Notas capítulo 10

[1] Yailop, David, op. cit. <<

[2] Greene, Jack y Massignani, Alessandro, The Black Prince and the Sea Devils: The Story of Prince Valerio Borghese and the Elite Vnits of the Ecima Mas, Da Capo Press, Cambridge, 2004. <<

[3] «Pólice Find Pot of Gold», Agencia Reuters, 13 de septiembre de 1999. <<

[4] Wiison, Robert Antón, Everything is Vnder Control: Conspiracies, Cults, and Cover-ups, Harper Perennial, Nueva York, 1998. <<

[5] Marrs, Jim, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Vreemasons, and the Great Pyramids, Harper Collins, Nueva York, 2000. <<

[6] «Italian Justice Minister Quits in Scandal Over Masonic Lodge», Associated Press, 23 de mayo de 1981. <<

[7] Lyne, William, Pentagon Aliens, Creatopia Productions, Lami (Nuevo México), 1993. <<

[8] DiFonzo, Luigi, op. cit. <<

[9] DiFonzo, Luigi, op. cit. <<

[10] William, Philip, Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy. Constable & Company, Londres, 1991. <<

[11] De Cataldo Neuburger, Luisella, Il filo di Ariadna, CEDAM, Padua, 1992. <<

[12] Discípulos de la Verdad, Mentiras y crímenes en el Vaticano, Ediciones B, Barcelona, 2000. <<