- Ching Francis D K Winkel Steven R International Code Council
- Building Codes Illustrated
- index1.xhtml
- AA (Aluminum Association), 397
- Accessibility, 259–286
- accessible route, 262,
265, 268, 279,
- Americans with Disabilities Act, 4, 7,
- control devices, 278
- customer-service facilities, 278
- definitions, 262–263
- designing for, 260
- detectable warnings, 278
- drinking fountains, 276
- dwelling units and sleeping units, 263, 268–271
- accessible route, 268
- general exceptions, 270–271
- institutional group I, 269
- residential group R, 269
- rooms and spaces, 268
- egress requirements, 216
- elevators, 277, 443
- entrances, 266
- International Building Code, 259
- kitchens, 276
- lifts, 277
- parking and passenger loading facilities, 267
- recreational facilities, 279–281
- scoping requirements, 264
- seating, 278
- signage, 282, 286
- sinks, 276
- special occupancies, 272–274
- assembly areas, 272–273
- self-service storage facilities, 274
- sport activity areas, 279–280
- storage, 277
- supplementary requirements, 283–286
- accessible route, 283
- Appendix E, 283
- communication features, 284
- definitions, 283
- signage, 286
- special occupancies, 283
- telephones, 285
- transit facilities, 286
- toilet and bathing facilities, 275–276,
- unoccupied spaces, interior environment, 299
- Accessibility Guidelines, Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADAAG), 4, 276, 283.
See also Americans with Disabilities
- Accessible parking spaces, 45
- Accessible route
- defined, 262
- dwelling units and sleeping units, 268
- recreational facilities, 279
- requirements for, 265
- supplementary requirements, 283
- See also Accessibility
- Accessory occupancy
- building heights and areas, 90
- egress requirements, 205–206
- ACI. See American Concrete
- Acoustical ceiling tile (interior finishes), 168
- Actual dimensions (wood), 408
- Actual number (occupant load), 204
- ADA. See Americans with
Disabilities Act
- ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG), 4, 276,
- Adaptability, 263
- ADAS. See Americans with
Disabilities Act Standards
- Adhered masonry veneers (exterior walls), 313
- Admixtures (concrete), 390
- Aerial supports (rooftop structures), 342
- Aggregate, concrete, 390
- AHJ. See Authorities Having
- Air movement, corridors (exit-access requirements),
- Airports, accessibility (supplementary requirements),
- Air transfer openings, fire-resistive construction,
- AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute), 407, 435
- Aisle accessways, 257
- Aisles (egress requirements), 203, 234
- Alarms
- Allowable stress design (masonry), 401
- Alternate means and methods, 11, 375
- Alternating tread stairways (egress requirements),
- Alternative paths (egress), 199
- Aluminum, 397
- Aluminum Association (AA), 397
- Ambulatory health-care facilities
- business group B, 23
- described, 54–55
- American Concrete Institute (ACI)
- American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), 407, 435
- American National Standards Institute
- building materials, 409,
- egress requirements, 229
- fire-alarm and detection systems, 193
- special inspections, 370, 371
- American Society for Testing and Materials. See
ASTM International
- American Society of Civil Engineers
- building materials, 401,
406, 435
- earthquake load, 355
- installation of wall coverings, 310, 313
- rain load, 354
- site ground motion, 356
- snow loads, 351
- special inspections, 373
- structural design, 346
- wind load, 352
- American Softwood Lumber Standard, 409
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- accessibility, 259–261
- described, 4
- egress components, 200
- historic preservation, 7
- special occupancies, 272
- supplementary requirements, 283
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility
Guidelines (ADAAG), 4, 276, 283
- Americans with Disabilities Act Standards
- dwelling units and sleeping units, 271
- egress requirements, 202, 218,
- recreational facilities, 279
- signage, 282
- supplementary requirements, 283, 285,
- Amusement rides, accessible, 279
- Analysis, International Building Code, 18
- Anchorage
- concrete, 390
- structural design requirements, 348
- Anchor buildings (covered and open malls), 35–37
- Anchored masonry veneers
(exterior walls), 310
- Angle (metric equivalencies), xiv
- ANSI. See American National
Standards Institute
- Apartments, 37, 97
- Appeals, to International Code Council, 12
- Appendix E (IBC), 259,
- Arches (wood), 412–413
- Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance
Board (ATBCB), 4
- Architectural elements, earthquake loads for, 365
- Area (metric equivalencies), xiv. See also Building area; Building heights and
- Areas of refuge (egress requirements), 216, 226
- Areas of sport activity, accessibility, 279–280
- Artificial lighting (interior environment), 293
- ASCE. See American Society of
Civil Engineers
- Asphalt shingles (roof covering materials), 325–326
- Assembly group A
- accessibility, 272–273
- automatic sprinkler systems, 172–173
- described, 20–22
- panic hardware requirements, 220
- parking facilities, 97
- Assembly occupancies
- covered and open mall buildings, 36
- egress requirements, 205–208,
- occupant load calculations, 205–208
- ASTM International
- building materials, 409,
435, 436, 440
- construction types, 99,
101, 108, 111
- egress, 230
- exterior walls, 305,
306, 319, 320
- fire-resistance ratings, 41, 116–117,
146, 147, 162–164
- glued laminated timbers, 409
- roof assemblies, 326,
331, 334, 337
- sound transmission, 296
- Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building
Construction and Materials, 99
- ATBCB (Architectural and Transportation Barriers
Compliance Board), 4
- Atriums, described, 42–43
- Attics
- Audible alarms (fire-protection systems), 188, 193.
See also Fire-alarm and detection
- Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), v
- accessibility requirements, 259, 264
- Americans with Disabilities Act, 7
- building codes, 6
- building height, 16
- construction document review, 347
- construction types, 105
- egress requirements, 204, 445
- exit design requirements, 247
- exterior walls, 306,
- fire-protection systems, 176, 180,
- fire-resistive construction, 128
- innovative products, 11
- intent and interpretation, 10–13
- occupancy, 20, 27, 32,
40, 54, 98
- project size, 18
- Automatic garage door openers, 44
- Automatic gates, 44
- Automatic sprinkler systems. See Sprinkler systems
- Automatic teller machines, accessibility, 284
- Backfill, 378
- Balconies, 122, 179, 239
- Bar spacing (concrete), 394
- Basements
- defined, 58, 59
- soil lateral load, structural design requirements,
- space dimensions, 298
- See also Crawl
- Base shear, 361
- Bathing facilities
- accessibility, 275–276,
- gypsum board and plaster, 435
- materials, 300
- plumbing systems, 442
- safety glazing, 431,
- space dimensions, 298
- ventilation, 291
- Bathrooms. See Bathing
facilities; Toilet
- Beams (wood), 412
- Bearing wall. See Load bearing
- Bed joints (masonry construction), 399
- Beds
- Below grade, floors, 177
- Bend diameters (concrete), 394
- Blocking, 318
- Boating facilities, accessible, 280
- BOCA. See Building Officials and
Code Administrators
- Bond strength, 41
- Boring, 422
- Bowling lanes, 279
- Boxing rings, 281
- Braced frame, defined, 347
- Braced walls, wood, 417,
- Brick, 153
- Building area
- Building codes, 1–8
- federal and national, 4
- future prospects, 8
- historical perspective, 1–2
- intent and interpretation, 9–13
- interactions among, 6–7
- legal basis for, 7
- model codes, 2–3
- specialty codes, 6
- state and local, 5
- See also International Building
Code (IBC); Model codes; specific codes
and code applications
- Building configuration, earthquake loads, 358–359
