"LEAVE MY GRANDMOTHER'S THINGS ALONE." Venomous black anger filled the booming words hurled at Bella. Vibrations from the deep, menacing voice rumbled about the room, the tremors battering her body.
The air rushing from her lungs made an obvious gasp, and her heart pounded wildly behind her full bosom. This was a familiar voice. She closed the drawer, spinning around. The atmosphere crackled with hostile static as Judd Fortney, Gladys' grandson glared at her from the doorway, his hands balled-up into fists resting at his hips and his face aglow with anger.
Bella's knees turned to gelatin and her blood pounded wildly in her ears. "I-I--" she stammered, the shock of it all pulled all the moisture from her throat.
"Shook up are you?" He glared at her. Bella could actually visualize his eyes throwing lightning at her! "Well, you should be shook-up. I just caught you stealing from my grandmother!"
Judd continued into the room, his angular face was flushed and caused the veins at the sides of his neck to protrude. Bella's friend, Becky Roberts arrived at the door at the same time as Garrett, their eyes wide with astonished concern.
"Bella…Judd, what's the problem? This commotion's gonna scare the residents." Becky said, pushing her way around Garrett.
"I'd suggest you get the director of nurses in here," Judd commanded Becky. "I've caught the thief."
Becky's curly, short hair bounced around her face and her rose-colored lips formed a perfect O of stunned shock. Hostile static crackled about the room. "Judd, surely--"
"I know what I saw when I walked in here!"
Gladys Fortney marched out of the bathroom. "What's going on?" she questioned, her voice filled with authority. "It sounds like a war zone." She walked over and stood beside Becky.
"Gram, this woman," he whispered in a voice loud enough to be heard in the next county, "was pawing through you dresser drawers. I want her fired for stealing!"
Gladys shook her head in disbelief. Her eyes reflected the deep, punishing pain her grandson was inflicting upon her by acting this way. "I'm sorry for all this Bella." She turned back to faced her grandson. "Juddson...I asked her to look for my missing jewelry. She was helping me at my request!"
Judd's face paled, but his angry gaze never left Bella's and she didn't avert hers. Judd's hair and clothing were dripping wet from the melting snow and he tossed his wet coat haphazardly on the floor. "I told these people to get the nursing director…I want her here, now!"
Bella believed, nevertheless, that he didn't trust her. It didn't matter that his grandmother took her side; he wanted to believe that she was guilty.
"But she told you..." Becky began.
"I don't care what she said, I don't want to hear any more explanations!" Judd interrupted. Clumps of snow caked the hem of his jeans, and as it melted, moisture spread into the sculptured fibers of the new carpet.
"For heaven's sake, Judd. Take your coat into the bathroom and get it off the carpet." Bella's words wielded strength that announced her returning composure. Everyone stared at her and Judd picked up his coat. "This carpet's only a few days old, and you're ruining it." Her eyes narrowed and she leveled her angry gaze at him. She grasped his arm in a commanding manner, and pulled him into the tiled bathroom.
"I don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm not impressed." Bella hissed, closing the door. "Why are you here?"
"Grandmother called me. She was crying…really upset." He laid the dripping coat across the sink. "Now, I find you in her room, by yourself I may add, going through her things."
"Well, your temper tantrum won't help a damn thing!" Bella felt angry and confused. What was this all about? She'd not thought Judd was such an arrogant jerk. "I think I'm missing a few pieces of information here."
"I'm worried about my grandmother," he said, concern replaced the hostility in his voice.
"I am too. That's why I'm here tonight. I'm helping her."
The muscle in Judd's jaw jumped with irritation as he clenched and unclenched his teeth. "I'm uneasy about the things going on around here. She's been telling me about the corruption."
Bella crossed her arms across her breast. "At this moment, you're more a problem than a help. Didn't you see your grandmother shaking?"
He reached around Bella, removed a white towel from the wooden dowel, and pushed the thick fabric across his wet hair. "Yes I did. It was because you upset her and I want you to stop this stealing from her or there is going to be a great deal of trouble for you. I'm just the guy that can bring in the police and have you put in jail," he warned her austerely. He draped the wet towel across the edge of the bathtub.
