“The only reason for time is so that
doesn’t happen at once.—Albert
14.1 Introduction
Temporal data is common in data mining
applications. Typically, this is a resu`lt of continuously
occurring processes in which the data is collected by hardware or
software monitoring devices. The diversity of domains is quite
significant and extends from the medical to the financial domain.
Some examples of such data are as follows:
Sensor data: Sensor data is often collected by a wide variety of hardware and other monitoring devices. Typically, this data contains continuous readings about the underlying data objects. For example, environmental data is commonly collected with different kinds of sensors that measure temperature, pressure, humidity, and so on. Sensor data is the most common form of time series data.
Medical devices: Many medical devices such as electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) produce continuous streams of time series data. These represent measurements of the functioning of the human body, such as the heart beat, pulse rate, blood pressure, etc. Real-time data is also collected from patients in intensive care units (ICU) to monitor their condition.
Financial market data: Financial data, such as stock prices, is often temporal. Other forms of temporal data include commodity prices, industrial trends, and economic indicators.
In general, temporal data may be either
discrete or continuous. For
example, Web log data contains a series of discrete events
corresponding to user clicks, whereas environmental data may
contain a series of continuous values such as temperature.
Continuous temporal data sets are referred to as time series, whereas discrete temporal
data sets are referred to as sequences. This chapter focuses on
continuous time series data. The next chapter studies data mining
methods for discrete sequence data. While time series and discrete
sequence data are conceptually similar, there are significant
differences in the algorithmic methodologies used in each domain.
However, in many cases, time series data is converted to discrete
sequence data through discretization to facilitate the application
of rich classes of sequence mining techniques. This chapter also
discusses such cases.
Unlike multidimensional
data, in which all attributes are treated equally, time series data
are viewed as contextual
data representations. In contextual data representations,
the attributes are of two types:
Contextual attribute(s): These represent the attributes that provide the context in which the measurements are made. In other words, the contextual attributes provide the reference points at which the behavioral values are measured. For the case of time series data, the single contextual attribute corresponds to the time dimension. Some data types, such as spatial data, may contain multiple contextual attributes corresponding to spatial coordinates. The time stamps could correspond to actual time values at which the data points are measured, or they could correspond to consecutive indices (or ticks) at which these values are measured.
Behavioral attribute(s): These represent the behavioral values at the reference points. For example, in an environmental sensor, this could correspond to the temperature attribute. In general, each contextual attribute value (e.g., time stamp) has a corresponding behavioral attribute value (e.g., temperature). The behavioral attributes are usually the interesting ones from an application-specific perspective, but they cannot be properly interpreted without the knowledge of the contextual attributes. When more than one behavioral attribute is associated with each series, the corresponding series is referred to as a multivariate time series.
The analysis of contextual data types is more
difficult because behavioral attribute values cannot be interpreted
effectively without using the contextual attribute. For example, a
sudden change of the behavioral attribute between successive time
stamps (contextual attribute) is often indicative of outlier
behavior. Thus, unlike multidimensional data, problem definitions
are dependent on a combination of the interrelationships between
contextual and behavioral attributes. Thus, problems such as
clustering, classification, and outlier detection need to be
significantly modified to account for the impact of the contextual
attribute. Several data types discussed in subsequent chapters fall
within this class. Other examples include sequence data and spatial
The greater complexity of time series data
enables a larger number of problem definitions. Most of the models
can be categorized into one of two types:
Real-time analysis: In real-time
analysis, the data points in one or more series are analyzed in
real time, to make predictions. Typically, a small window of recent
history is used over the different data streams for the analysis.
Examples of such analysis include forecasting, deviation detection,
or event detection. When multiple series are available, they are
typically analyzed in a temporally synchronized way. Even in cases
where data mining applications such as clustering are applied to
these problems, the analysis is typically performed in real
Retrospective analysis: In
retrospective analysis, the time series data is already available,
and subsequently analyzed. The analysis of different time series
within a database is sometimes not synchronized over time. For
example, in a time series database of ECG readings, the data may
have been recorded over different periods.
Both these forms of analysis are useful in
different kinds of applications. Furthermore, these two scenarios
have different interpretations for the same applications such as
clustering or outlier detection. These issues are discussed in more
detail in later sections.
This chapter is organized as follows. The next
section presents methods for time series preparation and
similarity. Because the methods for time series similarity have
already been discussed in detail in Chap. 3, they are summarized only briefly
in this chapter. The reader is referred to the relevant sections of
Chap. 3 for the different time series
similarity measures. The problem of time series forecasting is
discussed in Sect. 14.3. Time series motif discovery is discussed
in Sect. 14.4. Section 14.5 addresses the
problem of clustering time series. Outlier detection is discussed
in Sect. 14.6. Time series classification is discussed
in Sect. 14.7. The summary of the chapter is presented
in Sect. 14.8.
14.2 Time Series Preparation and Similarity
Time series data may be either univariate or
multivariate. In univariate time series data, a single behavioral
attribute is associated with each time instant. In multivariate
time series data, multiple behavioral attributes are associated
with each time instant. The dimensionality of the time series,
therefore, refers to the number of behavioral attributes being
Definition 14.2.1 (Multivariate Time Series
A time series of length
features at each of
. Each timestamp contains a component
for each of the
Therefore, the set of values received at timestamp
. The value of
th series at
![$t_1 \ldots t_n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq5.gif)
![$\overline {Y_i} = (y^1_i \ldots y^d_i)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq8.gif)
In a univariate time series, the value of
is 1. In
such cases, a series of length
is represented as a set of scalar behavioral values
, associated with the timestamps
![$y_1 \ldots y_n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq14.gif)
![$t_1 \ldots t_n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq15.gif)
14.2.1 Handling Missing Values
It is common for time series data to contain
missing values. Furthermore, the values of the series may not be
synchronized in time when they are collected by independent
sensors. It is often convenient to have time series values that are
equally spaced and synchronized across different behavioral
attributes for data processing. The most common methodology used
for handling missing, unequally spaced, or unsynchronized values is
linear interpolation. The idea is to create estimated values at the desired time
stamps. These can be used to generate multivariate time series that
are synchronized, equally spaced, and have no missing values.
Consider the scenario where
values of the time series at times
, respectively, where
. Let
be a time drawn from the interval
Then, the interpolated value of the series is given by:
![$(t_i, t_j)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq22.gif)
![$$ y= y_i + \left( \frac{t-t_i}{t_j-t_i} \right)\cdot (y_j-y_i) $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ1.gif)
This is simple linear interpolation, although
other more complex methods, such as polynomial interpolation or
spline interpolation, are possible. However, such methods require a
larger number of data points in a time window for the estimation.
In many cases, such methods do not provide significantly superior
results over the straightforward linear interpolation method.
14.2.2 Noise Removal
Noise-prone hardware, such as sensors, are often
used for time series data collection. The approach used by most of
the noise removal methods is to remove short-term fluctuations. It should be
pointed out that the distinction between noise and interesting
outliers is often a difficult one to make. Interesting outliers are
fluctuations, caused by specific aspects of the data generation process, rather than
artifacts of the data collection process. Therefore, such
cleaning and smoothing methods are sometimes not appropriate for
problems such as outlier detection. Two methods, referred to as
binning and smoothing, are often used for noise
removal. Binning
The method of binning divides the data into time
intervals of size
denoted by
etc. It is assumed
that the timestamps are equally spaced apart. Therefore, each bin
is of the same size, and it contains an equal number of points. The
average value of the data points in each interval are reported as
the smoothed values. Let
be the values
at timestamps
. Then, the new
binned value will be
, where
![$[t_1, t_k], [t_{k+1}, t_{2k}],$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq24.gif)
![$y_{i \cdot k+1} \ldots y_{i \cdot k+k}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq25.gif)
![$t_{i \cdot k+1} \ldots t_{i \cdot k+k}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq26.gif)
![$$ y'_{i+1}= \frac{\sum_{r=1}^{k} y_{i \cdot k+r}}{k} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equa.gif)
Therefore, this approach uses the mean of the
values in the bins. It is also possible to use the median of the
behavioral attribute values. Typically, the median provides more
robust estimates than the mean because the outlier points do not
affect the median in a disproportionate way. The main problem with
binning is that it reduces the number of available data points by a
factor of
. Binning is
also referred to as piecewise aggregate approximation (PAA). Such
an approach can be rather lossy for large values of
, although
it can also be advantageous for fast distance computations [309]
because it provides a compressed representation.
![$k$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq29.gif) Moving-Average Smoothing
Moving-average methods reduce the loss in binning
by using overlapping bins, over which the averages are computed. As
in the case of binning, averages are computed over windows of the
time series. The main difference is that a bin is constructed
starting at each timestamp
in the series rather than only the timestamps at the boundaries of
the bins. Therefore, the bin intervals are chosen to be
etc. This results in a
set of overlapping intervals. The time series values are averaged
over each of these intervals. Moving averages are also referred to
as rolling averages and
they reduce the noise in the time series because of the smoothing
effect of averages.
![$[t_1, t_k], [t_2, t_{k+1}],$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq30.gif)
In a real-time application,
the moving average becomes available only after the last timestamp of the window.
Therefore, moving averages introduce lags into the analysis and
also lose some points at the beginning of the series because of
boundary effects. Furthermore, short-term trends are sometimes lost
because of smoothing. Larger bin sizes result in greater smoothing
and lag. Because of the impact of lag, it is possible for the
moving average to contain troughs (or downtrends) where there are
peaks (or uptrends) in the original series, and vice versa. This
can sometimes lead to a misleading understanding of recent
trends. Exponential Smoothing
Various smoothing methods applied to IBM
stock price from September 5, 2013 to September 4, 2014
In exponential smoothing, the smoothed value
defined as a linear combination of the current value
, and the
previously smoothed value
. The smoothing parameter
is used for this purpose.
![$\alpha \in (0, 1)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq34.gif)
![$$ y'_i = \alpha \cdot y_{i} + (1- \alpha) \cdot y'_{i-1} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ2.gif)
The value of
is typically set to the first point in the
series. When the value of
is 1, there are no smoothing effects, and the
smoothed series is the same as the original series. When the value
is 0,
the entire series becomes smoothed to the constant value of
. The
approach is referred to as exponential smoothing because the value
can be
expressed as an exponentially decayed sum of the series values. By
recursively substituting the aforementioned equation into itself,
the following can be shown:
![$\alpha $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq36.gif)
![$\alpha $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq37.gif)
![$$ y'_i= (1-\alpha)^i \cdot y'_0+ \alpha \cdot \sum_{j=1}^{i} y_j \cdot (1 -\alpha)^{i-j}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ3.gif)
The choice of
regulates the decay factor. Unlike moving
averages, exponential smoothing provides more importance to recent
data points. Data points are not lost at the beginning of the
series, and the impact of the lag is reduced for the same level of
smoothing. Examples of moving average and exponential smoothing are
illustrated in Fig. 14.1a, b, respectively. It is evident that
exponential smoothing does not lose any points at the beginning of
the series and generally provides slightly better smoothing for
lower lag.