- Building heights and areas, 57–98
- allowable, 63–65, 67–81
- area determination, 80
- equations, 80–81
- frontage increases, 80
- Table 504, 63–65, 67–79
- Table 506, 67–79
- area modifications, 81–83
- calculation procedure, 84–87
- definitions, 58–59
- exceptions to limitations, 60
- generally, 57
- IBC components, 16
- IBC use, 15
- limitations, 61–62
- mezzanines, 66
- mixed use and occupancy, 90–94
- accessory occupancies, 90
- incidental uses, 93–94
- separated vs. nonseparated
occupancies, 91–92
- special provisions, 95–98
- Table 504, 63–65, 67–79
- Table 506, 67–79
- unlimited-area buildings, 88–89
- See also Building
- Building-integrated photovoltaic panels (roof
assemblies), 336
- Building materials. See Materials
- Building Officials and Code Administrators
(BOCA), 2, 3, 5
- Building separations and shafts
- building area determination, 58
- fire-resistive construction, 141–142
- high-hazard group H, 25
- high-rise buildings, 40
- International Building Code components, 17
- live-work units, 53
- special provisions, 95
- Building systems. See Systems
- Building thermal envelope. See Exterior walls
- Building ventilation, 288
- Built-up coverings (roof covering materials), 333
- Bulkheads (rooftop structures), 343
- Business group B
- automatic sprinkler systems, 173
- described, 23
- factory and industrial group F vs., 23, 24
- occupant load calculations, 205–206
- parking facilities, 97–98
- Calculated fire-resistances (fire-resistive
construction), 157–160
- concrete assemblies, 158
- steel assemblies, 159
- wood assemblies, 160
- Capacity
- egress requirements, 203
- exit-discharge, 253
- Carports, 44. See
also Motor-vehicle-related
- Cast-in-place concrete, defined, 390
- Cast-in-place concrete piles, 387–388
- Cast-in-place deep foundations, 387–388
- Cedar, classification of, 409
- Ceiling(s)
- acoustical ceiling tile, 168
- interior finishes, 162–165
- light-transmitting plastics, 440
- Ceiling framing, wood, 426–427
- Ceiling height
- Cementitious materials, concrete, 390
- Chicago, Illinois, building codes, 2
- Circular handrails, 227
- Circulation
- accessible route, 265
- covered and open mall buildings, 36–37
- City codes, historical perspective, 2
- Classification, wood standards and quality, 409
- Clay tile (roof covering materials), 327
- Clear height (motor-vehicle-related occupancies),
- Climate
- concrete, 391
- masonry construction, 400
- snow load, 351
- structural design loads, 351, 353
- wind load, 352
- Clinics, outpatient, 54
- CLT (cross laminated timber), 113, 409
- Code analysis, International Building Code, 18
- Code compliance, 12
- Code of Hammurabi, 1–2
- Code room tags, 13
- Columns
- Combustible materials
- Common-path-of-egress travel (exit-access requirements),
- Communications (accessibility, supplementary
requirements), 284, 285
- Compliance, code, 12
- Composite lumber (minimum dimensions), 412
- Concealed spaces, fire-resistive construction, 148–149,
- Concrete, 390–396
- ACI standards, 390
- bar spacing, 394
- bend diameters, 394
- cylinder tests, 391
- definitions, 390
- fire protection, 395
- formwork, 392
- joints, 392
- reinforcement methods, 393–394
- special inspections, 372
- strength and durability, 391
- structural plain concrete, 395
- Concrete assemblies, calculated fire-resistances,
- Concrete tile (roof covering materials), 327
- Condensation control, 395
- Conference room (egress requirements), 205
- Construction documents, described, 347
- Construction joints (concrete), 392
- Construction type, 99–114
- building heights and areas, 57, 63–65,
- classification, 101
- combustible materials on exterior walls, 317
- exterior walls, 317–318
- generally, 99–100
- gypsum, 435
- IBC components, 16
- IBC use, 14
- passive fire protection, 102–103
- plastics, 438, 440
- roof assembly requirements, 324
- Table 504 (IBC), 100
- Table 506 (IBC), 100
- Table 601 (IBC), 100,
- Table 602 (IBC), 107
- Type I, 108–109
- Type II, 108–109
- Type III, 110
- Type IV, 111–113
- Type V, 114
- Continuity, corridors (exit-access requirements),
- Continuous accessible route, 262
- Contraction joints (concrete), 392
- Control areas (high-hazard group H), 25
- Control devices (accessibility), 278
- Convection, 123,
- Cooking facilities (institutional group I), 52
- Cooling towers (rooftop structures), 339
- Corridors
- exit-access requirements, 236–239
- institutional group I occupancy, 50–52
- open-ended exit design, 249
- Courts
- building area determination, 58
- egress courts, 254
- interior environment, 294–295
- sports courts, 279
- Covered and open mall buildings, described, 34–38
- Crawl spaces
- Cripple walls, wood, 422
- Cross laminated timber (CLT), 113, 409
- Cupolas (rooftop structures), 340
- Custodial care facilities, 26
- Customer-service facilities, accessibility for, 278
- Cylinder tests, concrete, 391
- Dampers (ducts and air transfer openings), 147
- Dampproofing (soils and foundations), 379
- Dead end corridors (exit-access requirements), 238
- Dead load
- defined, 346
- structural design requirements, 349
- Decay resistance, wood, 409, 414–415
- Decks, 122, 320
- Decorations (interior finishes), 167
- Deep foundations, 384–388
- cast-in-place deep foundations, 387–388
- drilled shafts, 387–388
- driven piles, 386
- Deflection limits (earthquake loads), 360
- Depositories (accessibility, supplementary requirements),
- Detailing, earthquake loads, 364
- Detectable warnings (transit platforms),
- Diameters, bend, 394
- Diaphragms, 358,
362, 375
- Dimensions, wood, 408
- Directional signage (accessibility), 282
- Disabled people, public transportation and, 262
- Discharge identification barrier (exit design), 243
- Dispensing stations, 49
- Diving boards (accessibility), 281
- Documentation
- code analysis, IBC, 18
- code interpretation, 13
- Domes (rooftop structures), 340
- Door(s)
- egress requirements, 211, 217,
- exit-access requirements for arrangement of, 215
- exit-access requirements for number of, 212, 214
- fire doors, 145–146
- safety glazing, 431
- Door closers (egress requirements), 202
- Dormers (rooftop structures), 343
- Draft-stopping (concealed spaces, fire-resistive
construction), 149
- Drainage
- roof assembly requirements, 322
- soils and foundations, 379
- Drift, P-delta effects and (earthquake loads), 362
- Drift limits (earthquake loads), 360
- Drilled shafts (deep foundations), 387–388
- Drinking fountains, accessibility of, 276
- Driven piles (deep foundations), 386
- Ductile element, defined, 346
- Ducts (fire-resistive construction), 147
- Durability, 391
- Dwelling units
- accessibility of, 268–271
- recreational facilities for, 279
- Dwelling unit type, defined, 263
- Dynamic analysis procedure (earthquake loads), 363
- Earthquake loads, 355–365
- architectural, mechanical and electrical components,
- braced walls, wood, 424
- building configuration, 358–359
- deflection and drift limits, 360
- detailing, 364
- drift and P-delta effects, 362
- dynamic analysis procedure, 363
- equivalent lateral force procedure, 361
- horizontal shear distribution, 362
- masonry construction, 400
- minimum design lateral force, 360
- overturning, 362
- redundancy, 360
- seismic base shear, 361–362
- seismic design categories, 357
- seismic-force-resisting systems, 363
- site ground motions, 356
- special inspections, 369
- structural design requirements, 357
- vertical distribution, 362
- See also Seismic design
categories (SDC)
- Eastern red cedar, classification of, 409
- Eaves, 121
- Edge protection, ramps (egress requirements), 225
- Educational group E
- automatic sprinkler systems, 174
- business group B vs., 23
- described, 24
- egress requirements for panic hardware, 220
- storm shelters, 56
- Efficiency dwelling unit, room area for, 299
- Egress, 197–258
- aisle accessways, 257
