Notas capítulo 11
[1] Yailop, David, op. cit. <<
[2] Dick, Bernard E, Engulfed: The Death of Paramount Pictures and the Birth of Corporate Hollywood, University Press of Kentucky, Lexington (Kentucky), 2001. <<
[3] Tosches, Nick, op. cit. <<
[4] Browne, Nick (editor), Francis Ford Coppola's. The Godfather Trilogy (Cambridge Film Handbooks), Cambridge University Press, Nueva York, 2000. <<
[5] Cornwell, Rupert, God's bunker: An account of the Ufe and death of Roberto Calvi, Victor Golancz Limited, Londres, 1984. <<
[6] Hutchison, Robert, Their Kingdom Come: Inside the Secret World of Opus Dei, Thomas Dunne Books, Nueva York, 1997. <<
[7] Doménech Matilló, Rossend, op. cit. <<
[8] Doménech Matilló, Rossend, op. cit. <<
[9] DiFonzo, Luigi, op. cit. <<
[10] DiFonzo, Luigi, op. cit. <<