Bella didn't know what to think although; she could see he was acting strange. "I have taken nothing from any of the residents!" The seconds seemed to drag on as he gazed coldly at her, not commenting to her rebuttal. Looking her straight in the eyes, he offered, "This really wasn't any of your business, now was it?" He turned on his heel and walked out of the bathroom.
Taking a cloth from the towel rack, Bella ran cold water over the material and pressed the cloth to her face to fight back the fury that bubbled through her like a sixties Lava Light. None of her business indeed. Helping the people of the nursing home and assisted living area were her business. That nasty imp inside her mind pushed her to swear and curse at arrogant Judd Fortney. The insults he hurled at her, in front of Garrett, no less, infuriated her.
"Bella, are you okay?" Garrett called opening the door a crack.
"I'll be right out," she said at a volume that carried through the heavy oak door. How could this man accuse her of stealing? His threats sounded unreasonable. Yes, it was difficult adjusting to a loved ones placement in a care center, but Judd had to wake up to the reality that she worked for the resident, not against them.
Ever since his grandmother entered assisted living, Judd had made a pest of himself asking her out on dates, calling her on the phone. She wondered if her reluctance to accept his invitations was the reason he was so angry with her tonight.
Moments later, as she exited from the bathroom, she heard Judd ask Garrett, "Are you a facility representative?"
"This is Garrett Brooks, my neighbor." Bella interrupted, stepping out of the bathroom. "He was kind enough to drive me over here when Amanda called about your grandmother's problem."
"Amanda?" Judd asked.
Bella nodded. "Yes, about an hour ago." Her words were forceful and clipped. "Your grandmother threatened to pack her things and leave. I had to do something, so; I helped her look for the missing items. So far, I've found nothing."
Gladys Fortney sat in her antique rocker looking out into the wet courtyard, appearing to ignore the conversations, but her voice rang out curtailing the discussion. "I hate it when you talk as if I'm not in the room. It is extremely rude!"
"Oh! Gladys, I'm sorry," Bella cried, walking numbly across the thick carpet to Gladys' side. She bent her knees and lowered herself to the elderly woman's eye level. Bella gave her a weak, but sincere smile as she touched her hand. "Are you all right?" she asked softly.
Gladys raised her faded green eyes, the same color as her grandson's, shaking her head in affirmation. "I know this is a terrible situation, but I love it here. I don't want to move. Please, find my jewelry," she implored.
All the furniture in the room was priceless antiques, making the woman a prime target for the thieves in the building. A bow window added visual space to the room and the view from the massive window was beautiful. Bushes covered with red and gold leaves filled the garden, shimmering in the fall sunset. They gleamed with moisture from the wet snow.
"Do you want some privacy while you look through your things?" Bella asked softly.
The elderly woman smiled up at her. "It would be lovely if you stayed to help me. I have specific thoughts about the search, but I'll understand if you can't help."
Turning, Gladys turned her head and spotted her grandson. "And you," she hitched her chin in Judd's direction, can go on home…I can do this after I watch my Seinfeld rerun tonight."
"I'll be back to visit after I clear this up." Bella said.
"Thank you," Formally, Gladys rose from her chair. "I'm sorry Judd has been such a agitator. I'm afraid my relocation is more upsetting to him than it is to me. He really is a warmhearted, loving man." Regret flickered in her eyes.
As Mrs. Fortney talked to Bella, she glared at her grandson who stood across the room in direct line of her fierce stare. He shifted his weight from one boot-clad foot to the other like a youngster waiting for punishment.
Becky shifted her feet nervously mimicking Judd's movements as she stood in the doorway waiting for Bella to take charge of the situation.
Finally, Bella broke the silence in the room. "Let's continue this discussion in the day room." She motioned with her head, and then glanced at the gold watch on her wrist. "It should be free by now."
Judd grumbled obscenities under his breath loud enough for Bella to hear as he walked from the room. "Gladys?" she questioned to gain the woman's attention.
"Oh, I'm sorry. What were you saying?"
"I'll be back in a few minutes to finish your inventory. I left the sheet on your dresser."
Gladys looked around. "Oh, yes, here it is. Are you sure Judd won't be angry if you come back?" She whispered, drawing it out into a sigh.
