Chapter 20


I really did not have a plan. I knew that I needed to get to the palace, but that would not be easy. I had to make it into the city and past the guards to do it. This might have been easier to accomplish before they discovered Drake and started visiting it on a regular basis. Now they guarded the only doorway that I knew of into Petrona from where we were.

They have also been patrolling the part of the tunnel between the two cities. They have been working extra hard to cut the people of Drake off from the outside world. They have not even been able to get supplies or sell their crafts in weeks.

All the more reason for me to put a stop to Lilith. She was a tyrant. She did not care about anybody. She just wanted to toss her power around so that everyone would fear her.

Lilith made a huge mistake when she brought me here. She thought that she could use me to her advantage. She thought that by displaying me to the citizens of Petrona like some kind of sideshow freak she would somehow boost her status another notch.

She murdered my parents to make sure that no one would come to my rescue. She tried to lock me away like some kind of animal. But she should know by now that she has very much underestimated me.

“We need to be ready for a fight as soon as we step back into the tunnel. There is no telling what Kailen has planned for us.” Tuck said and then turned to Brokk.

“Brokk, are you going to be willing to fight the other guards if it comes down to that? Because it probably will.”

“Yes, of course. I will do what I have to.” Brokk answered.

“Good. We should leave out packs here and only take what we absolutely need. That should only be our weapons.” Tuck gave us a fierce look.

“Tuck, you and I are the only ones with a weapon.” I pointed out.

“I do not need a weapon!” Jenna explained. “I can fight with my hands and I will use fairy magic too if it comes to that. You should use it too, Callie. You are ready.”

I nodded. I hoped that I was ready.

I hefted off my pack and arranged my sword so that I would have easier access to it when things got heated. I felt something hit my chest.

I looked down to see the gold coin hanging from its chain around my neck. Without even thinking, I grabbed it and gave a firm pull. The necklace gave way and I threw the necklace and the coin that had been around my neck for more than ten years, into the tunnel.

I turned back to see Jenna staring cockeyed at me. “What was that all about?”

“I just didn’t need it anymore.” I said with an uneasy smile.

I looked over at Brokk to see that he was staring off into the direction that I had just thrown the necklace. Then he looked back at me and down to my naked finger. I suddenly became very aware of the weight of the heavy ring in my pocket. I wanted to say something to reassure him that I still had it. I would never toss it away. It had belonged to his mother and I knew that it meant a lot to him.

“Is everybody ready?” Tuck asked pulling me from my thoughts.

I didn’t know what I wanted to say to Brokk about the ring, so I didn’t say anything at all. I just brushed past him into the tunnel.

“Let’s get going.” Jenna said as she followed me out.

We clung to the shadows once again as we approached the entrance to Drake. I did not know what to expect and I wanted to at least try to slip by unnoticed.

This time there was no music being played. It appeared that the party was over. I could still smell the faint woodsy aroma of the remaining campfires.

I felt Jenna come to a sudden stop at my side.

I looked up to find that my worst fears had come to life. Standing shoulder to shoulder across the tunnel was Kailen, his brother, and four other men. They were blocking our passage.

“What is this about Kailen?” I asked as I stepped from the shadows to the middle of the tunnel facing him.

“I warned you, Callie.” He said. “We do not want any more trouble.”

“Looks like you are starting trouble to me.” Tuck moved to my side.

“It doesn’t have to be this way for you, Tuck. You do not have to be a part of this. You are only going to get yourself killed.” Kailen warned. “Leave her now and join with us. We will make sure that you are safe.”

Tuck did not like that very much. He bowed up as if to charge Kailen, but Jenna placed a firm hand on his chest and he stopped in his tracks.

“I do not need a jerk like you to keep me safe!” He yelled. “And I have had to deal with a lot worse than taking down a few outcasts like you!”

“If that is the choice that you wish to make, so be it. But as long as you choose to fight alongside of Callie Rose, I will show no mercy.” Kailen replied.

Callie Rose? This guy had turned into a real jerk.

“You know what you can do with your mercy!” Tuck was spitting bullets, he was so mad.

Kailen widened his stance and the other men followed suit. They had their hands on their hips, daring us to try to get passed them.

“What should we do Callie?” Jenna whispered.

With a slow but fierce tone, I answered. “Take them down.”

The four of us fanned out forming a line of our own. We stood about ten feet in front of the outcasts. Someone only needed to take one step forward and the battle would be on.

To think, it was only about three weeks ago that I shared my first kiss with this man. Now I was about to send him to his grave. A cold shudder ran through me, but I shook it off. I could not let him stop me. Lilith’s rein had to end, and it had to end today.

I reached up, my hand ready to pull my sword from its sheath. I glanced to my left to see that Jenna was at my elbow. She carried no weapon and I worried about her for just a moment. Tuck was just on the other side of her, his blade was already drawn. I knew that he would do whatever he had to do to protect Jenna.

I looked to my right and Brokk’s piercing blue eyes met mine. He had no weapon either, but he was a Royal Guard himself. He knew how to handle himself in battle. He nodded that he was ready.

“Step aside Kailen.” I called out. “This is the last time that I am going to ask.”

