GARRETT BROOKS? HIS NAME LEAPED FROM the card in Bella's hand. She felt as if a thunderbolt had exploded right on the stage. Garrett was the interim administrator? Why hadn't he told her? She felt such a fool. Then the realization struck her. What had she told him about her problems at the care center? Did he believe her? No, no, no, of course he believed her, he'd said so the night the jewelry was planted in her office.
Gathering her wits, she swallowed with great difficulty and said, "It's my great pleasure to welcome Garrett Brooks to our facility."
Garrett strolled across the stage toward her. Her emotions were confused, to say the least. He looked so handsome, no downright sexy. Her heart beat a rapid staccato behind her ribs. The noise of the crowd melted away, making her feel as if she and Garrett were the only people in the room.
He stood in front of her. The hair on her arms stood out from the skin with static electricity. The force between them surged.
"Surprised?" he whispered into her ear.
The heat rushed to her face. Swallowing hard, she tried to find her voice to finish the introduction. Garrett reached for the microphone and began to talk, saving Bella the embarrassment of speechlessness.
Applause from the audience revived her frozen muscles. Stepping back, she gave Garrett room at the podium. Her knees felt weak and she became light-headed from the aroma of his cologne as it surrounded her.
"Thank you, Mrs. Mann," he said, directing his words more to her than to the audience. Then he turned and looked directly at the crowd.
Bella stared at Garrett. He was so gorgeous. His easy manner drew in the audience; their attention fixed on him. In the space of five minutes, her hopes of a relationship with Garrett had changed dramatically. She couldn't have an affair with her supervisor!
Then her thoughts rambled to all the conversations she'd had with Garrett concerning the problems at the center. He must have laughed at her weak attempts to solve the problems. She felt herself blush at the thoughts of how she'd spouted her disenchantment with Mr. Van Horn.
She looked around the room, her gaze stopping here and there. Becky was laughing and shaking her head in wonder, but behind her, Amanda Howard stood with Adam Roth, her cheeks suffused with hot color and her lips parted slightly as if she wanted to hiss her hatred for Bella.
Garrett finished his address quickly and took Bella by the arm leading her off the stage. "I hope I didn't shock you too badly. I couldn't find a way to tell you about all this. I had to remain anonymous while I was investigating the thefts and…you." His words tinged with worry.
Suddenly all pleasure left her. "What did you find out?"
"Would you care to walk with me to the bar? I really could use a drink. Hey! You look shook-up and in need of a drink, too."
Bella felt disconnected and there was a sourness in the pit of her stomach. Garrett led her across the room, but she felt numb. She didn't see the look of fear cross the faces on some of the individuals in the audience.
The bar was nearly empty as they walked to a table near the window. Bella looked out over the town, not comprehending her feelings at that moment, only feeling numb. Garrett was the catalyst for her massive emotional chaos over the past week.
"What would you like to drink," he asked looking deeply into her eyes, covering her hand with his.
Bella slipped her pale hand from under his tanned hand in a quick jerk. "Scotch on the rocks," she said glad for the semidarkness that hid the flush in her checks. She was beyond humiliated.
Garrett looked at her dubiously.
"I hate alcohol, but I'm hoping it will bring me back to my senses."
Garrett walked from the table to the bar, placing their order then returned in a few moments. The silence between them loomed like a heavy mist as they sat before the wall of windows looking down the valley below them. Lights from the small town twinkled in the darkness.
Bella saw the bartender's reflection in the window as he neared the table. She turned to look at him as he placed the glasses filled with tinkling ice on the table. Garrett slipped his sleek leather wallet from the inside jacket pocket and slid a bill out from a thick pile.
Bella picked up the heavy glass and touched her lips to the rim. The oily-tasting liquor stung her mouth and throat as it moved smoothly toward her stomach. She hated the taste, but it did clear her head and within moments made her feel calmer.
"Tell me, Mr. Brooks--" Sarcasm thick in her voice. "Did you enjoy making a fool out of me?" She took another sip of the drink that tasted like gasoline.
"I made you feel like that?" Garrett asked. The corner of his eye twitched.
"You should have known I would. There I was, standing on stage with my mouth hanging open in front of the whole town. When I read your name on that card, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me." Her coolness was evidence that she was not amused.
Garrett tipped his glass and took a long drink looking at her over the top of the glass. "I thought we'd get to know each other better before this time came. I had hoped you would be more forgiving of my deceit," he shot back in a tone that was louder than necessary.
Bella watched the bartender snap his head in their direction, then noticing that everything was all right, went back to tending his drink orders. She colored fiercely, wishing she could slide under the table and disappear.
"I know you're angry with me, but--what else could I do? I thought it was harmless"
"Harmless? Is that what you call it? I call it another one of our disastrous meetings. The first was on the stairs, and tonight, I find you're my boss. Harmless, I don't think so." Her throat ached with defeat as she sat there twirling the ice cubes with the red and white straw.
"Well, I disagree. You look sensational in a nightgown, professional at work and absolutely wanton as a mistress of ceremonies."
