GARRETT'S INTENT GAZE WAS FIXED ON THE ROAD. "I know this isn't very romantic, but I wouldn't have asked you to marry me if I wasn't serious."

Turning in the seat, Bella faced her future husband; tears of happiness filled her eyes. "Yes, yes, I'll marry you!" She threw her arm over his shoulder, kissing him on the cheek.

"Careful, I want to spend a long life with you."

Bella saw his smile, but his concentration was on the treacherous highway. Over an hour later, Garrett turned the Blazer into the driveway and stopped near the front entrance to their apartments. Since they were the only people living in the large house, the vehicle wasn't blocking anyone. He turned in the seat and looked at Bella. "Are you sure?" He asked through dry lips.

She shook her head yes. "I love you, Garrett. I have for quite a while. I talked to your grandmother about it the other day."

"You did? You talked to her about us?"

"I sure did, but I didn't bring it up. Lillian did. She's the one that pointed out how I felt about you. She said she could see it written all over me. It took a little while, but I realized she was right even though I really tried to fight back my feelings." She looked away from him and said, "I was hurt so bad when Scott died, and now this mystery about the safe." She couldn't quite manage a smile when she looked back at him and saw the somber look on his face. "What's the matter?"

"Having grandmother, uh…seeing through me, well, it's an uncomfortable situation," Garrett said.

"It really was innocent. The subject just came up."

He fiddled with the gearshift knob. "Okay, I understand. I'm overly sensitive about my personal life." He looked up at her over the edge of his glasses. "She'll be thrilled when we tell her about our plans. She's wanted me to get married, have beautiful children for her to spoil."

Bella slapped her hands over her mouth. "Oh! My gosh! My mother will be so excited. She's wanted to give me a large wedding and reception. I have to call her and tell her the news." She tossed open the door and stepped out onto the frozen pavement.

"Go ahead and call. I'll bring in the luggage and the dog," he said as he pushed the button that unlocked the back window of the vehicle.

Bella rushed into the apartment tossing her coat over the back of the sofa. Before she'd crossed the living room, the telephone rang.

"Mother!" Bella cried when she heard the voice she'd missed so much.

Garrett had the luggage into both apartments, a pot of coffee made and he was sitting in the living room looking at the fire before Bella was off the telephone.

When she walked into the room carrying two steaming mugs, he smiled at her. "It sounded like she was excited."

"I'll say. You should hear what she wants to do for us. The works!" Garrett leaned toward her and kissed her lips lightly. "Whatever you want, I want, also. It was pretty amazing that she called just when we walked in."

"Not really," Bella said as laughter bubbled in her voice. "She calls every Sunday about this time."

Her look became somber and she looked into her mug. "I hope you mean what you said earlier, that you want what I want."

"Why?" He asked sincerely.

"My parents are coming home sometime after Christmas and mother wants to begin the wedding plans."

"No problem. I want to start on the plans myself. Like the honeymoon." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her tenderly.

Bella stiffened. "That's not all I want to talk about, Garrett. I want to go back to work. Not just for a few days, either. This is the busiest time of the year. There are the parties, entertainment and I have to arrange for the gifts for the resident's that have no family or friends. Please, Garrett. Is there some way we can work this out?"

He stared into the fire; a muscle in his jaw jumped rhythmically as he pondered her request. Her antique clock ticked away the seconds, then the minutes before he answered her. "If you are there, it could jeopardize the plans I've made to uncover the corruption." He chewed on his bottom lip and returned to silence.

Bella didn't know what to say.

He looked at her sternly for a moment, and then he took the mug from her hands and set it on the table. He turned his whole body in her direction and took both of her hands in his. "Okay, I'll agree to it and I will tell Amanda that I'm not suspending you,'ll have to follow my directions explicitly."

"You make it sound so…dangerous!" She laughed.

"Don't take this lightly, Bella. Can you do that?" The seriousness in his eyes caused her amusement to fade.