![$\alpha $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq40.gif)
14.2.3 Normalization
Time series typically need to be normalized,
especially when multiple series are analyzed simultaneously. For
example, one series might measure temperature, whereas another
might measure pressure. Because these values are measured on
different scales, they cannot be compared meaningfully. Therefore,
two normalization methods are commonly used to adjust for such
normalization: In range-based normalization, the minimum and
maximum value of the time series are determined. Let these values
be denoted by
respectively. Then, the time series value
is mapped
to the new value
in the
![$(0, 1)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq45.gif)
![$$ y'_i = \frac{y_i- min}{max -min}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ4.gif)
Standardization: In standardization,
the mean and standard deviation of the series are used for
normalization. This is essentially the
-value of the time series. Let
represent the mean and standard deviation of the values in the time
series. Then, the time series value
is mapped to a new value
![$\mu $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq47.gif)
![$\sigma $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq48.gif)
![$$ z_i= \frac{y_i - \mu}{\sigma}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ5.gif)
Standardization is generally the preferred
method. However, it does not guarantee a specific range of the time
series values.
14.2.4 Data Transformation and Reduction
A variety of preprocessing methods exist for
transforming and reducing the time series data into a reduced
representation. Some of these methods transform the data into a
smaller number of numeric coefficients, whereas other methods
transform the data into discrete values. Discrete Wavelet Transform
The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) converts a time series to
multidimensional data. While time series can also be considered as
multidimensional data by viewing1 the values at the different
timestamps as dimensions, the values in successive timestamps are
highly related to one another. A direct application of
multidimensional methods ignores the temporal continuity in data
values. In wavelets, the coefficients describe properties of
different contiguous temporal
regions of the series. Each coefficient is equal to half the
difference in the average value of the behavioral attribute between
a pair of carefully chosen contiguous segments of the series. The
resulting representation can be more easily analyzed like
multidimensional data because temporal locality is already
incorporated within the coefficients. By using only the largest
coefficients for representation, it is possible to reconstruct the
entire time series accurately. Typically, the number of retained
coefficients is much smaller than the length of the original time
series. Thus, the approach is a dimensionality reduction method as
well. DWT is described in
detail in Sect. of Chap. 2. Discrete Fourier Transform
Preferred scenarios for DFT and DWT
Wavelets are most effective when most of the
variations in the series can be captured in specific local regions
of the series. In cases where the series contain global
periodicity, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is more effective. Examples of
scenarios in which either of these methods would perform well are
provided in Fig. 14.2. The basic idea is that any series of
can be
expressed as a linear combination of smooth periodic sinusoidal
series. Along with a single constant term, the
sinusoidal series have periodicity drawn from
. The data can be reduced
using this decomposition because only a small number of these
constituent series have large enough contributions to be included.
Consider a time series
. Each coefficient
of the
Fourier transform is a complex value which is defined as
![$n, n/2, n/3, \ldots n/(n-1) $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq53.gif)
![$X_0 \ldots X_{n-1}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq54.gif)
![$$ X_k = \sum_{r=0}^{n-1} x_r \cdot e^{-i r \omega k}= \sum_{r=0}^{n-1} x_r \cdot \mbox{cos}(r \omega k) - i \sum_{r=0}^{n-1} x_r \cdot \mbox{sin}(r \omega k)\ \ \forall k \in \{ 0 \ldots n-1 \}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ6.gif)
is set to
radians, and the notation
the imaginary number
. Therefore,
is a complex value. One property of the Fourier
coefficients is that
can be derived from
flipping the sign of the imaginary part for
Exercise 7). Therefore, only the first
complex coefficients need to be retained.
Furthermore, only the coefficients
with large energy
need to be retained. The top-
retained coefficients (together with their index
) can be
used to approximate the time series in a compact way. Both the real
and imaginary parts of the coefficients can be stored in a
real-valued vector data structure. This vector provides the reduced
representation of the series. The original series can be
reconstructed from the coefficients as follows:
![$\omega $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq56.gif)
![$ \frac {2 \pi }{n}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq57.gif)
![$ i$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq58.gif)
![$\sqrt {-1}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq59.gif)
![$k \geq 1$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq63.gif)
![$X_k= a_k +i b_k$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq65.gif)
![$a_k^2 +b_k^2$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq66.gif)
![$$ x_r= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} X_k \cdot e^{i r \omega k} = \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} X_k \cdot \mbox{cos}(r \omega k) + i \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} X_k \cdot \mbox{sin}(r \omega k) \right) \ \ \ \forall r \in \{ 0 \ldots n-1 \}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equb.gif)
Note that each
is a complex value. However, the imaginary part
of the right-hand side of this equation will always evaluate to
zero to yield the real series value
DFT has
several properties, which make it useful for data mining
applications. It satisfies the additivity property; the Fourier
coefficients of the sum (or difference) of two series can be
obtained as the sum (or difference) of their Fourier coefficients.
It also satisfies Parseval’s theorem, which states that if
is the
th Fourier coefficient, then we have
Because of these properties, one can compute the (scaled) Euclidean
distance between two time series by computing the Euclidean
distance between their Fourier coefficients. Like DWT, DFT can also be viewed as the
transformation of the time series to a new (rotated) orthogonal
basis system, except that each basis vector
of the Fourier coefficient
is a complex vector. Therefore, the time series
may be decomposed in terms of the mutually orthogonal basis vectors
![$X_k = a_k + i b_k$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq71.gif)
![$\sum _{r=0}^{n-1} x_r^2= \frac {1}{n} \sum _{k=0}^{n-1} (a_k^2 + b_k^2)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq73.gif)
![$\overline {B_k}=[1, e^{i \omega k}, e^{2 i \omega k}, \ldots , e^{(n-1) i \omega k}]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq74.gif)
![$\overline {B_0} \ldots \overline {B_{n-1}}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq76.gif)
![$$ (x_0 \ldots x_{n-1})= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} X_k \overline{B_k} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ7.gif)
Typically, off-the-shelf mathematical packages
are available to compute the coefficients with the use of the fast
Fourier transform (FFT). A closely related transform, known as the
discrete cosine transform (DCT), provides even better
compression. Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX)
This approach converts a time series to discrete
sequence data. The basic idea is to determine piecewise aggregate
approximates by averaging behavioral attribute values over
successive and equally-spaced windows of the time series. The
resulting continuous values are then discretized into a small
number of discrete values. Depending on the application, the number
of breakpoints may vary between 3 and 10. The approach selects the
break points of the discretization, so that each of the symbolic
values has an approximately equal frequency of representation. One
possibility is to use equi-depth discretization of the continuous
values, though this can be impractical or infeasible for long
series or streaming series. For long series or streaming series, a
Gaussian distribution assumption of the resulting averages is used
to determine the discretization breakpoints. The idea is to select
points on the Gaussian curve, so that the area between successive
breakpoints is equal, and therefore the different symbols have
approximately the same frequency.
14.2.5 Time Series Similarity Measures
Time series similarity measures are typically
designed with application-specific goals in mind. The most common
methods for time series similarity computation are Euclidean
distance and dynamic time warping (DTW). The Euclidean distance is defined
in an identical way to multidimensional data where the behavioral
attribute values at the different timestamps are interpreted as
dimensions. The Euclidean distance can be used only when the two
series have the same length, and a one-to-one correspondence exists
between the data points. This is not appropriate in unsynchronized
time series where the data may be generated at different rates over
different portions of the time series. The DTW method stretches and shrinks the
time dimension differently in different portions of one of the
series to create an optimal matching. As discussed in
Sect. of
Chap. 16, DTW can also be extended to
multivariate time series such as trajectory data. Two other
similarity/distance functions include the Edit Distance and the
Longest Common Subsequence. These measures are used more commonly
for discrete sequences, rather than continuous time series. All
these measures are described in detail in Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3.
14.3 Time Series Forecasting
Forecasting is one of the most common
applications of time series analysis. The prediction of future
trends has applications in retail sales, economic indicators,
weather forecasting, stock markets, and many other application
scenarios. In this case, we have one or more series of data values,
and it is desirable to predict the future values of the series
using the history of previous values.
Time series can be either stationary or nonstationary. A
stationary stochastic process is one whose parameters, such as the
mean and variance, do not change with time. A nonstationary process
is one whose parameters change with time. Some kinds of time series
such as white noise are stationary. White noise is the strongest
form of stationarity with zero mean, constant variance, and zero
covariance between series values separated by a fixed lag. On the
other hand, consider the case, where the behavioral attribute
corresponds to the price level of an industrial commodity such as
crude oil. This is typically nonstationary because the average
price level may increase over time as a result of inflation. In
fact, most time series in real applications are nonstationary. A
stationary series will usually be characterized as a noisy series
with a level trend, constant variance, and zero covariance between
different series values. For example, in Fig. 14.3a, both the series are
nonstationary because the average values increase with time. On the
other hand, in Fig. 14.3b, the dashed curve is stationary because
the trends do not change significantly with time. A strictly stationary time series is
defined as follows:
Definition 14.3.1 (Strictly Stationary Time
A strictly stationary time series is one in which
the probabilistic distribution of the values in any time interval
identical to that in the shifted interval
for any value of the time shift
![$[a, b]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq77.gif)
![$[a+h, b+h]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq78.gif)
Impact of different operations on
stationary and non-stationary series
In other words, all multivariate distributions of
subsets of variables must match with their shifted counterparts.
The window-based statistical parameters of a stationary time series
can be estimated in a meaningful way because the parameters do not
vary over different time windows. In such cases, the estimated
statistical parameters are good predictors of future behavior. On
the other hand, the current
mean, variances, and statistical correlations of the series are not
necessarily good predictors of future behavior in regression-based
forecasting models for nonstationary series. Therefore, it is often
advantageous to convert nonstationary series to stationary ones
before forecasting analysis. After the forecasting has been
performed on the stationary series, the predicted values are
transformed back to the original representation, using the inverse
transformation. The strict stationarity concept of Definition
14.3.1 is,
however, too restrictive to be meaningfully used in real
applications. For example, it is difficult even to determine
whether or not a time series is strictly stationary from a single
instance because one must comprehensively characterize all
multivariate distributions of subsets of variables.
A key observation is that it is much easier to
either obtain or convert to series that exhibit weak stationarity properties. In such
cases, unlike white noise, the mean of the series, and the
covariance between approximately adjacent time series values may be
non-zero but constant over time. This is referred to as covariance
stationarity. This kind of weak stationarity can be assessed
relatively easily and is also useful for forecasting models that
are dependent on specific parameters such as the mean and
covariance. In other nonstationary series, the average value of the
series can be described by a trend-line that is not necessarily
horizontal, as required by a stationary series. Periodically, the
series will deviate from the trend line, possibly because of some
changes in the generative process, and then return to the trend
line. This is referred to as a trend stationary series. Such weak
forms of stationarity are also very useful for creating effective
forecasting models. In the following, some practical methods that
are commonly used to convert nonstationary series to stationary
series will be discussed.
