"TWIN PINES," SAID A NAMELESS PERSON, her nasal voice grated at Bella's ear.

"Garrett Brooks, please."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Brooks is no longer employed here. Could I direct your call the interim administrator?"

The words left Bella numb, her ears ringing. Garrett gone…where? "No thanks," she said, clicking the telephone off. She sat with the phone receiver in her hand, staring into space so long, that a loud squeal from the telephone caught her attention, then a computer voice began asking her if she needed help. Startled, she dropped the telephone into the cradle.

Bella stoked the fire, adding another log and sat on the hearth wondering what to do next when the telephone rang. Before she lifted the receiver, it had rung five times.

"Bella?" A soft, feminine voice asked. "Am I disturbing you?"


"Dear, this is Lillian. I must speak to you about Garrett."

Bella felt herself grow weak. "Is there anything wrong?"

"No, nothing like that. I wanted to tell you we're moving back to Arizona and--" There was a long pause before Lillian continued. "I want to apologize to you, dear."

Bella didn't know what to say. "Thanks, Lillian, but I'm afraid there is nothing that you can say to change anything."

"I was afraid this would happen when you found out. I tried to tell Garrett to be up-front with you but--" Lillian started slowly, but gained confidence and volume as she continued. "You see, dear, he fell in love with you and he didn't know how to tell you all about his mission."

"Wait, Lillian. He could have tried." Bringing up this topic was like opening a can of spoiled fish. Bella felt her anger rising although she was ready to put it out of her mind and heart.

"No, no, no." Lillian cried. Her usually calm voice filled with agitation. "Garrett fell in love with you nearly as soon as he met you. He was reeling from the breakup with that girl earlier in the year. You never would have understood then. He loves you with all his heart. He's running away to escape the pain you've caused him but mostly the pain he's brought on himself."

Bella slid off the hearth to the floor; her back supported by the rock. Squeezing her hands into fists, the pain of her nails cutting into her skin kept her from sobbing. "Then why didn't he call me and try to persuade me to change my mind?" The words tumbled out flat, emotionless. "Why didn't he call to tell me goodbye?" A sob bubbled from her throat.

Quickly, Lillian said, "He's giving you some time to think about this. He knows that pressuring you is wrong and it would frighten you back into your shell."

Bella recognized that he was probably right. Whenever life got tough she'd a tendency to hide from her problems instead of facing them head on. Just as she was doing now, holing up here at the cabin.

Lillian sounded tired. "Do you still love Garrett?"

Bella hesitated, then answered in earnest, "Yes, with all my heart, but it's hopeless. I finally made my decision. I want to marry him! But I tried to call him only to find out that I was too late. He wasn't there." Tears ran down her cheeks in silvery ribbons.

"I don't know about you young people. You can all be so damn foolish!"

"Do you think there's any hope for us?"

"I hope so." Her voice reflected her concern. "Thank you for your honesty, dear. Just so you know, I love you, too." There was a soft click as the connection was broken.

* * * *

Four days passed without any word from Lillian. Bella paced the floor waiting for either a call from Lillian, or better yet, a call from Garrett. Finally, when she'd nearly given up, the phone rang.

"Hello--?" Bella breathed expectantly, not knowing who would be at the end of the line.

"Bella, dear, I've got wonderful news." Lillian said, her voice filled with excitement. "Dress formally. You're to be my guest at the resident social tonight at seven o'clock. Garrett will call on me after dinner. This will be your opportunity to talk to him." Bella released her breath in a great whoosh of relief. "How can I ever thank you, Lillian?"

"Just make up with the fool hardy grandson of mine--and make me a doting great-grandmother!" She laughed. "Seriously, keep an open mind and go with your feelings. Good luck honey." The telephone clicked.

Bella realized that Lillian seldom said good-by before ending their conversations.

Bella drove into town early in the afternoon. Using her key, she rushed up the stairs and searched through her closet to find a dress suitable for the dinner. She'd launched the special reservation dinners at Twin Pines two years ago, and she'd never dreamed she would be a guest. Her usual role was to act as assistant for the resident chef. She'd sent invitations, set up tables with formal, white linen and most of all, gained permission to have dim lighting and candles at each table. Candles were explicitly forbidden contraband! She hated it when the elderly were treated as children. Everyone needed romance regardless of their age.

