Immortal Embrace
Charlotte D. Blackwell
World Castle Publishing
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
World Castle Publishing
Pensacola, Florida
Copyright © Charlotte Blackwell 2011
ISBN: 9781937085513
Library of Congress Catalogue Number 2011930722
First Edition World Castle Publishing July 1, 2011
Licensing Notes
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.
Cover Artist: Karen Fuller
Editor: Marissa Dobson
To my wonderful family, my husband James, you have always believed in me even when other didn’t, thank you for all your support and encouragement. My children Jorden, Shawnee and Lucas I could have never finished this book without your understanding. Jorden you are an amazing young woman and thank you so much for always helping with the other kids when mommy needed to work. You kids inspire me to follow my dreams and never give up. My best friend Kathi, thank you for always being my sounding board and kicking me when I needed it when began to doubt myself. You make me laugh and cry and always there to entertain me. Together we will make them “SKIP”. I love you all more then you could know and each one of you has helped me to succeed.
An extra special thanks to my publisher Karen, I can’t thank you enough for believing in me and my story, I hope to make you proud. My editor Marissa thanks for challenging me and helping me to see when I could do better. I think we did it!
And last but not least, thanks to all the vampire lovers out there who like me just can’t get enough. I hope you enjoy the Embrace series.
In Greek Mythology it is believed that humans originally had four arms and legs and two faces on one head. The God Zeus was scared of the power these humans had and split them in half, resulting in two humans. He condemned humans to walk the earth searching for their other half to complete them. This is referred to as soul mates, through reincarnation some soul mates may spend many life times either searching for one another or together.
Chapter One
Her scream rips through the entire house, as the family runs to the horrific source, the wailing cuts right through to my very core. The memories flood me of the day I used to bellow the same cry so many years earlier. But I can’t think about my own terror anymore, I have a new life now. I can’t allow her to go through what I did. What has he done? I know her terror, her fear, the panic that is starting to set in for a girl who has become like a sister to me.
“She’s in Caspian’s room!” I shout.
Within moments of the painful cry, my entire family reaches the door. Elijah grabs for the brass doorknob, only to find it locked. He pounds at the solid oak door, his demands for it to open becoming more and more desperate as her cries fall silent. I take notice as Elijah and Florence share a glance and then, with his unnatural strength, he throws his shoulder into the door with all his might. The door splinters into pieces as what is left of it crashes to the ground.
Inside the room, Caspian is frantically fighting to save the woman he loves. “I...I didn’t... I didn’t mean to! I didn’t...Please help her! Please!” The tears stream down his face; blood no longer pours from the wound he inflicted on Ashley.
I look at the two of them and wonder how did this ever happen? She lays limp in his arms, as he is desperately trying to give her life again. The bed beneath them is stained crimson with her blood. I notice the small puncture mark on his wrist. It is seeping slowly, almost completely closed over. Surely that is from his attempt to save her. Surely...
“Ashley, NO! Please wake up. I can’t lose you, my love. I am so sorry,” Caspian cries in utter anguish.
Isaac and Constance push through the rest of us, to their aid. If anyone can save her, it will be one of them.
“She is too far gone,” Isaac observes. “There is nothing any of us can do to save her now.”
“Can I help? There has got to be something one of us can do.”
“No, Sophia. I’m sorry, but she has lost too much blood, and her heart has stopped.
He drank too much too quickly. I’d try to give her blood if I thought it would help, but it won’t do any good. I am sorry,” Isaac says, “but Ashley is dead. We cannot help her now.” His grim confirmation ends all hope.
Every instinct within me tells me to run and cradle her, to use every power within me to breathe life back into her limp body. “I can feel it now. She is gone forever.” I didn’t need him to tell me; I had felt it the second he released her hand.
“I have much more experience than you, Sophia. In time you too, will have the ability to detect separate entities and feel when the life force leaves,” He adds before he rises from his knees and pulls Caspian from her body. “We have all made mistakes, and I’m so sorry. We all loved her.”
Elijah wraps Caspian in a bathrobe and leads him out of the room away from the rest of us. Leaving us all standing there for a moment, shocked into silence by the tragic loss. Caspian has lost the woman he loved, but we all lost a woman we considered part of our family. It is not very often we let someone in, but our Ashley is just...well, she is special or at least was.