14.3.1 Differencing
A common approach used for converting time series
to stationary forms is differencing. In differencing, the time
series value
replaced by the difference between it and the previous value.
Therefore, the new value
is as follows:
![$$ y_i'= y_i - y_{i-1.} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ8.gif)
If the series is stationary after differencing,
then an appropriate model for the data is:
![$$ y_{i+1}= y_i +e_{i+1.} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ9.gif)
corresponds to white noise with zero mean. A
differenced time series would have
values for a series of length
because it
is not possible for the first value to be reflected in the
transformed series.
Higher order differencing can be used to achieve
stationarity in second order changes. Therefore, the higher order
differenced value
defined as follows:
![$$ \begin{aligned} y_i'' &= y_i' - y_{i-1}' \end{aligned} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ10.gif)
![$$ \begin{aligned} & = y_i -2\cdot y_{i-1} + y_{i-2} \end{aligned} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equc.gif)
This model allows the series to drift over time,
since the noise has non-zero mean. The corresponding model is as
![$$ y_{i+1}= y_i + c + e_{i+1.} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ12.gif)
is a non-zero constant that accounts for the drift.
Generally, it is rare to use differences beyond the second
A different approach is to use seasonal
differences when it is known that the series is stationary after
seasonal differencing. The seasonal differences are defined as
![$$ y_i'= y_i - y_{i-m} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ13.gif)
is an integer greater than 1.
In some cases, such as geometrically increasing
series, the logarithm function is applied to the values in the
series, before the differencing operation. For example, consider a
time series of prices that increase at an approximately constant
inflation factor. In such cases, it may be useful to apply the
logarithm function to the time series values, before the
differencing operation. An example is provided in Fig. 14.3a, where the variation
in inflation is illustrated with time. It is evident that the
differencing operation does not help in making the series
stationary. In Fig. 14.3b, the logarithm function is applied to the
series before the differencing operation. In this case, the series
becomes stationary after the differencing operation.
In the following, a number of univariate time
series forecasting models will be discussed. These models work
effectively under different assumptions on the time series
patterns. Some of these models assume a stationary time series,
whereas others do not.
14.3.2 Autoregressive Models
Univariate time series contain a single variable
that is predicted using autocorrelations. Autocorrelations
represent the correlations between adjacently located timestamps in
a series. Typically, the behavioral attribute values at adjacently
located timestamps are positively correlated. The autocorrelations
in a time series are defined with respect to a particular value of
the lag
. Thus, for
a time series
, the autocorrelation at lag
is defined
as the Pearson coefficient of correlation between
![$y_1, \ldots y_n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq89.gif)
![$$ \mbox{Autocorrelation}(L)= \frac{\mbox{Covariance}_t(y_t, y_{t+L})}{\mbox{Variance}_t(y_t)}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ14.gif)
The autocorrelation always lies in the range
although the value is almost always positive for very small values
, and
gradually drops off with increasing lag
. The
positive correlation is a result of the fact that adjacent values
of most time series are very similar, though the similarity drops
off with increasing distance. High (absolute) values of the
autocorrelation imply that the value at a given position in the
series can be predicted as a function of the values in the
immediately preceding window. This is, in fact, the key property
that enables the use of the autoregressive model. For example, the
variation in autocorrelation with lag for the IBM stock example
(Fig. 14.1) is
illustrated in Fig. 14.4a. Such a figure is referred to as the
autocorrelation plot and is
used commonly in AR models. While the autocorrelation is usually
positive and falls off with lag, the precise behavior is highly
application-specific. For periodic series, the autocorrelation may
be periodic and negative at certain lag intervals. An example of
the autocorrelations for a periodic sine wave is illustrated in
Fig. 14.4b.
![$[-1, 1]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq93.gif)
Autocorrelation plots for various
In the autoregressive model, the value of
at time
is defined
as a linear combination of the values in the immediately preceding
window of length
![$$ y_t = \sum_{i=1}^p a_i \cdot y_{t-i} + c + \epsilon_t $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ15.gif)
A model that uses the preceding window of length
is referred
to as an
The values of the regression coefficients
need to be learned from the
training data. The larger the value of
, the greater the lag that one is willing to
incorporate in the autocorrelations. The choice of
should be
guided by the level of autocorrelation of Eq. 14.14. Because the
autocorrelation often reduces with increasing values of the lag
, a value
should be
selected, so that the autocorrelation at lag
small. In such cases, increasing the window of regression further
may not help the accuracy of the modeling process, and may
sometimes result in overfitting. Typically, the autocorrelation
plot (Fig. 14.4) is used to identify the window. Instead of
using a window of coefficients in Eq. 14.15, it is also
possible to select coefficients with specific lag values. In
particular, lag values with high absolute autocorrelation in the
autocorrelation plot may be selected. Such an approach is also
helpful for forecasting periodic series.
![$a_1 \ldots a_p, c$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq101.gif)
Each timestamp in the past history of the time
series data creates a linear equation between the time series
variables. A set of linear equations between the coefficients can
be created by using the value at each timestamp in the training
data, along with its immediately preceding window of length
. When the
number of timestamps available is much larger than
, this is
an over-determined system of equations, which is infeasible.
Therefore, any (infeasible) solution will have an error associated
with it. The coefficients
can be approximated with
least-squares regression,
to minimize the square-error of the over-determined system (cf.
Sect. 11.5 of Chap. 11). Note that the model can be used
effectively for forecasting future values, only if the key
properties of the time series, such as the mean, variance, and
autocorrelation do not change significantly with time. Many
off-the-shelf commercial solvers are available for these models.
The effectiveness of the forecasting model may be quantified by
using the noise level in the estimated coefficients. Specifically,
which is also referred to as the coefficient of determination, measures
the ratio of the white noise to the series variance:
![$a_1, \ldots a_p, c$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq109.gif)
![$$ R^2= 1- \frac{\mbox{Mean}_t(\epsilon_t^2)}{\mbox{Variance}_t(y_t)} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ16.gif)
The coefficient of determination quantifies the
fraction of variability in the series that is explained by the
regression, as opposed to random noise. It is therefore desirable
for this coefficient to be as close to 1 as possible.
14.3.3 Autoregressive Moving Average Models
While autocorrelation is a useful predictive
property of time series, it does not always explain all the
variations. In fact, the unexpected component of the variations
(shocks), does impact future values of the time series. This
component can be captured with the use of a moving average model
(MA). The autoregressive model can therefore be made more robust by
combining it with an MA. Before discussing the autoregressive
moving average model (ARMA), the MA will be introduced.
The moving average model predicts subsequent
series values on the basis of the past history of deviations from
predicted values. A deviation from a predicted value can be viewed
as white noise, or a shock. This model is best used in scenarios
where the behavioral attribute value at a timestamp is dependent on
the history of shocks in the time series, rather than the actual
series values. The moving average model is defined as
![$$ y_t= \sum_{i=1}^q b_i \cdot \epsilon_{t-i} + c + \epsilon_t $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Eque.gif)
The aforementioned model is also referred to as
. The
is the
mean of the time series. The values of
are the coefficients that need to be
learned from the data. The moving average model is quite different
from the autoregressive model, in that it relates the current value
to the mean of the series and the previous history of deviations from forecasts, rather than
the actual values. Here the values of
are assumed to be white noise error terms
that are uncorrelated with one another. A problem here is that the
error terms
are not part of observed data, but also need to be derived from the
forecasting model. This circularity implies that the system of
equations is inherently nonlinear when expressed purely in terms of
the coefficients and the observed values
Typically, iterative nonlinear fitting procedures are used instead
of the linear least-squares approach to determine a solution to the
moving average model. It is rare that the series values can be
predicted in terms of only
the shocks, and not the autocorrelations. Autocorrelations are
extremely important in time series analysis because of the inherent
temporal continuity of time series data. At the same time, the
history of shocks do impact the future values of the series.
Therefore, neither the autoregressive nor the moving average model
can fully capture all the correlations needed for forecasting in
![$b_1 \ldots b_q$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq113.gif)
![$\epsilon _t$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq114.gif)
![$\epsilon _t$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq115.gif)
A more general model may be obtained by combining
the power of both the autoregressive model and the moving average
model. The idea is to learn the appropriate impact of both the autocorrelations and the
shocks in predicting time series values. The two models can be
combined with
autoregressive terms and
moving average terms. This model is referred to as
the ARMA model. In this
case, the relationships between the different terms may be
expressed as follows:
![$$ y_t = \sum_{i=1}^p a_i \cdot y_{t-i} + \sum_{i=1}^q b_i \cdot \epsilon_{t-i}+ c + \epsilon_t $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equf.gif)
The aforementioned model is the
model. A key question here is about the choice of the parameters
in these
models. If the values of
are set to be too small, then the model will not
fit the data well. On the other hand if the values of
are set to
be too large, then the model is likely to overfit the data. In
general, it is advisable to select the values of
as small
as possible, so that the model fits the data well. As in the
previous case, autoregressive moving average models are best used
with stationary data.
![$ARMA(p, q)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq119.gif)
In many cases, nonstationary data can be
addressed by combining differencing with the autoregressive moving
average model. This results in the autoregressive integrated moving average model
(ARIMA). In principle, differences of any order may be used,
although first- and second-order differences are most commonly
used. Consider the case where the first order differenced value
used. Then, the ARIMA model
can be expressed as follows:
![$$ y_t' = \sum_{i=1}^p a_i \cdot y_{t-i}' + \sum_{i=1}^q b_i \cdot \epsilon_{t-i}+ c + \epsilon_t $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equg.gif)
Thus, this model is virtually identical to the
model, except that differencing is used within the model. If the
order of the differencing is
, then this model is referred to as the
![$ARMA(p, q)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq129.gif)
![$ARIMA(p, d, q)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq131.gif)
14.3.4 Multivariate Forecasting with Hidden Variables
All the aforementioned models are designed for a
single time series. In practice, a given application may have
thousands of time series, and there may be significant correlations
both across different series and across time. Therefore, models are
required that can combine the autoregressive correlations with the
cross-series correlations for making forecasts.
While there are many different ways of
multivariate forecasting, hidden variables are often used to
achieve this goal. This is because the hidden variable approach is
able to cleanly separate out the cross-series correlations from the
autoregressive correlations in the modeling process. The idea in
hidden variable modeling is to transform the large number of
cross-correlated time series into a small number of uncorrelated
time series. Typically, principal component analysis (PCA) is used
for this transformation. Because these different series are
uncorrelated with one another, it is possible to use any of the
individually on the series to predict the hidden values. Then, the
predicted values are mapped back to their original representation.
This provides the forecasted values for all the different series
with the use of a small number of hidden variable predictions.