She slowly nodded. "It might be difficult, but yes, I can."

* * * *

The next day, Garrett stood in the dining room doorway watching Bella conduct exercise class. He caught her attention and motioned for her.

She weaved her way through the crowd of wheelchairs. His eyes glittered wickedly as he watched her and she felt a flutter of yearning in the pit of her stomach.

"What?" She asked. "Has something happened?"

"No, nothing like that," he said. His full lips pulled into a smile. "I wanted to see you because I've missed you. If we weren't in the middle of this crowd, I'd show you how much I love you."

She licked her lips, watching the expression in his eyes change from amusement to pounding desire and her knees felt weak. "Why…Mr. Brooks, behave yourself," she said with pretend shock. "You'll get both of us into trouble."

"Still want to marry me?" He whispered in her ear.

She smiled softly and said, "Of course I do, silly, but I think I should try you out again, before I purchase you. That first time might have been a fluke."

Garrett threw back his head and laughed. "You're incorrigible! Here I've been hungering for your body, but no, I've been good. I'll have to show you my undisputed techniques."

Bella's eyes widened. She stared at him then looked away. "Shhh! Someone might hear you." Then she looked back at him and asked, "Uh, Garrett …about your technique. Anything more and I might have died!"

"I can do better. I love you."

"Garrett! Stop it. Why did you call me over here?"

"To tell you we have an appointment for our blood tests at the hospital lab in twenty minutes. Will you be there?"

She brushed back a lock of hair that had escaped from the tight knot at her neck. "So soon?"

"I don't want you changing your mind."

"Well…sure, I'll be there. You do know that everyone will know about it now."

Garrett smiled and placing his index finger and thumb together, gave her an OK sign before turning to walk down the hall to his office.

Before the lunch hour was over, Garrett and Bella had their blood tests and had gone to the courthouse and filled out the forms for the marriage license. When Bella returned to her office, she collapsed into her chair and put her head down on her hands. Her head felt like a bowl of oatmeal. She was overjoyed that she was marrying Garrett, but a little frightened, too. They hadn't set a date, not yet. She wanted to talk to her mother to see how much time they needed to pull something together.

With all the activity over lunch hour, Bella had forgotten to tell Garrett that she'd deposited the money into her savings account and had taken the will and insurance papers to her lawyer before she came into work. She was going to be a rich woman in a short while. Scott's original life policy was modest, the one she found in the safe was not. It was a huge sum. She wondered if that would bother Garrett.

Throwing herself into her work was the only way she knew how to cope and she began reviewing her lists to make sure all the holiday plans were completed. She had to work fast because she wasn't so sure about Amanda. She could go to the hospital board to demand Bella's resignation at any time. If that happened, she wanted the resident's to have a good Christmas.

The only item on her list not completed was the art show. Bella had developed that idea a few months ago and it was quickly becoming a nightmare. It was surprising to find such ignorance concerning the elderly in today's world. She'd called many area artists only to hear how flabbergasted they were that she'd asked them to submit items for a display. The artists couldn't imagine why the old folk's home would want to have their work displayed. One woman intimated that if the resident could see the work, they probably didn't have the mind to understand it.

Bella took the artists' ignorance as a personal challenge to educate the public. She wanted to show the younger generations that the very elderly were vital human beings that have fulfilling lives and could share love and information--that they were this country's hidden treasure.

She loved to sit and talk to her older friends. They gave her insight into another way of life, and at times, she felt jealous, wishing she'd experienced living in the more gentle times of their lives.

Chewing on the end of her pencil, she wondered how to get the artists to commit to her idea of an art show. Suddenly, she had a great notion. This had to be the right strategy.

An hour later, nine local artists agreed to show their work at the Christmas Open House. The winning concept was agreeing to have an art auction following the show. Money, it seemed, was still the greatest motivator of human nature.

