Robert the Bruce is acknowledged as a great hero and king by many who know his story. And yet, he was very human, just like you and I. It is said that he was a man of great personal faith whose main regret at the end of his life is that he’d been unable to go on a crusade.

Despite Bruce’s faith, he fathered children out of wedlock. I make no excuse for his behavior; I simply use this fact to my advantage as a storyteller. Documents exist on five of those children—Bryan Mackintosh is not one of them. Bryan and Kathryn are figments of my overactive imagination and I hope that in some small way, I have brought this period of history alive for you through their story.

I relied heavily upon several books for historical detail and I wish to acknowledge the debt I owe to these fine authors: Ronald McNair Scott’s book Robert the Bruce, King of Scots (Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1996) and Colm McNamee’s The Wars of the Bruces (Tuckwell Press Ltd, 1997); also Peter Berresford Ellis, Celtic Women—Women in Celtic Society and Literature (Constable and Company Ltd, 1995). Any inaccuracies or deviations from fact are mine and mine alone.

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