The thudding was persistent, a drumming
annoyance that intruded on her dreams. No matter how many times
Marguarita dragged the pillow over her head, pressing it to her
ears, the pounding not only continued, but became louder and much
more demanding. She wanted desperately to sleep. She was so tired
she couldn’t find the energy to move. Her arms and legs felt like
lead. Even her eyelids didn’t want to cooperate.
She lay for a long moment, listening to her
heartbeat. The sound was loud, echoing through her head. She could
hear the rush of the blood in her veins, and the sounds of insects
outside the house in the fields. Through it all was the persistent
knocking. Whoever it was at her front door was not going away
anytime soon—unless she was having a bizarre nightmare.
The thought of a nightmare didn’t alarm her, but
the idea that the noises she was hearing so easily were
outside the walls of the house did. Zacarias had explained,
but if she listened, she could hear the murmur of the cattle and
they were more than a mile from the house. Coming from the stable
was the stamp of horses and even the conversation of two of the men
working there. One was very concerned about Ricco.
A strange yelp and more banging on the door
convinced her she needed to get up. Experimenting, she tried to
lift one arm. She managed about an inch before, sighing, she let it
fall onto the mattress. It took some effort, but she rolled over to
stare at her ceiling fan slowly turning over her head. More banging
on the door and her sluggish mind began to function faster. What if
something had happened to Ricco? Maybe that was the reason the
workers were discussing him. She should have eavesdropped instead
of retreating like a scared baby.
What have you done to me?
Zacarias was deep in the ground far beyond the
everyday running of a ranch, while she was at everyone’s beck and
call. It was well and good to give orders, to demand she stay
indoors, try to force her to sleep during the day, but there was
work to be done and the ranch was used to her taking part—a big
Determined now, Marguarita forced her reluctant
body into a sitting position. Light spilled through the small crack
in the drapes at her window hitting across her face like a slap.
Her eyes burned, an instant painful searing that made her stomach
churn ominously and brought tears streaming down her face.
Throwing up her arm to protect her eyes, she
slipped from the bed, her legs and body trembling with the effort
to find her bones. She wanted to slide to the ground. It took more
effort to throw cold water on her face and neck, rinsing her eyes,
but she felt much better afterward. Still sluggish, her brain and
body tuned to another world, but at least she could drag on her
clothes without falling on her face.
Her hair was a wild mess and she did her best to
tame it as she hurried through the house on bare feet to get to the
front door. The problem with Zacarias’s precise instructions
regarding the safeguards on the house was, as she had no voice, she
couldn’t call out to ask who was outside, therefore she had to open
the door to see who was there. She tried to peek through the
window, but the sun nearly blinded her.
Sun scorch you right back, man of mine, she
declared vehemently in her head, a kind of sick amusement creeping
in. Where was the man when she was left to deal with the problems
he created? She was going to ask him that as soon as sleeping
beauty woke up.
Cautiously she cracked the door open. Lea stood
outside, her face swollen, one eye closed, the other drooping, her
lip cracked and bloody. Tears streamed down her face. She shook her
head when Marguarita yanked the door open and reached for her.
Pressing her hands to her mouth, she sobbed.
Marguarita caught her arm. The light was so
blinding, her sensitive eyes going as red as Lea’s, burning and
tearing the moment the sun hit them. Even her skin prickled, as if
shrinking away from the light. She stepped back instinctively,
drawing Lea with her. Lea made a sound, halfway between a groan and
a sobbing scream. Behind her, a man loomed, his face a triumphant
sneer, and he slammed his hand hard into Lea’s back, forcing her
forward into the house, propelling her into Marguarita. The two
women tumbled to the ground, a tangle of arms and legs, Lea pinning
Marguarita to the floor.
The stranger leaped through the door. “Hurry,
hurry,” he called to Esteban. His face was twisted into a demonic
mask, eyes darting around him in a kind of rolling terror even as
he leaped over the two women on the floor and whirled around in an
effort to see the entire interior at once. Esteban rushed through
after him, slamming the door closed and locking it.
A foul odor permeated the air the moment the two
men entered. A mixture of heavy garlic, fear and drugs oozed from
their pores, nearly gagging Marguarita.
The stranger reached down and caught Lea by her
blond hair and yanked. Lea grabbed his wrists in an effort to
relieve the pressure on her scalp, struggling to stand, glaring at
her brother, anger mixed with fear.