"I'm just doing my job. Surely, he can't condemn me for that.
"I hope this hasn't made it difficult for you and Judd to become friends." Her white brows met in the middle, forming a straight line across her forehead registering an expression of concern.
"Gladys, I'm not interested in dating Judd, you know that," Bella said, hoping the woman believed her words although she knew it would hurt Gladys to know that she couldn't stand Judd Fortney.
The day room wasn't far. Bella stepped aside as she opened the door and politely let everyone enter ahead of her. Garrett lacked the will to excuse himself from this situation. This was an excellent chance to see his potential activities consultant in action--probably his only opportunity, once she learned his identity. So far, Bella had expertly controlled the predicament.
This room appeared more used than the huge activities area at the other end of the hallway. It held a card table covered with a jigsaw puzzle in progress, a large-screen television, and a few lift-recliners facing the set. Across another wall, a long table held crafts. Bella closed the door for privacy. Very good, Bella, Garrett thought, the last thing you need is another wave of gossip. At times when she spoke of her difficulties, Garrett noticed a weary lilt affecting her voice. There was only so much an individual could take before cracking up, and he suspected she was close to that point.
Garrett leaned back against the long table that held an assortment of hand crafted Christmas craft ornaments in progress. He stretched his legs in front of him and crossed his arms over his chest settling-in to watch.
"Why don't we go to your office, Bella?" Judd suggested, a wicked smile pulled the corners of his mouth into a sneer as his gaze shifted between Becky and Garrett. "You do have an office don't you?"
His condescending irritated Bella and Garrett watched her pace in front of a large window draped in lace. When she turned in his direction, he saw she was gritting her teeth, causing the muscle in her jaw to jump. Garrett wondered if she was silently calling Judd vulgar names.
When his insulting words elicited no response from Bella, Judd continued, "I really don't have anything to say to this...nurse, or to your boyfriend." He turned his head in Becky's direction and then toward Garrett. Judd glowered at Garrett with his back stiff, then a slow predatory smile spread across his face. The smile didn't reach his eyes. Garrett's stomach knotted. A revelation struck him. Judd thinks I'm competition! He fought back the biting anger.
"Judd! That's quite enough," Bella exclaimed, the sharp words sounded stiff and foreign as they passed her lips. "We all want to work together to rally round your grandmother. It would really help if you'd cooperate even a little bit."
Judd moved toward the television, turning his back to the others. He didn't say a word for the longest time. Bella started to walk toward the door when he said, "I asked to see Amanda Howard." He turned, facing them, an ugly gleam in his eyes. "I can see I'll get no help from any of you. Don't bother helping my grandmother--I'll search through her things. Alone. There are personal items in her room that the employees around here don't need to know about. Is that too much to ask?"
Bella walked toward Judd and gently touched his arm. "That's fine," she said softly, "just remember…I was helping her, too, not stealing."
Bella shot a worried glance toward Garrett. The muscle in his jaw jumped as he ground his teeth. All she needed now was for him to lose control and bash Judd's repugnant words back down his filthy throat.
Taking a breath, Bella said, "You were wrong, Judd. I'm the one who handles all resident admissions. I know everything in her room, that is, unless a family member takes something home for safekeeping without telling me." She handed him the incident report. "Would you please sign this. It outlines everything that happened tonight."
Judd stared at her, eyes narrowed, nostrils flared in anger. "I'll complete the paperwork and leave it with Miss Howard before I depart."
Bella's dark, frowning eyes filled with exasperation as she looked around the room to Garrett and Becky. She couldn't worry about Judd's feelings and she certainly didn't want to pull him into a room for privacy. "All right. But first, I want to know what is really going on with you."
Judd squirmed under her scrutiny. "N-nothing ominous, I assure you. I suppose I'm being over sensitive. I just want my grandmother to be happy and safe."
He strutted toward the door. "Good evening, ladies…Brooks."
Garrett didn't reply, only gave a curt nod in his direction.
