The Guy Who Helped Demote Pluto

There’s a planetary scientist who cheerfully claims to have killed Pluto. His name is Mike Brown (1965–), member of a team that has discovered more outer solar system worlds than anyone else. In his defense, he claims that the distant little world deserved its fate. He even wrote a book about the subject, How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming, in which he explains the reasons why Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status in 2006.

The Pluto-Killer Himself

Mike Brown is a professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech). He was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama, and went to college at Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley before moving to CalTech. His work in solar system exploration has netted him many awards, including Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People, but on his web page, he notes that the most important honor for him was winning an honorable mention in his fifth-grade science fair. He and his family were greatly amused when Wired Online voted him one of the Top Ten Sexiest Geeks in 2006.

Mike Brown and his team of world-hunters are painstakingly searching out tiny places in the outer solar system called Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNO). These lie out past the orbit of Neptune. They include:

  • Quaoar
  • Sedna
  • Orcus
  • Haumea
  • Makemake
  • Eris
  • Pluto

Eris is actually larger than Pluto, and it’s the world that started the whole “Pluto Is a Planet/No, It’s Not” controversy that led to that world’s redesignation as a dwarf planet.

Hunting for planets in the outer solar system is not an easy task. Clyde Tombaugh found that out in 1930 when he set about trying to find Planet X (later named Pluto). Objects in the outer solar system are dim and small, and because they orbit so far from the Sun, their orbits are very large. This means that they don’t move very quickly. Tombaugh had to examine many photographic plates, comparing them to each other, before he could detect Pluto’s plodding motion across the sky.

The same is true of today’s modern TNO-hunters. They must take painstaking survey observations over many nights to catch a glimpse of a dim and distant object. The farther away the objects are, the harder it is to detect their motion. Moreover, the surfaces of these objects are not very bright, which makes them harder to spot. Luckily, these searches can now be automated. For example, the Samuel Oschin Telescope can operate in what’s called a point-and-track mode, in which it locks onto a specific area of the sky and takes an exposure. Then it looks at other areas of the sky and takes a pre-set number of images before returning to the original area. If anything has moved in any of the views, it gets tagged for further review. This works really well in the search for dim, distant solar system objects such as comets and asteroids, as well as TNOs and objects out in the Kuiper Belt region beyond Neptune.

More New Worlds

Haumea and Makemake, the two worlds announced at about the same time as Eris, are also orbiting the Sun out beyond Neptune.

  1. Haumea is an ice-covered rocky body and is named after the goddess of the Big Island of Hawaii. It has two moons called Hi’aka and Namaka. This little world is oblong-shaped, somewhere around 2,500 kilometers long and about 1,500 kilometers across. It lies at a distance of 35 AU, and its orbit is 283 Earth years long.
  2. Makemake is an ice-covered dwarf planet with dimensions of about 1,500 kilometers by around 1,400 kilometers. At the most distant point of its orbit, it lies 53 AU from the Sun and takes nearly 310 Earth years to make one orbit.