“Get up, bitch,” the stranger snapped.
Marguarita assumed she was the bitch, considering
Lea was already on her feet. Calm settled over her. There could be
only one reason these men were here. Esteban carried a satchel, and
it was heavy. Charlie Diaz, in his drunken state, had betrayed the
De La Cruz family, and by the silly necklace of garlic hanging
around Esteban’s neck and the foul garlicky odor pouring off of the
stranger, they were planning to kill Zacarias. It was up to her to
prevent these men from getting to his resting place.
She took her time, feigning pain as she struggled
to her feet. There was a panic button a few feet from her,
positioned near the door. If she hit that, her men would come
running, armed to the teeth, but they couldn’t get in if she didn’t
open the door to them. Swallowing hard—and it wasn’t that difficult
to look frightened—she stood, swaying a little, one hand going to
her scarred throat, the other searching for the wall as if to hold
her up.
Zacarias. Can you hear me? We’re in trouble. You
have to wake up and hear me.
The panic button was several feet from her, but at
least she had her hand on the wall and they were all buying her
fear. Now that they were in the house, they were a little less
agitated and a little more cocky.
DS threw Lea against the wall beside Marguarita and
swaggered over to stand in front of them, so close his garlicky
breath blasted their faces in hot, foul puffs as he spoke. He
deliberately invaded their space as a terror tactic. Marguarita
found, after facing a vampire and Zacarias, DS just didn’t scare
her as much as she thought he might. The realization that these men
couldn’t hold a candle to the dangerous beings she had dealt with
took her fear down another notch, allowing her to keep her
breathing even and steady. Her heart stopped pounding and her mind
settled into a quiet, logical machine, working on finding a
solution and a backup plan to her present predicament.
Zacarias. She tried again, this time
allowing that part of her that sent her spirit soaring free to find
him. He came into her fast, a melding of their spirits, strength
and courage and total reassurance. There was no panic in him, no
thought but destroying the danger to her. He had no thought of
himself—only her.
Marguarita hugged that knowledge to herself and it
bolstered her courage even more. She wasn’t alone trying to control
an impossible situation.
I need you to get rid of the safeguards at the
doors or windows so Cesaro and the others can come inside. Is that
She tried not to overreact as she shoved her hand
into her pocket and pulled out her notepad and pen. Hastily, and in
what she hoped was a trembling hand, she scribbled her
Who are you? What do you want?
“You know,” DS snapped. “You’re hiding him. We know
he’s here.”
Lea moistened her swollen lips. “DS thinks Zacarias
is a vampire. He plans to kill him.”
Marguarita frowned, her eyebrows drawing together
in puzzlement. She scribbled more on the notepad, taking her time,
letting Zacarias assess his enemies through her.
He is gone. He left late last night. They never
stay long.
DS slapped her hard, so hard the back of her head
connected with the wall. The speed was so shocking and the strike
so unexpected, Marguarita found herself disoriented for a moment.
Beneath her feet, a wave raised the floor. The walls
“Don’t you lie to me, you bitch. You’re his
guardian. I know he’s here and you’ll lead us to his resting
Call to Julio, Zacarias, and allow the men
entry. Marguarita did her best to get the entreaty across to
him. She was shaken at the savagery of DS’s reaction and his
apparent fanaticism.
Esteban giggled, a high-pitched, almost hysterical
sound. He didn’t necessarily believe in vampires, that much was
apparent to her, but DS provided his drugs and an unusual,
adrenaline-filled lifestyle. He craved the power DS had, and needed
the association, feeling like he was in the inner circle.
Marguarita wasn’t entirely certain the assessment was hers or
I am very weak, sívamet. I will strike
when I can kill them. I could alert Julio and Cesaro, but they will
have to unravel the safeguards and it is very dangerous. If I aid
them, I may not have the strength to strike when needed. I am very
close to the darkness, more so than most of my kind and the sun
takes a toll on me that is not the same as others.
She couldn’t hear any note of anxiety in his voice,
just that matter-of-fact way that he spoke of everything, but she
was locked to him tightly, feeling his emotions when even he
couldn’t, and his anxiety was all for her.
