

Carrie and Steve would like to thank Jeaniene Frost and Melissa Marr for introducing them, as well as Edward Necarsulmer IV at MacIntosh & Otis Literary Agency and Michelle Nagler and Margaret Miller at Bloomsbury for believing in this project.

From Carrie:

Thanks to Jackie Shriver, Karin Raymond, Chris LaSalle, Dave Lafleur, Dave Stoker, and Joe Tullgern for helping me make it through all the scary that happened before college. Thanks to my favorite knight, Edward Necarsulmer, Lori Bartlett, Marie Overlock, Alice Dow, Kelly R., Laura Hamor, Amilie Bacon, Jennifer Osborn, Jim Willis, Emily Ciciotte, Betty Morse, Lew Barnard, Melodye Shore, Deb Shapiro, Fans of Awesomeness, and Shaun Farrar for helping me make it through all the scariness of now.

From Steve:

Thanks to Gayleen Rabakukk and Paul White for keeping me going when writing was more frustration than fun. Thanks to Edward Necarsulmer for taking on Carrie’s friend. Thanks to Ms. Dragoun for not having me arrested when I wrote my first horror story in tenth grade, and to Dr. Gladys Lewis for showing me that literature is more than individual books. Thanks, also, to the students, staff, and my fellow faculty members at Western Heights High School. And in memory of Wilda Walker, who introduced me to creative writing and became a friend.