Bella looked at him and shivered with desire. How could she be angry with him one second and turned-on by him the next? She tried to fight back the passionate coil that had begun to tighten in the middle of her stomach. He was devouring her with his eyes. His full lips drew into a smile while his eyes filled with lust. "You really can make a lot of noise. I'll bet the bartender heard every word you said," she whispered to him, hoping he would follow her lead and lower his deep voice.
Silence followed. Garrett looked uncomfortable as if he were toying with the idea to tell her something unpleasant. He parted his lips and the words tumbled out.
"I have another confession."
"What this time?"
"It's about my grandmother."
"Just wait a minute." Bella ran her fingers through the sides of her hair, fluffing the shorter hair. "Your grandmother?" Her voice raised an octave.
"I can't keep any more secrets from you--" His brows drew together in an agonized expression.
"More lies?" She shook her head in dismay.
Garrett took a long sip on his drink then looked into its depths as he spoke. "My grandmother is helping me with this investigation. She's working inside the facility."
Bella frowned, but didn't say a word. She wanted to hear the rest of his story.
"Your new resident Lillian Randall--that's my grandmother."
Her jaw dropped in surprise. "Lillian?"
Garrett nodded.
"She's so self-reliant, not in need of assistance. That explains a lot." She skewered him with icy eyes. "You've got a big deception going on here, buddy. I think you'd better tell me some good news before I do something I'll regret."
Raising his grim, hard gaze he blew out a gush of air. "I wish I had the good news to tell you. The only thing I can offer is--I think you're innocent and that someone is going to great lengths to frame you."
"You haven't come up with anything that will clear me?"
He shook his head and didn't say a word.
"Tonight is the wrong time for this kind of conversation," Bella whispered. "You made me as mad as hell and I don't want to feel that way tonight."
He tapped his index finger on his teeth. "Yes. You're right. And we'll have this conversation again in the future," he retorted and reached for Bella's arm.
Becky rushed to her side. "Here you are. I've been looking all over the building for you."
"Adam was paged to the hospital. There was a three-car pile-up out on the interstate. Anyway, could I have a ride home with you?"
"Adam?" She questioned, floundering for words. "How did you get with him? I thought you had a date."
Becky smiled at her. "It's a long story, but we've spent the evening together. That date I told you about?"
Bella nodded trying to follow the conversation.
"Anyway, he turned out to be a real creep. Adam saved me from having to spend time with him...until he was paged. I told him I could find a ride, so...what do you say?"
She leaned forward trying to follow Becky's story. The look on Garrett's face said he was taking in everything she said. Was he searching for reasons to suspect everyone? Bella turned toward him and asked, "It's all right if she rides with us, isn't it?"
Bella noticed his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Had he wanted to be alone with her? If so, the drive home could be interesting.
"Of course she can." He nodded offering his agreement.
"What d'ya mean, us?" Becky shrieked. She gazed at Garrett in wide-eyed confusion.
"Garrett and I came together."
"I'm getting nervous," Becky said. "Should we leave now? The weather has changed again and it's starting to snow really hard."
"I don't think that's necessary." Garrett shot Becky a twisted smile. "It's early and I wanted to mingle with the board members and some of the community members."
Becky looked from Garrett and back to Bella quizzically.
"Hey! I'll find another way back into town, it's quite apparent you don't want me with you." Becky's voice was sharp and indignant. "Good-night, Mr. Brooks," she snapped and turned on her heel and walked out of the bar and into the crowd.
"Becky. Wait!" Bella cried with exasperation, but her efforts were to no avail. She dropped into the chair and reached for her drink. She drew in the liquid in through the straw until it emptied with a loud slurping sound.
"What was all that about? Does your friend fly off like that all the time?"
"I don't know, maybe she picked-up on our tension. This evening has been such a terrible mess, don't you think?"
He shrugged. "Can we forget about this for a while? This subject is getting old. How about dancing with me?"
"I don't know, Garrett. Now that everyone knows who you are, I wonder if being with you is a wise decision. I'm in a lot of trouble and this could escalate the problems."
"I don't care. Yes, I'm your boss at work, but I like holding you in my arms. This has nothing to do with work. How about this--let's make an appointment right now to meet at eight o'clock Monday morning in my office. We'll talk about the problems of Twin Pines there. We'll never discuss work anywhere else, okay?" He looked at her and smiled, but his eyes pleaded with her.
"All right. But I don't think we will be able to keep shop talk exclusive to the care center." Vaguely, she looked around her. The room contained happy people and she did want to join them. There was enough time for arguing and looking at Garrett caused her head to spin with desire. She wanted him to hold her in the tight circle of his muscular arms.
Bella's senses were keen and sharp. As they danced by, some of the staff members glared at her. But she didn't care. She felt protected in Garrett's arms. He was a splendid dancer. The hours flew by and finally; the orchestra announced the last dance.
"I imagine the road back to town will be awful, by this time. We should have left hours ago." Garrett murmured in her ear as they danced around the room. Her head fit in the crook of his neck and she felt relaxed by the drinks. She enjoyed the revived sensations that drifted through her body.
"The weather and road conditions will be there no matter if we stay for the last dance of the evening or not. Just let loose and enjoy it," he said easily.