- alternative paths, 199
- assembly occupancies, 255–256
- components of, 200–201
- concepts in, 198
- defined, 198
- elevators, 444, 445
- emergency escape, 258
- escalators, 446
- exit access, 231
- exit-access requirements, 231–239
- exit design, 240–249
- components, 241
- discharge identification barrier, 243
- exterior exit stairways, 248
- generally, 240
- horizontal exits, 246–247
- interior exit stairways and ramps, 241
- luminous path markings, 245
- open-ended corridors, 249
- openings and penetrations, 242
- passageways, 244
- signage, 243
- smoke-proof enclosures, 244
- vertical-enclosure exterior walls, 243
- exit discharge, 250–254
- access to public way, 253
- capacity, 253
- components, 254
- egress courts, 254
- intervening spaces, 251–252
- exit portion, 231
- flow, 198
- IBC components, 17
- IBC use, 15, 197
- protection for, 199
- requirements, 202–230
- accessible, 216
- ceiling height, 202
- common-path-of-egress travel,
- doors, 217, 218
- doorway arrangements, 215
- elevation changes, 203
- elevators, escalators and moving walks, 203
- enclosures under stairs, 222–223
- exit-access components, 212
- gates, 217
- guards, 228–229
- handrails, 227
- illumination, 216
- landings, 218
- locks and latches, 219
- multiple occupancies, 208
- number of exits and doorways, 212, 214
- occupant load, 204–208
- panic hardware, 220
- protruding objects, 202
- ramps, 203, 224–225
- roof access, 224
- signage, 226
- sizing, 209–211
- stairways, 221–223
- turnstiles, 217
- width and capacity, 203
- window sill height, 230–231
- See also Exit(s); Exit design
- Egress balconies (exit-access), 239
- Egress courts (exit discharge), 254
- Egress doors, 217
- Electrical power systems
- earthquake loads, 365
- scoping requirements, 441
- Electrical rooms (egress requirements, panic hardware),
- Electric vehicle charging stations, 46
- Elevation changes (egress requirements), 203
- Elevator(s), 443–446
- accessibility, 277,
- egress requirements, 203
- electrical systems, 441
- emergency two-way communication system, 443
- fire protection, 444
- means of egress, 444,
- See also Escalators
- Elevator lobbies, 231,
239, 444–445
- Elevator penthouses (rooftop structures), 338
- Emergency escape, 258
- Emergency voice/alarm systems
- Empirical design method, 401
- Enclosed parking garages, 49, 96
- Enclosures (egress requirements), 222–223
- Energy conservation, calculating, 301
- Energy efficiency
- design requirements, 301
- interior environment, 287, 288
- Engineering requirements (IBC components), 17
- Entrances, accessibility of, 266
- Envelope, exterior wall, 304
- Equipment and appliances, for motor-vehicle-related
occupancies, 45
- Equivalent lateral force procedure (earthquake loads),
- Escalators, 203, 446.
See also Elevator(s)
- Essential facilities
- defined, 346
- structural design requirements, 348
- Evaluation Service reports, International Code Council,
- Excavation (soils and foundations), 378
- Exercise facilities, accessible, 280
- Exhibit galleries (egress requirements), 207
- Existing buildings, 3, 447
- Exit(s)
- access to, 231–239
- aisles, 234
- common-path-of-egress travel, 213
- components, 212
- corridors, 236–239
- dead ends, 238
- doorway arrangements, 215
- egress balconies, 239
- as egress component, 200
- number of exits and doorways, 212, 214
- occupancy, 233
- stairways and ramps, 235
- travel distance, 232–233
- ambulatory care facilities, 55
- covered and open mall buildings, 36–37
- discharge, 250–254
- access to public way, 253
- capacity, 253
- components, 254
- egress courts, 254
- intervening spaces, 251–252
- egress components, 201
- egress protection, 199
- elevators, 443–444, 445
- escalators, 446
- exceptions to height and area limitations, 60
- high-rise buildings, 39
- institutional group I, 26–28
- International Building Code components, 17
- live-work units, 53
- signage, 226
- See also Egress
- Exit design, 240–249
- components, 241
- discharge identification barrier, 243
- exterior exit stairways, 248
- generally, 240
- horizontal exits, 246–247
- interior exit stairways and ramps, 241
- luminous path markings, 245
- open-ended corridors, 249
- openings and penetrations, 242
- passageways, 244
- signage, 243
- smoke-proof enclosures, 244
- vertical-enclosure exterior walls, 243
- See also Egress
- Exit discharge (egress component), 201
- Exit sign (egress requirements), 226
- Expansion joints (fire-resistive construction), 144
- Exposure category (structural design requirements),
- Exterior exit stairways (exit design), 248
- Exterior finishes
- gypsum board and plaster, 436
- metal composite materials, 319
- special inspections, 375
- Exterior veneers (exterior walls), 313
- Exterior walls, 303–320
- building area, 58
- combustible materials exterior, 317–318
- envelope, 304
- fire-resistive construction, 119–127
- fire-resistance ratings, 123
- multiple buildings, 123
- openings, 124–126
- parapets, 127
- protected openings, 124–126
- vertical exposure, 126
- fire walls, 128–130
- gypsum board and plaster, 436
- high-pressure laminate systems, 320
- light-transmitting plastics,
- materials, 306
- metal composite materials, 319
- performance requirements, 305
- vertical enclosures (exit design), 243
- wall covering installation, 307–316
- adhered masonry veneers, 313
- anchored masonry veneers, 310
- exterior veneers, 313
- fiber-cement siding, 316
- flashing, 308
- glass veneers, 315
- interior veneers, 314
- metal veneers, 314
- polypropylene siding, 316
- slab-type veneer, 312
- stone veneer, 311
- terra-cotta, 312
- vapor retarders, 307
- vinyl siding, 316
- wood veneer, 309
- weather protection, 305
- See also Wall(s)
- Factory and industrial group F
- automatic sprinkler systems, 174
- business group B vs., 23,
- described, 24
- storage group S vs., 32
- Factory Mutual (fire-resistance ratings), 117, 151
- Fair Housing Act Design Manual, 4
- Fasteners, wood, 411
- Federal building codes, described, 4
- Federal Fair Housing Act of 1988 (FFHA), 4, 263
- Fenestration. See Glass and
glazing; Windows
- Fiber-cement siding (exterior walls), 316
- Fill (soils and foundations), 378, 382
- Finishes. See Exterior
finishes; Interior finishes
- Fire barriers
- fire-resistive construction, 133
- mixed use and occupancy, 93
- Fire-blocking
- concealed spaces, 148
- exterior walls, 318
- Fire doors (fire-resistive construction), 145–146
- Fire extinguishers, portable (fire-protection systems),
- Fire extinguishing systems (IBC components), 16
- Fire partitions (fire-resistive construction), 134–136
- Fireplaces, masonry, 404–405
- Fire protection
- ambulatory care facilities, 55
- atriums, 42–43
- concrete, 395
- covered and open mall buildings, 37–38
- elevators, 444
- exterior walls, 317–318
- high-rise buildings, 40–41
- historical perspective, 2
- institutional group I occupancy, 50, 51–52
- International Building Code components, 17
- live-work units, 53
- mixed use and occupancy, 92, 93
- passive, 102–103
- plastics, 437–438, 440
- specialty codes, 6
- See also Sprinkler
- Fire-protection systems, 169–196
- automatic sprinkler systems, 172–179
- assembly group A occupancy, 172–173
- business group B occupancy, 173
- educational group E occupancy, 174
- factory and industrial group F occupancy, 174
- high-hazard group H occupancy, 175
- institutional group I occupancy, 175
- mercantile group M occupancy, 175
- residential group R occupancy, 176
- storage group S occupancy, 176
- fire-alarm and detection systems, 188–193
- emergency voice/alarm communication, 192
- occupancy groups, 189–192
- types of, 193
- generally, 169
- National Fire Protection Association, 170–171
- portable fire extinguishers, 186–187
- smoke-control systems, 194–196
- standpipe systems, 180–185
- See also Sprinkler