Readers are advised to revisit Sect. of Chap. 2 for the discussion on PCA before reading further.
It is assumed that there are
synchronized time series of length
. The
different time series values received at the
timestamp are denoted by
. The goal is to
. The steps of
the multivariate forecasting approach are as follows:
![$\overline {Y_i}= (y_i^1 \ldots y_i^d)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq139.gif)
![$\overline {Y_{n+1}}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq140.gif)
![$\overline {Y_1} \ldots \overline {Y_n}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq141.gif)
Construct the
covariance matrix of the multidimensional
time series. Let the
covariance matrix be denoted by
. The
entry of
is the
covariance between the
th and
th series. This step is identical to the case of
multidimensional data, and the temporal ordering among the
different values of
is not used at this stage. Thus, the
covariance matrix only captures information about correlations
across series, rather than correlations across time. Note that
covariance matrices can also be maintained incrementally in the
streaming setting, using an approach discussed in
Sect. of
Chap. 20.
![$d \times d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq142.gif)
![$d \times d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq143.gif)
![$(i, j)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq145.gif)
![$\overline {Y_i}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq149.gif)
Determine the eigenvectors of the covariance
![$$ C= P\Lambda P^T $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ17.gif)
is a
matrix, whose
columns contain the orthonormal eigenvectors. The
a diagonal matrix containing the eigenvalues. Let
be a
matrix obtained by selecting the
columns of
with the
largest eigenvalues. Typically, the value of
is much
smaller than
. This
represents a basis for the hidden series with the greatest
![$d \times d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq152.gif)
![$\Lambda $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq154.gif)
![$d\times p$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq156.gif)
![$p \ll d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq157.gif)
A new multivariate time series with
time series variables is created. Each
-dimensional time series data point
at the
th timestamp is expressed in terms of a
-dimensional hidden series data point. This is
achieved by using the
basis vectors derived in the previous step.
Therefore, the
-dimensional hidden value
is derived as
![$\overline {Y_i}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq163.gif)
![$\overline {Z_i}= (z_i^1 \ldots z_i^p)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq168.gif)
![$$ \overline{Z_i}= \overline{Y_i}P_{truncated} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ18.gif)
Normalized prices of four precious metal
exchange traded funds (ETFs) from September 5, 2013 to
September 4, 2014 and corresponding uncorrelated hidden
The value of
represents the
values for the hidden series variables at the
timestamp. Thus, this step creates
different hidden variable time series that are
approximately independent of one another. Note that the other
variables in
are approximately constant over time
because of their small eigenvalues (variance). The means of these
approximately constant values are noted as well. No predictive
modeling is required for the vast majority of these hidden
variables with constant values. In Fig. 14.5a, the stock prices of
four precious metal-related exchange traded funds (ETFs) are
illustrated for a period of 1 year. Each series was
multiplicatively scaled to a relative value starting at 1. The top
two hidden variable series are illustrated in Fig. 14.5b. Note that these
derived series are uncorrelated and the first hidden variable has
much higher variance than the second. The remaining two hidden
variables are not shown because their variance is even smaller. In
fact, each of the four correlated series in Fig. 14.5a can be approximately
expressed as a different linear combination of the two
hidden-variable series in Fig. 14.5b. Therefore, forecasting the hidden
variables yields approximate forecasts of the original
![$\overline {Z_i}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq169.gif)
![$\overline {Y_i}P$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq174.gif)
For each of the
uncorrelated and high-variance series, use any
univariate forecasting model to predict the values of the
variables at the (
)th timestamp. A univariate approach can be used
effectively because the different hidden variables are uncorrelated
by design. This provides a set of values
Append the means of the approximately constant values of the
series to
to create a new
-dimensional hidden variable vector
![$\overline {Z_{n+1}}= (z_{n+1}^1 \ldots z_{n+1}^p)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq179.gif)
![$\overline {Z_{n+1}}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq181.gif)
![$\overline {W_{n+1}}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq183.gif)
Transform back the predicted hidden variables
to the original
-dimensional representation by using the reverse
transformation. This provides the forecasted values of the original
![$\overline {W_{n+1}}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq184.gif)
![$$ \overline{Y_{n+1}}= \overline{W_{n+1}} P^T $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ19.gif)
The aforementioned description is a simplified
version of the SPIRIT framework. It reduces the computational
effort of prediction because simplified univariate modeling is
performed only on a small number
of independent time series. On the other
hand, it does incur the overhead of computing eigenvectors. The
hidden-variable series is a linear combination of many different
series. Therefore, the noise effects of individual series are often
smoothed out within the hidden variables, which increases the
robustness of the forecasting process.
![$p \ll d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq186.gif)
Repeated motif in a single time
14.4 Time Series Motifs
A motif
is a frequently occurring pattern or shape in the time series.
Motif discovery can be formulated in a wide variety of ways,
depending on application-specific requirements. These different
formulations vary in terms of the input data and the nature of the
motifs discovered. These variations are as follows:
Single series
versus database of many series: In the first case, a single
series is available, and the frequently occurring shapes in
specific windows of the series are determined. For example, in Fig.
14.6, the
highlighted shape appears three times in the same series and
therefore has a count of 3. A different formulation is one in which
we have
series, and the occurrence of a shape at least once in a particular series is
given a credit of exactly 1. The frequency is therefore computed in
terms of the number of series in which the pattern occurs. The
second formulation is much closer to sequential pattern mining in
discrete data. Different applications may require different
definitions of motif discovery.
Contiguous versus noncontiguous motifs:
Contiguous motifs require that the shapes are discovered over a
contiguous window of the time series. Noncontiguous motifs may
allow gaps between different elements of the motif. Much of the
work in time series analysis assumes that the motifs are defined
over contiguous windows. Non-contiguous motifs are more common in
discrete sequence analysis. Nevertheless, noncontiguous motifs may
have utility in some applications.
motifs: Many formulations fix the window size in which the
motifs are discovered. However, in practice, the frequent motifs
may occur over windows of different sizes. Such motifs are very
useful in many application-specific scenarios. For example, in the
financial-market series of Fig. 14.11a, an important motif is caused by a
“flash crash” event over the course of a day. On the other hand, in
Fig. 14.11b,
the (recessionary) trend occurs over several months. In the second
case, it may be needed to smooth out the local variations to
discover motifs. Thus, different techniques are required to
discover different types of motifs.
When does a motif belong to a time series? Two
methods are typically used by different applications.
Distance-based support: A particular
segment of a sequence is said to support a motif when the distance
between the segment and the motif is less than a particular
Transformation to sequential pattern
mining: A variety of discretizations can be used to convert
time series into discrete sequences. After the conversion, motifs
can be defined as discrete subsequences of the sequences.
The latter method lends itself to richer classes
of algorithms from sequential pattern mining. Furthermore, the
approach used for discretization can be varied to discover motifs
of different kinds. It also allows the discovery of noncontiguous
patterns because sequential pattern mining algorithms do not assume
contiguity by default. This section will discuss both kinds of
methods. In addition, the notion of periodic patterns will be
14.4.1 Distance-Based Motifs
Distance-based motifs are always defined on
contiguous segments of the
time series. First, the concept of approximate distance match
between a motif and a contiguous segment in a time series needs to
be defined.
Definition 14.4.1 (Approximate Distance
A sequence (or motif)
of real values is said to
approximately match a contiguous subsequence of length
in the
time series
) starting at position
, if the
distance between
is at most
![$S= s_1 \ldots s_w$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq188.gif)
![$(y_1, \ldots y_n)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq190.gif)
![$w \leq n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq191.gif)
![$(s_1, \ldots s_w)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq193.gif)
![$(y_i, \ldots y_{i+w-1})$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq194.gif)
![$\epsilon $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq195.gif)
Determining the most frequent motif
A wide variety of distance functions may be used,
and the Euclidean distance function is a common choice. The
aforementioned definition assumes that the two subsequences being
matched have the same length. This is a conservative assumption
that allows the use of distance functions such as the Euclidean
function. However, if other distance functions, such as dynamic
time warping, are used, it may not be necessary for both the
matched motifs to have the same length.
The number of occurrences of the motif in a
single long series is used to quantify the frequency of the motif.
In addition to the series itself, the window length
and the
approximation threshold
are the two main inputs to the
![$\epsilon $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq197.gif)
Definition 14.4.2 (Motif Count)
The number of matches of a time series window
to the time series
at threshold level
is equal to the number of windows of length
, for which the distance between the
corresponding subsequences is at most
![$S=s_1 \ldots s_w$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq198.gif)
![$(y_1 \ldots y_n)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq199.gif)
![$\epsilon $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq200.gif)
![$(y_1 \ldots y_n)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq202.gif)
![$\epsilon $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq203.gif)
The goal is to discover the top
motifs for
a user-defined parameter
. Furthermore, to ensure that the
discovered are very different from one another, a constraint is
imposed; the distances between any pairs of motifs discovered among
the top-
must be at least
. In the following, the discovery of
the most frequent occurring single motif will be described. The
generalization to the case of top
motifs is relatively straightforward. The overall
approach [356] uses a nested-loop algorithm to discover the most
frequent motif. The approach is described in Fig. 14.7.
![$2 \cdot \epsilon $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq208.gif)
The approach extracts all of the candidate motifs
of length
from a
time series and computes the distances to all of the windows of
. The
number of windows over which the match occurs is counted. Care is
taken to exclude trivial
matches in the count. Trivial matches are defined as those
matches where approximately the same (overlapping) window is being
matched. For example, the case when
is a trivial match. Furthermore, in the case
, if
the window starting at
matches with all windows starting at
, then the match at
is trivial
as well. In the case where
, if the window starting at
with all windows starting at
, then the match at
trivial. Therefore, this condition is explicitly checked in the
counting. The best candidate is tracked over the course of the
algorithm, and reported at termination. As evident from Fig.
14.7, the
approach requires a nested loop, and the number of iterations in
each loop is almost equal to the size of the series
. Thus, the
approach requires
distance computations. In principle, any time
series distance function, such as DTW, can be used for the computation,
although it is generally more expensive.
![$i+1, i+2 \ldots j$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq215.gif)
![$i-1, i-2 \ldots j$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq219.gif)
The majority of the time is spent in distance
computations. In many cases, a fast computation of the lower bound
on the distance can be used to speed up the approach. If the
computed lower bound between a pair of windows is greater than
then the pair is guaranteed to be irrelevant for adding to the
candidate motif count. Therefore, the distance computation does not
need to be explicitly performed. The piecewise aggregate
approximation (PAA) can be used to speed up the distance
computations. Consider a scenario where the PAA has been performed
over windows of length
. The resulting series has been compressed by a
factor of
, and
therefore the distance computations are much faster. If the series
be the
PAA of
, and
be the PAA of
, then it can be shown that:
![$\epsilon $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq223.gif)
![$X=(x_1 \ldots x_n)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq227.gif)
![$Y=(y_1 \ldots y_n)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq229.gif)
![$$ Dist(X, Y) \geq \sqrt{m} \cdot Dist(X', Y') $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ20.gif)
The proof of this result is as follows. Consider
the time series
. Over
any window of
points, the second moment of elements of
in that
window, is at least2
equal to
times the
square of the mean of the same elements. Other faster methods for
approximation exist, such as the use of the SAX representation.