A Carpathian as close to the darkness as Zacarias
suffered the leaden weight of the sun much more than others. The
sun was at its highest point. DS had chosen his time well. He must
have studied—and believed—all the vampire legends. She let her
breath out slowly. Zacarias feared he would have only one chance to
strike through her. As it was, she was holding the
connection between them, not him. He wasn’t wasting his energy when
she was capable and that told her just how dire the consequence of
the afternoon sun really was for him.
Marguarita made a show of pressing her pen to the
paper again, taking her time, letting her hand shake, while her
mind raced. There was not going to be the opportunity to stall
these men until sunset. They were as aware as her just what
position the sun was in. She was going to have to keep them away
from Zacarias. Charlie had betrayed him, but evidently they didn’t
know Zacarias’s exact location. She could well imagine. Only those
serving inside the house knew where the sleeping chambers were
I am telling the truth. Señor De La Cruz left
late last night to go to one of his other residences. He does not
stay in one place long. She knew that would have a ring of
truth. Charlie had to have told them that, which was why they
hadn’t waited. It was obvious Lea had been brutally beaten and yet
she hadn’t given up Marguarita.
Remembering the ring and the words in the ancient
tongue engraved in the antique gold, she plunged her left hand into
her skirt pocket. She needed to remove the ring, but Zacarias,
being who and what he was, had made it the exact size to snugly fit
her finger. It would take a few tugs to slip it off.
Can you do that for me?
She felt his hesitation. He didn’t want to waste
the energy.
I can stall them for a time to give you time to
recoup. It will give me a small chance to convince them you aren’t
She already knew they weren’t going to take her
word for it and eventually, after a show of being beaten, she would
have to give up some location for them to dig in. If they had any
brains, they’d look at her throat and know she would never
give up his location no matter what they did to her.
Yes, you will. I will not allow them to put
another hand on you. Tell them.
Like hell, I’ll tell them.
His heart jerked. She felt it. That quiet
smoldering rage that built like a volcano beneath the earth. You
will obey me in this.
Actually, no, I don’t think I will. I can handle
them. If we get that far, you can destroy them, but I have weapons
all over the house. I just need to get a chance at them.
I forbid this.
Forbid away. Did he really think she would
give him up to these insane fanatics?
She handed the note to DS. He read it, cursed,
crumpled it up and threw it in her face. His fist hit the wall
beside her head.
She felt the ring loosen on her finger and slide
off into her pocket. The relief was instantaneous. Zacarias might
be angry with her, but he still reached out to protect her as best
he could. Even that small push of energy drained him. She could
feel his weakness—and his frustration. He remained alert, no longer
arguing with her, reading her determination just as easily as she
could read his anger and silent promise of retaliation. Strangely,
that made her shiver, frightening her more than DS and Esteban. But
not enough to allow them to get to Zacarias. She would take the
consequences as long as she saved his life.
“Do you think I’m kidding around with you? I can
hurt you like you’ve never been hurt.”
Lea reached out and took Marguarita’s hand in
silent camaraderie. “I’m sorry. There was no real way to warn
“Shut up,” DS snapped. He shoved Lea toward the
large family room. “Get in there. Both of you.”
Esteban snatched up the satchel and followed. His
face beaded with sweat, the smell permeating the room making
Marguarita want to gag. Both men were terrified, but so high and
elated at the thought of driving a stake through Zacarias’s heart
that they couldn’t stand still.
“Watch them,” DS snapped.
He prowled through the house, inspecting every nook
and cranny, paying attention to the floors, and closets, opening
every door. Marguarita kept the house in perfect order. There were
no marks on any of the floors indicating furniture had been moved,
or trap doors were installed. The floorboards appeared seamless,
even when DS moved throw rugs. She tried not to wince when she
heard pottery smashing on the floor, or her dishes being thrown as
his frustration and anger grew.
Her heart gave a little thud of protest when he
stalked back into the room, fury on his face. His eyes locked onto
hers as he marched toward her determinedly. Lea gave a small squeal
of fear and moved closer to Marguarita as though she might protect
her. Marguarita withdrew immediately from Zacarias, not wanting him
to witness or feel what was coming. She heard the sharp echo of his
protest, but she broke the contact off anyway. He was already upset
with her for not disclosing his location, so what did it really
matter if she could spare him this?
His face was a twisted mask. “You will tell me what
I want to know, you little demon bitch.” Spittle flew from his
mouth. His eyes were maniacal.
