18th Brigade/ Liverpool/ Manchester
Pete Dodge had called a war council meeting. The council sat in a meeting suite that occupied the third floor of the Orford Arms. The council was made up of six Brigade Lieutenants and Pete Dodge. Any decisions made by the council were filtered down through the ranks of the18th Brigade and then out to other affiliated organisations that orbited the Brigade. Business with the Russians had always been risqué but in general it was a lucrative arrangement. Few disputes had resulted in violent confrontation because both parties considered money more important than petty feuds. Any friction was usually between rival gang members flexing muscle, and was quickly resolved via one-on-one violence. Fighting a rival soldier and defeating him publicly could rocket a gang members reputation sky high, visa versa, reputations could be destroyed just as quick. Racial tension always burned below the surface because of the Brigades Nazi ideals, and the Russian Organizatsiya being of Jewish decent. The bulk of the Brigade men had no idea that their superiors actually did business with the Jewish gangs. The kidnap plot was a diversion from usual business relations, which had gone badly wrong. The Brigade now had two key men in hospital suffering from gunshot wounds and two more missing. Ivan Coley and Matt Halt had never returned from the kidnapping, and both of their mobile phones were diverting to voice mail. Dodge was concerned that they had died in the blast or worse, turned traitor and become involved with the Russians. He had received his money from Alexis in payment for the kidnap, but it made no difference. A line was crossed and word had got out that the Russians had turned the Brigade over in their own headquarters. There had to be consequences and they needed to be severe.
“Do you have all the information that I asked for?” Dodge asked the skinhead sitting to his right hand side.
“Yes boss. I have the address of thirty-two Russian owned brass houses, twelve in Liverpool, and fourteen in Manchester, and six around the Oldham area,” the skinhead answered.
The brass houses were operated in the guise of massage parlours but were actually brothels staffed by Eastern European sex slaves. Forced prostitution is wide spread across the western world and is usually the result of people trafficking. Traffickers use coercive tactics to deceive their victims into believing that they will be freed on arrival in their chosen country. Fraud, intimidation, isolation and physical force are used to control and enslave female victims that believe they are headed for a better life. Women are typically recruited by the promise of good legal jobs that never materialise. The traffickers arrange the travel and job placements then escort the victims to their destinations where their passports are confiscated. The women then learn that they have been deceived about the nature of their new jobs and that they have been lied to about the financial arrangements. Most are told that they now owe huge sums of money to the traffickers, which they have to repay before their passports are returned. They then find themselves in abusive situations where they are kept in a form of debt bondage from which escape is difficult and dangerous. Forced prostitution is huge business and the Russian Mafia controlled a large piece of the market. They relied on the cash rich business to provide them with a constant income.
“We are going to hit them all at the same time. I want the women roughed up and the properties torched,” Pete Dodge snarled, “We are going to cripple the Russian bastards. Synchronise the attacks for nine o’clock tomorrow night. Three men at each address, make sure the tarts are bruised around the face. I don’t want them to be working for a while. If there are any punters in there then give them a good kicking as well. That should deter any regular customers from ever returning. Douse everything in petrol take any money that`s on site and burn them.”
Dodge made sure that the message would reach all his men that would be working security positions across the two cities that night. Retaliation from the Russians would be swift and brutal but they would be ready for it when it came.
“Make sure everyone has access to weapons, open the gunroom in the cellar and distribute the body armour,” Dodge said. The priority now was to strike first and strike hard.