“Each child is an adventure into a better
life—an opportunity to
change the old pattern and make it
new.”—Hubert H. Humphrey
5.1 Introduction
Association pattern mining algorithms often
discover a large number of patterns, and it is difficult to use
this large output for application-specific tasks. One reason for
this is that a vast majority of the discovered associations may be
uninteresting or redundant for a specific application. This chapter
discusses a number of advanced methods that are designed to make
association pattern mining more application-sensitive:
Summarization: The output of
association pattern mining is typically very large. For an
end-user, a smaller set of discovered itemsets is much easier to
understand and assimilate. This chapter will introduce a number of
summarization methods such as finding maximal itemsets, closed
itemsets, or nonredundant rules.
Querying: When a large number of
itemsets are available, the users may wish to query them for
smaller summaries. This chapter will discuss a number of
specialized summarization methods that are query friendly. The idea
is to use a two-phase approach in which the data is preprocessed to
create a summary. This summary is then queried.
Constraint incorporation: In many real
scenarios, one may wish to incorporate application-specific
constraints into the itemset generation process. Although a
constraint-based algorithm may not always provide online responses,
it does allow for the use of much lower support-levels for mining,
than a two-phase “preprocess-once query-many” approach.
These topics are all related to the extraction of
interesting summary information from itemsets in different ways.
For example, compressed representations of itemsets are very useful
for querying. A query-friendly compression scheme is very different
from a summarization scheme that is designed to assure
nonredundancy. Similarly, there are fewer constrained itemsets than
unconstrained itemsets. However, the shrinkage of the discovered
itemsets is because of the constraints rather than a compression or
summarization scheme. This chapter will also discuss a number of
useful applications of association pattern mining.
5.2 Pattern Summarization
Frequent itemset mining
algorithms often discover a large number of patterns. The size of
the output creates challenges for users to assimilate the results
and make meaningful inferences. An important observation is that
the vast majority of the generated patterns are often redundant.
This is because of the downward closure property, which ensures
that all subsets of a frequent itemset are also frequent. There are
different kinds of compact representations in frequent pattern
mining that retain different levels of knowledge about the true set
of frequent patterns and their support values. The most well-known
representations are those of maximal frequent itemsets, closed
frequent itemsets, and other approximate representations. These
representations vary in the degree of information loss in the
summarized representation. Closed representations are fully
lossless with respect to the support and membership of itemsets.
Maximal representations are lossy with respect to the support but
lossless with respect to membership of itemsets. Approximate
condensed representations are lossy with respect to both but often
provide the best practical alternative in application-driven
5.2.1 Maximal Patterns
Set of
The concept of maximal itemsets was discussed
briefly in the previous chapter. For convenience, the definition of
maximal itemsets is restated here:
Definition 5.2.1 (Maximal Frequent
A frequent
itemset is maximal at a given minimum support level minsup if it is
frequent and no superset of it is frequent.
For example, consider the example of Table
5.1, which is
replicated from the example of Table 4.1 in the previous chapter. It is
evident that the itemset is frequent at a minimum
support level of 2 and is also maximal. The support of proper
subsets of a maximal itemset is always equal to, or strictly larger
than the latter because of the support-monotonicity property. For
example, the support of , which is a proper subset of the
itemset , is 3. Therefore, one
strategy for summarization is to mine only the maximal itemsets.
The remaining itemsets are derived as subsets of the maximal
Although all the itemsets can be derived from the
maximal itemsets with the subsetting approach, their support values
cannot be derived. Therefore, maximal itemsets are lossy because
they do not retain information about the support values. To provide
a lossless representation in terms of the support values, the
notion of closed itemset mining is used. This concept will be
discussed in the next section.
A trivial way to find all the maximal itemsets
would be to use any frequent itemset mining algorithm to find
all itemsets. Then, only
the maximal ones can be retained in a postprocessing phase by
examining itemsets in decreasing order of length, and removing
proper subsets. This process is continued until all itemsets have
either been examined or removed. The itemsets that have not been
removed at termination are the maximal ones. However, this approach
is an inefficient solution. When the itemsets are very long, the
number of maximal frequent itemsets may be orders of magnitude
smaller than the number of frequent itemsets. In such cases, it may
make sense to design algorithms that can directly prune parts of
the search space of patterns during frequent itemset discovery.
Most of the tree-enumeration methods can be modified with the
concept of lookaheads to
prune the search space of patterns. This notion is discussed in the
previous chapter in the context of the DepthProject algorithm.
Although the notion of lookaheads is described in
the Chap. 4, it is repeated here for
completeness. Let be a
frequent pattern in the enumeration tree of itemsets, and
the set of candidate extensions of in the enumeration tree. Then, if is
a subset of a frequent pattern that has already been found, then it
implies that the entire enumeration tree rooted at is frequent
and can, therefore, be removed from further consideration. In the
event that the subtree is not pruned, the candidate extensions of
need to be
counted. During counting, the support of is
counted at the same time that the supports of single-item candidate
extensions of are counted.