DS rained blows on Marguarita without mercy, her
face, her stomach, every unprotected part of her body until she
went to the floor and he kicked her repeatedly. Marguarita was
grateful she couldn’t scream. No sound emerged, no matter how much
she cried out in pain. She did her best to cover her face and body
while the blows continued, curling into the fetal position. The
attack continued forever it seemed. She lost track of time, her
mind a haze of pain.
“You’re going to kill her,” Esteban yelled, rushing
“Good. The bitch deserves it.” DS yanked his arm
away from Esteban and delivered another hard kick to her hip.
“She doesn’t know or she would have told
“She knows. They protect their masters. They’re
like dogs, guarding them, with no minds of their own.” He continued
to rain down punches and kicks, striking anywhere he could, legs,
hips, arms and back, even her head.
Esteban grabbed DS again, pulling him away from
her. “She won’t be able to lead us to the resting place and no one
else knows. By the time we tear up the floor, the sun will have
DS shoved Esteban away from him with enough force
to send him staggering. DS wiped his hand over his face as if
clearing his mind. The wild look in his eyes receded. He spit at
Marguarita and paced across the floor. There was only the sound of
his ragged breathing as he worked to get himself under control.
Eventually he dug out a silver vial and dumped white powder on the
small table in the corner of the room.
Esteban’s eyes lit up. He started over but DS waved
him away. “Watch them.”
“They aren’t going anywhere,” Esteban whined. He
licked his lips.
Lea slid down the wall, her movements very careful
as she positioned herself beside Marguarita. She leaned toward
Marguarita, placed her lips against her ear and whispered as softly
as she could, “Are you okay?”
Marguarita couldn’t catch her breath. There were so
many places on her body that hurt and her ribs burned, robbing her
of all air. Tears swam in her eyes, obscuring her vision, or maybe
it was blood. She could taste it in her mouth. Her lip was swollen
and painful. She curled a little tighter in response, praying DS
would stay away from her.
Lea put her hand on Marguarita’s arm in a gesture
of comfort, tears streaming down her face. She looked pleadingly at
her brother. His eyes were on the white powder DS was carefully
chopping into straight lines on the table. He crept closer, licking
his lips repeatedly, his hands shaking in excitement and need. Lea
closed her eyes in disgust.
“DS, I need it, come on,” Esteban pleaded, his
voice shaking.
DS swung around, swearing. “You act like a bitch in
heat, you want it so bad, crawl to me, on your hands and knees.
Show your high and mighty sister what a bitch dog you are.”
“Don’t, Esteban,” Lea pleaded in a whisper. “Look
what he’s doing to you.”
Esteban didn’t turn around. He had eyes for only
the white powder. Deliberately, DS took his silver straw and
sniffed an entire line up his nose. He threw his head back and
howled, as if he was a wolf, howling at the moon. “Damn, that’s
good shit.”
Esteban stumbled forward, and immediately DS’s
expression changed from rapture to pure contempt. He slapped
Esteban and shoved him. “Get away from me, you bitch dog. You want
it, you gotta earn it. Crawl across the room on your knees in front
of your fuckin’ sister.”
A sob escaped Lea as Esteban slowly sank to his
hands and knees and crawled in front of DS who watched with
triumphant, gleaming eyes, his twisted face infused with glee.
Laughing, he spat at Esteban, the spit hitting his cheek and slowly
dribbling down to his chin.
DS kicked at him when Esteban tried to wipe his
face clean. “Leave it. It may remind you who’s in charge. Don’t
interfere again.” He turned his back and sniffed another line of
the powder.
Esteban crouched on the floor at his feet, looking
at him with desperation. He made a single sound of pleading in the
back of his throat and tried to slide up to DS.
“Get back. You haven’t begged properly yet. Sit up
and beg. Come on, little doggie. Sit up and wag your tail like a
good little pet.”
Marguarita shifted, the subtlest of movements. When
she’d fallen, she made certain to fall near the end table where a
knife was kept taped beneath the small drawer. She let her hand
creep very slowly up the wood, not wanting to draw DS’s attention.
He was focused on tormenting Esteban and seemed, for the moment, to
have forgotten her.
It hurt to move. Everything hurt, just the act of
lifting her arm was painful, as if there were minor cracks in her
bone. She was certain the damage was all severe bruising, but that
small, subtle movement still sent white lightning streaking through
her body.
