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—, Complete Poems, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1978.
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Robichon, Jacques, The Second DDay, Londres, Arthur Baker, 1969 (originalmente publicado en francés como Le Débarquement de Provence: 15 Août 1944). [Existe versión en español: Desembarco en Provenza, 15 de agosto de 1944, Barcelona, Plaza & Janés, 1962. Trad.: Domingo Pruna].
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—, The Tiger and the Rose: an Autobiography, Londres, Hamish Hamilton, 1971.
—, A Proper Gentleman, Londres, Robson Books, 1977.
—, Argument of Kings, Londres, Robson Books, 1987.
—, Soldiering On: Poems of Military Life, Londres, Robson Books, 1989.
—, Drums of War: Growing Up in the Thirties, Londres, Robson Books, 1992.
—, Of Love and War: New and Selected Poems, Londres, Robson Books, 2002.
Sevareid, Eric, Not So Wild a Dream, Nueva York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1946.
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Shephard, Ben, A War of Nerves, Londres, Jonathan Cape, 2000.
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Smith, Allen y Ira L. Smith, Three Men on Third, Nueva York, Doubleday, 1951.
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