Promptly at seven o'clock, Bella entered the family room expecting to meet Lillian, instead, she found a note taped on the door telling her to go the smaller room at the other side of the kitchen. She frowned, but started off in the direction indicated. Suddenly, she stopped and wondered who had taken over her position? She didn't have long to think about that when Becky rounded the corner.

"Hi! I've missed ya, girl." Becky said, reaching out she grabbed Bella in a bear hug. "I see you're nearly ready, huh?"

Bella nodded her head. "Why are you here and all dressed up?"

Becky smiled tentatively, "They gave me your job."

Bella swallowed with great difficulty. She had resigned, but somehow, she didn't think it would really happen. "That's great, Becky" Bella cried, grasping Becky's arms with a firm, friendly gesture. "I couldn't think of anyone more suited to activities than you Becky." Bella looked around and asked, "Why are we eating back here tonight?"

"I arranged it."

Bella turned and saw Lillian walking toward her wearing a black cocktail dress. Her classic good looks caused her to look much younger than Bella had ever seen her. The older woman's hair was arranged in a more flattering, up-swept style, and she wore makeup. The dress bounced with the breeze created by the woman's energetic gait.

"I'm happy you came, Bella. I was afraid you'd changed your mind."

Bella shook her head.

"Good." Lillian reached for the doorknob, "You are my guest, go on in."

Bella stepped into a candle-lit room. Garrett stood by a single table set for two. His crisp tuxedo accentuated his handsome presence. He extended his arms toward her. "Welcome, darling. Grandmother has planned our evening with quite a dramatic flair." He laughed aloud.

Bella looked behind her. Lillian stood in the hallway.

"Go head, sweetheart, Garrett wants to talk to you."

Stepping tentatively into the room, her heart raced with excitement. Bella's gaze never left Garrett's face. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but all she could do was rush into his waiting arms. Their lips met softly at first, then the kiss deepened. Bella's head spun and her breath came in quick gasps. She pulled out of the kiss, grasping his upper arms she said, "I love you. I don't care who you are or what your profession is."

Garrett pulled out a chair and seated Bella, and then he rounded the table facing her. He took her hand. "You are so beautiful."

Bella smiled. "You know how to make a girl feel so special--and loved."

Garrett laughed aloud. "Of course I want you to feel special, but I really meant it, you're beautiful."

"I've missed you, Garrett."

"And I've been so lonely without you. More lonely than I was before, because now I know what I'm missing."

Bella's heart fluttered in her chest. "Garrett, I want to know where I stand. I called for you the other day and they said you were no longer working here."

He nodded. "I thought it would be easier for all the staff members and residents. After all, I was the person who uncovered the extortion."

Bella's brows knitted together and she asked, "What's happened to everyone involved?"

Garrett poured champagne into the tall, tulip glass. The effervescent mist hung in the air. "All three are in jail. The women were shipped out to Casper where they have facilities for female prisoners, but Adam is incarcerated here in the local jail."

She took the champagne he offered her. "I still find it hard to believe. By the way, I'm having my father handle the money from the safe. The investigators let me keep it because they can't determine just whom the money goes to." She took a sip of the bubbling liquid, looking at Garrett over the top of the glass. "I want it invested. The profits to go to the activities department."

Garrett nodded his head. "That sounds like a smart idea to me, that's a lot of money." He became quiet for a few moments while a resident entered the room, bringing their salad.

When they were alone he said, "There is something you need to know."

Bella leveled her gaze at him and her hand froze with the salad fork halfway to her mouth. "What now?"

"After you were cleared from any wrong doing, the committee at Southwest selected you as the Activities Consultant for the corporation. Will you accept it?"

Bella took her bite, chewing the salad thoughtfully, and then swallowed. "I've been cleared huh? I didn't know. I've been up at the cabin moping."

Garrett reached out and touched her hand.

"Oh my gosh. I don't know. This is all so much to take in, it depends…"

"On what?" Garrett asked nervously.

"It depends on our relationship. If I marry you, we'll have to move to Arizona. Will everyone there think I got the position just because I'm your wife?"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying? You'll marry me?" His face lit with excitement.

"Of course I'll marry you. I'm sorry I've been such a pain in the butt. I'm sorry I've acted so badly. I was just upset by…by everything! Scott's deception, Adam's involvement it all this." Bella leaned forward on her elbows, peering deeply into Garrett's eyes and held his adoring stare. She could see and feel his love pouring out to her. The love was as real as the champagne in the glasses, but as delicate as the mist created by the exploding bubbles.