* * * *
Leave the paperwork in Amanda's office. The words screamed through Bella's mind making her face flush red at the thought. She had never been so angry or embarrassed. She'd tried so hard to act calm and unaffected by Judd's words, but they really had bothered her. Just thinking about walking back into Amanda's office caused her blood to pound at her temples. Bella couldn't do anything to please that woman. Either Amanda complained that Bella didn't keep the residents busy enough with activities, or she wasn't giving them enough emotional support. Now, she feared Amanda was responsible for everyone's attitude toward her. That had to be the reason.
Now it was time to face Amanda. If Amanda told her staff to watch Bella's actions, naturally they would be suspicious of her.
Hanging out with the nursing staff wasn't one of Bella's favorite things, but she had a few select friends that worked at the hospital. She'd known them from the time they all had started first grade. They were the only staff members that didn't look at her then quickly glance away.
"I'll wait for you right here in the activities room," Garrett said.
She smiled at him. Her heart did a little flip-flop behind her ribs when he flashed his heart-melting smile at her. "I'm so sorry about all this muddled mess.
Garrett lounged against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. "That can't be helped, now can it?"
She shrugged, transfixed by his eyes. "I suppose not, but aren't you getting tired of hanging around here?"
"No problem. Take care of your business, I'll be waiting right here for you." Garrett launched himself away from the wall and toward Bella. Reaching out, he placed a finger to her chin and drew her eyes up to meet his. "Judd's a jerk. Don't take his words seriously--that's what he wants. He wants to hurt you."
Her lips pulled into a trembling smile as his midnight eyes studied her keenly, "Thanks, Garrett, I'm glad you came with me tonight." She stepped away from him, fearing her reaction. She wanted him to kiss her. The tension between them was thick enough to stir. She'd only known Garrett a few hours, yet, when she was near him, she felt dizzy--out of control. At this time yesterday, she never would have believed this was possible. "It shouldn't take too long in Amanda's office. I'll get the inventory list. I feel strongly that Judd left it with her, and I was summoned--can't disobey the queen." The words were frosty with feigned dignity. "Amanda and I are each department supervisors, but, for some reason, she acts like she owns this facility!" Fighting down bitterness, she smiled at Garrett. "Enough of this--I'll see you in a few minutes." She turned, walking toward Amanda's fish bowl office.
When Bella entered the hospital wing, the first thing she saw was Judd standing in Amanda's office. She tried not to look in the room as she walked by, but she did. Amanda reached out and touched Judd's arm, a sickening sweet smile replaced her look of concern. So much for a professional demeanor, Bella thought. Judd was extremely good looking, but as Garrett said, the man was a first class jerk.
Bella turned her back on the door. She couldn't stand to see this display. If Amanda could cause her to feel guilty even when she knew she was innocent, what must Judd Fortney think of her? She didn't care about the man, but his frame of mind could be detrimental to his grandmother.
The sound of the door opening behind her made her jump. Judd stood in the opening looking at her, eyes scrunched into thin slits and his lips compressed with anger. Bella's stomach clenched.
"You took grandmother's things and I'm going to prove it." He clucked his tongue. "When I have the evidence, I'll make you pay for exploiting these helpless people."
"I didn't do anything. I've tried to protect them from whoever is stealing!"
Judd zipped his coat, preparing to leave the building. "That's not the impression I got from Aman...ur, Miss Howard.
Bella's heart fell, leaving her stomach hovering as a nauseating knot at her throat. This situation was fast becoming critical; she didn't know where to turn. Should she get a lawyer? Her shoulders slumped dejectedly. Judd was the county attorney. If charges were filed against her, he became the prosecuting attorney.
The man rudely shouldered past her without another word.
Bella walked into Amanda's office, her mind full of curses, but she fought them back--no sense in borrowing trouble. She would know soon enough what had taken place in here.
Taking a calming breath, Bella said, "I looked in on Gladys a few moments ago. She's calm, dressed for bed and ready to call it a night."
Amanda's icy blue eyes took in the clock on the floral papered wall, but she remained silent.
"She acted much calmer. I'm sure she felt we would find her jewelry."
Those frigid eyes snapped in Bella's direction. Again, she said nothing.
Discouragement wrapped around her like a boa constrictor, ready to squeeze its victim to death. If Amanda's goal was to make her feel uncomfortable, she'd succeeded.