Lea’s eyelashes fluttered. She frowned at
Marguarita and slowly shook her head, fearing repercussions, but,
although she clearly didn’t understand what Marguarita’s hand was
doing sliding so stealthily up the leg of the end table, she
valiantly shifted her body just enough to block DS’s view should he
look. Her eyes went wide when Marguarita’s fist came away from
under the table with the knife. The blade was four inches long and
honed to a razor-sharp edge, tucked inside a smooth leather sheath.
Marguarita shoved the knife as deep into the pocket of her skirt as
she possibly could.
Her eyes met Lea’s. She supposed she looked as bad
as her friend. She could tell her eye was swelling, and her mouth
hurt. She touched her tongue to her split lip and winced. She had
deliberately provoked DS. He would be suspicious if she suddenly
gave up Zacarias without a fight. She needed to provide him with an
authentic reason to be afraid. She figured if Lea could survive his
beating, so could she. He’d been a little more enthusiastic than
she’d counted on.
She felt the sudden stirring in her mind, a pouring
of ice into her body. She shivered, but hastily reached out to meet
Zacarias halfway, trying to take the burden of energy from
What are you doing? His voice was very
calm—too calm. She felt the edge even though she couldn’t hear
Dios. She had not expected him to connect
with her so soon. She couldn’t hide the pain of her bruises from
him. He had to be feeling every blow to her body. Seeing inside him
and feeling his emotions, she knew it was far worse for him to lie
helpless beneath the ground while she was in danger. It was the
worst possible situation for a dominant, protective male such as
Zacarias. He was trapped. Their enemies had chosen the perfect time
to strike, when his body was leaden and he was unable to do
anything but stay connected to Marguarita as DS and Esteban did
what they wanted to her.
I think the longer I can stall them, the closer
we’ll get to the sun setting and that will allow you much more
strength. It was a logical plan, the best she had. Stall and
stall again. Use everything she could think of. Turn them against
one another. Whatever it took.
I have stated that I forbid this. I will not
have you put yourself in harm’s way. Lead them to me
Marguarita sighed. You know I can’t do that,
she said as gently as possible.
Zacarias didn’t respond. She felt his smoldering
rage, buried deep, threatening to erupt, but he didn’t bother to
argue. Like her, he was wound tight through her mind, and he could
read her determination.
He didn’t have to understand. Marguarita sighed
again and tried not to let his disapproval hurt her. This was her
decision to make—not his—her life to risk. There was no doubt in
her mind that he would risk his life for hers without even
considering any other alternative.
It is different. It is my right and duty to
protect you.
She could almost see him snapping his teeth like a
hungry wolf, impatient with what he considered her defiance. There
was no reasoning with him. He was set in his way, certain he was
right, and she wouldn’t—couldn’t—give in to him. He made her
nervous with that quiet promise of retaliation she sensed, that
absolute iron will she knew she wouldn’t get around, but he had
come up against that side of her that was just as determined and
just as certain she was justified.
Zacarias, you were able to darken the sky and
emerge before sunset to save Ricco. It was close, but it was still
before you should have been able to do so. And when I found you
that morning. . . She hated bringing that morning up. He had
chosen an honorable death and she had interfered. He had been
righteously angry with her. You should have been dead already,
completely incinerated, the sun had been out for a little while. I
think you’re more resistant to it than you believe. If I stall them
and my plan doesn’t work, and they get to your resting place, then
you’ll be that much stronger.
I have forbidden you to endanger
She sighed. There was no getting through a brick
wall. We’ll have to agree to disagree.
As long as you understand all consequences are
also your choice.
She shivered, blinking back tears when she made the
mistake of biting down on her swollen lip. You’re making this
worse for me.
She needed him to retreat, to allow her to
concentrate on misleading DS and Esteban. It took courage and
Zacarias could sap her courage faster than anyone. Marguarita felt
Zacarias’s instant, instinctive rejection of her evaluation.
Lea gripped her wrist, distracting her. Her gaze
jumped to Esteban as he went up on his knees, his arms curled in
the classic begging position.
“Tongue out, faithful Fido,” DS laughed. He went
back a third time, taking most of the powder.
Esteban cried out and flung himself forward,
shoving his face onto the table in desperation. A single sound
emerged from Lea, a low keening moan. She buried her face in her
hands, unable to watch her brother humiliate himself for the
Marguarita pulled her notepad out of her other
pocket and carefully scribbled a message to Lea. It could
not fall into DS or Esteban’s hands.