He reached into his breast pocket and withdrew her ring. "Ready to take this back as well?"

Bella offered her left hand and he slipped the ring on her finger. Back where it belonged.

An elderly couple acting as servers walked softly into the room to clear the salad dishes and replace them with sizzling steak platters. Garrett and Bella were oblivious to the intrusion in the room. No one could enter into their mood of suspended animation.

The couple looked at each other with adoration, their faded eyes caught and held.

"And will you accept the consultant position?"

Bella nodded. "I only have one stipulation."

"What's that?" Garrett asked slowly. His voice was thick with apprehension.

"You make gobs of money don't you?"

He nodded gently, almost afraid to do anything to break this mood. "Okay. I want my wages to go directly to a charity. That way there won't be a conflict of interest and I won't lose my creditability with the other activity directors. In essence, I'll be a volunteer."

"That's a wonderful idea from a perfect woman, my future wife!"

They were nearly finished with their meal when they saw Lillian at the doorway. She motioned to them.

"I'd better go see what she needs," Garrett whispered.

Garrett walked toward his grandmother and they stood together, his head bent down near hers. Their whispering voices were barely audible. "Bella--" Lillian called. "Come over here."

Bella stood and walked toward Garrett and Lillian.

"Come with me, both of you. I have a surprise." The three walked through the hallways that led to the main dining room. Despite her age, Lillian led the way; her long gait remained fluid and youthful. When they came to the dining room door, Lillian opened it a crack, slipping inside.

"What's going on?" Bella asked Garrett.

He smiled, and then kissed her lightly on the lips. "This is what's going on." He threw open the door.

The dining room set-up resembled a church. Folding chairs at each side of the room formed a wide aisle that led from the doorway to an altar erected in front of the big window at the end of the room.

Baskets of red and white roses adorned the altar that stood beside the rosewood podium. Tall, multi-fingered candleholders contained the white tapers whose flickering firelight cast a make-believe glow about the room.

"It looks like a wedding," Bella whispered.

Garrett leaned down and whispered in her ear. "It is. This is our wedding." His crooked grin and boyish dimples added to his handsome good looks.

"Oh, how can we do this tonight?

"Well, we've had blood tests, filled out the papers at the court house…why not tonight?"

Bella stood there her mouth agape. "This is such short notice. I want my family and friends to be here, so that--"

Lillian re-entered the room. "Do you doubt my planning abilities, young lady?" The older woman smiled and drew Bella into a hug. From another room beside the dining room came her parents dressed in their formal best. They still looked a little eccentric, but wonderful. They rushed over to Bella. "We're so excited for you, honey." Camilla said. "Lillian planned nearly everything. Hasn't she done a wonderful job?"

Her father hugged her to him and whispered softly to her, "Are you happy?"

Bella nodded. "I love him, daddy."

"Okay, then! We'll stand by your decision. You'll always be my little girl, but tonight I'll give you to Garrett."

"Thank you," Bella mouthed to Lillian through teary eyes. Lillian smiled back at her.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Lillian said. "Mom, go take your seat and I'll call in the troops." She flipped a switch activating the intercom. "The wedding is about to begin. Guests, you'd better get your butts down here in ten minutes."

Bella laughed with a hoot. She'd announced activities over that microphone many times, but never would she have guessed her wedding would be a group activity! Lillian had turned the lights up a little, and Bella saw Garrett and her brother Ned standing at the altar. Her eyes flooded with tearful joy

"Bella! Bella!"

She whirled about to find Charlie standing with a bouquet of white roses arranged on a lace fan. Red ribbon was woven through the lace and it fell in a waterfall of satin. "I made this for you. Miss Lillian thought you'd like them." He grinned at her and offered the bouquet in outstretched hands. "We're all glad you decided to marry that boy, and besides, we didn't want to be all dressed up for nothing!"

She took the flowers and planted a kiss on his smooth, baldhead. "I love the flowers. Thank you, Charlie."

The old man fell into the line of people who entered the dining room. There were old people in wheelchairs, using walkers and canes, but all were dressed in their best clothing for this occasion. Bella smiled widely. She hadn't been able to persuade them to look this nice for Thanksgiving dinner.

A DVD recording of a favorite love song began and her father squeezed her hand and looped her arm through his. Bella's heart raced and her emotions soared. She stepped into the room as she began to walk down the aisle to the man of her dreams.




Twin Pines