If is
frequent then the subtree rooted at can be pruned as well. The former kind of
subset-based pruning
approach is particularly effective with depth-first methods. This
is because maximal patterns are found much earlier with a
depth-first strategy than with a breadth-first strategy. For a
maximal pattern of length , the depth-first approach discovers it after
exploring only of its
prefixes, rather than the possibilities. This maximal pattern then becomes
available for subset-based pruning. The remaining subtrees
containing subsets of are then pruned. The superior
lookahead-pruning of depth-first methods was first noted in the
context of the DepthProject
The pruning approach
provides a smaller set of patterns that includes all maximal patterns but may also
include some nonmaximal patterns despite the pruning. Therefore,
the approach discussed above may be applied to remove these
nonmaximal patterns. Refer to the bibliographic notes for pointers
to various maximal frequent pattern mining algorithms.
5.2.2 Closed Patterns
A simple definition of a closed pattern, or
closed itemset, is as follows:
Definition 5.2.2 (Closed Itemsets)
itemset is closed, if none of its supersets have
exactly the same support count as .
Closed frequent pattern mining algorithms require
itemsets to be closed in addition to being frequent. So why are
closed itemsets important? Consider a closed itemset , and the set
itemsets which are subsets of , and which have the same support as . The only
itemset from
that will be returned by a closed frequent itemset mining
algorithm, will be . The itemsets contained in
may be referred to as the equi-support subsets of . An
important observation is as follows:
Observation 5.2.1
be a closed itemset, and
be its equi-support subsets. For
any itemset ,
the set of transactions containing is exactly the
same. Furthermore, there is no itemset outside such
that the set of transactions in is the
same as .
This observation follows from the downward closed
property of frequent itemsets. For any proper subset of
, the set of
transactions is
always a superset of . However, if the support values of
are the
same, then
are the same, as well. Furthermore, if any itemset yields , then the support of
be the same as that of . Because is not a subset of , must
be a proper superset of . This would lead to a contradiction with the
assumption that is
It is important to understand that the itemset
information about all the
nonredundant counting information needed with respect to any
itemset in .
Every itemset in
describes the same set of
transactions, and therefore, it suffices to keep the single
representative itemset. The maximal itemset from
retained. It should be pointed out that Definition 5.2.2 is a
simplification of a more formal definition that is based on the use
of a set-closure operator. The formal definition with the use of a
set-closure operator is directly based on Observation 5.2.1 (which
was derived here from the simplified definition). The informal
approach used by this chapter is designed for better understanding.
The frequent closed itemset mining problem is defined below.
Definition 5.2.3 (Closed Frequent
itemset is a closed frequent itemset at minimum
, if it is both closed and
The set of closed itemsets can be discovered in
two ways:
The set of frequent itemsets at any given minimum
support level may be determined, and the closed frequent itemsets
can be derived from this set.
Algorithms can be designed to directly find the
closed frequent patterns during the process of frequent pattern
While the second class of algorithms is beyond
the scope of this book, a brief description of the first approach
for finding all the closed itemsets will be provided here. The
reader is referred to the bibliographic notes for algorithms of the
second type.
A simple approach for finding frequent closed
itemsets is to first partition all the frequent itemsets into
equi-support groups. The maximal itemsets from each equi-support
group may be reported. Consider a set of frequent patterns
, from
which the closed frequent patterns need to be determined. The
frequent patterns in are processed in increasing order of support
and either ruled in or ruled out, depending on whether or not they
are closed. Note that an increasing support ordering also ensures
that closed patterns are encountered earlier than their redundant
subsets. Initially, all patterns are unmarked. When an unmarked
is processed (based on the increasing support order selection), it
is added to the frequent closed set . The proper subsets of with the
same support cannot be closed. Therefore, all the proper subsets of
with the
same support are marked. To achieve this goal, the subset of the
itemset lattice representing can be traversed in depth-first or
breadth-first order starting at , and exploring subsets of . Itemsets
that are subsets of are marked when they have the same support as
. The
traversal process backtracks when an itemset is reached with
strictly larger support, or the itemset has already been marked by
the current or a previous traversal. After the traversal is
complete, the next unmarked node is selected for further
exploration and added to . The entire process of marking nodes is
repeated, starting from the pattern newly added to . At
the end of the process, the itemsets in
represent the frequent closed patterns.
5.2.3 Approximate Frequent Patterns
Approximate frequent pattern mining schemes are
almost always lossy schemes because they do not retain all the
information about the itemsets. The approximation of the patterns
may be performed in one of the following two ways:
Description in terms of transactions:
The closure property provides a lossless description of the
itemsets in terms of their membership in transactions. A
generalization of this idea is to allow “almost” closures, where
the closure property is not exactly satisfied but is approximately
specified. Thus, a “play” is allowed in the support values of the
closure definition.
Description in terms of itemsets
themselves: In this case, the frequent itemsets are
clustered, and representatives can be drawn from each cluster to
provide a concise summary. In this case, the “play” is allowed in
terms of the distances between the representatives and remaining
These two types of descriptions yield different
insights. One is defined in terms of transaction membership, whereas the
other is defined in terms of the structure of the itemset. Note that
among the subsets of a 10-itemset , a 9-itemset may have a much higher support, but a
1-itemset may have exactly the same support as . In the
first definition, the 10-itemset and 1-itemset are “almost”
redundant with respect to each other in terms of transaction
membership. In the second definition, the 10-itemset and 9-itemset
are almost redundant with respect to each other in terms of itemset
structure. The following sections will introduce methods for
discovering each of these kinds of itemsets. Approximation in Terms of Transactions
The closure property describes itemsets in terms
of transactions, and the equivalence of different itemsets with
this criterion. The notion of “approximate closures” is a
generalization of this criterion. There are multiple ways to define
“approximate closure,” and a simpler definition is introduced here
for ease in understanding.