- Fire-resistance ratings
- ASTM International and Underwriters Laboratories,
- construction type, 104–107
- exterior walls, 123
- fire walls, 128
- high-rise buildings, 41
- interior walls, 138
- joint systems, 144
- methods for determining, 117
- penetrations, 143–144
- plaster, 150
- prescriptive fire resistances, 151–156
- radiant barriers, 337
- roof assembly requirements, 324
- special inspections, 375
- See also Materials
- Fire-resistive construction, 115–160
- building separations and shafts, 141–142
- calculated fire resistances, 157–160
- concrete assemblies, 158
- steel assemblies, 159
- wood assemblies, 160
- concealed spaces, 148–149
- ducts and air transfer openings, 147
- egress protection, 199
- exterior walls, 119–127
- fire barriers, 133
- fire partitions, 134–136
- fire-resistance ratings, 116–117
- fire walls, 128–132
- generally, 115
- horizontal assemblies, 137
- interior walls, 138
- joint systems, 144
- opening protectives, 145–146
- penetrations, 143–144
- plaster, 150
- prescriptive fire resistances, 151–156
- floor and roof systems, 155–156
- structural members, 151–152
- wall and partition assemblies, 153–154
- smoke barriers, 137
- special inspections, 375
- structural members, 118–119
- thermal- and sound-insulating
materials, 150
- vertical openings, 139–140
- Fire separation distance, 107
- Fire walls
- exceptions to height and area limitations, 60
- fire-resistive construction, 128–132
- special provisions, 95
- Fixed seating (egress requirements), 208
- Flagpoles (rooftop structures), 343
- Flashing
- exterior walls, 308
- roof assembly requirements, 323
- Flood hazards (exterior walls), 305
- Flood load (structural design requirements), 354
- Floor (interior finishes), 166
- Floor area
- Floor joists, wood, 418–419
- Floor load (materials), 412–413
- Floor plan (documentation, code interpretation), 13
- Floors below grade (automatic sprinklers), 177
- Floor sheathing, wood, 410
- Floor surfaces, of motor-vehicle-related occupancies,
- Floor systems, prescriptive fire-resistances, 155–156
- Flow, egress, 198
- Footings (soils and foundations), 382–383
- Formwork, concrete, 392
- Foundation(s)
- Foundation plates/sills, wood, 417
- Framed timber trusses (materials), 412–413
- Frontage, 80
- Fuel dispensing, 45
- Furred ceiling height, 298
- Furring material, 439
- Garages. See Motor-vehicle-related occupancies
- Geometric irregularity, 359
- Girders, wood, 412,
- Glass and glazing, 428–433
- fire-resistive construction, 145–146
- light-transmitting plastics, 440
- safety glazing, 431–433
- sloped glazing and skylights, 429–430
- See also Windows
- Glass unit masonry, 402–403
- Glass veneers (exterior walls), 315
- Glazing. See Glass and
- Glued laminated timbers, 409
- Glue-laminated heavy timber (minimum dimensions),
- Grab bars, 350
- Grade plane
- building height, 59
- defined, 58
- Grading
- soils and foundations, 378
- wood standards and quality, 409
- Gross building area, defined, 58
- Gross floor area, defined, 204
- Gross leasable area (covered and open mall buildings),
- Grouted masonry, 398.
See also Masonry
- Guards
- egress requirements, 228–229
- loads, 350
- plastic composite decking, 320
- safety glazing, 432
- Gutters (roof assembly requirements), 323
- Gypsum, 398
- Gypsum board and plaster, 434–436
- exterior plaster, 436
- gypsum construction, 435
- shear wall construction, 435
- in showers/water closets, 435
- vertical/horizontal assemblies, 435
- Hammurabi, Code of, 1–2
- Handrails
- egress requirements, 202, 227
- loads, 350
- plastic composite decking, 320
- safety glazing, 432
- Hazards. See Health
hazards; Life safety; Property safety
- Headers, wood, 422
- Head joints (masonry construction), 399
- Health-care facilities
- business group B, 23
- described, 54–55
- health care clinics, 54
- Health hazards
- factory and industrial group F, 24
- high-hazard group H, 24–25
- institutional group I, 26–28
- interior environment, 287
- mercantile group M, 29
- occupancy classification, 20
- safety glazing, 431–433
- storage group S, 32
- See also Life
- Hearing impairment
- Heavy timber, 111–112,
- Height. See Building heights and
areas; Ceiling height
- High-hazard group H
- automatic sprinkler systems, 175
- control areas for, 25
- described, 24
- egress requirements for panic hardware, 220
- mercantile group M vs., 29
- separations in, 53
- storage group S vs., 32
- High-load diaphragms (special inspections), 375
- High-pressure laminate systems (exterior walls), 320
- High-rise buildings
- described, 39–41
- elevators as means of egress, 445
- Historic buildings, 7
- Horizontal assemblies
- fire-resistive construction, 137
- gypsum board and plaster, 435
- Horizontal continuity (fire walls), 128–130
- Horizontal exits (exit design), 246–247
- Horizontal shear distribution (earthquake loads),
- Hose connections, standpipe systems, 182–185
- Hotels, 37, 97, 268
- HUD (Housing and Urban
Development), 4, 268
- HVAC systems
- fire-alarm and detection systems, 188
- fire-resistive construction, 147
- structural design, 349
- IBC. See International Building
- ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials),
2, 3
- ICC. See International Code
- IEBC. See International Existing
Building Code
- IECC. See International Energy
Conservation Code
- IFC. See International Fire
- Ignition sources, for motor-vehicle-related occupancies,
- Illumination
- egress requirements, 216
- interior environment, 293
- Incidental accessory occupancy (building heights and
areas), 93
- Incidental uses
- building heights and areas, 93–94
- occupancy classifications, 20
- Indoor air quality, 287
- Industrial occupancy. See Factory and industrial group F
- Innovative products and techniques
- IBC, 11
- special inspections, 375
- In-plane discontinuity, 359
- Inspections. See Special
- Institutional group I
- accessibility, 269
- automatic sprinkler systems, 175
- business group B vs., 23
- cooking facilities, 52
- corridors and waiting areas, 50
- described, 26–28
- nursing home housing units, 51
- parking facilities, 97
- special-use occupancies, 34, 50–52
- Insulation
- exterior walls, metal composite materials, 319
- plastics, 437–439
- roof, 337
- Insurance companies, historical
perspective, 2
- Intent, interpretation and, 9–13
- Interior environment, 287–300
- Interior exit stairways and ramps, 235, 241
- Interior finishes, 161–168
- acoustical ceiling tile, 168
- decorations and trim, 167
- floors, 166
- generally, 161
- walls and ceilings, 162–165
- Interior veneers, 314
- Interior walls
- fire-resistive construction, 138
- materials, 162–164
- structural design requirements, 350
- Intermediate rails (loads), 350
- International Building Code (IBC), ix, x,
- accessibility, 259,
- alternate means and methods, 11
- analysis of, 18
- Appendix E, 259,
- building heights and areas, 57, 61–62
- components of, 16–17
- construction type, 99,
- developmental perspective, 3, 8
- egress, 197
- existing buildings, 447
- exterior walls, 303
- fire-protection systems, 170–171
- future prospects, 8
- historic preservation, 7
- horizontal exits, 245
- and IEBC, 3
- innovative products definition, 11
- intent and interpretation, 10–13
- alternative means and methods, 11
- documenting interpretations, 11
- evaluation of innovative products, 11
- making interpretations, 12
- interior environment, 287
- local building codes, 5
- NFPA 500, 6
- performance codes vs. prescriptive codes, 8
- state building codes, 5
- thick foam insulation, 439
- use of, 14–15
- See also Building codes;
Model codes; specific codes and code
- International Code Council (ICC), v, xiii,
- accessibility requirements, 260, 263,
268, 279, 282,
- accessible parking spaces, 45
- appeals to, 12
- automatic garage door openers and gates, 44
- clear height, 44
