Chapter Thirteen

Darya Lang and Quintus Bloom were not the only people speculating about changes in Builder artifacts. Hans Rebka was full of the same thoughts, and was possibly in a better position than the other two to take the idea seriously. He was the only person who had listened to Quintus Bloom's seminar, and then heard firsthand from Louis Nenda about the changes on Genizee and the total vanishing of Glister.

But what should he do with the knowledge? He was the action type, a general purpose trouble-shooter. He was no Quintus Bloom or Darya Lang, with their encyclopedic knowledge of every artifact in the spiral arm and their ability to detect even the slightest modification of form or function. A change would have to stand up and hit Hans in the face before he recognized it.

There had been one exception. And that, oddly enough, made his decision easier when he decided to leave Sentinel Gate.

In the days before he first met Darya Lang, Hans Rebka had contracted to lead a Fourth Alliance team to the artifact known as Paradox. At the very moment he was ready to begin, he had been reassigned to Quake and Opal—and had been furious at the switch. For weeks and weeks beforehand he had been learning everything there was to know about the spherical anomaly called Paradox. All that knowledge, so painfully acquired, then just wasted.

But maybe he could use it now, to confirm or deny the ideas of Darya Lang and Quintus Bloom. Even if he found no change to Paradox, there was still a good reason for the journey. The cold-start procedure, when Hans had been forced to open E. Crimson Tally's skull, had reminded him of another attribute of the embodied computer. This one might be the key that would unlock the mystery of Paradox.

Rebka watched the gleaming soap bubble ahead, its surface rippling in hypnotic rainbow colors. Paradox was one of the smallest of the artifacts, only fifty kilometers across. Unlike Sentinel, or many of the others, Paradox provided no impermeable barrier to an approaching ship. Exploring vessels could simply coast right through to the interior, and emerge physically unscathed. Unfortunately, as early would-be explorers of Paradox had learned (or rather, the people who found the explorers had learned) the same was not true of a ship's crew. Paradox wiped clean all stored memories, organic or inorganic. Surviving crews emerged like new-born babies, with only the most basic instincts and reflexes left to them. Data banks and computer memory on the ships were equally affected. Their contents disappeared. Any ship function that relied on the performance of a computer—and many did—failed inside Paradox. Ships had emerged with their hatches open, their temperature down to ambient space, or their drives dead.

The effect had been named: a Lotus field. That did not, unfortunately, mean that anyone in the spiral arm had the faintest idea how or why it worked, or how to neutralize it. After the first few expeditions (the first recorded expeditions—no one knew how many times Paradox had been discovered, and how many times all memory of it had been erased), the artifact was placed off-limits to all but specially trained investigators.

Investigators like Hans Rebka, with many years of experience in the fine art of avoiding disaster.

But not like E.C. Tally. The embodied computer was staring at Paradox like a child offered a new toy. "Do you think the whole inside is a Lotus field, or is it just in a surface layer?"

"Probably in the surface. We know it starts there, and we have evidence of a lot of other interior structure in Paradox from the light that passes through it." Rebka was distracted. He was happy with the overall plan of what he wanted to do, but now he was down to practical questions. What was the best way to unwind, and then to wind back, a reel holding thirty kilometers of thin neural cable? Where would the fiber best enter the spacesuit, if the suit was to be airtight? At what point must Rebka put on his own suit?

It was a nuisance to be forced to do everything in suits, but Rebka could see no alternative. Even if the interior of Paradox, by some improbable miracle, turned out to be filled with air breathable by humans, what would happen just before entry? And what was the interior temperature of Paradox? Instrument readings gave inconsistent results.

"Sit still." He was standing behind Tally, who was suited except for the helmet. "I'm going to rehearse the whole thing just one more time."

He had already passed the neural cable through a hole in the top of the helmet, made an airtight seal at the point where it entered, and attached a neural connector plug to the end of the cable inside the helmet. He let that float free and reached forward to feel the rear of Tally's head. When he pressed on three marked points and at the same time lifted, a gleam of white bone was revealed on the back of the skull. The rear pins released, so that the upper cranium could pivot forward about the hinged line in the forehead. Tally's brain was revealed as a bulging gray ovoid sitting snugly in the skull case.