There is a panic button at the top of the stairs
under the picture of my father. If you can open the front door, hit
that button. All the men will come running. But they can’t enter
the house if the door isn’t open.
Marguarita snuck a quick peek at DS, who was
laughing hysterically at Esteban. She continued, writing as fast as
she could, her body covering the movements.
You can’t hit the button to call the men if you
can’t get the door open for them. Too dangerous.
She slid the paper across the floor faceup under
Lea’s hand, so she could read it. Lea peered through her fingers at
the note. Her eyes went wide and she nodded. Before Marguarita
could take back the paper, she crumbled it into her fist and
brought it to her mouth. Marguarita smiled at her. They were locked
forever in that moment of complete camaraderie and understanding.
She could count on Lea. They were in it together. Live or
DS’s maniacal laughter cut off abruptly. Marguarita
felt every muscle tense as his gaze settled on the two women.
“What are you lying on the floor for? Get your
asses up. If you want this bitch to live through the next five
minutes, tell me where he is.” He stalked across the room and
dragged Lea to her feet, shoving his gun against her left
Marguarita struggled to stand, making a show of
pulling herself up the wall, gasping and clutching her ribs. She
looked around her for help, and then caved when he pressed the
muzzle tight against Lea’s eye.
Marguarita indicated the kitchen with her chin, her
gaze sliding away from his in a cowed manner. DS stepped close to
her, catching her arm, jerking her close to him. The smell of the
drug oozed from his pores making her want to gag. She cowered away
from him, throwing up her other arm as a shield as if to protect
her battered face.
He gripped her tighter, his fingers digging into
her skin, wanting to leave bruises, wanting her to feel his
strength. Realization of how gently Zacarias touched her flooded
her mind, bringing her a warmth she hugged to herself. Zacarias’s
strength was ten times what this man’s was, yet once he’d learned
that humans were indeed quite different from Carpathians, his care
of her had always been uppermost in his mind. Even when he was a
little rough during sex, marking her body, he took the time to ease
any soreness after he’d learned her body’s responses.
DS was a man who enjoyed inflicting pain and
humiliation on others. DS was the monster Zacarias thought himself
to be. Zacarias would never prolong suffering for the sake of
watching it. He dispensed justice. He eradicated evil, but he
didn’t enjoy his job. He simply did it to the best of his
“Esteban, get your ass up off the floor.”
For the first time, Marguarita allowed herself to
look at Lea’s brother. DS had knocked the remaining powder from the
table onto the floor. Esteban was busily trying to get every speck.
His face, when he looked up, was speckled with white. Her heart
went out to Lea who made a soft sound of pain.
DS heard her and laughed, enjoying himself even
more. “Yeah, Lea, look at him. Your big brother, that’s all that
matters to him. Not you. You follow him all around the world. You
know what he does? He smuggles weapons for me. He traffics women.
Children. Whatever I ask. He’d sell his soul for that drug. And
this one . . .” He shook Marguarita like a rag doll. “She serves
the devil. You really need to have better judgment.”
Listen to his voice. He is very angry with her.
He obviously belongs to the society that believes in vampires and
has targeted my family for death, but there is much more to
Marguarita’s heart jumped. She hadn’t known
Zacarias was still in her mind, quiet and careful, a presence
watching, but she should have. Once she was in danger, whether she
was holding the bridge between them or not, he wouldn’t leave her
alone. He was that kind of man. Her mind worked quickly to grasp
what he was saying.
Lea was in desperate trouble, maybe more than
Marguarita was. DS was fanatical about vampires, but this wasn’t
all about Zacarias. DS had sought out Esteban for a reason, had
controlled him out of anger. This was about Lea.
He must have tried to make a move on her first,
before all this. She has a natural ability to recognize evil. She
probably is not aware of it, but she would definitely resist any
advances, because her subconscious would protect her. He is drawn
to light and innocence and needs to corrupt and destroy it. He
wants her. You can use that. He will not want to kill her. Hurt
her—yes—but not kill her.
Marguarita was appalled. I am not going to put
her in danger.
There was a brief moment of warmth slipping through
the ice in her mind. Silly woman. You want her to run to the
door and open it for Cesaro and his men. I am telling you he will
not kill her. That should ease your mind, not make you feel guilty.
You truly are a little illogical lunatic.