“Callie, go back to the cavern. I have set you up a really nice place. You should be grateful. I could have just sent you on your way to roam these tunnels alone. Who knows what might have happened to you?”

“Nice try Kailen. But I am not going anywhere, except through this tunnel to Petrona. Now move!” This time I pulled out my sword as I yelled. The sound of the metal glinting off the sides of the sheath as it emerged shook me to my bones, in a good way. I was pumped and ready for the fight.

I stepped forward. My sword raised, ready to strike. I didn’t even want to think about what I was about to do. The thought of what I had done to Sty and his friend was still fresh in my mind.

“Stand aside Kailen!” I said once more.

“I will NOT!” He yelled.

I charged onward. One of his men jumped forward to block my blow with a large shovel. I had no idea what was going on with Tuck, Jenna, or Brokk. My only focus was the large burly guy in front of me.

I pushed him backward and regained my stance. He came at me next. He had the shovel raised over his head and attempted to bring in it down hard.

I struck it with my blade and the end of the shovel went flying into the wall. I was almost proud of myself for a second. Until I realized that I had left him with a very sharp stake. The wooden handle of the shovel had been sheared off at an odd angle, leaving him with a very effective spear.

He grinned and then jabbed the pole at my chest. I jumped back spreading my arms wide and curling my stomach in to avoid the blow. I had to struggle to regain my stance.

I was getting mad now. I slid my sword back into its sheath and went after him with my bare hands. He came at me with the wooden handle again. This time I grabbed the end of it and ripped it from his grip.

The look of surprise on his face was almost comical. I raised the handle as if I were a batter waiting for a pitch. Then I swung it with all of my might. It connected with the side of his head with a tremendous thump. He stood for a minute, unblinking. Then he collapsed to the floor.

I turned to see what was happening with the others.

Tuck was fighting with Kailen’s brother and another guy. He was able to knock Kailen’s brother down just long enough so that he could land a powerful fist to the dead center of the first guy’s face.

Jenna had one of the smaller guys in a headlock and was pounding her fist into his face. He struggled to break free, but her size was to her advantage. She held onto him for dear life and never relented with her punches.

I looked for Brokk. I have to admit that I got a little worried when I didn’t find him right away. It would be just like him to take off and leave us.

I heard a scuffle behind me and turn to see that Kailen had pulled Brokk a little further into the tunnel. Brokk was lying on the ground and Kailen was holding him up by his shirt collar. He had his fist pulled back and was about to strike.

I ran in their direction and started to raise the handle over my head. I was preparing to swing again, this time at Kailen. He must have saw me coming because he turned his head and looked up into my face just as I let loose and landed a hard blow across his back. He yelled out in pain and rolled off of Brokk onto his side on the floor.

I struggled to pull Brokk to his feet. He looked like he had taken a few good hits but he was okay. As soon as he was up, he turned back to Kailen. He drew back a leg and landed a hard kick to Kailen’s ribcage. Then he kicked again and again. He would not stop.

“Brokk! Brokk!” I yelled at him repeatedly. After a few moments, he must have finally heard me. He pulled his focus from Kailen and looked at me.

“It’s okay Brokk. That’s enough.” I said a little more gently.

I could see his face change as he began to pull himself from his blinding rage. Then all at once, he was standing in front of me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders tightly. He was breathing heavily and he deepened his embrace until I could feel his breath at the back of my head. His hands wound in my hair.

“It’s okay Brokk. I’m okay.” I whispered to him. I felt his breathing begin to slow. Then suddenly he tensed again and pulled away from me.

Before I could blink, he was back on Kailen. He lifted him up and pounded his fist into Kailen’s face.

“That is for kissing my future wife!” He yelled at Kailen and then hit him again.

Kailen was laid out on the floor, clutching his side. Blood trickled from his nose and mouth. He moaned in agony. I did not think that he would be causing any more trouble for a while.

We turned our focus back to Tuck and Jenna.

Tuck was still battling it out with Kailen’s brother. I watched as I saw Tuck draw his sword. I held my breath, I was not sure that I wanted to see what would happen next. Tuck suddenly reversed the blade and using the thick metal handle, he struck his opponent across his temple. He staggered a little and then fell heavily to the floor.

We caught site of Jenna just as she jumped into the air and twisted with her leg straight out. She looked like a ballerina, but she landed a devastating blow across the guy’s chest. Once she was back on the ground, she landed a punch to the underside of his chin and sent him crashing backwards into the wall.

We all stood there in silence for a moment, struggling to catch our breath as we took in the carnage of our first fight.

Tuck wrapped one arm around Jenna’s waist and silently they stepped over the fallen villagers and headed past Drake into the tunnel.

I watched them for a moment as they left. They were going to make a really great couple someday, when all of this was over. I pulled my eyes away and stared at the ground. I truly hoped that it would be over soon.

I looked up to find Brokk watching me. I didn’t know whether I should be angry or amused. Maybe I was being too hard on him, but I still was not sure that I could fully trust him. Not to mention the fact that I had already had my full share of guy problems lately. I was not looking to go there again.

“Your future wife, huh?” I asked.

He just looked at me and shrugged.