“What are we going to do now?” I ask. Glancing around the usually immaculate room, I see it is in total disarray. The white, satin sheets appear black from the dried blood they are now soaked in. Blood splatter covers every wall, as well as the two lovers’ clothing that is haphazardly strewn about the floor.
Isaac calmly observes our surroundings and tries to piece together the details.
“Elijah will handle this. He is a very wise man, and he will assist Caspian in dealing with his loss and the details of the accident.”
Constance agrees. “We will know more after Caspian clarifies what happened.”
Constance’s and Florence’s footsteps pound in my head as they walk down the staircase toward the kitchen. The sound of splashing water echoes through the corridor as they prepare a bucket to do the cleaning. We have to remove any and all evidence of this tragedy.
I realize my senses are increasing from the blood exposure, and quickly turn my focus back to Caspian. “Why wasn’t anyone aware of Caspian and Ashley’s situation?
Could no one sense what was happening? This could have been prevented.” My face burns with anger, and my throat is as dry as charred forest. As I become more aware of my surroundings, the drying blood brings the repulsive metallic scent of death. “I better open a window,” I say, needing relief. “It is starting to smell in here.” It is time to air it out a little; even if nothing will remove the smell of Ashley’s spilled blood. I head to the large window at the front of the room. I pull the shades and open the window before taking a seat on the window bench.
Alexander opens a second window on the side of the room. “Agreed. I hate the smell once the blood stops moving and what is left begins to settle.”
I cannot help but wonder how the blood can be so appealing until it starts to congeal in the body and reek. The wind rushes in through the open glass, and the scent of her young blood swirls around the room. I can feel the urge hastening through my body. I am ready to come apart.
“Sophia, relax. You can handle this. Nothing is going to happen. We will all be fine.”
Alexander understands me only the way a twin can. He is so protective of me, and the connection between us is strong, almost unbreakable. Why though, brother weren’t you watching over Caspian instead? I thought but dare not say.
With his large hands on my tiny shoulders, looking directly in to my eyes, into my very core in the way only he can, Alexander interrupts my worries once again. “Because he asked me to butt out tonight, Sophia. They had a special evening planned, and he did not want my intrusion.”
“I am not blaming you. I am only wondering if there was anything we could have done.” I run both hands through my hair, loosening the layers to fall around my face piece by piece. I let out a huge sigh, not wanting to lay blame on anyone. This is just one of the risks we take with our lifestyle, nothing more than a terrible unfortunate mishap.
“What about now? Do you know what happened, what is happening?” I ask, still looking up at my brother, who towers nearly a foot over my diminutive five-four frame.
He lowers his head, letting the sandy blond hair cover his face.
I try to gauge his emotions. I can tell he knows something, but getting him to share it with me is an unattainable feat, at least for tonight.
“Okay, everyone grab a cloth and start cleaning. Caspian doesn’t need to walk back in on this mess,” Florence urges in her motherly tone as she enters the room with a cache of washcloths and cleaning supplies.
Everyone works together to try to remove the hideous evidence from Caspian’s room. This is going to destroy him. He loves her more than anything else, and he will need our help to cope.
“He’s gone! I had no chance of stopping him. He was exasperated over the accident, and he returned his day ring to me and said he is no longer fit to be a member of our family. And then, just like that, he took off. I...I don’t think he is coming back—not ever.” Elijah gently places his arm around Florence’s shoulders. “Not only has our family lost Ashley tonight, but we’re losing Caspian too. We can mourn our losses tomorrow, but tonight we must take care of business.”We all agree and get to work. We never question Elijah; he is the head of this family and demands respect. What reason would we have to doubt him? He never steers us wrong and always guides us in the right direction.
Elijah and Isaac wrap Ashley’s body, already growing cold, in a sheet.
“We will dispose of the body,” Elijah says, lowering his head at the thought. “The rest of you should continue cleaning the room.”
Once again, we find ourselves drowning in silence as the older men in the family remove the body of our friend.
Constance sets the scene in Caspian’s room to create the appearance of him running away with Ashley. She even initiates a goodbye letter on his computer.
