob followed the rut that his mule, Maisy, was cutting in the rich loamy earth. They had ploughed together so many times that they could have done it in their sleep, and the rows the plough made were as straight as the horizon. The day had been blistering, so Jacob had waited until sunset to come out to the field. The sky was beautiful, filled with scudding clouds stained salmon pink, but he gave it barely a glance.

The routine of his work allowed Jacob ample time to “fuss,” as Jane liked to call it. Yes, he was a worrier, he admitted it, but this time he had something to worry about. As loath as she was to admit it, Jane was ill. A mysterious malady had come upon her, and her normally rosy countenance was pale and drawn, the shadows under her eyes deep and black. She grew tired easily and had to sit down, and when she did her eyes grew blank, staring at something that only she could see, like a door had opened in the firmament. Jacob knew that expression. He had lost his mother and two of his four children, and all of their eyes had taken on that far-away look just before they died.

Jacob was frantic that the same fate should not befall his beloved wife. The doctor had visited twice, but had only served to make Jane feel worse, with his leeching and mercury. Jacob tried to get her to eat rich foods, to gain back her weight and strength, but she took only a bite and then pushed the plate away. During the day she appeared to regain a bit of her health and strength, and the color came back to her cheeks, but in the morning when she awoke she looked paler still, more wasted. Sleep seemed to give her no succor.

The plough ran into a rock, pulling the mule up short. Jacob took out his spade and began digging around the obstacle, loosening it so that he could remove it. Maisy dropped her head and tore off a mouthful of crabgrass.

“You’ll break the plough with that kind of carelessness,” a voice called out.

A man was approaching, riding one of Jacob’s father’s mares. The wild grasses he was riding through reached the horse’s knee. The man’s tricorn hat was angled down over his eyes, so Jacob didn’t recognize Richard Westerbridge until he was twenty feet away. When the mare was ten feet away Jacob straightened up. He hacked some phlegm and spat in Richard’s direction.

“And now you are an expert in farming, as well as shipping, rum production, and the slave trade? Your years away appear to have made you a jack-of-all-trades. No wonder my father prizes your expertise so highly. ”

The setting sun was behind Richard, so Jacob cupped a palm over his eyes to look at him. He certainly was a fine figure of a man, whatever his faults. He had spent ten years on the Continent without appearing to age a minute, a quality he attributed to a French salve he had brought back in ample supply. It contained, among its many ingredients, whale blubber and lavender oil, and the ladies of Providence had been buying it by the gross. Even Jane had been using it before she fell ill and stopped caring about her appearance.

Richard just laughed. He swung his leg over the saddle and dropped to the ground as lightly as a cat. As he approached, Jacob felt his gorge rise. Ever since Richard returned from the Continent, Jacob had felt a strong sense of revulsion whenever the man came near him. It was not a matter of him being a slave trader. Although Jacob was an ardent abolitionist, his father was a slave trader as well, and even though he disagreed with John Eddington, he never felt physically ill in his presence. He had, however, rejected the family business, opening a hole that Richard Westerbridge had neatly filled. As John Eddington’s foreman, there was no job so distasteful that Richard wouldn’t undertake it.

“What do you want, Richard?”

“I came to inquire after the health of your dear wife. We are all so worried about her. “ He lifted a handful of the turned soil and let it slide through his fingers.

“I believe she is improving,” he said.

Richard stayed in a crouch, his hand now on the large rock that had impeded the plough. “Improving, is she?”

“Yes, I believe so. ”

“You’re an abominable liar. “ Richard seized the rock with both hands. Although it must have weighed fifty pounds and was deeply embedded in the earth, he lifted it as easily as pulling a carrot. Tossed over his shoulder, the boulder flew twenty yards through the air before landing with a thud.

Jacob sucked in his breath. The sweat already coating his body turned icy cold. He shivered, despite the warm day.

“What in the name of God are you?” he whispered.

An apparition appeared before Jacob’s eyes, causing his guts to turn to liquid. The man spread his arms like the wings of an eagle. He appeared to grow five feet, his eyes turned black as onyx and his teeth sprouted the fangs of a mountain lion. Jacob blinked. When he opened his eyes Richard had returned to normal.

“I have a proposition for you, Jacob. “ Richard reached into the pocket of his vest. Jacob waited, nerves aflame, but all that emerged from the brocade waistcoat was a cloisonné snuffbox. He took a pinch of snuff and snorted it off the skin between his thumb and first finger. He offered the box to Jacob, who shook his head impatiently.

“Very well, then,” Richard said. “I want you to come with me. In return I will allow your wife to live.”

Jacob laughed, but it came out as a strangled hiccup. “What the devil are you talking about?”

“It is I who drain your wife of her vitality. Night after night she comes to me when I call, and I drain her of her blood.”

Jacob dropped to his knees in the damp earth. The mule turned her head and whinnied, alerted to his distress. He clasped his hands together and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer.