- code development, 8
- egress requirements, 226
- electric vehicle charging stations, 46
- elevator systems, 443
- equipment and appliances, 46
- Evaluation Service reports, 11
- exit design requirements, 243
- fire-alarm and detection systems, 193
- floor surfaces, 45
- fuel dispensing, 45
- ignition source elevation, 46
- open parking garages, 48
- private garages and carports, 47
- sleeping rooms, 45
- storm shelters, 56
- International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO),
2, 3
- International Energy Conservation Code (IECC),
x, 288, 301,
307. See also Energy efficiency
- International Existing Building Code (IEBC),
- accessibility, 259
- building heights and areas, 65, 79
- historic preservation, 7
- and International Building Code, 3
- jurisdiction, 447
- See also Existing
- International Fire Code (IFC)
- decorations and trim, 167
- electrical systems, 441
- fire extinguishers, 186–187
- high-rise buildings, 40
- roof assembly requirements, 335
- International Fuel Gas Code, 441
- International Mechanical Code
- access to unoccupied spaces, 299
- building ventilation, 288
- energy efficiency, 301
- mechanical systems, 441
- natural ventilation, 291
- occupancy groups, 52
- International Plumbing Code
- energy efficiency, 301
- plumbing systems, 442
- roof assembly requirements, 322–323
- toilet room location, 300
- International Residential Code (IRC)
- automatic sprinkler systems, 176
- International Building Code and, 3
- occupancy groups, 28,
31, 44
- special inspections, 370
- Interpretation, intent and (building codes), 9–13
- Intervening space, 251–252
- Irregularity, 358–359
- Isolation joints (concrete), 392
- Italic type, use of, xii, 10,
- Joints
- concrete, 392
- fire walls, 132
- masonry construction, 399
- Joint systems (fire-resistive construction), 144
- Joists, 407, 418–419
- Kitchens
- accessibility, 276
- room width, 297
- Laminated glass, defined, 428
- Landings (egress requirements)
- Landscaped roof load (structural design requirements),
- Landscaped roofs, 335
- Latches (egress requirements), 219
- Lateral bracing systems, 423
- Lateral load, soil, 354
- Laundry equipment, accessibility of (supplementary
requirements), 284
- Laundry rooms, space dimensions, 298
- Law, codes, 7
- Leadership in Environmental and Environmental Design
(LEED), 7
- Life safety
- atriums, 42–43
- factory and industrial group F, 24
- high-hazard group H, 24–25
- institutional group I, 26–28
- mercantile group M, 29
- occupancy classification, 20
- property safety vs., building codes, 7
- safety glazing, 431–433
- storage group S, 32
- See also Health
- Life Safety Code (NFPA-101), 6
- Lifts, accessibility, 277
- Light-frame construction, wood, 416
- Lighting
- egress requirements, 216
- interior environment, 293
- Light-transmitting plastics, 440
- Linen chutes, 178
- Liquid-applied coatings (roof covering materials),
- Live load
- defined, 346
- structural design requirements, 349
- Live-work units, described, 53
- Load-bearing value of soils, 381
- Load bearing wall
- Loads (structural design requirements), 349–355
- Local building codes
- Americans with Disabilities Act, 4
- International Building Code, 3, 5
- Location on property (IBC use), 15
- Locks (egress requirements), 219
- Los Angeles, California, building codes, 5
- Lumber. See Wood
- Luminous path markings (exit design), 245
- Mailboxes, accessibility of (supplementary requirements),
- Mall buildings, 34–38
- Manual alarm boxes (fire-protection systems), 193
- Masonry, 398–405
- allowable stress design, 401
- construction requirements, 399–400
- design methods, 401
- empirical design, 401
- fireplaces, 404–405
- generally, 398
- glass unit masonry, 402–403
- seismic design, 400
- shear walls, 401
- special inspections, 373–374
- strength design, 401
- Masonry fireplaces, 404–405
- Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC), 398
- Masonry veneers (exterior walls)
- Mass irregularity, 359
- Materials, 389–446
- aluminum, 397
- bathing and toilet facilities, 300
- concrete, 390–396
- ACI standards, 390
- bar spacing, 394
- bend diameters, 394
- cylinder tests, 391
- definitions, 390
- fire protection, 395
- formwork, 392
- joints, 392
- moisture protection, 395
- reinforcement methods, 393–394
- strength and durability, 391
- structural plain concrete, 396
- weather protection, 395
- exterior walls, 306.
See also Exterior walls
- fire walls, 128
- generally, 389
- glass and glazing, 428–433
- safety glazing, 431–433
- sloped glazing and skylights, 429–430
- gypsum board and plaster, 434–436
- exterior plaster, 436
- gypsum construction, 435
- shear wall construction, 435
- in showers/water closets, 435
- vertical/horizontal assemblies, 435
- interior environment, 300
- interior wall and ceiling finishes, 162–164
- masonry, 398–405
- allowable stress design, 401
- construction requirements, 399–400
- design methods, 401
- empirical design, 401
- fireplaces, 404–405
- generally, 398
- glass unit masonry, 402–403
- seismic design, 400
- shear walls, 401
- strength design, 401
- plastics, 437–440
- fire protection, 437
- insulation, 437–439
- light-transmitting plastics, 440
- radiant barriers, 337
- special inspections, 375
- steel, 406–407
- wood, 408–427
- bracing, 423–425
- construction requirements, 410–411
- cripple walls, 422
- cutting, notching or boring, 422
- decay and termite protection, 414–415
- fasteners, 411
- floor joists, 418–419
- floor sheathing, 410
- foundation plates/sills, 417
- generally, 408
- girders, 412, 417
- headers, 422
- heavy timber, 412–413
- light-frame construction, 416
- roof and ceiling framing, 426–427
- roof sheathing, 410
- standards and quality, 409
- wall framing, 420–421
- See also Fire-resistance
- Means of egress. See Egress;
Exit(s); Exit
- Mechanical equipment screen (rooftop structures),
- Mechanical systems
- earthquake loads, 365
- International Mechanical Code and International Fuel Gas
Code, 441
- Medical facilities. See Health-care facilities
- Membrane, 119
- Mercantile group M
- accessible route, 265
- automatic sprinkler systems, 175
- described, 29
- egress requirements, 207
- parking facilities, 97–98
- Metal composite materials (exterior walls), 319
- Metal roof panels, 328
- Metal roof shingles, 329
- Metal veneers (exterior walls), 314
- Mezzanines
- accessible route, 265
- building heights and areas, 66
- defined, 59
- egress requirements, 202, 206
- Mill construction (Type IV construction), 111
- Mineral-surfaced roll roofing, 330
- Miniature golf facilities (accessibility), 280
- Minimum design lateral force (earthquake loads), 360
- Mixed use and occupancy
- accessory occupancies, 90
- building heights and areas, 90–94
- classifications for, 20
- incidental uses, 93–94
- separated vs. nonseparated occupancies, 91–92
- Model codes
- future prospects, 8
- historical perspective, 2–3
- intent and interpretation, 9–13
- interactions among, 6
- International Building Code, 3
- legal basis for, 7
- local building codes, 5
- specialty codes, 6
- state building codes, 5
- See also Building codes;
International Building Code (IBC); specific
codes and code applications
- Modified bitumen roofing, 333
- Moisture control, 395
- Moment frame, defined, 347
- Motels, 268
- Motor-vehicle-related occupancies
- accessibility, 267
- accessible parking spaces, 45
- automatic garage door openers and gates, 44
- building heights and areas, 95–98
- clear height, 44
- covered and open mall buildings, 37
- described, 44–49
- dispensing stations, 49
- electric vehicle charging stations, 46
- enclosed parking garages, 49
- equipment and appliances, 46
- fire-resistive construction, 123
- floor surfaces, 45
- fuel dispensing, 45
- ignition source elevation, 46
- open parking garages, 48
- private garages and carports, 44, 47
