This section provides current useful resources. However, Passivhaus is a fast-moving area, so we have also set up a website,, which we aim to keep updated with links to useful new resources.
The Sustainable Building Association, formerly known as the Association for Environment Conscious Building. A network of individuals and organisations with a common aim of promoting sustainable building. For members there are useful discussion and technical forums, information on the AECB Gold Standard (with useful construction details), the opportunity to attend the annual conference, and discounts on CarbonLite courses.
0845 4569 773 to purchase the Passivhaus Planning Package (PHPP) software for AECB CarbonLite courses
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers. An international organisation whose aim is to increase knowledge about heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration.
Formerly known as the Building Research Establishment, but now known simply as BRE. Conducts research and offers consultancy for the built environment sector, and accreditation for Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) and BREAM sustainability standards.
01923 664000 for training and accreditation for specific services on Passivhaus, including UK Passivhaus climate data:
Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT)
Expertise in natural materials and sustainable building, including small-scale renewable energy generation. Vocational and postgraduate courses available.
01654 705950
CAT Graduate School: 01654 704985;
Information centre: 01654 705989;
International Passive House Association (iPHA)
The global Passivhaus network to promote the standard, increase public understanding and exchange knowledge. Members of the Passivhaus Trust in the UK automatically become members of the iPHA. The iPHA coordinates the Passive House Open Days internationally.
Run by the iPHA, bringing together Passivhaus-relevant articles from around the world on a Wiki-style site. Members of iPHA get access to more in-depth information. PHPP software is available for purchase.
Passive House Association Ireland (PHAI)
Aims to promote, educate, facilitate and develop a strong identity, understanding and demand for the Passive House concept.
Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)
Provides training, education and research for all US climate zones. PHIUS is not currently accredited by the Passivhaus Institut, but has its own certification scheme.
Passivhaus Institut (PHI), sometimes referred to as the Passive House Institute
Information and research, including publications (although largely in German). The 17th International Passive House Conference will be held on 19-20 April 2013 in Frankfurt, and includes an exhibition of the latest Passivhaus-suitable products. See (PHI home page in English) for a global directory of qualified Passivhaus Designers and Consultants for information on the new Certified Passivhaus Tradesperson qualification. Currently there are several certified tradespeople in Ireland but none in England, Wales or Scotland
for a database of certified building components, buildings, and Passivhaus Designers, Consultants and tradespeople
Passivhaus Trust
A subsidiary company of the AECB, this is a non-profit-making organisation for promoting Passivhaus and protecting the Passivhaus standard in the UK. UK Passivhaus Awards were run for the first time in 2012. Organises the UK Passivhaus Annual Conference.
020 7704 3502 for information on the Annual Conference
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Professional association of architects in the UK. The RIBA shop sells standard appointment contracts and stocks various advisory leaflets.
020 7580 5533
Zero Carbon Hub
Facilitates the delivery of zero-carbon and low-carbon homes in the UK. Offers useful publications and conducts research on ultra-low-energy housing.
0845 888 7620
IBO (The Austrian Institute for Building and Ecology Ltd) (2009). ‘IBO Book’: Passivhaus-Bauteilkatalog: Ökologisch bewertete Konstruktionen / Details for Passive Houses: A catalogue of ecologically rated constructions (German and English edition), Springer: New York. Extremely useful, if expensive, reference book of construction details, although not always well translated and some materials are unfamiliar to the UK. Many details include a psi-value (thermal bridge) calculation.
Cullingworth, B. and Nadin, V. (2006). Town and Country Planning in the UK. Fourteenth edition.
Routledge: Abingdon.
Detailed and comprehensive description of the UK’s planning system.
James, M. (2010). Recreating the American Home: The Passive House approach. Low Carbon Productions:
Larkspur, California.
An account of ten inspirational Passivhaus projects across the USA
Klingenberg, K., Kernagis, M. and James, M. (2008). Homes for a Changing Climate: Passive Houses in the US. Low Carbon Productions: Larkspur, California.
An overview of nine pioneering US projects in a range of climates.
Passivhaus Institut (PHI) (2010). The Passive House Architecture Award Book. Passivhaus Institut: Darmstadt.
Available from the iPHA website (see page 249)
Summary project details and photographs of 24 projects around the world.
Royal Institute of British Architects (2009). A Client’s Guide to Engaging an Architect: Guidance on hiring an architect for your project. RIBA Publishing: London.
Speer, R. and Dade, M. (2009). How to Get Planning Permission. Fourth edition. Ovolo Books: Kimbolton. A helpful, accessible guide to help self-builders get planning permission.
Passivhaus Designer/Consultant training courses
For a full list in Europe, visit In the UK there are three main approved training courses:
• AECB CarbonLite Passivhaus Designer course, held at a variety of locations. See
• BRE (Watford). See
• Strathclyde University (Glasgow) in cooperation with Scottish Passive House Centre (SPHC). See
Passivhaus Certifiers
The following are PHI-accredited Passivhaus Certifiers in the UK and Ireland:
• BRE. See (Note: this is a BRE certification scheme and relies heavily on Passivhaus Designer/ Consultant support)
• Cocreate. See
• MosArt Ltd. See
• WARM: Low Energy Building Practice. See
For current details of PHI-accredited Passivhaus Certifiers around the world, see
Useful tools
Bluebeam® software
Time-saving software for measuring lengths, areas and angles from pdfs. for information and downloads
Google SketchUp
Free basic version or ‘Pro’ version available to build 3D computer models of your project. Includes accurate sun-shading modelling. for information and downloads
Climate data for any site in the world in suitable format to insert into the PHPP, if regional data within the PHPP is not accurate. for information and download
THERM for free thermal bridge modelling software for CarbonLite training in the use of THERM for add-on software to THERM needed to calculate psi-values
WUFI and Delphin
Software for calculating heat and moisture transfer in building assemblies.
WUFI: for information and download, including a free reduced version
Delphin: for information and download, with a 10-day trial option
Specialist building materials and products
Back to Earth
Natural building solutions (Devon)
01363 866999,
Ecological Building Systems
Low-energy building products and some on-site training. (Co. Meath, Ireland)
Sustainable building materials (several branches)
01795 530130,
Green Building Store
Green building products. (Yorkshire)
01484 461705,
Mike Wye & Associates Ltd
Natural building and decorating products. (Devon)
01409 281644,
Natural Building Technologies (NBT)
Natural products and information. (Buckinghamshire)
01844 338 338,
Passivhaus Store
Specialist materials for ultra-low-energy builds. (Devon)
0345 257 1540,
Tŷ Mawr
Ecological building products (Powys, Wales)
01874 611350,
Airtightness testing
Air Tightness Testing and Measurement Association (ATTMA)
The main professional body for accrediting of airtightness testing.
020 8253 4514
Air Leakage, Detailing and Awareness Services (ALDAS)
The most experienced in the UK on airtight testing.
Paul Jennings: 07866 948200,
* Available in pdf format with live links at