The last call she'd placed was to Ali Lake, a local artist and the female anchorperson on the ten o'clock news. Bella recanted her proposal and Ali took the idea a step further. Ali wanted to bring a camera crew and interview the residents and the artists. By the time Bella had finished talking to the woman, Ali had volunteered to teach a watercolor art class so a few of the residents could show their work along with the professional artists at the show.

Bella spent the rest of the afternoon on the telephone publicizing the show. When she was satisfied with the results of her hard work, she picked up the telephone receiver and punched in Garrett's extension.

"Hey…I was just thinking about calling you," Garrett whispered into the phone. "I have something to show you."

"Is this going to be an obscene phone call?" She quizzed in mock disgust.


"Oh, never mind," she said. "What do you want to show me?"

"'s a surprise."

"Oh, all right. But I hate surprises," she said then changed the subject. "I think after work tonight we should tell Lillian about our engagement."

"Good idea, before someone from the lab drops by and says something. I'll drop by your office at five. See you later."

Bella sat with the telephone in her hands when Nikki entered the office.

"Oh! I didn't know you were here. I thought you were on leave of absence or something," she said, smiling, but blinked her eyes clearly shocked to see Bella at the desk.

What a phony, Bella thought. She did not answer Nikki's question but asked, "Where have you been? I've looked all over the building for you. I checked your time card. You didn't check in until eleven this morning."

"I-I uh, there was a problem at home. Since I-I didn't think you were here, I didn't call."

Bella pulled the evaluation out of the file cabinet. "I think you had better look at this." She handed the form to Nikki. "I expect to see progress in your weak areas during the next month. That's when I will evaluate your work again. If there isn't improvement, you will have to find another job."

The woman looked at Bella with hatred in her eyes. They virtually snapped with fury. "I don't think so, Mrs. Mann. If you're smart you'll tear-up that evaluation."

Bella narrowed her eyes and cleared her throat. What in the world was Nikki saying. "What? What are you talking about?"

"All the stuff happening around here. I know you pushed Gladys out in the cold and locked the door. I saw you and told the director of nursing. I also told her how you mistreat the residents and steal from them. I'll bet the police could search your house and find Lillian's missing jewelry there. So, don't you threaten my job!" Nikki stood, and then stomped out of the room slamming the door behind her.

Bella was too shocked to respond. She should run out of the room and fire Nikki on the spot. What had that girl said? Lillian's jewelry been stolen? Suddenly, she wondered, where had the jewelry come from in the first place? She didn't remember adding anything like that to her property list.

Bella shoved the evaluation back into the file and slammed the cabinet drawer. Garrett. She had to tell him about this. Switching off the computer she reached for the telephone to call him as another idea struck her. She wanted to see him face-to-face when she told him about the encounter with Nikki. She rushed down the hall to his office, but when she knocked on his closed office door, there was no response.

"Bella. Mr. Brooks isn't in his office. He went to check on his grandmother. She called him earlier. She sounded frantic," said Garrett's secretary, Darla Williams.

"Thanks. I'll go to her room."

"I hope everything is all right."

"I'm sure it is." Bella said weakly and hurried back down the hall.

When she knocked on the door, Lillian called for her to enter. Lillian's voice sounded calm and sedate, not like someone who had irreplaceable jewelry stolen.

"Lillian," Bella cried as she rapidly crossed the room. "I just heard."

The older woman smiled. "Oh, that, it's just old jewelry. I have much more important news to talk to you about. Your fiancé here has been telling me about your plans."

Bella looked across the room and found Garrett sitting in a wingback chair facing his grandmother.

"What's going on?" Bella asked.

Garrett stood and walked to her side. "How did you find out about the jewelry?"

"Well...Nikki came into the office and I was really upset with her. She was late for work this morning so I talked to her about it and gave her the evaluation. Garrett, she threatened me. She told me she knew I was behind all the thefts and harming poor Gladys! She also said she's the one that told Amanda about it."

Garrett groaned. "We know it wasn't you. This is all part of the investigation."