- repair garages, 49
- sleeping rooms, 45
- Moving walks (egress requirements), 203
- MSJC (Masonry Standards Joint Committee), 398
- Multiple buildings (exterior wall fire-resistive
construction), 123
- Multiple occupancies (egress requirements), 208
- Multistory, defined, 269
- Museums (egress requirements), 207
- Nailing, 422
- Nails, 411
- National Board of Fire Underwriters, 2
- National Building Code
- history of, 2, 3, 5
- IBC compared to, xi
- National Electrical Code, 6, 441
- National Fire Protection Association
- automatic sprinkler systems, 176, 178
- building heights and areas, 61
- building materials, 438
- electrical systems, 441
- elevators and conveying systems, 446
- exit design requirements, 245
- exterior walls, 305,
314, 317
- fire-alarm and detection systems, 188, 190–192
- fire-protection systems, 170
- fire walls, 128
- interior floor finishes, 166, 167
- Life Safety Code (NFPA-101), 6
- occupancy, 93
- plastics, 438
- portable fire extinguishers, 186
- roof assemblies, 337
- wall and ceiling finishes,
- Natural lighting (interior environment), 293
- Natural ventilation (interior environment), 291
- Net floor area, 204
- New York, New York, building codes, 5
- NFPA. See National Fire
Protection Association
- Nominal dimensions, wood, 408
- Non-circular handrails, 227
- Noncombustible materials
- construction type, 101
- interior finishes, 167
- Nonductile element, defined, 346
- Nonparallel systems, 358
- Nonseparated occupancy (mixed use and occupancy),
- Notching, 422
- Nursing home housing units, 51
- Occupancy groups, 19–32
- assembly group A, 20–22
- building heights and areas, 57, 63–65,
- business group B, 23,
- classification determination, 20
- construction type, 100
- control areas, 25
- educational group E, 23,
- egress
- common-path-of-egress travel, 213
- corridors, 237
- travel distance, 233
- factory and industrial group F, 23, 24,
- fire-alarm and detection systems, 189–192
- generally, 19
- high-hazard group H, 24–25,
29, 32
- institutional group I, 23, 26–28
- International Building Code components, 16
- International Building Code use, 14
- mercantile group M, 29
- residential group R, 26–28,
- special-use occupancies and, 34
- storage group S, 32
- structural design requirements, 348, 349
- utility and miscellaneous group U, 32
- See also Special-use
occupancies; specific occupancy uses
- Occupant load
- covered and open mall buildings, 36
- egress requirements, 204–208,
- exit design, 246–247
- Occupied roofs, 60
- Open-ended corridors (exit design), 249
- Opening protectives (fire-resistive construction),
- Openings
- Open mall buildings, 34–38
- Open parking garages, 48,
- Outdoor spaces (egress requirements), 208
- Out-of-plane offsets, 358
- Outpatient clinics, 54
- Overhangs, 58
- Overturning (earthquake loads), 362
- Owner (Americans with Disabilities Act), 4
- Panic hardware (egress requirements), 220
- Parapets (exterior walls, fire-resistive construction),
- Parapet walls (roof assembly requirements), 323
- Parking structures. See Motor-vehicle-related occupancies
- Partition assemblies
- prescriptive fire resistances, 153–154
- structural design requirements, 350
- Partition walls, masonry construction, 400
- Passageways (exit design), 244
- Passenger loading facilities, accessibility of, 267
- Passive fire protection (construction type), 102–103.
See also Fire protection; Fire-protection systems
- Paving, 268
- P-delta effects, drift and (earthquake loads), 362
- Penetrations
- Penthouses, 60, 338
- Performance codes, 8
- Performance requirements
- exterior walls, 305
- roof assembly, 324
- Photovoltaic systems, 336, 342
- Piles
- cast-in-place concrete piles, 387–388
- driven piles, 386
- Plain concrete, defined, 390
- Plaster
- fire-resistive construction, 150
- gypsum board and, 434–436
- Plastic composite decking, 320
- Plastics, 437–440
- fire protection, 437
- insulation, 437–439
- light-transmitting plastics, 440
- Plates (wood framing), 411
- Platforms, 109
- Plumbing codes, 6. See
also International Plumbing
- Plumbing systems (International Plumbing Code), 442
- Polypropylene siding (exterior walls), 316
- Pools, safety glazing for, 432
- Porches, 122
- Portable fire extinguishers, 186–187
- Portable toilets and bathing rooms, accessibility of,
- Portland cement (concrete), 390
- Precast concrete, defined, 390
- Prescriptive codes
- alternate means and methods, 11
- performance codes vs., International Building Code,
- Prescriptive fire resistances (fire-resistive
construction), 151–156
- floor and roof systems, 155–156
- structural members, 151–152
- wall and partition assemblies, 153–154
- Privacy, at toilet rooms, 300
- Private garages, 44
- Program (occupancy classification determination),
- Projections
- fire-resistive construction and exterior walls, 120–122
- fire walls, 130
- Project size, code analysis (IBC), 18
- Property safety
- factory and industrial group F, 24
- high-hazard group H, 24–25
- life safety vs., building codes, 7
- mercantile group M, 29
- storage group S, 32
- Protected openings (exterior walls, fire-resistive
construction), 124–126
- Protruding objects (egress requirements), 202
- Public toilets (plumbing systems), 442
- Public transportation, for disabled people, 262
- Public way, 197,
- Radiant barriers (roof assemblies), 337
- Radiant heating, 123,
- Rafter spaces, 288
- Rails. See Handrails
- Rain load (structural design requirements), 354
- Raised diving boards, accessibility, 281
- Raised refereeing structures, accessibility, 281
- Ramps
- ceiling height, 202
- egress requirements, 203, 224–225
- exit-access requirements, 235
- exit design, 241,
- Rating systems, 7
- Recreational facilities, accessibility of, 279–281
- Redundancy (earthquake loads), 360
- Redwood, classification of, 409
- Reentrant corners, 358
- Refereeing structures (accessibility), 281
- Registered design professionals, ix, 7
- Regularity, 358
- Reinforced concrete, defined, 390
- Reinforcement methods, concrete,
- Renovation, Americans with Disabilities Act, 4, 7
- Repair garages, 49
- Reroofing, 344
- Rescue signage, 282
- Residential group R
- accessibility, 267,
269, 279, 283
- automatic sprinkler systems, 176
- described, 30–31
- emergency escape, 258
- institutional group I vs., 26–28
- parking facilities, 96–97
- separations in, 53
- Retail group. See Mercantile
group M
- Retrofitting, Americans with Disabilities Act, 4, 7
- Revolving doors (egress requirements), 217
- Risers (stairs), 221
- Risk category
- seismic design categories, 357, 369
- structural design requirements, 348, 357
- structural observations, 368–369
- Roll roofing, 330
- Roof(s)
- anchorage, structural design requirements for, 348
- stepped roofs, fire walls and, 132
- See also Attics
- Roof access (egress requirements), 224
- Roof assemblies, 321–344
- covering materials, 325–334
- asphalt shingles, 325–326
- built-up coverings, 333
- clay and concrete tile, 327
- liquid-applied coatings, 334
- metal roof panels, 328
- metal roof shingles, 329
- roll roofing, 330
- single-ply roofing, 334
- slate shingles, 330
- sprayed polyurethane foam roofing, 334
- wood shakes, 332
- wood shingles, 331
- generally, 321
- general requirements, 322–324
- insulation, 337
- landscaped roofs, 335
- photovoltaic systems, 336
- prescriptive fire-resistances, 155–156
- radiant barriers, 337
- reroofing, 344
- roof gardens, 335
- rooftop structures, 338–343
- aerial supports, 342
- bulkheads, 343
- cooling towers, 339
- dormers, 343
- fences, 343
- flagpoles, 343
- mechanical equipment screens, 341
- penthouses, 338
- photovoltaic systems, 342
- supporting structures, 343
- towers, spires, domes and cupolas, 340
- water tanks, 339
- underlayment, 325
- vegetative roofs, 335
- See also Attics
- Roof assembly height, 179