In the earlier case of exact closures, one
chooses the maximal supersets at a particular support value. In
approximate closures, one does not necessarily choose the maximal
supersets at a particular support value but allows a “play”
within a range of supports. Therefore, all frequent itemsets
can be
segmented into a disjoint set of “almost equi-support” groups , such that for any pair
of itemsets within
any group ,
the value of is at most . From
each group, ,
only the maximal frequent representatives are reported. Clearly,
when is
chosen to be 0, this is exactly the set of closed itemsets. If
desired, the exact error value obtained by removing individual
items from approximately closed itemsets is also stored. There is,
of course, still some uncertainty in support values because the
support values of itemsets obtained by removing two items cannot be exactly inferred from this additional
Note that the “almost equi-support” groups may be
constructed in many different ways when .
This is because the ranges of the “almost equi-support” groups need
not exactly be but
can be less than . Of
course, a greedy way of choosing the ranges is to always pick the
itemset with the lowest support and add to it
to pick the upper end of the range. This process is repeated to
construct all the ranges. Then, the frequent closed itemsets can be
extracted on the basis of these ranges.
The algorithm for finding frequent “almost
closed” itemsets is very similar to that of finding frequent closed
itemsets. As in the previous case, one can partition the frequent
itemsets into almost equi-support groups, and determine the maximal
ones among them. A traversal algorithm in terms of the graph
lattice is as follows.
The first step is to decide the different ranges
of support for the “almost equi-support” groups. The itemsets in
processed groupwise in increasing order of support ranges for the
“almost equi-support” groups. Within a group, unmarked itemsets are
processed in increasing order of support. When these nodes are
examined they are added to the almost closed set . When
a pattern
is examined, all its proper subsets within the same group are
marked, unless they have already been marked. To achieve this goal,
the subset of the itemset lattice representing can be
traversed in the same way as discussed in the previous case of
(exactly) closed sets. This process is repeated with the next
unmarked node. At the end of the process, the set
contains the frequent “almost closed” patterns. A variety of other
ways of defining “almost closed” itemsets are available in the
literature. The bibliographic notes contain pointers to these
methods. Approximation in Terms of Itemsets
The approximation in terms of itemsets can also
be defined in many different ways and is closely related to
clustering. Conceptually, the goal is to create clusters from the
set of frequent itemsets , and pick representatives from the clusters. Because
clusters are always defined with respect to a distance function
between itemsets and
, the notion
of -approximate sets is also based on a distance
Definition 5.2.4 (-Approximate Sets)
The set of
representatives is -approximate, if for each frequent
pattern , and
each ,
the following is true:
Any distance function for set-valued data, such
as the Jaccard coefficient, may be used. Note that the cardinality
of the set defines the
level of compression. Therefore, the goal is to determine the
smallest value of for a particular level of compression . This
objective is closely related to the partition-based formulation of
clustering, in which the value of is fixed, and the average distance of the
individual objects to their representatives are optimized.
Conceptually, this process also creates a clustering on the
frequent itemsets. The frequent itemsets can be either strictly
partitioned to their closest representative, or they can be allowed
to belong to multiple sets for which their distance to the closest
representative is at most .
So, how can the optimal size of the
representative set be determined? It turns out that a simple greedy
solution is very effective in most scenarios. Let denote the set
of frequent itemsets covered by the representatives in
. An
itemset in is
said to be covered by a representative in , if it
lies within a distance of at most from at least one representative of
Clearly, it is desirable to determine so that and the size of the set
is as
small as possible.
The idea of the greedy algorithm is to start with
and add the first element from
covers the maximum number of itemsets in . The
covered itemsets are then removed from . This process is repeated iteratively by
greedily adding more elements to to maximize coverage in the residual set
. The
process terminates when the set is empty. It can be shown that the function
satisfies the
submodularity property with
respect to the argument . In such cases, greedy algorithms are
generally effective in practice. In fact, in a minor variation of
this problem in which is directly optimized for fixed size of
, a
theoretical bound can also be established on the quality achieved
by the greedy algorithm. The reader is referred to the
bibliographic notes for pointers on submodularity.
5.3 Pattern Querying
Although the compression approach provides a
concise summary of the frequent itemsets, there may be scenarios in
which users may wish to query the patterns with specific
properties. The query responses provide the relevant sets of patterns in an
application. This relevant set is usually much smaller than the
full set of patterns. Some examples are as follows:
Report all the frequent patterns containing
that have a
minimum support of minsup.
Report all the association rules containing
that have a
minimum support of minsup
and a minimum confidence of minconf.
One possibility is to exhaustively scan all the
frequent itemsets and report the ones satisfying the user-specified
constraints. This is, however, quite inefficient when the number of
frequent patterns is large. There are two classes of methods that
are frequently used for querying interesting subsets of
Preprocess-once query-many paradigm:
The first approach is to mine all the itemsets at a low level of
support and arrange them in the form of a hierarchical or lattice
data structure. Because the first phase needs to be performed only
once in offline fashion, sufficient computational resources may be
available. Therefore, a low level of support is used to maximize
the number of patterns preserved in the first phase. Many queries
can be addressed in the second phase with the summary created in
the first phase.