She knew he was trying to distract her from fear.
Fear paralyzed anyone, and with DS dragging her into the kitchen,
her heart pounded, accelerating out of control. She could taste the
coppery flavor of her own blood in her mouth. This plan had to
work. Zacarias had made her feel a little better. At least he
wasn’t raging at her, making things worse.
She stumbled several times, each tiny delay a
second she counted in Zacarias’s favor. She pointed very
reluctantly to the root cellar door with a trembling hand. The
moment DS dropped her arm, she hastily pulled out her
He will kill me for such a betrayal.
DS wrenched the satchel from Esteban’s hands.
“He’ll be dead when I drive a stake through his heart, cut off his
head and fill his mouth with garlic.”
“You can’t believe Zacarias De La Cruz is sleeping
under the ground,” Lea burst out. “You’re insane to think
Marguarita touched her wrist and urgently shook her
head, but Lea continued, her voice filled with contempt.
“He’s a man, flesh and blood, just like us. I’ve
seen him. He’s far too elegant to ever have slept in dirt. He
didn’t have fangs and I sat at a table with him drinking tea and
eating cake.”
DS reacted immediately, savagely, swinging out with
the heavy satchel, slamming the bag into Lea’s stomach, doubling
her over. Lea fell into the wall, hitting the back of her head
hard. She slid to the floor. DS kicked her hip and spat. He grabbed
Marguarita by her long hair and dragged her to the door of the
“You first, bitch, just in case this is a
Is she dead? Could you tell? Frantically, as
she opened the cellar door, she called out to Zacarias. She should
have tried harder to stop Lea from taunting DS. Lea didn’t seem to
realize that she was the trigger.
Turn your head.
She felt Zacarias moving in her and for a moment
her vision was strange. She held her breath as DS yanked her back
around and nearly shoved her down the stairs. She caught the wall,
switching on the light. The stairs were narrow and steep. Only one
person at a time could go down them.
She is alive. I saw her chest moving.
Relief swept over her. She let out her breath and
began the descent into the root cellar. She took each stair
cautiously, trying to count out ten seconds between each step,
aware of the sun’s position as she never had been before. There was
still far too much time before it sank and allowed Zacarias his
“Esteban, bring your sister down here. If she
refuses to walk, drag her down by her feet.”
Esteban laughed. “You’re one mean son of a bitch,
“I told you never to call me that,” DS
Furious, he shoved Marguarita between the shoulder
blades, sending her flying. She landed hard, facedown in the dirt,
the wind knocked out of her. DS stepped over her and looked around
with satisfaction. The floor was all dirt. The place was cool and
dark, a perfect environment for vampires. He glanced at his watch
before toeing Marguarita.
“Get over there, against the wall, away from the
She scrambled to get out of his reach, wincing when
Lea screamed. She was proud of her friend for not pleading with
Esteban. It was evident that he was lost to them, in the grip of
the drug and deep under DS’s influence. Lea sank down beside her
and they held hands, the folds of Marguarita’s skirt hiding that
small act of camaraderie.
“What will happen when they don’t find anything,”
Lea whispered fearfully.
Marguarita shrugged a little helplessly. She tasted
dread in her mouth. She would have to act to save Zacarias. She
would never give him up. She hadn’t betrayed him to the vampire and
she wouldn’t to such a foul creature as DS.
Both men began to shovel dirt as fast as they
could. The soil was rather loose on the top and easy at first, but
as they went deeper it became more difficult, packed tight, hard,
almost like cement.
“Do you see, Esteban? This is his resting place or
it wouldn’t be like this.” Excitement permeated DS’s voice.
“It’s damned difficult,” Esteban complained.
“Just keep digging.”
Marguarita had never known any of their soil to be
so hard and she could only surmise that Zacarias had used his
energy to change the composition.
Don’t. You’ll need your strength just in case I
fail, she reprimanded.
I am of the earth and Mother Earth protects her
own as best she can.
The cryptic reply didn’t help her anxiety very
much. An hour and a half crept by. Both men had long ago shed their
shirts, sweating and swearing. The earth yawned open like a
beckoning monster, the gaping hole a good six feet in depth.
DS wiped the sweat from his face and glared at
Marguarita, his face once again a mask of fury. “You lied to
Esteban screamed, the sound high-pitched and
frightened. He pointed toward the hole, backing away.