"Why is Mrs. Fortney ready for bed at six o'clock? You encouraged her to do this, didn't you? Amanda finally asked, her words sending frozen arrows through Bella's heart, cruelly accurate.
"She's tired."
"You know my staff is keeping her from napping because she wakes up at three o'clock in the morning. How can we readjust her schedule if you're undermining our efforts?"
Yeah sure, undermine your authority. The director handled the facility like a dictator. Bella refused to feel guilty. "Gladys has had a few rough hours. She's really upset about her jewelry. Can't you give her a little consideration?"
Amanda shook her head. "No. She has to adjust, and it is your job to help."
Bella refused to comment. There was no swaying Amanda. They're different management styles. Bella was helpful and leveled with a person, involved the resident with their treatment. Amanda demanded results from her staff. Bella hadn't seen any positive effects from this. Because it didn't work.
"I'm going home." She wasn't going to argue with Amanda, but she couldn't stand there and have her speak to her in such an insolent manner.
Amanda slammed the desk drawer shut, her face purpled in rage. "Not so fast." She stood, walking around the desk. "Judd Fortney wants us to search your office for the missing items."
"Sorry, but it's the only way to disprove his accusations." Amanda's words sounded sincere, but a self-satisfied grin pulled lines into the corners of her mouth. Stretching her arm in Bella's direction she asked, "Can I have the keys to your office?
Bella's pulse thudded in jagged strokes and her face flushed with humiliation. "You know I don't lock the office, just my file cabinet."
Amanda lifted her chin indignantly. "So, give me those keys."
A flash of embarrassment burned through her flesh. Reaching into her pocket, Bella felt the keys, warm from the temperature of her body. Clutching them for a moment, she hauled them out, dangling them in front of her.
Amanda snapped them from her grasp. "Let's go get this over with."
Bella followed the nurse out the door and through the walkway not saying a word, but silently cursing Judd with each step she took. It seemed to take an eternity to reach her office. Garrett was sitting near the piano reading a large print magazine when they entered the area. He tossed his reading aside and stood, his smile mesmerized her; he seemed to fill the room with a masculine aura and vitality. She swallowed back the desire that inflamed her.
"Welcome back. Are you ready to go?" he asked, walking toward her.
She held out her hand, motioning him to stop, and bit down hard on her bottom lip to stop the quivering. Stinging tears threatened at the back of her eyelids.
Tipping his head slightly at her bleak expression, he asked, "Is something wrong?"
She nodded. "Don't come in here. Just wait for me out there." The words came out as a raspy whisper. She turned her back to him, entering the office, but she felt him follow them in anyway.
With fists on his hips, his voice tainted with emotion he asked, "What's going on here?"
Bella wrapped her fingers around his muscular arm, drawing him toward her. "She's searching in here for the jewelry from Gladys' room." Pure rage burned within her, hotter than a fire.
"She thinks you took it?" he uttered incredulously, surprise flooded his face.
She shrugged. "I guess so--and so does Judd. He insisted the office be searched."
They stood there watching Amanda open the file cabinet, scavenge through the individual folders and around the bottom of each drawer. Finding nothing, she re-locked the cabinet. Turning to Bella's desk, she ransacked the drawers, displacing the neatly placed items.
"To be safe," Amanda said with heavy sarcasm, "I'd better check the cupboards over there."
"Search, but don't be such a slob about it!" The words slipped out before she could stop herself.
Amanda raised her eyebrows, looking down her nose at her, but she didn't comment. She moved puzzles, opened them, and then replaced them haphazardly on the shelf. When she reached the small door with the lock, she pulled on the handle. It wouldn't open. Amanda spun around her mouth fell agape. "I thought all you locked in here were the files?"
"Th-that's right. I never use this cabinet!"
"Is the key on this ring?"
"I would suppose so, but I've never needed it." Bella's stomach lurched. She had a bad feeling about this.
Sliding the small key in the lock, it fit perfectly. When Amanda twisted it in the lock and pulled on the handle, the door came open.
Bella nudged Amanda making room for herself in front of the cabinet. Gathering up her courage, she looked inside. What she saw there told her she was in trouble as deep as she'd ever been. The missing jewelry gleamed in the reflected light.