When the SAX representation is used, a table of precomputed
distances can be maintained for all pairs of discrete values, and a
simple table lookup is required for lower bounding. Furthermore,
some other time series distance functions such as dynamic time
warping can also be bounded from below. The bibliographic notes
contain pointers to some of these bounds. Many variations of the
basic approach are possible by adding another layer of nesting,
which accounts for variations in the window size.
![$Z= X-Y$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq230.gif)
14.4.2 Transformation to Sequential Pattern Mining
A particularly convenient method for discovering
motifs in time series is to transform the problem to the sequential
pattern mining problem. The setting for this case is somewhat
different, where a database of
series is available, and it is desired to determine
all frequent motifs at a specified minimum support level. Since
motif (pattern) mining is more naturally defined in the discrete
case, this transformation facilitates the use of a wide variety of
tools available for the discrete scenario. Furthermore, such an
approach can also enable the discovery of noncontiguous patterns in
the time series. This is because the subsequences in sequential
pattern mining are allowed to be noncontiguous.
The first step is to convert the time series into
discrete sequences, by discretizing the behavioral attribute value
at each timestamp into categorical values. It is possible to
combine discretization with binning to create a robust sequence
representation. It should be pointed out that there are many
different ways of converting a time series to discrete sequences,
depending on application-specific goals. For example, the
discretization of the difference of the behavioral attribute values
between successive timestamps is equivalent to using discretized
wavelet coefficients of the most detailed level of granularity.
Lower order wavelet coefficients will provide insights into trends
over larger segments of the time series. Thus, it is even possible
to perform multiresolution motif analysis by using discretized
wavelet coefficients of different orders, and creating separate
base sequences for wavelets of each order. In general, the approach
for converting time series to discrete sequences will heavily
influence the nature of the motifs found.
For all these methods, the final result of the
discretization is a sequence of discrete values for each of the
series in the database. After this new database of sequences has
been constructed, any sequential pattern mining algorithm can be
applied. The GSP algorithm
is described in Sect. 15.2 of Chap. 15. It is important to note that the
algorithms in Chap. 15 allow gaps between successive
elements of the sequence. However, these algorithms can be
trivially generalized to the contiguous case, by adding a maximum
gap constraint in the sequential pattern mining algorithm.
Constrained sequential pattern mining algorithms are briefly
discussed in Sect. 15.2.2 of Chap. 15. It should be pointed out that the
different constraints discussed in Sect. 15.2.2 correspond to different
kinds of motifs. Because of the wide variation in the kinds of
motifs that can be found by varying either the discretization
approach or the sequential pattern mining approach, this
methodology is very flexible, and it can be tailored to many
different application scenarios.
14.4.3 Periodic Patterns
Just as DWT is used for discovering
local patterns in a time
series, DFT is often used
for discovering periodic patterns. Recall from
Sect. that the
th component of a time series
can be expressed in terms of
Fourier coefficients
as follows:
![$X_0 \ldots X_{n-1}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq237.gif)
![$X_0 \ldots X_{n-1}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq239.gif)
![$$ x_r= \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} X_k \cdot \mbox{cos}(r \omega k) + i \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} X_k \cdot \mbox{sin}(r \omega k) \right) \ \ \ \forall r \in \{ 0 \ldots n-1 \} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equh.gif)
is set to
radians. Since the imaginary part
of this summation is always 0 for real values of
, let us
expand the real part by assuming
![$\omega $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq240.gif)
![$\frac {2 \pi }{n}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq241.gif)
![$X_k= a_k + i b_k$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq243.gif)
![$$ x_r= \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (a_k + i b_k) \cdot \mbox{cos}(r \omega k) + i \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} (a_k + i b_k) \cdot \mbox{sin}(r \omega k) \right) \ \ \ \forall r \in \{ 0 \ldots n-1 \} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equi.gif)
By ignoring the imaginary part, we obtain:
![$$ \begin{aligned} x_r &= \frac{1}{n} \left( \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} a_k \cdot \mbox{cos}(r \omega k) - \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} b_k \cdot \mbox{sin}(r \omega k) \right) \ \ \ \forall r \in \{ 0 \ldots n-1 \}\\ &= \frac{1}{n} \sqrt{a_k^2 + b_k^2} \cdot \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} \mbox{cos}(r \omega k + \theta_k) \ \ \ \forall r \in \{ 0 \ldots n-1 \} \end{aligned} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equj.gif)
Here, we have
All terms with
periodic. In other words, the time
series can be decomposed into
sinusoidal components, so that the
th component has a periodicity
and amplitude of
. Therefore, if a periodic
component has very high amplitude relative to other components, the
entire series will be dominated by its periodic behavior. In order
to detect such components, the mean and standard deviation of all
are determined. Any amplitude
, which is at least
standard deviations greater than the mean is flagged. Such a
component has periodicity
, and its periodicity will be apparent in
the series because of its high amplitude. Note that the smaller
Fourier coefficients are also discarded in the case of
dimensionality reduction. However, when the threshold
chosen more aggressively (i.e., very large positive values such as
3), only 2 or 3 coefficients remain, and the periodicity of the
residual series becomes apparent. Furthermore, only values of
are relevant for
discovering patterns that have period at least
and have appeared at least
times in the series. The bibliographic notes contain pointers to
methods for discovering partial periodic patterns.
![$\theta _k =\mbox {cos}^{-1}\left ( \frac {a_k}{\sqrt {a_k^2 + b_k^2}} \right )$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq244.gif)
![$k\geq 1$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq245.gif)
![$\frac {n}{k}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq248.gif)
![$\sqrt {a_k^2 + b_k^2}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq249.gif)
![$\sqrt {a_k^2 + b_k^2}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq251.gif)
![$\delta $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq252.gif)
![$\frac {n}{k}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq253.gif)
![$\delta $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq254.gif)
![$k \in (\beta , \frac {n}{\alpha })$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq255.gif)
![$\alpha \geq 2$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq256.gif)
![$\beta \geq 2$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq257.gif)
14.5 Time Series Clustering
Time series data clustering can be defined in two
different ways, depending on the application-specific
In the first approach, real-time clustering is
performed on time series that are received simultaneously in time.
For example, in a financial market application, it may be desirable
to segment the series into groups that coevolve over time. In this
case, the values in the different time series are compared to one
another in an approximately synchronized way. Typically, the
analysis is performed on a small window of the recent history. The
time series are clustered into groups based on correlations between
series in the window. Furthermore, the clustering is performed in
online fashion, and the different series may move across different
clusters. For example, a stock ticker for IBM may move along with
Microsoft on one day, but not the next.
In the second approach, a database of time series
is available. These different time series may or may not have been
collected at the same instant. It is desirable to cluster these
series, on the basis of their shapes. For example, in an application
containing electrocardiogram (ECG) time series, the different
patients may have contributed a time series to the database at
different instants. Shape matching typically requires the use of
time series similarity functions discussed in
Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3. Thus, both the contextual
attribute and the behavioral attribute(s) may be warped or scaled,
depending on the nature of the similarity function. In such cases,
the different time series may not even be of equal length.
In this section, the different kinds of
clustering methods will be discussed in detail. The problem becomes
much more difficult when shape-based clustering is applied to
multivariate time series. One solution is to generalize the
similarity functions to the multivariate case. Time series
similarity functions can be generalized to the multivariate case,
though a full discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this
book. Relevant pointers may be found in the bibliographic
For shape-based clustering, the special case of
bivariate and trivariate series can also be addressed with the use
of trajectory clustering. An example of how multivariate series may
be converted to trajectory data is found in Sect. of Chap. 1. Methods for trajectory clustering
are discussed in Sect. 16.3.4 of Chap. 16.
14.5.1 Online Clustering of Coevolving Series
The problem of online clustering of coevolving
series is based on determining correlations across the series, in
online fashion. This is useful in many real-time applications such
as financial markets because it provides an understanding of the
aggregate trends in the series. In these cases, the time series are
clustered based on their correlations in a window of length
. Because
of the use of correlations to define similarity, the approach is
referred to as time series
correlation clustering. The ORCLUS correlation clustering algorithm
for multidimensional data was discussed in Chap. 7. A similar principle applies to
time series data, except that the correlation is measured between
different components (behavioral dimensions) of the multivariate
time series. The same temporal window is used for the different
time series in order to compute the correlations. Therefore, the
analysis of the different streams is temporally synchronized.
Time series correlation clustering
A natural approach is to use regression-based
similarity functions to compute the similarities between different
streams. It is not necessary for the two streams to be positively
correlated. Rather, the streams may be highly negatively
correlated. The key issue here is the predictability of the different time
series with respect to each other. For example, in Fig.
14.8, the
series A and B are very similar because they are perfectly
negatively correlated with one another. This is because these two
series can be predicted from one another. On the other hand, series
C is very different, and has low predictability with respect to
either stream, and it is useful in applications where it is desired
to maximize the predictive power of cluster representatives. An
example is sensor selection, where a subset of sensors need to be
selected which maximize the ability to predict the values of all
other sensors. Because prediction is one of the most fundamental
problems in real-time time series analysis, the use of
regression-based similarity is natural in such scenarios. This is
different from offline shape-based analysis where more conventional
time series similarity functions, such as DTW, are used. A method that directly
uses regression analysis for real-time time series clustering is
referred to as online time series
correlation clustering.
For ease in discussion, we will treat the
series as a single multivariate series with
attributes. The multivariate time series of length
is denoted
. The value
of each of the
streams at
th tick is
. The goal is to therefore always
to maintain a partition of the
series, so that highly correlated components are
assigned to the same partition. A representative-based approach is
used for clustering. The basic idea is to incrementally maintain a
set of
representative time series from the
series in real-time. This representative set,
denoted by
, is
similar to the representative set of a
-medoids algorithm. After the representatives have
been determined, all of the time series streams can be assigned to
one of the representatives with the use of a time series similarity
function. Each series can be assigned to its closest
representative. This similarity function will be discussed later in
more detail.