Rebka carefully lifted it out. "You all right?"

"Just fine. Of course, I cannot see. The top of my head is covering my eyes."

"I'll make this as quick as I can." Rebka felt beneath the wrinkled ball of the brain, to locate a short coiled spiral that connected the embodied computer's brain to the upper end of the body's hindbrain. "Doing it—now."

He unplugged the spiral, lifted the gray ball of the brain free, and pressed the neural connector from the suit's helmet into the plug in the hindbrain. A moment later he connected the other end of the thirty-kilometer filament to E.C. Tally's disembodied brain.

"How's that?"

"Perfectly fine." E.C. Tally's hands came up, to click the top of his skull back in position. The thin fiber ran from the back of his head to the suit's helmet, and on into the disembodied brain. "I sense a slight transmission delay."

"About two hundred microseconds. It's the two-way signal travel time through thirty kilometers of cable. Can you handle it?"

"I will become accustomed to it." Tally reached up again, and closed the suit helmet. "There. I am airtight. Does that complete our rehearsal?"

"Almost. I'm happy with all the moves that involve you, but I want to check my own suit and then take us to vacuum and back. I'll do it once you're unwired. Hold still while I switch you, then in a few minutes we'll try the whole thing for real."

Rebka opened Tally's helmet and performed the operation in reverse. He hinged the skull forward and pulled the neural connector out of the body's hindbrain. He freed Tally's brain from the other end of the fiber optic cable and plugged it once more into its hindbrain socket. Finally he clicked the cranium back to its original position.

"Here we are again." E.C. Tally lifted one suited hand, then the other. "No anomalies. What next?"

"Close your helmet. I'm going to take us to vacuum."

Rebka waited until his own suit was on and they both had their helmets locked in position. He cycled the air pressure down to zero, then slid open the hatch. They could see Paradox through the opening. It sat only a few tens of meters away, a shimmering bubble seemingly close enough to touch.

"Do you mind if I examine the artifact from outside the ship?" E.C. Tally was floating toward the hatch.

"Go ahead. Check the E/M field intensities while you're there, but make sure you don't get into trouble with the Lotus field. And remember the cable's attached to your helmet, if not to your head, so don't get tangled up."

Tally nodded. He picked up a portable field recorder and drifted out, cable unreeling behind him. Hans did not move. They were ready to start, but there was no hurry. He had survived in the past by being ultra-cautious. He wanted to review everything mentally one last time.

The steps seemed clear and simple:

 Remove Tally's brain, which would stay here with him.

 Connect brain and body through the neural cable.

 Allow Tally's body to enter and explore Paradox, remotely controlled through the cable.

They knew from a previous experience that this would work in a Lotus field, although it had been tried only over short distances. This time E.C. could in principle go all the way to the center of Paradox. Rebka wasn't sure he was that ambitious. If Tally could bring something—anything—back from the Paradox interior, they would be breaking new ground.

And if something went wrong? Rebka couldn't think what it might be. At worst, they would lose one spacesuit, plus E.C. Tally's current body. That would be unfortunate, but Tally's brain had been re-embodied once before. If necessary, it could be returned to Miranda and embodied again.

Rebka took a deep breath. Time to begin. Where was Tally? He had been outside for a long time.

As though he had been summoned, Tally in his spacesuit came floating in through the hatch, cable reeling in ahead of him. He watched as Rebka brought the cabin back to normal air pressure. Both of them opened their helmets and Rebka began to strip off his suit.

"Before you remove your suit completely," E.C. Tally raised a gloved hand, "I want to be sure that I understand the reason for the procedure that you propose to follow."

Hans couldn't believe his ears. They had just reviewed the whole thing. In detail.

Was it possible—he had a sudden awful suspicion—was it possible that E.C. Tally had done what he had just been repeatedly warned not to do, and entered the Lotus field?

"Did you go into Paradox while you were outside?"

"A little way, yes."

"Against my strict instructions!"