"Why?" Bella's tone was demanding and angry.

Lillian stood and walked to Bella's side. She hugged Bella. "You have to trust him, honey. He loves you and he won't let anyone hurt or defame you."

Bella looked at Garrett through teary eyes. He didn't look much better than she did. "Garrett. I'm sorry. It's just so hard being slandered like this. I try very hard to do a good job. I put all my heart and soul into it."

"I know you do. Please, you have to trust me. All of this is coming to a head. It should be over soon. Then I can tell you everything." He walked to her side and rubbed his hands over her arms then squeezed them reassuringly.

Lillian, Garrett and Bella stood together, giving each other support. "I'm so glad you found each other. I really think you two are soul mates."

Garrett and Bella looked at each other, wondering where the old woman had heard such new age terminology.

* * *

The last week before Christmas fled quickly and Bella's pile of completed work began to grow taller than the stack of work left to do. She enjoyed her job and felt fulfilled at the end of the day. With Christmas near, her problems seemed to disappear. There were no more accusations. At least she still had a job and she began to relax.

Along with the holiday plans, she developed an outline for her January presentation. She planned to buy some new clothing with her overtime money. She was getting so excited to see her parents again. The only sad part of the holidays was being without them.

On the evenings when she came home late from work, Garrett would knock at her door with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. They would sit for a few minutes and talk about her work, but never did they discuss the investigation. She wanted to ask, but knew he couldn't tell her.

The Holiday Open House, Christmas Eve day, was a huge success. Many residents' families visited and their appearance at the special activity brightened the spirits of residents and staff members alike. The overwhelming love added a special warmth to the splendidly decorated facility.

The main foyer boasted a giant Spruce tree trimmed with tiny glass animals. Miniature twinkling lights illuminated the glass and reflected the brilliance into the room. This area was the meeting area for carolers and visitors alike. Bella greeted them at the door and escorted them to the community area.

The library was the most used area during the Holidays. She credited this to the location. The care center was built like a wagon wheel. All the hallways led to the library. The activities area was the hub. The ancient melodies of the carols drew everyone within hearing distance to the library.

Garrett sat with Lillian during the caroling. Adoration shone in his dark blue eyes as he placed a gaily-wrapped gift on her lap. Lillian never opened the gift, nor the one Bella had taken to her room earlier. She claimed never to open a gift before Christmas morning.

It was nearly midnight when Bella walked home from Twin Pines. She was tired, but fulfilled. The sound of Christmas songs filled the air from the bell tower of the church near her apartment. The music pulled at her heartstrings and she felt tears of joy sting her eyes. Last year, she'd spent Christmas day huddled in a quilt on her sofa. She'd been so blue and missed Scott terribly. Now, a twinge of guilt pulled at her. Did she really deserve to feel so happy? Yes, she decided. She had her life to live. After all, she hadn't died with Scott and finding the letter that made her suspect that he was having an affair helped the grieving process.

She shuddered at the thoughts of the hidden safe. Where had he gotten all that money? Who was the other woman in his life?

Pushing the gloomy thoughts from her mind, Bella opened her door and took off her coat throwing it over the back of the sofa. She didn't turn on the lights. The apartment was so dreary to enter at this time of the year because she hadn't taken the time to decorate the apartment. Since she was hardly there with so much work to do, it seemed a waste of time.

All at once, lights sparkled in the corner of the room. "What in the world...?" She asked absently and she walked down the steps into the living room.

Garrett stretched and yawned as he sat up from the couch where he'd fallen asleep waiting for her to come home from work. "I thought you needed a Christmas surprise. You've helped everyone else but yourself. Now, its' my turn to play Santa." He pulled her into the circle of his arms and kissed her soundly.

When the kiss ended she said, "I have a gift for you.

He kissed her cold nose. "Oh…?"

She fluttered her eyelashes and laughed. "Oh, no. I know how your mind works.