Constraint-based pattern mining: In
this case, the user-specified constraints are pushed directly into
the mining process. Although such an approach can be slower for
each query, it allows the mining of patterns at much lower values
of the support than is possible with the first approach. This is
because the constraints can reduce the pattern sizes in the
intermediate steps of the itemset discovery algorithm and can,
therefore, enable the discovery of patterns at much lower values of
the support than an (unconstrained) preprocessing phase.
In this section, both types of methods will be
5.3.1 Preprocess-once Query-many Paradigm
This particular paradigm is very effective for
the case of simpler queries. In such cases, the key is to first
determine all the frequent patterns at a very low value of the
support. The resulting itemsets can then be arranged in the form of
a data structure for querying. The simplest data structure is the
itemset lattice, which can be considered a graph data structure for
querying. However, itemsets can also be queried with the use of
data structures adapted from the information retrieval literature
that use the bag-of-words representation. Both options will be
explored in this chapter. Leveraging the Itemset Lattice
The itemset lattice (replicated from Fig.
4.1 of Chap. 4)
As discussed in the previous chapter, the space
of itemsets can be expressed as a lattice. For convenience, Fig.
4.1 of the previous chapter is replicated in Fig. 5.1. Itemsets above the
dashed border are frequent, whereas itemsets below the border are
In the preprocess-once query-many paradigm, the
itemsets are mined at the lowest possible level of support
, so that a
large frequent portion of the lattice (graph) of itemsets can be
stored in main memory. This stage is a preprocessing phase;
therefore, running time is not a primary consideration. The edges
on the lattice are implemented as pointers for efficient traversal.
In addition, a hash table maps the itemsets to the nodes in the
graph. The lattice has a number of important properties, such as
downward closure, which enable the discovery of nonredundant
association rules and patterns.
This structure can effectively provide responses
to many queries that are posed with support . Some examples are as follows:
To determine all itemsets containing a set
at a
particular level of minsup,
one uses the hash table to map to the itemset . Then, the
lattice is traversed to determine the relevant supersets of
and report
them. A similar approach can be used to determine all the frequent
itemsets contained in by using a traversal in the opposite
It is possible to determine
maximal itemsets directly during the traversal by identifying nodes
that do not have edges to their immediate supersets at the
user-specified minimum support level minsup.
It is possible to identify nodes within a
specific hamming distance of and a specified minimum support, by traversing the
lattice structure both upward and downward from for a
prespecified number of steps.
It is also possible to determine nonredundant
rules with the use of this approach. For example, for any itemset
, the rule has a confidence and support that is
no greater than that of the rule . Therefore, the rule is redundant with respect to the
rule . This is referred to as strict redundancy. Furthermore, for any
itemset , the rule
is redundant with respect to the
rule only in terms of the confidence.
This is referred to as simple
redundancy. The lattice structure provides an efficient way
to identify such nonredundant rules in terms of both simple
redundancy and strict redundancy. The reader is referred to the
bibliographic notes for specific search strategies on finding such
rules. Leveraging Data Structures for Querying
In some cases, it is desirable to use
disk-resident representations for querying. In such cases, the
memory-based lattice traversal process is likely to be inefficient.
The two most commonly used data structures are the inverted index and the signature table. The major drawback in
using these data structures is that they do not allow an ordered
exploration of the set of frequent patterns, as in the case of the
lattice structure.
The data structures discussed in this section can
be used for either transactions or itemsets. However, some of these
data structures, such as signature tables, work particularly well
for itemsets because they explicitly leverage correlations between
itemsets for efficient indexing. Note that correlations are more
significant in the case of itemsets than raw transactions. Both
these data structures are described in some detail below.
Index: The inverted index is a data structure that is used
for retrieving sparse set-valued data, such as the bag-of-words
representation of text. Because frequent patterns are also sparse
sets drawn over a much larger universe of items, they can be
retrieved efficiently with an inverted index.
Each itemset is assigned a unique itemset-id. This can easily be
generated with a hash function. This itemset-id is similar to the
tid that is used to
represent transactions. The itemsets themselves may be stored in a
secondary data structure that is indexed by the itemset-id. This
secondary data structure can be a hash table that is based on the
same hash function used to create the itemset-id.
Illustration of the inverted lists
The inverted list contains a list for each item.
Each item points to a list of itemset-ids. This list may be stored
on disk. An example of an inverted list is illustrated in Fig.
5.2. The
inverted representation is particularly useful for inclusion
queries over small sets of items. Consider a query for all itemsets
containing , where
is a small
set of items. The inverted lists for each item in is stored
on the disk. The intersection of these lists is determined. This
provides the relevant itemset-ids but not the itemsets. If desired,
the relevant itemsets can be accessed from disk and reported. To
achieve this goal, the secondary data structure on disk needs to be
accessed with the use of the recovered itemset-ids. This is an
additional overhead of the inverted data structure because it may
require random access to disk. For large query responses, such an
approach may not be practical.