![$\overline {Y_1} \ldots \overline {Y_t}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq262.gif)
![$\overline {Y_t}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq263.gif)
![$(y_t^1\ldots y_t^d)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq266.gif)
A natural approach is to incrementally maintain
the representatives, and add or drop streams to the set
necessary. The clustering is implicitly defined by assignment of
series to their closest representatives. Therefore, when a new time
series data point arrives, the current set of representatives
need to be
updated. Streams are
iteratively exchanged between the current cluster representatives
and the non-representatives to optimize a quality criterion based
on minimizing the error. The similarity between a representative
nonrepresentative stream
, is the regression error of predicting stream
. The idea
is that true cluster representatives can be used to accurately
predict the other streams. To predict the stream
, a similar
model as the autoregressive model is used, except that the elements
of stream
are used
to predict stream
, instead of its own elements. Thus, the regression
model is as follows:
![$$ y^j_t = \sum_{r=1}^p a_r \cdot y^i_{t-r} + c + \epsilon_t $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equk.gif)
This is similar to the
except that the elements of stream
are being used to predict those of stream
. As in the
case of the
least-squares regression can be used to learn
coefficients. Furthermore, the training data is restricted to a
window of size
allow for stream evolution. The squared average of the white noise
error terms, or the
-statistic over the window of size
, can
be used as the distance (similarity) between the two streams. Note
that the regression coefficients can also be maintained
incrementally because they are already known at the previous
timestamp, and the model simply needs to be updated with the
addition of a single data point. Most iterative optimization
methods for least-squares regression, such as gradient descent,
converge very fast when starting with a near-optimal
Dynamically maintaining cluster
This regression-based similarity function is not
symmetric because the error of predicting stream
different from the error of predicting stream
. The
representative set
can also be used to create a clustering
the streams, by assigning each stream to the representative, that
best predicts it. Thus, at each step, the set of representatives
be incrementally reported, after updating the model. The pseudocode
for the online stream clustering approach is illustrated in Fig.
14.9. This
approach can be useful for trend analysis in financial markets,
where a representative set of stocks needs be tracked from the vast
universe of stocks. Another relevant application is that of
sensor selection, where a
subset of representative sensors need to be determined to lower the
operational costs of sensor networks. The description in this
section is based on a simplification of a cost-based dynamic sensor
selection algorithm [50].
![$\cal C$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq296.gif)
![$\cal C$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq298.gif)
14.5.2 Shape-Based Clustering
The second type of clustering is derived from
shape-based clustering. In this case, the different time series may
not be synchronized in time. The time series are clustered on the
basis of the similarity of the shape of the overall series. A first
step is the design of a shape-based similarity function. A major
challenge in this case is that the different series may be scaled,
translated, or stretched differently. This issue was discussed in
Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3. The illustration of Fig. 3.7 is
replicated in Fig. 14.10. This figure illustrates different
hypothetical stock tickers. In these cases, the three stocks show
similar patterns, but with different scaling and random variations.
Furthermore, in some cases, the time dimension may also be warped.
For example, in Fig. 14.10, the entire set of values for stock
stretched because the time-granularity information was not
available to the analyst. This is referred to as time warping. Fortunately, the
dynamic time warping (DTW)
similarity function, discussed in Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3, can address these issues. The
design of an effective similarity function is, therefore, one of
the most crucial steps in time series clustering.
Impact of scaling, translation and noise on
clustering (revisiting Fig. 3.7)
Many existing methods can be adapted to
shape-based time series clustering with the use of different time
series similarity functions. The
-medoids and graph-based methods can be used with
almost any similarity function. Methods such as
-means can
also be used, though in a more limited way. This is because the
different time series need to be of the same length in order for
the mean of a cluster to be defined meaningfully.
-means method for multidimensional data is discussed
in Sect. 6.3.1 of Chap. 6. This method can be adapted to time
series data, by changing the similarity function and the
computation of the means of the time series. The computation of the
similarity function can be adapted from Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3. The precise choice of the
similarity function may depend on the application at hand, though
approach is optimized for the Euclidean distance function. This is
because the
approach can be viewed as an iterative solution to an optimization
problem, in which the objective function is constructed with the
Euclidean distance. This aspect is discussed in more detail in
Chap. 6.
The Euclidean distance function on a time series
is defined in the same way as multidimensional data. The means of
the different time series are also defined in a similar way to
multidimensional data. The
-means method is best used for databases of series
of the same length with a one-to-one correspondence between the
time points. Thus, the centroid for each time point can be defined
using the correspondence. Time warping is typically difficult to
use in
algorithms in a meaningful way, because of the assumption of
one-to-one correspondence between the time series data points. For
more generic distance functions such as DTW, other methods for time series
clustering are more appropriate.
The main problem with the
approach is the fact that it cannot incorporate arbitrary
similarity (or distance) functions. The
approach can be used more effectively in this case because it does
not make any assumptions on the relative lengths of the different
time series. The approach is described in detail in
Sect. 6.3.4 of Chap. 6. The main difference from the
description provided in this section is that of the choice of the
similarity function. Any of the similarity functions described in
Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3 may be used. The CLARANS method discussed in
Sect. 7.3.1 of Chap. 7 can also be generalized to this
![$k$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq310.gif) Hierarchical Methods
The hierarchical methods, discussed in
Sect. 6.4 of Chap. 6, can also be generalized to any
data type because they work with pairwise distances between the
different data objects. In these methods, the main challenge is
that distance computations between all pairs of time series are
required. Many time series distance and similarity functions
require expensive dynamic programming methods. This is a major
disadvantage in the use of hierarchical methods. Nevertheless, the
approach can still be used quite effectively in cases where the
total number of time series is small. Graph-Based Methods
Graph-based methods provide a transformational
approach to time series data clustering. The idea is to transform
the time series data set into a single large graph, on which
community detection algorithms can be applied. As discussed in
Sect. of Chap. 2, any data type can be converted to
a similarity graph, once a similarity function has been defined.
Each node in this graph corresponds to a data object. Each node is
connected to its
neighbors, and the weight of the edge is equal to the similarity
between the corresponding pair of objects. Once a similarity graph
has been defined, any of the graph clustering algorithms discussed
in Sect. 19.3 of Chap. 19 can be used to determine node
clusters. The spectral method of Sect. 19.3.4 is most commonly used. The
clusters (communities) of nodes can then be mapped back to clusters
of time series by using the correspondence between nodes and time
series data objects.
14.6 Time Series Outlier Detection
As in the case of time series clustering, the
problem of outlier detection in time series can be defined in two
different ways.
outliers: A point outlier is a sudden change in a time
series value at a given timestamp. This problem is closely related
to forecasting, because an outlier is defined as a significant
deviation from expected (or forecasted) values. Such outliers are
referred to as contextual
outliers because they are outliers in the context of their immediate
outliers: In this case, a consecutive pattern of data points in a
contiguous window may be defined as an anomaly. For example, in an
ECG series, an irregular heart beat may be considered an anomaly
when considered together,
although no individual point in the series may be considered an
anomaly. Such outliers are referred to as collective outliers because they are
defined by combining the patterns from multiple data items.
Behavior of the
on the day of the flash crash (May 6,
2010) (a), and year 2001
![$S \& P~500$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq312.gif)
To illustrate the distinction between these two
kinds of anomalies, an example from financial markets will be used.
The two cases illustrated in Fig. 14.11a, b show the
behavior3 of the
over different periods in time. Figure
illustrates the movement of the
on May 16, 2010. This was the date of
the stock market flash crash. This is a very unusual event
both from the perspective
of the point deviation at
the time of the drop, and
from the perspective of the shape of the drop. A different scenario
is illustrated in Fig. 14.11b. Here, the variation of the
during the year 2001 is illustrated.
There are two significant drops over the course of the year, both
because of stock market weakness, and also because of the
terrorist attacks. While the specific timestamps of drop may be
considered somewhat abnormal based on deviation analysis over
specific windows, the actual shape of these time series is not
unusual because it is frequently encountered during bear markets
(periods of market weakness). Thus, these two kinds of outliers
require dedicated methods for analysis. It should be pointed out
that a similar distinction between the two kinds of outliers can be
defined in many contextual data types such as discrete sequence
data. These are referred to as point outliers and combination
outliers, respectively, for the case of discrete sequence data. The
combination outliers in discrete sequence data are analogous to
shape outliers in continuous time series data. This is discussed in
greater detail in Chap. 15.
![$S \& P~500$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq313.gif)
![$S \& P~500$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq314.gif)
![$S \& P~500$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq315.gif)
14.6.1 Point Outliers
Point outliers are closely related to the problem
of forecasting in time series data. A data point is considered an
outlier if it deviates significantly from its expected (or
forecasted) value. Such
point outliers correspond to unsupervised events in the underlying data. Event
detection is often considered a synonym for temporal outlier
detection when it performed in real time.
Point outliers can be defined for either
univariate or multivariate data. The case of univariate data and
multivariate data is almost identical. Therefore, the more general
case of multivariate data will be discussed. As in previous
sections, assume that the multivariate series on which the outliers
are to be detected is denoted by
. The overall
approach comprises four steps:
![$\overline {Y_1} \ldots \overline {Y_n} $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq317.gif)
Determine the forecasted values of the time
series at each timestamp. Depending on the nature of the underlying
series, any of the univariate or multivariate methodologies
discussed in Sect. 14.3 may be used. Let the forecasted value at
denoted by ![$\overline {W_r}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq320.gif)
![$\overline {W_r}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq320.gif)
Compute the (possibly multivariate) time series
of deviations
In other words, for the
th timestamp
, the deviation is computed as follows:
![$\overline {\Delta _1} \ldots \overline {\Delta _r} \ldots $](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq321.gif)
![$$ \overline{\Delta_r} = \overline{W_r} - \overline{Y_r.} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ21.gif)
Let the
different components of
be denoted by
. These can be
separated out into
different univariate series of deviations along
each dimension. The values of the
th series are denoted by
. Let the mean and
standard deviation of the
th series of deviations be denoted by
![$\overline {\Delta _r}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq325.gif)
![$(\delta ^1_r \ldots \delta ^d_r)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq326.gif)
![$\delta ^i_1 \ldots \delta ^i_n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq329.gif)
![$\mu _i$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq331.gif)
![$\sigma _i$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq332.gif)
Compute the normalized deviations
as follows:
![$\delta z^i_r$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq333.gif)
![$$ \delta z^i_r= \frac{\delta^i_r - \mu_i}{\sigma_i}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ22.gif)
The resulting deviation is essentially equal to
-value of a
normal distribution. This approach provides a continuous alarm
level of outlier scores for each of the
of the multivariate time series. Unusual time instants can be
detected by using thresholding on these scores. Because of the
interpretation, an absolute threshold of 3 is usually considered
In some cases, it is desirable to create a
unified alarm level of deviation scores rather than creating a
separate alarm level for each of the series. This problem is
closely related to that of outlier ensemble analysis that is
discussed in Sect. 9.4 of Chap. 9. The unified alarm level
can be
reported as the maximum of the scores across the different
components of the multivariate series:
![$$ U_r = \mbox{max}_{i \in \{ 1 \ldots d \} } \delta z^i_r. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ23.gif)
The score across different detectors can be
combined in other ways, such as by using the average or squared
aggregate over different series.
14.6.2 Shape Outliers
One of the earliest methods for finding
shape-based outliers is the Hotsax approach. In this approach,
outliers are defined on windows of the time series. A
neighbor method is used to determine the outlier scores.