"Yes, but this time next year, I'm giving you the special present I'm thinking about." He walked toward the tree then stopped to face her. His eyes grew wide and he asked, "Do you think we'll have a little Brooks to buy for by then?"

"Garrett! We need to talk about that. I want children, but I hadn't thought about when.

He knelt at the base of the tree and pulled a flat package from beneath it. "I've wanted to give this to you for a week, but I decided to save it until today. Hurry and open it."

Taking great care not to tear the paper, she gently opened the box. As the paper came away it revealed a large, wooden framed picture of Brandy. The animal was lying in front of the fireplace."

"Garrett! When did you take this picture?" She cried with delight, threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him full on the lips.

"I had to be very sneaky about it. So, you like it?"

She kissed him again. "I love it. Thank you. Now, I have something for you." She skipped up the steps to her bedroom. When she returned, she had a thin package in her hands.

Where Bella had taken care to open her package, Garrett tore into his quickly scattering the paper at his feet. In his hands was an eel skin portfolio. He opened it to find a sealed envelope. He looked at her quizzically.

"Go ahead, open it."

Garrett ripped the paper and pulled out a card. His eyes opened in surprise. "How did you know I wanted to join the health club?"

"I have my ways," she laughed. "You're not the only one who is good at investigating." She didn't tell him she'd overheard him call the health club to arrange to join after the holidays.

She snuggled against him as they sat on the sofa. "Thanks for the picture. I'm going to hang it over the fireplace mantle. Brandy will look cute laying by the fire both in the picture and in real life."

"I have another gift for you." Garrett spoke slowly.

"Garrett! I only have one for you. That's not fair!"

"Sure it is. Besides, you gave me two gifts, but they were wrapped as one."

Again, he walked to the tree. This time he untied a small package and pulled it from a branch. He reached out and placed it in her hand. "Go ahead. Open it!"

She took the gift and pulled at the silver cord that held the two pieces together. When she took the top off the box, she found a black velvet box inside. She raised her eyes and looked at Garrett with tears in her eyes.

Slowly, she opened the lid to reveal a single, brilliant diamond solitaire. It sparkled in the light like the crystal tree at the care center. "Garrett! It's beautiful!"

"I thought it was time to show the world how much I love you. Now, officially, will you be my wife?"

He slipped the ring on her finger. "I love you so much. Yes, I'll be Mrs. Garrett Brooks." She wasn't sure, but Garrett's eyes seemed to glitter as brightly as the diamond he slid onto her finger.

Garrett put his arm around her. "I've been thinking about our wedding date. Let's get married in two weeks."

"So soon?"

He nodded. "The sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. I can hardly wait to wake up with you every morning, gaze at your pretty face over the top of the newspaper at breakfast. Face it darling, I love you."

Bella smiled and him. She felt so contented and loved. Her eyes became heavy as she watched Garrett build a fire. "You know, I wouldn't mind getting married really soon. I'll call mom in the morning. She'll have to put a rush on those plans of hers."

A few days later, Bella struggled to stay awake as she sat at the nurses' desk writing the monthly progress notes in the resident's charts. When she came to Lillian's chart, she struggled over the entry. The woman had lived at the care center for two months and, as of yet, she'd exhibited no problems of adjustment, if anything, she helped Bella with programming. There! That was what she needed. Her flowing cursive filled the page as she detailed Lillian's coordination abilities and how the activity's program help keep Lillian vital.

The only physical problem Bella had noticed was a decrease in Lillian's hearing. At times, Bella would call her name and she didn't seem to hear her.

"You're going to miss your supervisor's meeting," Adam Roth said as he reached past her for a chart. When she didn't respond, he continued, his voice louder. "Hey! What are you daydreaming about? Hawaii?"

She jumped when his words broke through her reverie. "What?"

"Warm weather and swaying palm trees. I think you need a vacation."

Bella shook her head and smiled at her old friend. "Not really, Adam. I was just pouring over these progress notes."