The one thing Bella realized about Garrett was this, he would cause her a lot of anguish if she pursued a relationship with him, but tonight, she planned to enjoy every minute of contentment. There had been very little in her life these last few years.
"I'll dance you to the coat room." He kissed her ear and trailed kisses down the smooth skin on the side of her neck.
They found their coats and he helped her on with hers as they walked to the exit. The snow was deep and Garrett insisted she stay by the door until he brought around the vehicle.
It had been a long time since she had had someone looking out for her and she continued to feel his cocoon of protection on the drive down the treacherous road. Blowing snow reduced the visibility and hid large snowdrifts from view of the penetrating beams of Garrett's four-wheel drive. She gripped the armrest and held her breath each time he navigated a curve.
"Relax. It's been a while since I've driven in the mountains, but I do have some experience. I like to ski so, I've driven on snow and ice in the Colorado Rocky Mountains before. They make this mountain look small in comparison." He scrutinized the road and expertly dodged an enormous drift that threatened to overtake the entire road. She watched his hands firmly grip the steering wheel thinking about the way he'd used them to smooth her hair as they danced.
Forcing her thoughts back to the present she asked, "Were you a nursing home administrator before coming to Evergreen?"
"Sort of," he responded, and then a gust of wind hit the small four-wheel-drive making the outfit shudder and drift onto the other lane.
Bella cried aloud in fear. "This weather is scaring me. If you hadn't brought the car back under control, we could have plunged to our deaths."
Garrett's mouth was set in a grim line of concentration. "We don't have much choice, now do we?"
"Yes we do. From here, the exit to my cabin is only two miles. The road going up to it should be all right. It's in an area that is more protected from the wind. It shouldn't be drifted as badly."
"This isn't too bad. I've flown a plane in worse weather."
"Flown? So you're a pilot as well as everything else?"
He nodded, and then asked, "Why do you live in town when you own a house out here?"
Why had she brought up this subject? She regretted doing it. "I like my job and the apartment allows me the freedom to go in early and to stay late. That way I don't have to worry about the weather. Half of the winter, I would be trapped at the cabin and not able to get to work. And stuck at work the other half."
She didn't tell him that she was hit with a pathetic mess of grief and loneliness each time she stopped at the cabin. She spent hours there when she missed Scott so badly that her sadness tore through her heart like a knife splitting it in half. Sometimes she felt as if Scott would walk through the door calling her name. She longed for him to tell her it was all a horrible mistake.
"Well, aren't you the perfect employee," he concluded. "I like you're work attitude." He returned his attention to navigating his outfit over the slick pavement. "I'd rather continue on down the mountain. I'm afraid if we stop and this weather continues, we'll be stuck there for days."
Bella nodded in agreement. She wasn't ready to share her cabin with him anyway. The memories there were just too bittersweet.
Twenty-minutes later, Garrett stopped in front of the house and switched off the engine.
Bella released the sigh that had been trapped in her chest for the past hour on the trip down the mountain. "We made it!"
"Did you have any doubts?"
Did she have doubts? Well yeah!
Garrett opened the door and eased his way to the passenger side of the Blazer. Opening the door, he helped her out of the vehicle and onto the pavement that was covered with several inches of snow. "Hold on tight," he said, his voice filled with laughter.
At once she was airborne. Garrett held her in his arms with ease and bolted through the snow, stumbled up the steps onto the porch.
"Garrett! Put me down. I'm so heavy I'll ruin your back!" Bella protested, she could feel his muscles supporting her weight.
He sprinted up the stairs, and when he reached the landing, he gently slid her from his arms, keeping her close to his body.
"Thank you for getting me home safely. I enjoyed most of the evening." She tried to distance herself from his grasp, which caused him to tighten his grip around her waist.
"Let's not be angry with each other anymore. I like this much better." He inclined his head and brushed her lips with his.
Bella's head swam. She was dizzy and light headed. If she didn't know better she could swear her eyes were rolling back in her head. And when Garrett pulled her closer to him she knew it was true. Everything she'd read in her beloved romance novels was true! When his lips touched hers, she went from an onlooker to participant in the kiss.
An astonishing electric jolt ran up her spine. The feeling was vaguely familiar--like something long forgotten. Had she ever felt like this with Scott? Garrett was mesmerizing her. Moving her body was impossible and she really wasn't sure she wanted to anyway.
Then he straightened his head, ending the kiss. "Good night." he said, walking toward his door.
Bella entered her apartment and leaned against the door. She closed her eyes. The currents of sexual arousal hammered through her body. She could smell the warm fragrance of Garrett's cologne linger in the fake-fur coat and the aroma surrounded her.
It was becoming more difficult to distance Garrett. After all, he was her boss. She had to find a way to eradicate her hunger for the seductive eyes, the rosy well-formed lips, and the robust shoulders. She knew it was nearly impossible, but all she wanted to do was to fall into his arms and spend the dark hours of the night wrapped in his protective embrace.
No doubt about it, Bella couldn't keep up the pretense that Garrett didn't affect her. He made her heart flutter and fade all of her misgivings into the background.
She loved her job and now having Garrett there…hopefully, he was the answer to her problems.