And after all, what else did the d’Armands have to offer that was really of them?
Magnus, Fess’s voice said, your father has given me to you, and made you my owner.
But there is merit in what he says, Magnus thought back, and I would feel forever guilty if I de-prived Father of you for the rest of his life—
especially when an alternative is available.
He was rather hurt that Fess didn’t try to argue him out of it.
lan stepped through, and the panel hissed behind him. He turned, to find only the blank stony surface of the Egg, pitted and rain-washed. He could see no seam. It looked for all the world like a great gray stone again. He turned away, shaking his head and marveling.
Then he remembered that he was out in the open once more, and that the keeper, or even soldiers, might still be looking for him.
He ran quickly and lightly to the cover of the nearby woods, trying to move as quietly as he could.
He threaded his way between the trees, looking for a path. He found none, but finally saw a glint in the night and heard the warbling of water swirling. He pushed through the underbrush and found a small stream, sparkling in the moonlight and babbling to itself like an idiot. He was thirsty; he dropped his staff, went down on his hands and knees, and drank.