He wiggled his eyebrows up and down and said, "If you want company, all you have to do is ask. I'd love to see your body in a skimpy swimming suit as you bask in the sun."

She wrinkled her nose in distaste and pushed her heavy glasses to the top of her head. "Don't you ever give up? I prefer my own company, thank you." She replaced Lillian's chart in the holder; her new ring glittered on her finger. "That's all I can do today. If I sit here any longer, I'll fall asleep." She stood and stretched. "I haven't seen much of you lately, doctor. What's keeping you so busy?"

"It's more a who than a what." He smiled at her. "I've been seeing a lot of Becky. Something about that woman keeps drawing me back to her. You should have seen that kid of hers yesterday." His up-tight demeanor relaxed and he continued, "We all went out to my parent's house for Christmas dinner. Jody fell in love with the horses. He wanted to ride all day He didn't speak of his girlfriend all day. He reminds me of how I was at that age."

"Good Lord! Don't say that," Bella said, her smile widened despite the fact that she felt guilty about spending so much time with Garrett. "Remember, I was there. You were a hellion."

"Was I?"

"Yes you were." She walked toward the door and reached for the knob. "I hate to interrupt this reminiscence, but I do have to go to that meeting you reminded me of."

"Sure, but if you want some company, I'm available."

She gave him a sly grin. "If I go to Hawaii, it'll be with my husband since I'm getting married in two weeks. I doubt your presence would be welcome.

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Married? To whom?"

She opened the door and spoke over her shoulder, "Garrett Brooks. Didn't Becky tell you? She was the second person I told."

On that note, she left Adam stunned and walked down the hallway toward her future husband's office for the meeting.

* * * *

Bella hung up the telephone, jotted an eight o'clock appointment in her planner, and then walked to her bedroom. Her clothing was spread out over the bed. She didn't want to wear any of these old outfits. They were outdated and worn. Scott had selected most of her clothes, anyway. He'd liked choosing for her and she was passive enough to allow the practice. She shook her head in wonder. She'd changed, but her wardrobe hadn't. The past few days pointed her in a direction where she could really analyze her marriage. Scott Mann was controlling and she'd let him do just that. Even after his death, he continued to control her emotions. But that was about to change.

She had done a little shopping and when she looked into store windows, soft, pastel items trimmed with lace caught her eye. All of her old things were severely tailored. God! Everyone must think her the age of the residents she worked with. Drab clothing and heaven forbid, until her new hair cut--a bun!

Scott had preferred her to wear dresses and for very casual times, pleated slacks. This was her life. She slipped on the narrow-legged jeans from the back of the closet, pulled them on, and threw on a heavy sweater. Yes! She would get a new outfit, and running her hands through her hair, decided she was in need of a trim. Maybe she would even go a little shorter this time. At least it wouldn't be such a drastic change.

Three hours later, as she left the hair stylist with a shorter bob, Bella looked at her watch. Her parent's plane would arrive in an hour and she'd just enough time to go back to her apartment and change before heading to the airport.

Bella was nervous to meet Garrett at the airport. She'd resisted the urge to replace the jeans with a dress.

When they met inside the airport, shock was a better description of his reaction when he saw her. "Your hair!" he cried when she stepped out of the car. "Jeans and a jacket!"

"Oh, no! I'm sorry. I should have told you about getting it trimmed again, but I decided on the spur-of-the-moment to do it. I'm sorry if you don't like it. And I went shopping for something new."

He took her by the shoulder and turned her this way and that. "You look cute in the jeans. Way to go I love the look. And your hair! It'll be easier to nibble on your ears without it getting in the way."

And he demonstrated. Sure enough, he nibbled at her earlobe and the sensation wreaked havoc with the pit of her stomach.

"Garrett. Stop. Mom and dad will be here shortly. Don't start something you can't finish."

"Okay. But later, I'm going to...." He whispered erotic words that left her limp and in a state of anticipation to their time alone tonight.



Twin Pines