“Carl Sagan
is the most effective
and popular advocate of the wonders of
science in the United States.”
—The New York Times
Books Review
“He not only can make complex scientific matters understandable to the general reader, but does so in entrancing ways as well.”
—Associated Press
“Sagan can write about anything … and seem as if he learned what he knows while playing in the sandbox.”
—The New York Times
“Sagan has a love affair going with the universe.…You cannot come away unmoved from an encounter with him. He is full of intensity, of fascination, of courtesy, and of a lust for accuracy and truth.…Sagan blows through my head like a tornado, filling me with questions and with joy.”
—The Detroit News
“Sagan overwhelms us, overpowering our senses.…[He] sweeps us off our simple planet earth and into interplanetary space.”
—The San Diego Union