"No." Tally was unabashed.

"Yes it was. You dummy, I told you not to go into Paradox."

"No. You told me not to get into trouble with the Lotus field. And I did not." Tally came floating forward, and hovered in front of Rebka. "I want to understand the reason for the procedure that we will follow, because it may be irrelevant. Perhaps you and I have had a basic misunderstanding. Are you sure that the artifact waiting outside the hatch is indeed the one known as Paradox?"

"Of course it's Paradox. You watched me fly us here. Have you gone crazy?"

"I am not sure." Tally put down the recorder that he was holding. "Maybe we both have. But I am quite sure of one thing. The object alongside which this ship is floating, whatever it is, does not possess a Lotus field at its surface."


They went outside in their suits. Hans Rebka was hair-trigger nervous, ready to accuse Tally of every kind of irresponsible behavior, until the embodied computer explained.

"The electromagnetic field readings of the recorder appeared too low. And they decreased, as I came closer to the surface of Paradox." He was holding the little recorder in one gloved hand. "I wondered if the decrease would continue, beyond the surface of Paradox. It would be easy enough to check. All I had to do was use my suit's extensor to place the recorder within the visible surface. So."

Tally attached the recorder to the extensible grip in the suit's forearm, and began to reach out toward the shimmering wall of Paradox.

"Wait!" Rebka grabbed at the extensor. "The recorder has its own computer and internal programs. The Lotus field will wipe everything—you'll ruin the recorder."

"I realized that, when the idea first came to me. However, I decided that I would easily be able to restore the recorder memory; use of the recorder as a probe could tell us exactly how far within Paradox the Lotus field began. I therefore continued with the experiment." The extensible arm carried the recorder forward, until it met the chromatic swirl of Paradox's surface. It vanished beyond. "I tried this several times, increasing the degree of extension and then bringing the recorder back to examine it, until the arm was at its maximum stretch of fifteen meters. As it is now."

Tally floated with the gloved hand of his suit just half a meter away from the rainbow wall of shifting soap-bubble colors.

"And I brought it back."

The little motor in the extensor unit hummed, and the recorder re-emerged from beyond the shining boundary. E.C. Tally turned, so that Hans Rebka could see the face of the recorder. Numbers glowed on its display.

"Ambient field values." Tally touched another key. "Exactly consistent with the values obtained before the recorder went inside Paradox. The recorder programs should have been erased beyond the Paradox surface. But it appears to be working perfectly."

"So the Lotus field does not take effect within fifteen meters of the surface. It's deeper."

That was not consistent with the earlier data that Hans had memorized. Also, E.C. Tally was shaking his head. "I had that thought. I therefore considered another test. The recorder results suggested that I could proceed up to fifteen meters into Paradox, without encountering a Lotus field. Even if such a field proved to be present, I could detect the onset of loss of data within myself and return safely. I therefore moved twelve meters inside Paradox—"


"—and found myself enveloped by rainbow colors. At that point I again used the extensor to advance the recorder another fifteen meters. And since it was not affected there by any sign of a Lotus field, I moved another dozen meters. Then another. Then another. Then another."

"Tally. Get to the point. How far did you get?"

"Not far, in terms of the whole distance to the center of Paradox. I explored only a hundred and twenty-eight meters beyond the surface. However, there was no sign of a Lotus field. Also, I was able to do what I believe no other explorer of Paradox has ever done and returned to tell of it. I went beyond the rainbow wall. I could see all the way to the center of Paradox."

* * *

The designers of E. Crimson Tally had put enormous effort into his construction. Since they were building an embodied computer, a complex inorganic brain operating within a human body, they wanted that computer to follow processes of logic that mimicked to a large extent the thought processes of a human.

Perhaps they had succeeded too well. Certainly, faced with the situation at the surface of Paradox, a totally logical entity would have had no trouble in deciding the procedure to be followed: Rebka and E.C. Tally should take their findings and return at once to Sentinel Gate. The artifact specialists there would evaluate them. They would recommend the next step of Paradox exploration.