Specifically, the Euclidean distance of a data point to its
neighbors is used to define the outlier score.
The outlier analysis is performed over windows of
Therefore, the approach reports windows of unusual shapes from a
time series of data points. The first step is to extract all
windows of length
from the time series by using a sliding-window
approach. The analysis is then performed over these newly created
data objects. For each extracted window, its Euclidean distance to
the other nonoverlapping
windows is computed. The windows with the highest
neighbor distance values are reported as outliers. The reason for
using nonoverlapping windows is to minimize the impact of trivial
matches to overlapping windows. While a brute-force
neighbor approach can determine the outliers, the complexity will
scale with the square of the number of data points. Therefore, a
pruning method is used for improving the efficiency. While this
method optimizes the efficiency, and it does not affect the final
result reported by the method.
The general principle of pruning for more
efficient outlier detection in nearest neighbor methods was
introduced in Sect. of Chap. 8. The algorithm examines the
candidate subsequences iteratively in an outer loop. For each such
candidate subsequence, the
-nearest neighbors are computed progressively in an
inner loop with distance computations to other subsequences. Each
candidate subsequence is either included in the current set of best
estimates at the end of an outer loop iteration, or discarded via
early abandonment of the
inner loop without computing the exact value of the
neighbor. This inner loop can be terminated early when the
currently approximated
-nearest neighbor distance for that candidate
subsequence is less than the score for the
th best
outlier found so far. Clearly, such a subsequence cannot be an
outlier. To obtain the best pruning results, the subsequences need
to be heuristically ordered so that the earliest candidate
subsequences examined in the outer loop have the greatest tendency
to be outliers. Furthermore, the pruning performance is also most
effective when the true outliers are found early. It remains to
explain, how the heuristic orderings required for good pruning are
Pruning is facilitated by an approach that can
measure the clustering behavior of the underlying subsequences.
Clustering has a well known relationship of complementarity with
outlier analysis. Therefore it is useful to examine those
subsequences first in the outer loop that are members of clusters
containing very few (or one) members. The SAX representation is
used to create a simple mapping of the subsequences into clusters.
Subsequences that map to the same SAX word, are assumed to belong
to a single cluster. The piecewise aggregate approximations of SAX
are performed over windows of length
. Therefore, the length of a SAX word is
, and the
number of distinct possibilities for a SAX word is small if
small. These distinct words correspond to the different clusters.
Multiple subsequences map to the same cluster. Therefore, the
ordering of the candidates is based on the number of data objects
in the same cluster. Candidates in clusters with fewer objects are
examined first because they are more likely to be outliers.
This cluster-based ordering is used to design an
efficient pruning mechanism for outlier analysis. The candidates in
the clusters are examined one by one in an outer loop. The
neighbor distances to these candidates are computed in an inner
loop. For each candidate subsequence, those subsequences that map
to the same word as the candidate may be considered first for
computing the nearest neighbor distances in the inner loop. This
provides quick and tight upper bounds on the nearest neighbor
distances. As these distances are computed one by one, a tighter
and tighter upper bound on the nearest neighbor distance is
computed over the progression of the inner loop. A candidate can be pruned when an upper bound
on its nearest neighbor distance is guaranteed to be smaller (i.e.,
more similar) than the
th best outlier
distance found so far. Therefore, for any given candidate
series, it is not necessary to determine its exact nearest neighbor
by comparing to all subsequences. Rather, early termination of the
inner loop is often possible during the computation of the nearest
neighbor distance. This forms the core of the pruning methodology
of Hotsax, and is similar
in principle to the nested-loop pruning methodology discussed in
Sect. of Chap. 8 on multidimensional outlier
analysis. The main difference is in terms of how the SAX
representation is used both for ordering the candidates in the
outer loop, and ordering the distance computations in the inner
14.7 Time Series Classification
Time series classification can be defined in
several ways, depending on the association of the underlying class
labels to either individual timestamps, or the whole series.
labels: In this case, the class labels are associated with
individual timestamps. In most cases, the class of interest is rare
in nature and corresponds to unusual activity at that timestamp.
This problem is also referred to as event detection. This version of the
event detection problem can be distinguished from the unsupervised
outlier detection problem discussed in Sect. 14.6, in that it is
supervised with
Whole-series labels: In this case, the
class labels are associated with the full series. Therefore, the
series needs to be classified on the basis of the shapes inside
Both these problems will be discussed in this
14.7.1 Supervised Event Detection
The problem of supervised event detection is one
in which the class labels are associated with the timestamps rather
than the full series. In most cases, one or more of the class
labels are rare, and the remaining labels correspond to the
“normal” periods. While it is possible in principle to define the
problem with a balanced distribution of labels, this is rarely the
case in application-specific settings. Therefore, the discussion in
this subsection will focus only on the imbalanced label
distribution scenario.
These rare class labels
correspond to the events in the underlying data. For example,
consider a scenario, in which the performance of a machine is
tracked using sensors. In some cases, a rare event, such as the
malfunctioning of the machine, may cause unusual sensor readings.
Such unusual events need to be tracked in a timely fashion. Therefore, this
problem is similar to point anomaly detection, except that it is
done in a supervised way.
Behavior of temperature and pressure
sensors due to pipe rupture (a,
b), and failure of pressure sensor (c, d)
In many application-specific scenarios, the time
series data collection is inherently designed in such a way that
the unusual events are reflected in unexpected deviations of the
time series. This is particularly true of many sensor-based
collection mechanisms. While this can be captured by unsupervised
methods, the addition of supervision helps in the removal of
spurious events that may have different underlying causes. For
example, consider the case of an environmental monitoring
application. Many deviations may be the result of the failure of
the sensor equipment, or another spurious event that causes
deviations in sensor values. This may not necessarily reflect an
anomaly of interest. While anomalous events often correspond to
extreme deviations in sensor stream values, the precise causality
of different kinds of deviations may be quite different. These
other noisy or spurious abnormalities may not be of
any interest to an analyst. For example, consider the case
illustrated in Fig. 14.12, in which temperature and pressure values
inside pressurized pipes containing heating fluids are illustrated.
Figures 14.12
a and b illustrate values on two sensors in a pipe rupture
scenario. Figures 14.12 c and d illustrate the values of the two
sensors in a situation where the pressure sensor malfunctions, and
this results in a value of 0 at each timestamp in the pressure
sensor. In the first case, the readings of both pressure and
temperature sensors are affected by the malfunction, though the
final pressure values are not zero, but they reflect the pressure
in the external surroundings. The readings on the temperature
sensor are not affected at all in the second scenario, since the
malfunction is specific to the pressure sensor.
Thus, the key is to differentiate among the deviations of
different behavioral attributes in a multivariate scenario. The use
of supervision is very helpful because it can be used to determine
the differential behavior
of the deviations across different streams. In the aforementioned
pipe rupture scenario, the relative deviations in the two events
are quite different. In the labeling input, it is assumed that most
of the timestamps are labeled “normal.” A few ground truth timestamps,
, are labeled “rare.” These are used
for supervision. These are referred to as primary abnormal events. In addition,
spurious events may also cause large deviations. These timestamps
are referred to as secondary abnormal events. In some
application-specific scenarios, the timestamps for the secondary
abnormal events may be provided, though this is not assumed here.
The bibliographic notes contain pointers to these enhanced
![$T_1 \ldots T_r$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq355.gif)
It is assumed that a total of
time series data streams are available, and the differential
patterns in the
are used to detect the abnormal events. The overall process of
event prediction is to create a composite alarm level from the
error terms in the time series prediction. The first step is to use
a univariate time series prediction model to determine the error
terms at a given timestamp. Any of the models discussed in Sect.
14.3 may be
used. These are then combined together to create a composite alarm
level with the use of coefficients
for the
time series data streams. The values of
are learned from the
training data in an offline (or periodic batch) phase, so as to
best discriminate the true event from the normal periods. The
actual prediction can be performed using an online approach in real
time. Therefore, the steps may be summarized as follows:
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq358.gif)
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq360.gif)
(Offline Batch) Learn the coefficients
that best distinguish
between the true and normal periods. The details of this step are
discussed later in this section.
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq361.gif)
(Real Time) Determine the (absolute) deviation
level for each timeseries data stream, with the use of any
forecasting method discussed in Sect. 14.3. These correspond
the absolute values of the white noise error terms. Let the
absolute deviation level of stream
at timestamp
be denoted by
(Real Time) Combine the deviation levels for the
different streams as follows, to create the composite alarm
![$$ Z_n= \sum_{i=1}^d \alpha_i z_n^ i $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ24.gif)
The value of
is reported as the alarm level at timestamp
Thresholding can be used on the alarm level to generate discrete
The main step in the last section, which has not
yet been discussed, is the determination of the discrimination coefficients
. These should be selected
in the training phase, so as to maximize the differences in the
alarm level between the primary events and the normal
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq367.gif)
To learn the coefficients
in the training phase, the
composite alarm level is averaged at the timestamps
for all primary events of interest.
Note that the composite alarm level at each timestamp
is an
algebraic expression, which is a linear function of the
according to Eq.
14.24. These
expressions are added up over the time stamps
to create an alarm level
which is a function
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq368.gif)
![$T_1 \ldots T_r$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq369.gif)
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq371.gif)
![$T_1 \ldots T_r$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq372.gif)
![$Q^p(\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq373.gif)
![$(\alpha _1, \ldots \alpha _d)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq374.gif)
![$$ Q^p(\alpha_1 \ldots \alpha_d)= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^r Z_{T_i}}{r}. $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ25.gif)
A similar algebraic expression for the normal
alarm level
is also computed by
using all of the available timestamps, the majority of which are
assumed to be normal.
![$Q^n(\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq375.gif)
![$$ Q^n(\alpha_1 \ldots \alpha_d)= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n Z_i}{n} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ26.gif)
As in the case of the event signature, the normal
alarm level is also a linear function of
. Then, the optimization
problem is that of determining the optimal values of
that increase the differential signature between the primary events
and the normal alarm level. This optimization problem is as
![$\alpha _1 \ldots \alpha _d$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq376.gif)
![$\alpha _i$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq377.gif)
![$$ \begin{aligned} \mbox{Maximize } & Q^p(\alpha_1 \ldots \alpha_d)- Q^n(\alpha_1 \ldots \alpha_d)\\ & \mbox{subject to: } \sum_{i=1}^d \alpha_i^2=1 \end{aligned} $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equl.gif)
This optimization problem can be solved using any
off-the-shelf iterative optimization solver. In practice, the
online event detection and offline learning processes are executed
simultaneously, as new events are encountered. In such cases, the
values of
can be updated incrementally within the iterative optimization
solver. The composite alarm level can be reported as an event
score. Alternatively, thresholding on the alarm level can be used
to generate discrete timestamps at which the events are predicted.