While inverted lists are
effective for inclusion queries over small sets of items, they are
not quite as effective for similarity queries over longer itemsets.
One issue with the inverted index is that it treats each item
independently, and it does not leverage the significant
correlations between the items in the itemset. Furthermore, the
retrieval of the full itemsets is more challenging than that of
only itemset-ids. For such cases, the signature table is the data structure
of choice.
Tables: Signature tables were originally designed for
indexing market basket transactions. Because itemsets have the same
set-wise data structure as transactions, they can be used in the
context of signature tables. Signature tables are particularly
useful for sparse binary data in which there are significant
correlations among the different items. Because itemsets are
inherently defined on the basis of correlations, and different
itemsets have large overlaps among them, signature tables are
particularly useful in such scenarios.
A signature is a set of items. The set of
items in the
original data is partitioned into sets of signatures
, such that . The value of is referred
to as the signature
cardinality. An itemset is said to activate a signature at level
if and only
if . This level is referred
to as the activation threshold. In other words, the itemset needs
to have a user-specified minimum number of items in
common with the signature to activate it.
The super-coordinate of an itemset exists in
space, where is the
signature cardinality. Each dimension of the super-coordinate has a
unique correspondence with a particular signature and vice versa.
The value of this dimension is –, which
indicates whether or not the corresponding signature is activated
by that itemset. Thus, if the items are partitioned into
, then there are possible
super-coordinates. Each itemset maps on to a unique
super-coordinate, as defined by the set of signatures activated by
that itemset. If ,
the set of signatures which an itemset activates, then the
super-coordinates of that itemset are defined by setting the
dimensions in this super-coordinate
to 1 and the remaining dimensions to 0. Thus, this approach creates
a many-to-one mapping, in which multiple itemsets may map into the
same super-coordinate. For highly correlated itemsets, only a small
number of signatures will be activated by an itemset, provided that
the partitioning of into signatures is designed to ensure that each
signature contains correlated items.
The signature table contains a set of
One entry in the signature table corresponds to each possible
super-coordinate. This creates a strict partitioning of the
itemsets on the basis of the mapping of itemsets to
super-coordinates. This partitioning can be used for similarity
search. The signature table can be stored in main memory because
the number of distinct super-coordinates can be mapped to main
memory when is small.
For example, when is chosen to be 20, the number of super-coordinates
is about a million. The actual itemsets that are indexed by each
entry of the signature table are stored on disk. Each entry in the
signature table points to a list of pages that contain the itemsets
indexed by that super-coordinate. The signature table is
illustrated in Fig. 5.3.
A signature can be understood as a small category
of items from the universal set of items . Thus, if
the items in each signature are closely correlated, then an itemset
is likely to activate a small number of signatures. These
signatures provide an idea of the approximate pattern of buying
behavior for that itemset. Thus, it is crucial to perform the
clustering of the items into signatures so that two criteria are
The items within a cluster are
correlated. This ensures a more discriminative mapping, which provides
better indexing performance.
The aggregate support of the items within each
cluster is similar. This is necessary to ensure that the signature
table is balanced.
Illustration of the signature table
To construct the signature table, a graph is
constructed so that each node of the graph corresponds to an item.
For every pair of items that is frequent, an edge is added to the
graph, and the weight of the edge is a function of the support of
that pair of items. In addition, the weight of a node is the
support of a particular item. It is desired to determine a
clustering of this graph into partitions so that the cumulative weights of edges
across the partitions is as small as possible and the partitions
are well balanced. Reducing the weights of edges across partitions
ensures that correlated sets of items are grouped together. The
partitions should be as well balanced as possible so that the
itemsets mapping to each super-coordinate are as well balanced as
possible. Thus, this approach transforms the items into a
similarity graph, which can be clustered into partitions. A variety
of clustering algorithms can be used to partition the graph into
groups of items. Any of the graph clustering algorithms discussed
in Chap. 19, such as METIS, may be used for this purpose.
The bibliographic notes also contain pointers to some methods for
signature table construction.
After the signatures have
been determined, the partitions of the data may be defined by using
the super-coordinates of the itemsets. Each itemset belongs to the
partition that is defined by its super-coordinate. Unlike the case
of inverted lists, the itemsets are explicitly stored within this list,
rather than just their identifiers. This ensures that the secondary
data structure does not need to be accessed to explicitly recover
the itemsets. This is the reason that the signature table can be
used to recover the itemsets themselves, rather than only the
identifiers of the itemsets.
The signature table is capable of handling
general similarity queries that cannot be efficiently addressed
with inverted lists. Let be the number of items in which an itemset matches
with a target , and
be the
number of items in which it differs with the target . The
signature table is capable of handling similarity functions of the
form that
satisfy the following two properties, for a fixed target record
This is referred to as the monotonicity property. These intuitive
conditions on the function ensure that it is an increasing function
in the number of matches and decreasing in the hamming distance.
While the match function and the hamming distance obviously satisfy
these conditions, it can be shown that other functions for set-wise
similarity, such as the cosine and the Jaccard coefficient, also
satisfy them. For example, let and be the sets of items in two itemsets, where
is the
target itemset. Then, the cosine function can be expressed as
follows, in terms of and :
These functions are increasing in and
decreasing in . These
properties are important because they allow bounds to be computed
on the similarity function in terms of bounds on the arguments. In
other words, if is an
upper bound on the value of and is a lower bound on the value of , then it
can be shown that is an upper (optimistic) bound on
the value of the function . This is useful for implementing a
branch-and-bound method for similarity computation.