I can hear Florence on the phone with Ashley’s family: “Have you seen or heard from Caspian? We found his room in disarray tonight and a letter on his computer. He said he could not handle the pressure of college and was leaving.”
The plan is being set into motion, much like a story being written. We will file a missing person report after the required forty-eight hours. As for tonight, we will pretend to go search for the two lovers that we know are forever lost to us and to each other.
With every passing day, I wonder about Caspian’s safety and his emotional state.We have not heard a word from him since Ashley died, and my only hope is that he will return to us soon. If or when he decides to, he will know how to locate us. I still cannot believe everyone in town believes our tale that Caspian and Ashley ran away together, but our secrets have been well kept. I only wish they were still with us.
I don’t want to leave, but it is time to move on, as we are needed elsewhere. I grab my suitcase, pack my belongings, and prepare for our relocation. All the while, I cannot help being slightly frustrated that Alexander still won’t share what he knows. Maybe one day I will get it out of him, but for now, only unanswered questions linger in my mind.
It has been almost thirty years and eight moves since I last spoke to my oldest brother on the night when his girlfriend was accidentally taken from us. Still, I am convinced I have seen him lurking in the shadows from time to time, possibly to check up on us. I hope he decides to confront us someday soon. I think about him and the accident every day, that night changed me forever. The ache in my heart returns often, and I miss my brother. He was always willing to tell me what others refused to. Things were much more exciting with him around; humdrumness has taken over since he left...at least until recently, when she came.Our family is not the same without him; we have since taken in a new girl. She is young, with a birth age of only fifteen. I remember when Constance found her outside the hospital one evening last summer. We knew by the nature of her injuries that she would soon be one of us. We took her in and helped her through the embrace, training her and inviting her into our family.
“It is time to move on again and introduce Danika back into society. Where better to start than the same place we all began our lives again so many years ago?” Elijah declares, and he begins arranging for our relocation.
“This scares me,” I confess. “She is still so young. How do you know she won’t rebel?”
“Sophia, my dear, you made it through, and she will too. You need to have some confidence in her ability to socialize—not to mention that Alexander, Mati, and you will be with her all the way,” Florence assures me with far more confidence in the decision to proceed than I have.
I watch with dismay as Elijah takes Caspian’s family ring, hanging on a thin gold chain, and places it around Danika’s scrawny little neck.
My emotions get the better of me, and I shout, “How can you just give her Caspian’s ring?” Danika is only a teenager, after all.
With a firm hand and stern voice, Elijah replies, “He has not shown himself in three decades, Sophia. She may use it until we can have one made for her. It will not take long once we return to Wenham.”
That was the end of the discussion, for we never question Elijah.
Chapter Two
The Move
I’ve never imagined happily ever after. Happiness is not in the stars for me. How can it be? I ask myself. I saw how it destroyed Caspian. I will not let the same thing happen to me. That is why I try to distance myself from others. Now, after years entertaining and educating myself, working meaningless jobs, I have to return to high school as a spy and babysitter. I guess this will be a true test for Danika, but I am not interested in watching her every move and all the questions that come with being the new kid in town. Flopping back on my bed, I try to imagine what it would be like if I was normal, if I was mortal.
The past week has been spent unpacking. Moving is a big job, and we are taking the time to set up our house and make it our home. Walking around the house, I feel a sense of belonging, but it is overwhelming to return to the town where everything changed, where we learned a new way to survive. The memories overwhelm me with a variety of emotions, and the lump in my throat makes it even harder to fight back the tears. Things improved for us because of a few magickal women we had the privilege of befriending, but I fear now that Danika will jeopardize it all...but I guess I should have a little more confidence in her and in our training.
When I am finished preparing my room, I decide to help Alexander and Matilda with theirs.
“Why don’t you two ladies enjoy a walk around the grounds while I set up the electronics?” my brother Alexander asks. “Sophia, can I assume you still need yours installed?” Alexander gives me a playful nudge.
“You assume correctly,” I reply with a smirk across my face. The two of us leave the room.
Matilda and I take solace in our little walk around the grounds, familiarizing ourselves with the area.Taking a seat on the bench in the back garden, I confess, “I think I may like being back here in Massachusetts. We already have history in Wenham, and I believe it’s going to prove to be an interesting place for us to live.”