“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name…”

Richard smacked Jacob across the face so hard that when he hit the dirt he saw his own blood fly in a three-foot arc.

“Stop all that gibberish.”

Jacob felt the dirt clods under his shoulder blades through his worn cotton shirt. The sharp blade of the plough pressed into his scalp. Two inches more and his skull would have been split like a melon.

Richard leaned over the handle of the plough so that Jacob was looking at him upside down. “I’m only going to say this once, so listen carefully. I am going to convert you into a vampire, and you will come and work with me in Europe. Not in slave trading, I know your constitution is too delicate for that. But there are other ways you can assist me.”

“Why would I ever do that?”

“Because in return, I will let your wife and children live.”

“To hell with you,” Jacob muttered.

Richard laughed. “And with you, my friend. That part is not a choice. But you can choose to let your wife and children remain here. Or we can all go to hell together. ”

Tears dripped down Jacob’s cheeks into the dry earth. “Why are you doing this, Richard? I know you loved Jane, and I am sorry, but she never returned your affections! What was I to do, ignore my feelings because of your unrequited love?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what you should have done. I saw her first, after all. If you had not stepped in I believe she would have come around and learned to love me. After all, I am not so unlovable, am I?”

Jacob sat up slowly. He pretended to be reaching into his pocket for a handkerchief, but instead he jumped up and rushed at Richard, screaming like a man possessed. He meant to push him into the plough blade, or strangle him with his bare hands.

Richard caught him by the arm and tossed him to the ground, and then he placed his boot on the back of Jacob’s neck. “You cannot win, Jacob.”

Jacob spat out the blood that had pooled in his mouth from his split lip. “No,” he grunted, “not unless I become a creature like you.”

Richard laughed appreciatively. He took his boot off Jacob’s neck. “That’s right, my friend. Now you’re beginning to see the light.”

Sunni watched Jacob, who had been silent for several long minutes, lost in thought, pain etched across his face.

“I wasn’t always as you see me now.” He waved a hand at the half-empty apartment. “In my human life, two hundred years ago, I had a lovely wife, and two beautiful children. I was as happy as a man can be.”

“What happened?”

“Richard Lazarus happened.”

She gasped. “You knew him way back then?”

He looked at his hands, cupped loosely in his lap. “I knew Richard Westerbridge very well. He worked for my father, took over the position that I rejected as my father’s heir.”


“Oh, please, did you think a vampire would really be named Lazarus?” He smiled scornfully. “Even God doesn’t joke like that.”

There was a long pause. Finally Jacob broke the silence. “Richard is my father, in a way. He made me a vampire.”

Sunni was shocked. “Is that what you wanted, to be a vampire?”

Jacob’s eyes flashed with anger. “What I wanted was to stay with my wife, to see my children grow up and have children of their own, and in the fullness of years, to die quietly and be buried on my land. ”

“Why did you let him take that away?” She expected him to turn his anger on her for that question, but he didn’t.

Jacob unfurled his long body from the couch and took a few steps toward the window. “He began to visit my wife at night, drinking her blood and slowly draining the life force out of her. He glamoured me so that I couldn’t remember any of it. She was sick unto death when he appeared to me and offered a trade: my life for hers.” He spoke slowly and deliberately, with no affect, as if reciting words he had learned phonetically and had no idea what they meant.

Sunni followed him to the window. “But why did he want you?”

“Punishment. Back when Richard was human, he fell in love with Jane. He asked her to marry him and she said no. He left after that and traveled for years, working for my father in what they now call the Triangle Trade. After a suitable interval Jane and I announced our betrothal. When Richard came back, he was a vampire, but he had not forgotten or forgiven what he perceived as Jane’s betrayal.”

“I can see you accepted Lazarus’s bargain. Did you ever see your wife again?”

He didn’t speak, but his wounded expression answered for him. He had been alone for over two hundred years and believed he would be alone forever.

“Oh, Jacob.” Closing the last bit of distance between them, she lifted her chin to look at him. “You did a good thing, really.”

He grabbed her arms in a clawlike grip, pushing her away. Anger brought color to his face, dark and glowing, and his eyes burned like embers. “Who are you to absolve me? You have no idea what I am. ”

She shrank away, suddenly frightened of the intensity in his gaze, of the power in his hands. Before she knew it he had lifted her off her feet and was kissing her. He held her as if she was as light as a feather, and pressed her body over him as if staunching a mortal wound. She could feel his ribs, his hip bones, his heart beating frantically. She felt his need, raw and desperate, and she answered it with a need of her own that was every bit as powerful. No one had ever kissed her like that before, with every molecule of his ageless body reaching out to her. She felt she could never fill his gaping need, but she wanted to try.

Then, as quickly as it had begun, it was over. He lifted her again and placed her gently but deliberately a foot away.