Let be the target itemset. Optimistic bounds on the
match and hamming distance from to the itemsets within each super-coordinate are
computed. These bounds can be shown to be a function of the target
, the
activation threshold, and the choice of signatures. The precise
method for computing these bounds is described in the pointers
found in the bibliographic notes. Let the optimistic bound on the
match be and that
on distance be for the
super-coordinate. These are used to determine an optimistic bound
on the similarity between the target and any itemset indexed by
the th
super-coordinate. Because of the monotonicity property, this
optimistic bound for the th super-coordinate is . The super-coordinates are sorted in
decreasing (worsening) order of the optimistic bounds . The
similarity of to the
itemsets that are pointed to by these super-coordinates is computed
in this sorted order. The closest itemset found so far is
dynamically maintained. The process terminates when the optimistic
bound to a
super-coordinate is lower (worse) than the similarity value of the
closest itemset found so far to the target. At this point, the
closest itemset found so far is reported.
5.3.2 Pushing Constraints into Pattern Mining
The methods discussed so far in this chapter are
designed for retrieval queries with item-specific constraints. In
practice, however, the constraints may be much more general and
cannot be easily addressed with any particular data structure. In
such cases, the constraints may be need to be directly pushed into
the mining process.
In all the previous methods,
a preprocess-once query-many paradigm is used; therefore, the
querying process is limited by the initial minimum support chosen
during the preprocessing phase. Although such an approach has the
advantage of providing online capabilities for query responses, it
is sometimes not effective when the constraints result in removal
of most of the itemsets. In such cases, a much lower level of
minimum support may be required than could be reasonably selected
during the initial preprocessing phase. The advantage of pushing
the constraints into the mining process is that the constraints can
be used to prune out many of the intermediate itemsets during the execution of the frequent
pattern mining algorithms. This allows the use of much lower
minimum support levels. The price for this flexibility is that the
resulting algorithms can no longer be considered truly online
algorithms when the data sets are very large.
Consider, for example, a scenario where the
different items are tagged into different categories, such as
snacks, dairy, baking products, and so on. It is desired to
determine patterns, such that all items belong to the same
category. Clearly, this is a constraint on the discovery of the
underlying patterns. Although it is possible to first mine all the
patterns, and then filter down to the relevant patterns, this is
not an efficient solution. If the number of patterns mined during
the preprocessing phase is no more than and the
level of selectivity of the constraint is more than , then
the final set returned may be empty, or too small.
Numerous methods have been developed in the
literature to address such constraints directly in the mining
process. These constraints are classified into different types,
depending upon their impact on the mining algorithm. Some examples
of well-known types of constraints, include succinct, monotonic, antimonotonic, and convertible. A detailed description of
these methods is beyond the scope of this book. The bibliographic
section contains pointers to many of these algorithms.
5.4 Putting Associations to Work: Applications
Association pattern mining has numerous
applications in a wide variety of real scenarios. This section will
discuss some of these applications briefly.
5.4.1 Relationship to Other Data Mining Problems
The association model is intimately related to
other data mining problems such as classification, clustering, and
outlier detection. Association patterns can be used to provide
effective solutions to these data mining problems. This section
will explore these relationships briefly. Many of the relevant
algorithms are also discussed in the chapters on these different
data mining problems. Application to Classification
The association pattern mining problem is closely
related to that of classification. Rule-based classifiers are closely
related to association-rule mining. These types of classifiers are
discussed in detail in Sect. 10.4
of Chap. 10, and a brief overview is provided
Consider the rule , where is the antecedent and is the consequent. In associative classification,
the consequent is a single
item corresponding to the class variable, and the antecedent
contains the feature variables. These rules are mined from the
training data. Typically, the rules are not determined with the
traditional support and confidence measures. Rather, the most
discriminative rules with
respect to the different classes need to be determined. For
example, consider an itemset and two classes and . Intuitively, the itemset is
discriminative between the two classes, if the absolute difference
in the confidence of the rules and is as large as possible. Therefore,
the mining process should determine such discriminative
Interestingly, it has been discovered, that even
a relatively straightforward modification of the association
framework to the classification problem is quite effective. An
example of such a classifier is the CBA framework for Classification Based on Associations. More details on
rule-based classifiers are discussed in Sect. 10.4 of Chap. 10. Application to Clustering
Because association patterns determine highly
correlated subsets of attributes, they can be applied to
quantitative data after discretization to determine dense regions
in the data. The CLIQUE algorithm, discussed in
Sect. 7.4.1 of Chap. 7, uses discretization to transform
quantitative data into binary attributes. Association patterns are
discovered on the transformed data. The data points that overlap
with these regions are reported as subspace clusters. This
approach, of course, reports clusters that are highly overlapping
with one another. Nevertheless, the resulting groups correspond to
the dense regions in the data, which provide significant insights
about the underlying clusters. Applications to Outlier Detection
Association pattern mining has also been used to
determine outliers in market basket data. The key idea here is that
the outliers are defined as transactions that are not “covered” by
most of the association patterns in the data. A transaction is said
to be covered by an association pattern when the corresponding
association pattern is contained in the transaction. This approach
is particularly useful in scenarios where the data is high
dimensional and traditional distance-based algorithms cannot be
easily used. Because transaction data is inherently high
dimensional, such an approach is particularly effective. This
approach is discussed in detail in Sect. 9.2.3 of Chap. 9.