- Roof framing, wood, 426–427
- Roof gardens, 335
- Roof load
- Roof sheathing, wood, 410
- Rooftop structures, 338–343
- aerial supports, 342
- bulkheads, 343
- cooling towers, 339
- dormers, 343
- fences, 343
- flagpoles, 343
- mechanical equipment screens, 341
- occupied roofs, 60
- penthouses, 338
- photovoltaic systems, 342
- supporting, 343
- towers, spires, domes and cupolas, 340
- water tanks, 339
- Room area (interior environment), 299. See also Building area; Building heights and
- Room tags, code, 13
- Room width (interior environment), 297
- Safety. See Health hazards;
Life safety; Property
- Safety glazing, 431–433
- Same services, access to, 273
- San Francisco, California, building codes, 5, 16
- Sawn wood timber (minimum dimensions), 412
- SBC (Southern Building Code), 2, 3,
- SBCC (Southern Building Code Congress), 2, 3
- Schools. See Educational group
- Scoping requirements
- accessibility, 264,
- electrical systems, 441
- Scuppers (roof assembly requirements), 322
- SDC. See Seismic design
- Seating, accessibility and, 278
- Seating areas, occupant load calculations for, 205
- Seismic base shear (earthquake loads), 361–362
- Seismic conditions (inspection), 369
- Seismic design categories (SDC)
- Seismic-force-resisting systems
- earthquake loads, 363
- special inspections, 369
- Seismic use groups (structural design requirements),
- Self-service storage facilities, accessibility of,
- Separated occupancy (mixed use and occupancy), 91–92
- Separations and shafts. See Building separations and shafts
- Serviceability (structural design requirements), 348
- Service stations. See Motor-vehicle-related occupancies
- SFRM (sprayed fire-resistant materials), 118, 375
- Shafts. See Building
separations and shafts
- Shakes (roofing), 332
- Shared living spaces (institutional group I occupancy),
- Shear walls
- defined, 347
- gypsum board and plaster, 435
- masonry construction, 401
- Shingles
- Shooting facilities (accessibility), 280
- Shrinkage, wood, 408
- Siding (exterior walls)
- fiber-cement, 316
- over thick foam insulation, 439
- polypropylene, 316
- vinyl, 316
- Signage
- accessibility, 282,
- egress requirements, 226
- exit design, 243
- Sills (wood framing), 417
- Single-ply roofing, 334
- Sinks, accessibility of, 276
- Site ground motion (structural design requirements),
- Site plans, 13
- Size. See Building area;
Building heights and areas; Project size
- Skylights, 429–430
- Slab-type veneer (exterior walls), 312
- Slate shingles (roof covering materials), 330
- Sleeping rooms, for motor-vehicle-related occupancies,
- Sleeping units, accessibility of, 263, 268–271.
See also Beds
- Slope (roof assembly requirements), 322
- Sloped glazing, 429–430
- Sloping ceiling height (interior environment), 298
- Sloping sites, grade plane for, 59
- Smoke barriers (fire-resistive construction), 137
- Smoke-control systems
- Smoke detectors, 188
- Smoke partitions, 137
- Smoke-proof enclosures (exit design), 244
- Snow load (structural design requirements), 351
- Soft story, 359
- Soil lateral load (structural design requirements),
- Soils and foundations, 377–388
- dampproofing, 379
- deep foundations, 384–388
- cast-in-place deep foundations, 387–388
- drilled shafts, 387–388
- driven piles, 386
- drainage systems, 379
- excavation, grading and fill, 378
- footings, 382–383
- generally, 377
- investigation, 378
- load-bearing value of soils, 381
- special inspections, 375
- waterproofing, 379–380
- Sound-insulating materials (fire-resistive construction),
- Sound transmission (interior environment), 296
- Southern Building Code (SBC), 2, 3,
- Southern Building Code Congress (SBCC), 2, 3
- Space dimensions (interior environment), 297–299
- Space requirements (Americans with Disabilities Act),
- Special inspections, 367–376
- concrete, 372
- generally, 367
- masonry, 373–374
- seismic conditions, 369
- statement of requirements, 376
- steel, 370–371
- structural observations, 368–369
- systems requiring, 375–376
- wind conditions, 369
- Special-use occupancies, 33–56
- accessibility, 272–274,
- ambulatory care facilities, 55
- atriums, 42–43
- covered and open mall buildings, 34–38
- generally, 33–34
- health care clinics, 54
- high-rise buildings, 39–41
- institutional group I occupancies, 34, 50–52
- cooking facilities, 52
- corridors and waiting areas, 50
- nursing home housing units, 51
- live-work units, 53
- motor-vehicle-related occupancies, 44–49
- accessible parking spaces, 45
- automatic garage door openers and gates, 44
- clear height, 44
- dispensing stations, 49
- electric vehicle charging stations, 46
- enclosed parking garages, 49
- equipment and appliances, 46
- floor surfaces, 45
- fuel dispensing, 45
- ignition source elevation, 46
- open parking garages, 48
- private garages and carports, 44, 47
- repair garages, 49
- sleeping rooms, 45
- occupancy groups and, 34
- storm shelters, 49
- See also Occupancy groups;
specific occupancy uses
- Spiral reinforcement, 393
- Spiral stairways (egress requirements), 223
- Spires (rooftop structures), 340
- Sport activity areas (accessibility), 279–280
- Sports courts (accessibility), 279
- Sprayed fire-resistant materials (SFRM), 118, 375
- Sprayed polyurethane foam roofing, 334
- Sprinkler systems
- ambulatory care facilities, 55
- area modifications, 82–83
- atriums, 43
- building heights and areas, 61, 63–79
- concealed spaces, 148
- egress requirements, 216
- fire codes, 6
- fire partitions, 135–136
- fire-protection systems, 170–178
- high-rise buildings, 40
- institutional group I occupancy, 50, 51
- International Building Code use, 14
- live-work units, 53
- mezzanines, 66
- mixed use and occupancy, 93
- shaft and vertical exit enclosures, 142
- stages, 182
- See also Fire protection;
Fire-protection systems
- Stages, 109, 182
- Stairways
- egress
- exit-access requirements, 235
- exit design, 241–245
- fire-resistive construction, 146
- high-rise buildings, 39–41
- lighting, 293
- live-work units, 53
- plastic composite decking, 320
- safety glazing, 433
- Standard Building Code, xi, 3
- Standard of care (building codes), 7
- Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building
Construction and Materials (ASTM), 99
- Standby power
- electrical systems, 441
- elevators, 203
- Standpipe systems (fire-protection systems), 180–185
- classification of, 180,
- hose connections, 182–185
- location of, 183
- required installation, 181–182
- sprinkler systems combined with, 180
- State building codes, described, 5
- Steel
- calculated fire-resistances, 159
- materials, 406–407
- special inspections, 370–371
- Steel Joist Institute (SJI), 407
- Stepped roofs, 132
- Stirrups, concrete, 393
- Stone veneer (exterior walls), 311
- Storage
- accessibility, 277
- storage group S, 32
- Storage group S
- Storage rooms, space dimensions for, 298
- Storm shelters, 56
- Story, defined, 58
- Story(-ies) above grade plane
- allowable building heights in, 63–65,
- building heights and areas, 58, 59,
95, 96, 98
- building materials and systems, 416, 424
- fire partitions, 135–136
- fire protection systems, 174–176
- mall buildings, 35,
- means of egress, 214,
224, 228–229,
- occupancy groups, 25
- Story height, defined, 59. See also Building heights and areas; Ceiling
- Strain, defined, 346
- Strength
- Strength design (masonry), 401
- Stress, defined, 346
- Structural composite lumber, 111
- Structural design requirements, 345–365
- anchorage, 348
- construction documents, 347
- dead loads, 349
- definitions, 346–347
- earthquake loads, 355–365
- architectural, mechanical and electrical components,
- building configuration, 358–359
- deflection and drift limits, 360
- design criteria, 357
- detailing, 364
- drift and P-delta effects, 362
- dynamic analysis procedure, 363
