“Fairy Godfather Tiernan, so good to see you again. It has been a long month without you here! I see many congratulations are in order. A HEA, fully attributable to you so not even the Elf King can dispute it, and a marriage in our FG ranks! It’s been a very exciting time.”
Tiernan and Reina stood in front of Sara, having been directed to her office as soon as they arrived back in the FG Compound. No debrief seemed to be needed, as Sara had started reviewing all that had happened almost as soon as they entered. He inclined his head to the elder Godmother. “Thank you, Godmother Sara.”
“Yes, yes,” she said, waving her hand. “As you two grew quite close to Cinderella, I am pleased to share with you the news that she is currently expecting her first child.”
“So soon?” Reina asked in shock.
“Well, Prince Henry had been in love with her for years. It seems that as soon as the woman he loved accepted him, suddenly he was no longer seen outside of his bedchamber. Does this sound like something you two can relate to?”
Reina’s face burned as she looked anywhere but at Sara. Tiernan, damn him, merely got a smug grin on his face.
However, the delight and the embarrassment faded all too soon and only the weight of telling their decision to Sara remained.
“Uh-oh,” said Sara, showing once again why she was the one in charge, as she immediately sensed something unpleasant was about to unfold. “What am I not going to like?”
Reina wrapped her hand with Tiernan’s, taking strength from his touch. “We can’t remain FGs,” she said, deciding the blunt approach was the best way to break the news.
Sara blinked once, twice, then nodded her head in a sharp, decisive movement. “Hmm, can’t say I’m surprised at that. Let’s face it, Tiernan is catnip here, and you will constantly be beating down the other FGs. You’re right, it is probably best you two leave.” Sara looked up at Reina and saw Reina’s eyebrows furrowing together. “What is it? Something else wrong?”
Reina shook her head. “No, no. This sounds very immature, but I am strangely disappointed at how easily you took that news.”
“I can throw myself on the floor and start wailing if it will make you feel any better.”
“That’s quite alright.”
Sara shook her head in bemusement. “I will miss you both, because of your professional abilities, and because I enjoy you so much. Just because you won’t be FGs anymore doesn’t mean you can’t come and visit.” Sara’s eyes brightened noticeably, and she said, “I know exactly what you two need to do. There’s this new guy up north, works incredibly hard a few months at the end of the year, otherwise your time is your own. Deals with peace on earth, goodwill towards men, you’ll love working with him.”
“Up north, huh?” Reina said, and promised herself she wouldn’t cry as she had this last goodbye with Sara.
“Beautiful country,” Sara reassured her.
Reina looked at Tiernan. “What do you think?”
“Summers off? Sounds good to me.” Tiernan leaned close and whispered into Reina’s ear. “Remember, we have to get started on that decade in a bedchamber to make up for our lost time.”
* * *
Several hours later, long after Reina and Tiernan left the FG Compound for their newest assignment, Irene found her way to Sara’s office. “What have you decided to do in regards to the Elf King, Fairy Godmother Sara?”
Sara looked up, a pleasant smile on her face, and a downright demonic light coming from her eyes. “You mean that Elf King who thought he was so sneaky with his handling of the Cinderella situation? Let’s just say I’ve had a discussion with the Green Man, and you just truly might see a pig or two flying overhead.”
Irene threw back her head and laughed. “Perfect.” She settled into a chair, her gaiety fading. “I am going to miss that boy so much. Not to mention the girls are going to be nothing but bundles of depressed moping wrapped in pink tulle.”
“Maybe it is time to reassess our policy on males joining. That is one side effect I never thought would happen when I took on this case.” Sara looked down at the open file in her hands. Two pictures dotted the file, on one side Tiernan in his knightly armor, the other a picture of Tiernan and Reina together, their smiles so full of love, secret smiles meant only for the other. She closed the folder, and in big red block letters stamped HEA – CLOSED over the cover. “I guess both Reina and I were short-sighted in that way.”
“Suggesting he wish to be a Fairy Godfather, pure genius. That boy has a way of stirring things up, I give him full credit. Moreover, I give you full credit. I’m sure that was the longest time for a HEA ending in FG history, over thirty years. The Green Man sends his congratulations.”
Sara clucked her tongue. “You can’t rush events, Irene. Precision is key.”
“I am going to miss Reina, though. That girl was so good at her job. I’m not sure how long it will take to find another one like her.”
“Yes, well, when all is done, only the Happily Ever After matters.” Sara stood and grabbed a bottle along with two glasses hidden behind a door. “Ambrosia?”
“Oooh, please.”
Sara poured the thick liquid, handing a glass to Irene. She lifted her glass in a toast. “To Happily Ever Afters.”
Irene clinked the glasses together. “Happily Ever Afters. May we all have one.”
The End