5.4.2 Market Basket Analysis
The prototypical problem for which the
association rule mining problem was first proposed is that of
market basket analysis. In this problem, it is desired to determine
rules relating buying behavior of customers. The knowledge of such
rules can be very useful for a retailer. For example, if an
association rule reveals that the sale of beer implies a sale of
diapers, then a merchant may use this information to optimize his
or her shelf placement and promotion decisions. In particular,
rules that are interesting or unexpected are the most informative
for market basket analysis. Many of the traditional and alternative
models for market basket analysis are focused on such
5.4.3 Demographic and Profile Analysis
A closely related problem is that of using
demographic profiles to make recommendations. An example is the
rule discussed in Sect. 4.6.3 of Chap. 4.
Other demographic attributes, such as the gender
or the ZIP code, can be used to determine more refined rules. Such
rules are referred to as profile
association rules. Profile association rules are very useful
for target marketing decisions because they can be used to identify
relevant population segments for specific products. Profile
association rules can be viewed in a similar way to classification
rules, except that the antecedent of the rule typically identifies
a profile segment, and the consequent identifies a population
segment for target marketing.
5.4.4 Recommendations and Collaborative Filtering
Both the aforementioned applications are closely
related to the generic problem of recommendation analysis and
collaborative filtering. In collaborative filtering, the idea is to
make recommendations to users on the basis of the buying behavior
of other similar users. In this context, localized pattern mining is
particularly useful. In localized pattern mining, the idea is to
cluster the data into segments, and then determine the patterns in
these segments. The patterns from each segment are typically more
resistant to noise from the global data distribution and provide a
clearer idea of the patterns within like-minded customers. For
example, in a movie recommendation system, a particular pattern for
movie titles, such as ,
may not have sufficient support on a global basis. However, within
like-minded customers, who are interested in historical movies,
such a pattern may have sufficient support. This approach is used
in applications such as collaborative filtering. The problem of
localized pattern mining is much more challenging because of the
need to simultaneously determine the clustered segments and the
association rules. The bibliographic section contains pointers to
such localized pattern mining methods. Collaborative filtering is
discussed in detail in Sect. 18.5
of Chap. 18.
5.4.5 Web Log Analysis
Web log analysis is a common scenario for pattern
mining methods. For example, the set of pages accessed during a
session is no different than a market-basket data set containing
transactions. When a set of Web pages is accessed together
frequently, this provides useful insights about correlations in
user behavior with respect to Web pages. Such insights can be
leveraged by site-administrators to improve the structure of the
Web site. For example, if a pair of Web pages are frequently
accessed together in a session but are not currently linked
together, it may be helpful to add a link between them. The most
sophisticated forms of Web log analysis typically work with the
temporal aspects of logs, beyond the set-wise framework of frequent
itemset mining. These methods will be discussed in detail in
Chaps. 15 and 18.
5.4.6 Bioinformatics
Many new technologies in bioinformatics, such as
microarray and mass spectrometry technologies, allow the collection
of different kinds of very high-dimensional data sets. A classical
example of this kind of data is gene-expression data, which can be
expressed as an
matrix, where the number of columns is very large compared with typical market basket
applications. It is not uncommon for a microarray application to
contain a hundred thousand columns. The discovery of frequent
patterns in such data has numerous applications in the discovery of
key biological properties that are encoded by these data sets. For
such cases, long pattern mining methods, such as maximal and closed
pattern mining are very useful. In fact, a number of methods,
discussed in the bibliographic notes, have specifically been
designed for such data sets.
5.4.7 Other Applications for Complex Data Types
Frequent pattern mining algorithms have been
generalized to more complex data types such as temporal data,
spatial data, and graph data. This book contains different chapters
for these complex data types. A brief discussion of these more
complex applications is provided here:
Temporal Web log analytics: The use of
temporal information from Web logs greatly enriches the analysis
process. For example, certain patterns of accesses may occur
frequently in the logs and these can be used to build event
prediction models in cases where future events may be predicted
from the current pattern of events.
co-location patterns: Spatial co-location patterns provide
useful insights about the spatial correlations among different
individuals. Frequent pattern mining algorithms have been
generalized to such scenarios. Refer to Chap. 16.
Chemical and
biological graph applications: In many real scenarios, such
as chemical and biological compounds, the determination of
structural patterns provides insights about the properties of these
molecules. Such patterns are also used to create classification
models. These methods are discussed in Chap. 17.
Software bug analysis: The structure of
computer programs can often be represented as call graphs. The
analysis of the frequent patterns in the call graphs and key
deviations from these patterns provides insights about the bugs in
the underlying software.
Many of the aforementioned applications will be
discussed in later chapters of this book.