- equivalent lateral force procedure, 361
- horizontal shear distribution, 362
- minimum design lateral force, 360
- overturning, 362
- redundancy, 360
- seismic base shear, 361–362
- seismic design categories, 357
- seismic-force-resisting systems, 363
- site ground motion, 356
- vertical distribution, 362
- exposure category, 353
- flood load, 354
- generally, 345–346
- handrail and guard loads, 350
- interior walls and partitions, 350
- live loads, 349
- load combinations, 349
- rain load, 354
- risk category, 348,
- roof loads, 350,
- serviceability, 348
- snow loads, 351
- soil lateral load, 354
- wind loads, 352
- wind speed, 353
- Structural glued cross-laminated timber, 409
- Structural materials. See Materials
- Structural members
- fire-resistive construction, 118–119
- prescriptive fire-resistances, 151–152
- Structural observations (special inspections)
- seismic resistance, 369
- structures, 368
- wind resistance, 369
- Structural plain concrete, 396. See also Concrete
- Structural stability (fire walls), 128
- Structural tests. See Special
- Stucco (exterior walls), 436
- Studs, 411
- Subsoil drainage systems, 379
- Supervision (institutions), 26–28
- Supplementary requirements (accessibility), 283–286
- Supporting structures, rooftop, 343
- Suspended ceilings
- earthquake loads, 365
- interior finishes, 168
- Swimming pools, safety glazing and, 432
- Systems, 441–446
- electrical, 441
- elevators and conveying systems, 443–446
- mechanical, 441
- plumbing systems, 442
- Table 503 (IBC), 61,
- Table 504 (IBC)
- building heights and areas, 63–65,
- construction type, 100
- Table 506 (IBC), 67–79,
- Table 601 (IBC), 100,
- Table 602 (IBC), 107
- Table 1004 (IBC), 204,
205, 207, 208
- Table 1006 (IBC), 66,
205, 212, 213,
214, 258
- Tactile signage, 282,
- Tanks, water, 339
- Telephones, accessibility requirements for, 285
- Temperature control (interior environment), 292
- Tempered glass, defined, 428
- Termite resistance, wood, 409, 414–415
- Terra-cotta (exterior walls), 312
- Tests, concrete (cylinder tests), 391. See also Special inspections
- The Masonry Society (TMS)
- special inspections, 373
- structural materials, 398–402
- wall covering installation, 310, 313
- Thermal barriers, plastics, 437
- Thermal-insulating materials
(fire-resistive construction), 150
- Thick foam insulation, 439
- Ties, concrete, 393
- Time-temperature curve, 116
- Toilet facilities
- accessibility, 275–276,
- gypsum board and plaster, 435
- materials, interior environment, 300
- plumbing systems, 442
- privacy, 300
- safety glazing, 431,
- space dimensions, 298
- ventilation, 291
- Topography, wind speed and (structural design
requirements), 353
- Torsion, 358, 362
- Towers (rooftop structures), 340
- Townhouses, 270
- Transient lodging, accessibility of, 283
- Transit facilities, accessibility of, 286
- Transit platforms, 278
- Trash chutes, 178
- Travel distance, exit-access, 232–233
- Treads (stairs), 221,
- Trim (interior finishes), 167
- TTY. See Hearing
- Tutoring centers (occupancy), 23
- Two-way communication systems (accessibility,
supplementary requirements), 284
- Type A buildings, 16,
61, 62, 263
- Type B buildings, 61,
62, 263
- Type of construction
- UBC. See Uniform Building
- Under-floor spaces, ventilation, 290
- Underlayment (roof assemblies), 325
- Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
- building materials, 438
- electric vehicle charging stations, 46
- elevators and conveying systems, 445
- exit design requirements, 245
- exterior walls, 320
- fire-resistance ratings, 116, 117,
146, 147
- interior finishes, 162–163
- photovoltaic modules/shingles, 336, 342
- public parking garage entry gate, 44
- roof assemblies, 335,
337, 342
- Uniform Building Code (UBC)
- construction type, 99,
- IBC compared, xi
- ICBO historical perspective, 2, 3
- state building codes, 5
- United States Department of Commerce, 166, 409
- United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 4, 268
- United States Department of Justice, 4, 260
- United States Green Building Council (USGBC), 7
- Unlimited-area buildings (building heights and areas),
- Unobstructed accessible route, 262
- Unoccupied spaces, access to, 299
- Unprotected opening, 107, 124–126
- Upgrading (Americans with Disabilities Act), 4, 7
- Urinals, accessibility and, 300
- Use. See Occupancy groups;
Special-use occupancies; specific occupancy
- USGBC (United States Green Building Council), 7
- Utility and miscellaneous group U, 32
- Utility studs, wood (wall framing), 420
- Vapor retarders (exterior walls), 307
- Vegetative roofs, 335
- Vending machines, accessibility of, 284
- Veneers (exterior walls)
- adhered masonry, 313
- anchored masonry, 310
- earthquake loads, 365
- exterior, 313
- glass, 315
- interior, 314
- metal, 314
- slab-type, 312
- stone, 311
- wood, 309
- Ventilation
- institutional group I occupancies, 52
- interior environment, 288–291
- masonry fireplaces, 404–405
- motor-vehicle-related occupancies, 48–49
- roof assembly requirements, 323
- Vertical assemblies (gypsum board and plaster), 435
- Vertical continuity, fire walls, 131
- Vertical distribution (earthquake loads), 362
- Vertical enclosures
- Vertical exposure, exterior walls (fire-resistive
construction), 126
- Vertical openings, 139–140
- Vertical separation of openings (exterior walls,
fire-resistive construction), 124–125
- Vestibules, 195
- Vinyl siding, 316
- Visual alarms (fire-protection systems), 188, 193.
See also Detectable warnings; Emergency voice/alarm systems; Fire-alarm and detection systems
- Visual impairment, egress requirements and, 202
- Waiting areas
- egress requirements, 208
- I-2 occupancy, 50
- Walkways, 33
- Wall(s)
- Wall assemblies, prescriptive fire resistances for,
- Wall coverings, exterior walls, 307–316
- adhered masonry veneers, 313
- anchored masonry veneer, 310
- exterior veneers, 313
- fiber-cement siding, 316
- flashing, 308
- glass veneers, 315
- interior veneers, 314
- metal veneers, 314
- polypropylene siding, 316
- slab-type veneer, 312
- stone veneer, 311
- terra-cotta, 312
- for thick foam insulation, 439
- vapor retarders, 307
- vinyl siding, 316
- wood veneers, 309
- Wall framing, wood, 420–421
- Wall ties, masonry construction, 400
- Water closets, accessibility
and, 300. See also Toilet facilities
- Waterproofing (soils and foundations), 379–380
- Water slides, accessibility, 281
- Water tanks (rooftop structures), 339
- Weak story, 359
- Weather protection
- concrete, 395
- exterior walls, 305
- roof assembly requirements, 323
- Weep holes, masonry construction, 400
- Weight irregularity, 359
- Width requirements, egress, 203, 209–211,
- Wind conditions (inspection), 369
- Wind load (structural design requirements), 352
- Window protection (fire-resistive construction), 145–146
- Windows
- Winds, roof assembly requirements and, 324
- Wind speed (structural design requirements), 353
- Wired glass, defined, 428
- Wood, 408–427
- bracing, 423–425
- construction requirements, 410–411
- cripple walls, 422
- cutting, notching or boring, 422
- decay and termite protection, 414–415
- fasteners, 411
- floor joists, 418–419
- floor loads, 412–413
- floor sheathing, 410
- foundation plates/sills, 417
- generally, 408
- girders, 412, 417
- headers, 422
- light-frame construction, 416
- minimum dimensions of heavy timber, 412–413
- roof and ceiling framing, 426–427
- roof loads, 412–413
- roof sheathing, 410
- standards and quality, 409
- wall framing, 420–421
- Wood assemblies, calculated fire resistances for,
- Wood members, size equivalencies for, 111
- Wood shakes (roof covering materials), 332
- Wood shingles (roof covering materials), 331
- Wood veneers (exterior walls), 309
- World Trade Center disaster, 39
- Wrestling rings (accessibility), 281