The choice of threshold will regulate the trade-off between the
precision and recall of the predicted events.
![$\alpha _i$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq378.gif)
14.7.2 Whole Series Classification
In whole-series classification, the labels are
associated with the entire series, rather than events associated
with individual timestamps. It is assumed that a database of
series is available, and each series has a length of
. Each of
the series is associated with a class label drawn from
![$\{ 1 \ldots k \}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq381.gif)
Many proximity-based classifiers are designed
with the help of time series similarity functions. Thus, the
effective design of similarity functions is crucial in
classification, as is the case in many other time series data
mining applications.
In the following, three classification methods
will be discussed. Two of these methods are inductive methods, in which only the
training instances are used to build a model. These are then used
for classification. The third method is a transductive semisupervised method, in
which the training and test instances are used together for
classification. The semisupervised approach is a graph-based method
in which the unlabeled test instances are leveraged for more
effective classification. Wavelet-Based Rules
A major challenge in time series classification
is that much of the series may be noisy and irrelevant. The
classification properties may be exhibited only in temporal
segments of varying length in the series. For example, consider the
scenario where the series in Fig. 14.11 are presented to a
learner with labels. In the case where the label corresponds to a
recession (Fig. 14.11a), it is important for a learner to
analyze the trends for a period of a few weeks or months in order
to determine the correct labels. On the other hand, where the label
corresponds to the occurrence of a flash crash (Fig. 14.11b), it is important
for a learner to be able to extract out the trends over the period
of a day.
For a given learning problem, it may not be known
a priori what level of
granularity should be used for the learning process. The Haar
wavelet method provides a multigranularity decomposition of the
time series data to handle such scenarios. As discussed in Sect.
14.4 on time
series motifs, wavelets are an effective way to determine frequent
trends over varying levels of granularity. It is therefore natural
to combine multigranular motif discovery with associative
Readers are advised to refer to
Sect. of Chap. 2 for a discussion of wavelet
decomposition methods. The Haar wavelet coefficient of order
trends over a time period, which is proportional to
, where
is the full length of the series. Specifically, the
coefficient value is equal to half the difference between the
average values of the first half and second half of the time period
of length
. Because the Haar wavelet represents
the coefficients of different orders in the transformation, it
automatically accounts for trends of different granularity. In
fact, an arbitrary shape in any particular window of the series can
usually be well approximated by an appropriate subset of wavelet
coefficients. These can be considered signatures that are specific
to a particular class label. The goal of the rule-based method is
to discover signatures that are specific to particular class
labels. Therefore, the overall training approach in the rule-based
method is as follows:
![$2^{-i} \cdot n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq383.gif)
![$2^{-i} \cdot n$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq385.gif)
Generate wavelet representation of each of the
series to create
multidimensional representations.
Discretize wavelet representation to create
categorical representations of the time series wavelet
transformation. Thus, each categorical attribute value represents a
range of numeric values of the wavelet coefficients.
Once the rule set has been generated, it can be
used to classify arbitrary time series. A given test series is
converted into its wavelet representation. The rules that are fired
by this series are determined. These are used to classify the test
instance. The methods for using a rule set to classify a test
instance are discussed in Sect. 10.4 of Chap. 10. When it is known that the class
labels are sensitive to periodicity rather than local trends, this
approach should be used with Fourier coefficients instead of
wavelet coefficients. Nearest Neighbor Classifier
Nearest neighbor classifiers are introduced in
Sect. 10.8 of Chap. 10. The nearest neighbor classifier
can be used with virtually any data type, as long as an appropriate
distance function is available. Distance functions for time series
data have already been introduced in Sect. 3.4.1 of Chap. 3. Any of these distance (similarity)
functions may be used, depending on the domain-specific scenario.
The basic approach is the same as in the case of multidimensional
data. For any test instance, its
-nearest neighbors in the training data are
determined. The dominant label from these
neighbors is reported as the relevant class label. The optimal
value of
may be
determined by using leave-one-out cross-validation.
![$k$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq390.gif) Graph-Based Methods
Similarity graphs can be used for clustering and
classification of virtually any data type. The use of similarity
graphs for semisupervised classification was introduced in
Sect. 11.6.3 of Chap. 11. The basic approach constructs a
similarity graph from both
the training and test instances. Thus, this approach is a
transductive method because the test instances are used along with
the training instances for classification. A graph
constructed, in which a node in
corresponds to each of the training and test
instances. A subset of nodes in
is labeled. These correspond to instances in the
training data, whereas the unlabeled nodes correspond to instances
in the test data. Each node in
is connected to its
-nearest neighbors with an undirected edge in
. The
similarity is computed using any of the distance functions
discussed in Sect. 3.4.1 or 3.4.2 of
Chap. 3. The specified labels of nodes in
are then
used to derive labels for nodes where they are unknown. This
problem is referred to as collective classification. Numerous
methods for collective classification are discussed in
Sect. 19.4 of Chap. 19.
![$G=(N, A)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq391.gif)
14.8 Summary
Time series data is common in many domains, such
as sensor networking, healthcare, and financial markets. Typically,
time series data needs to be normalized, and missing values need to
be imputed for effective processing. Numerous data reduction
techniques such as Fourier and wavelet transforms are used in time
series analysis. The choice of similarity function is the most
crucial aspect of time series analysis, because many data mining
applications such as clustering, classification, and outlier
detection are dependent on this choice.
Forecasting is an important problem in time
series analysis because it can be used to make predictions about
data points in the future. Most time series applications use either
point-wise or shape-wise analysis. For example, in the case of
clustering, point-wise analysis results in temporal correlation
clusters, where a cluster contains many different series that move
together. On the other hand, shape-wise analysis is focused on
determining groups of time series with approximately similar
The problem of point-wise
outlier detection is closely related to forecasting. A time series
data point is an outlier if it differs significantly from its
expected (or forecasted)
value. A shape outlier is defined in time series data with the use
of similarity functions. When supervision is incorporated in
point-wise outlier detection, the problem is referred to as event
detection. Many existing classification techniques can be extended
to shape-based classification.
14.9 Bibliographic Notes
The problem of time series analysis has been
studied extensively by statisticians and computer scientists.
Detailed books on temporal data mining and time series analysis may
be found in [134, 467, 492]. Data preparation and normalization are
important aspects of time series analysis. The binning approach is
also referred to as piecewise aggregate approximation (PAA) [309].
The SAX approach is described in [355]. The DWT, DFT, and DCT transforms are discussed in [134,
467, 475, 492]. Time series similarity measures are discussed in
detail in Chap. 3 of this book, and in an earlier
tutorial by Gunopulos and Das [241].
The problem of time series
motif discovery has been discussed in [151, 394, 395, 418, 524].
The distance-based motif discussion in this chapter is based on the
description in [356]. A wavelet-based approach for multiresolution
motif discovery is discussed in [51]. The discovered motifs are
used for classification. Further discussions on periodic pattern
mining may be found in [251, 411, 467]. The problem of time series
forecasting is discussed in detail in [134]. The lower bounding of
distance functions is useful for fast pruning and indexing. The
lower bounding on PAA has been shown in [309]. It has been shown
how to perform lower bounding on DTW in [308].
A recent survey on time series data clustering
may be found in [324]. The problem of online clustering time series
data streams is related to the problem of sensor selection. The
Selective MUSCLES method was introduced in [527] that can
potentially be used to select representatives from a set of time
series. The online correlation method, discussed in this chapter,
is based on the discussion in [50]. A survey of representative
selection algorithms for sensor data may be found in [414]. Many of
these algorithms may also be used for online correlation
A survey on outlier detection for temporal data
may be found in [237]. A chapter on temporal outlier detection may
also be found in a recent outlier detection book [5]. The online
detection of timestamps is
referred to as event detection. The supervised version of this
problem is related to rare class detection. The supervised event
detection method discussed in Sect. 14.7.1 was proposed in
[52]. The Hotsax approach
discussed in this book was proposed in [306]. A wavelet-based
approach for classification of sequences is discussed in [51]. This
approach has been adapted for time series data in this chapter.
Surveys on temporal data classification may be found in [33, 516].
The latter survey is on sequence classification, although it also
discusses many aspects of time series classification.
14.10 Exercises
For the time series
, determine the binned time
series where the bins are chosen to be of length 2.
![$(2, 7, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3)$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq398.gif)
For the time series of Exercise 1, construct the
rolling average series for a window size of 2 units. Compare the
results to those obtained in the previous exercise.
For the time series of Exercise 1, construct the
exponentially smoothed series, with a smoothing parameter
Set the initial smoothed value
to the first point in the series.
![$\alpha =0.5$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq399.gif)
Implement the binning, moving average, and
exponential smoothing methods.
Consider a series, in which consecutive values
are related as follows:
![$$ y_{i+1}= y_i \cdot (1+ R_i) $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ27.gif)
is a random variable drawn from
. What transformation would you apply to
make this series stationary?
![$[0.01, 0.05]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq402.gif)
Consider the series in which
defined as follows:
![$$ y_i= 1+ i +i^2 + R_i $$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_Equ28.gif)
is a random variable drawn from
. What transformation would you apply to
make this series stationary?
![$[0.01, 0.05]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq405.gif)
For a real-valued time series
with Fourier coefficients
, show that
is real-valued for each
![$X_0 \ldots X_{n-1}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq406.gif)
![$X_0 \ldots X_{n-1}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq407.gif)
![$X_k + X_{n-k}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq408.gif)
![$k \in \{ 1 \ldots n-1 \}$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq409.gif)
Suppose that you wanted to implement the
algorithm for a set of time series, and you were given the same
subset of complex Fourier coefficients for each
dimensionality-reduced series. How would the implementation be
different from that of using
-means on the original time series?
Use Parseval’s theorem and additivity to show
that the dot product of two series is proportional to the sum of
the dot products of the real parts and the dot products of the
imaginary parts of the Fourier coefficients of the two series. What
is the proportionality factor?
Implement a shape-based
neighbor classifier for time series data.
Generalize the distance-based motif discovery
algorithm, discussed in this chapter to the case where the motifs
are allowed to be of any length
, and the Manhattan segmental distance is used
for distance comparison. The Manhattan segmental distance between a
pair of series is the same as the Manhattan distance, except that
it divides the distance with the motif length for
![$[a, b]$](A321149_1_En_14_Chapter_IEq413.gif)
Suppose you have a database of
and the frequency of motifs are counted, so that their occurrence
once in any series is given a credit of one. Discuss the details of
an algorithm that can use wavelets to determine motifs at different
The concept of “dimension” can be defined in two
ways for time series data. Each behavioral attribute in a
multivariate series can be viewed as a dimension. Alternatively,
the different values in a univariate time series can be viewed as
dimensions. The usage is often dependent on the semantics of the
application at hand.
The mean of the squares is always no less than
the square of the mean for any set of numeric elements. The
difference between the two is equal to the variance, which is
always nonnegative.