5.5 Summary
In order to use frequent patterns effectively in
data-driven applications, it is crucial to create concise summaries
of the underlying patterns. This is because the number of returned
patterns may be very large and difficult to interpret. Numerous
methods have been designed to create a compressed summary of the
frequent patterns. Maximal patterns provide a concise summary but
are lossy in terms of the support of the underlying patterns. They
can often be determined effectively by incorporating different
kinds of pruning strategies in frequent pattern mining
Closed patterns provide a lossless description of
the underlying frequent itemsets. On the other hand, the
compression obtained from closed patterns is not quite as
significant as that obtained from the use of maximal patterns. The
concept of “almost closed” itemsets allows good compression, but
there is some degree of information loss in the process. A
different way of compressing itemsets is to cluster itemsets so
that all itemsets can be expressed within a prespecified distance
of particular representatives.
Query processing of itemsets is important in the
context of many applications. For example, the itemset lattice can
be used to resolve simple queries on itemsets. In some cases, the
lattice may not fit in main memory. For these cases, it may be
desirable to use disk resident data structures such as the inverted
index or the signature table. In cases where the constraints are
arbitrary or have a high level of selectivity, it may be desirable
to push the constraints directly into the mining process.
Frequent pattern mining has many applications,
including its use as a subroutine for other data mining problems.
Other applications include market basket analysis, profile
analysis, recommendations, Web log analysis, spatial data, and
chemical data. Many of these applications are discussed in later
chapters of this book.
5.6 Bibliographic Notes
The first algorithm for maximal pattern mining
was proposed in [82]. Subsequently, the DepthProject [4] and
GenMax [233] algorithms
were also designed for maximal pattern mining. DepthProject showed
that the depth-first method has several advantages for determining
maximal patterns. Vertical bitmaps were used in MAFIA [123] to compress the sizes of
the underlying tid lists.
The problem of closed pattern mining was first proposed in [417] in
which an Apriori-based algorithm, known as A-Close, was presented. Subsequently,
numerous algorithms such as CLOSET [420], CLOSET+ [504], and CHARM [539] were
proposed for closed frequent pattern mining. The last of these
algorithms uses the vertical data format to mine long patterns in a
more efficient way. For the case of very high-dimensional data
sets, closed pattern mining algorithms were proposed in the form of
CARPENTER and COBBLER, respectively [413, 415].
Another method, known as pattern-fusion [553], fuses the different
pattern segments together to create a long pattern.
The work in [125] shows how to use deduction
rules to construct a minimal representation for all frequent
itemsets. An excellent survey on condensed representations of
frequent itemsets may be found in [126]. Numerous methods have
subsequently been proposed to approximate closures in the form of
-freesets [107]. Information-theoretic methods
for itemset compression have been discussed in [470].
The use of clustering-based methods for
compression focuses on the itemsets rather than the transactions.
The work in [515] clusters the patterns on the basis of their
similarity and frequency to create a condensed representation of
the patterns. The submodularity property used in the greedy
algorithm for finding the best set of covering itemsets is
discussed in [403].
The algorithm for using the itemset lattice for
interactive rule exploration is discussed in [37]. The concepts of
simple redundancy and strict redundancy are also discussed in this
work. This method was also generalized to the case of profile
association rules [38]. The inverted index, presented in this
chapter, may be found in [441]. A discussion of a market
basket-specific implementation, together with the signature table,
may be found in [41]. A compact disk structure for storing and
querying frequent itemsets has been studied in [359].
A variety of constraint-based methods have been
developed for pattern mining. Succinct constraints are the easiest
to address because they can be pushed directly into data selection.
Monotonic constraints need to be checked only once to restrict
pattern growth [406, 332], whereas antimonotonic constraints need to be
pushed deep into the pattern mining process. Another form of
pattern mining, known as convertible constraints [422], can be
addressed by sorting items in ascending or descending order for
restraining pattern growth.
The CLIQUE algorithm [58] shows how
association pattern mining methods may be used for clustering
algorithms. The CBA
algorithm for rule-based classification is discussed in [358]. A
survey on rule-based classification methods may be found in [115].
The frequent pattern mining problem has also been used for outlier
detection in very long transactions [263]. Frequent pattern mining
has also been used in the field of bioinformatics [413, 415]. The
determination of localized associations [27] is very useful for the
problem of recommendations and collaborative filtering. Methods for
mining long frequent patterns in the context of bioinformatics
applications may be found in [413, 415, 553]. Association rules can
also be used to discover spatial co-location patterns [388]. A
detailed discussion of frequent pattern mining methods for graph
applications, such as software bug analysis, and chemical and
biological data, is provided in Aggarwal and Wang [26].
5.7 Exercises
Consider the transaction database in the table
Determine all maximal patterns in this
transaction database at support levels of 2, 3, and 4.
Write a program to determine the set of maximal
patterns, from a set of frequent patterns.
For the transaction database of Exercise 1,
determine all the closed patterns at support levels of 2, 3, and
Write a computer program to determine the set of
closed frequent patterns, from a set of frequent patterns.
Consider the transaction database in the table
Determine all frequent maximal and closed
patterns at support levels of 3, 4, and 5.
Write a computer program to implement the greedy
algorithm for finding a representative itemset from a group of
Write a computer program to implement an inverted
index on a set of market baskets. Implement a query to retrieve all
itemsets containing a particular set of items.
Write a computer program to implement a signature
table on a set of market baskets. Implement a query to retrieve the
closest market basket to a target basket on the basis of the cosine