Curiosity is an intensely human emotion. It was a measure of the success of E.C. Tally's creators that he did not try to dissuade Hans Rebka from his actual decision. In fact, Tally egged him on. The only point of disagreement between them was on who would lead the way.

"I should certainly be the one." Tally was searching his own and the ship's data banks for a record of the tensile strength of a neural cable. It was not designed to support a large load, and its strength was not recorded as part of the standard specification. "I can readily detect the onset of a Lotus field, and return unscathed."

"You have no experience at all in getting out of tough situations."

"I fought the Zardalu."

"Sure. And they pulled you to bits. You didn't exactly get out of that situation—we had to carry you out in pieces, and get you a new body. So no argument. I go inside, you keep an eye on me. First sign of trouble, or if I stop talking, you haul me out."

"What trouble can there be, other than the Lotus field?—with which I am better prepared to deal than you."

"The fact that you even ask that means you shouldn't be going in. Trouble comes in a thousand different ways. Not usually anything you expect, either. That's why it's trouble." Rebka was looping the cable through a tether ring on his own suit, then attaching the end to his communications unit. He gave it an experimental tug. "There. That should do us nicely."

"If you are unsure, and wish me to go in your place . . ."

"I'm on my way. Listen at this end, but don't do anything unless I tell you to. However, if I stop talking, or seem unable to move—"

"I will use the cable to pull you out." E.C. Tally was superior to most humans in at least one respect. He lacked sulking algorithms. He had accepted that he was not going into Paradox, and now he was thinking ahead.

Hans Rebka headed straight for the wall of shifting colors. He felt no resistance as he entered, only the faint tug of the cable unreeling steadily behind him. "Ten meters, and all is well. Twenty meters and all is well. Thirty meters . . ." He was going to become very bored unless he found something better to say. There were twenty-five hundred ten-meter intervals between the outer surface and the center of Paradox. "The colors are disappearing now. Eighty meters. I can see ahead, all the way to the center."

He was not the first human to enter Paradox and see clearly to its heart. He would, however, be the first person to return with the knowledge of what he had seen. And Paradox from the inside was different. At least, it was different from data in the old files, gleaned from radiation emanating from the interior.

"There's a small flat torus in there at the middle. Looks like a fat donut almost side-on to me. I've never heard of that in the descriptions of Paradox. My guess is that it must be a few hundred meters across. I think I see dark spots along the outer perimeter—they may be openings. I'll give more information when I get closer to the center. I don't see any other interior structures, though there should be lots of them. I also don't see evidence of color fringes, or space distortion. I must be through the boundary layer."

Rebka felt a tug at his back, halting his inward progress.

"Wait there for a little while, if you please." E.C.'s message came clearly through the fiber-optic connection.


"An insignificant one. There is a snag on the reel that is winding out the cable, and for convenience I wish to free it. Do not move."

Rebka hovered in space. Twenty-three kilometers to the center. He had said that he had no intention of going that far, but now, with the exploration proceeding so smoothly, who could bear to stop?

His heart was beating faster. It was not fear, but anticipation. Hans Rebka had never thought of himself as a hero, and he would have denied any such suggestion. Some jobs carried danger with them, some did not. He just happened to be a man with a dangerous job. But it was one with its own rewards—like seeing what no human or alien had ever seen before.

"I almost have the tangle loosened." Outside Paradox, Tally sounded calm and confident. "However, it would make my task rather easier if you were to back up this way a few meters."

"Very good. Backing up."

Rebka used his suit controls to reverse the direction of his movement. He turned his head, to judge by the slackness of the cable when he had moved far enough. The fiber was still taut, a clear straight line running back to the shimmering colors of the Paradox wall.

"Are you reeling in the line back there?"

"Not yet. I am waiting for you to back up a little. Please do so."

"Wait a moment." Rebka used the suit thrusters again. The line behind him remained taut as ever. He had apparently not moved backward even a millimeter. "Is any line reeling in at your end?"

"No. Why are you not moving toward me?"

"I don't know. I think maybe I can't move that way at all. Try something for me. Move everything, reel and all, a couple of meters this way, closer to the surface of Paradox."

"That is about all I can move it, without encountering the surface. I am doing it now."

The line slackened.

"Good. Now don't move." Hans Rebka eased forward, very carefully and slowly, until the line at his back was once more taut. He watched it closely, then operated his suit thrustors to reverse the direction of his motion. The line remained bow-string taut and straight.

Rebka hung motionless, thinking. No one before, in the recorded history of Paradox, had ever had the slightest trouble in leaving the artifact. On the other hand, no one had ever before penetrated the interior and not been affected by the Lotus field.

"E.C., I think we may have a little problem. I can move forward fine, toward the center. But I don't seem able to back up toward you."

"You have a problem with your reverse thrustors?"

"I think not. Here's what I want you to do. Wait a couple of seconds, then pull on the cable—not too hard, but hard enough for me to feel it."

Rebka turned to grip the cable close to where it met the tether ring on his suit. By taking it between gloved thumb and forefinger he could tell how much tension was in the line. It was increasing. Tally was tugging at the other end. Rebka should now be pulled toward the surface of the Paradox like a hooked fish. He was not moving.

"It's no good, E.C. I don't think I can travel outward at all. Listen to me carefully before you do anything."

"I am listening,"

"We have to face the possibility that I may be stuck inside permanently. I'm going to try something else, but if you lose contact with me, I want you to make sure that a full report on everything that has happened here goes to the Artifact Institute. Address the message to both Darya Lang and Quintus Bloom. Is that clear?"


"All right. Now I want you to try more force on the cable. At the same time I'm going to use my suit's thrustors, just as hard as they will push. Wait until I give the word."

"I am waiting."

Outside Paradox, E.C. Tally crouched over the reel.


Tally moved the whole reel backward to increase the tension in the line, tentatively at first, then with steadily greater force. "Are you moving?"

"Not a micron. Pull harder, Tally. We have nothing to lose. Pull harder. Harder! Hard—"

E.C. Tally and the reel went shooting backward, turning end over end in space. Tally twisted to keep the line in sight. It was clearly free to move, whipping rapidly out of Paradox, meter after meter of it. It was also clear from its movement that there could be nothing substantial on the other end of it.

Hans Rebka was deep inside Paradox, as planned. Not as planned, he seemed to be stuck there.


The designers of E.C. Tally had done one other thing that must have seemed like a good idea at the time. It stemmed from their own conviction that an embodied computer could think better than a human.

It stood to reason. E.C. Tally had attosecond circuits, capable of a billion billion calculations a second. He could absorb information a billion times as fast as a human. He forgot nothing, once it was learned. His thinking was logical, unclouded by emotion or prejudice.

The designers had incorporated all that information into E.C.'s memory bank. It provided him with overwhelming confidence. He knew, with a certainty that no human could ever approach, that he was smarter than any organic mind.

And Hans Rebka had an organic brain.

Therefore . . .

The whole thought process within E.C. Tally occupied less than a microsecond. It took another microsecond for him to construct a message describing the entire sequence of events since their approach to Paradox. He went back to the ship, transferred the message at once to the main communications unit, and selected the Sentinel Gate coordinates for transmission through the Bose Network. He checked the node delays as the message went out. The signal would reach Sentinel Gate in four to five days. Darya Lang or Quintus Bloom, even if they received the message at once and set out immediately for Paradox, could not possibly arrive in fewer than ten days.

Ten days. Enough time for Hans Rebka to run low on air in his suit, but not really a lot of thinking time for a human's slow brain.

But ten days was close to a trillion trillion attoseconds. Time enough for the powerful brain of an embodied computer to analyze any situation, and solve any conceivable problem.

E.C. Tally waited for the confirmation that his message was safely on its way to the first Bose Transition point. Then he set the ship's controls so that it would hover a fixed distance from the surface of Paradox. He turned on the ship's beacon, so that anyone approaching the artifact would be able to home in on it.

And then he went outside and turned to face the artifact.

E.C. Tally to the rescue!

He switched to turbo mode on his internal clock, set the suit for maximum thrust, and plunged into the iridescent mystery of Paradox.