“You’re right, Sophia. I remember the last time we were here. This is the place that made everything possible, the place where I became part of this family.” A slight twinge of pain flickers in Matilda’s eyes as she recalls a time so long ago. “That seems like forever now.”
Trying to forget about the bad stuff, we look around and lounge in the overcast weather. We are fortunate to have found this amazing house. It has to be the most beautiful house I’ve ever seen. It reminds me of an old-style colonial mansion. It is just on the outskirts of town and slightly secluded, and is more than large enough for our entire family, all eight of us. Our family enjoys nice things, but even better than that, we love a good deal. I have to say this is the nicest house we have ever had—and at a price we couldn’t beat. We all love it, so even when we move again (as we surely will have to someday), maybe we’ll keep the house for future use.
I am excited to be here again. We have been gone for years. I feel comfortable here, as if I belong. When I start to feel this way, the logical part of me takes over my mind, and I start to wonder how long it will last. We never stay in one place for more than a decade, and then it is on to the next town.
“How do you feel about going back to school?” I ask while twirling my long brown hair around my fingers, I confirm. “I was nervous, but I am getting a little excited.”
“I think it will be fun. I have been getting a little bored and look forward to challenging myself. I think the curriculum has changed since last time,” admits the Barbie doll blonde. In true Matilda fashion, she retouches her lip gloss while admiring herself in a compact mirror, before we wander back to the house.
I spend the rest of the night organizing my school supplies. I pick out a plain outfit in an attempt to fit in, as if they won’t realize we are the new kids. Small towns like this have lifers. Most of the kids we will go to school with will have known one another since birth. My biggest concern is Danika. We have been easing her out around town all week, and she has done well. I just have a bad feeling about her—a worrisome feeling the others don’t seem to sense. Maybe it is the pessimistic side of me emerging yet again. Either way, I hope we do not draw too much attention. I don’t like getting close to people because of what happened to Caspian. I guess I should just relax and see what the day brings.In the sitting area of my room, that is exactly what I do. I pick up a book on Wenham history. Page after page, I learn more about the town history. This was the first town to break off from Salem in 1643. The first settlers of the area were Agawam Indians, and they later sold the land, though a few Agawam decedents still hold a presence in a nearby tribe. It is rumored that they are indebted to the land and still protect the area and the inhabitants. The next section discusses Wenham citizen Sara Good. During the Salem witch trials of 1692, Sara was hanged for being a witch. I think Constance will be intrigued by this story because of her brush with similar witch trials back in the day. I dog-ear the page; I will share it with her later. There was also a deadly outbreak of small pox in 1776, causing all the town children to be homeschooled. I always love learning about the towns we move to. The last time I was here, I learned very little, so I am glad to have this book. I rest it on my table to read more later. My brain is in historical overload, but I hope to have time to learn more before we are forced to move again... Oh how I hope we get to stay longer this time.
Chapter Three
Writing in my journal, I start reflecting on the past thirty years without my family.
Flipping through the leather-bound pages, I see notes–remembrances and reminders of every encounter I have had trying to protect them. I believe they are unaware of my presence or the presence of danger that surrounds them, hunting them. I miss having meaningful relationships, but I must atone for my mistakes, and this is the best way I know how. My heart still breaks for what I did to Ashley and for what her loss must have done to my family. Regret fills me for leaving them to deal with the aftermath of my actions.
I begin scribing my newest journal entry.
August 26th
They are moving again, back to where it all began. They are not aware of the dangers that lie ahead. I will be busy, and only being able to go out at night makes my job more difficult. In times like this, I wish I had not returned my ring. After coming to terms with Ashley’s death, I found them, and now I continue to follow the family I once called my own.
Sophia is extremely observant, and I have had many narrow escapes when it comes to her seeing me. The pain she has suffered on my account hurts me to no end. I hope she will one day learn to let go and find love. Her distrust of the new girl (I believe they call her Danika) is well founded though. This one will cause trouble for the family, just as Sophia suspects. Her new scent is drawing the evil closer, and now that they have returned to Wenham, it is closer than ever before.
Today I watched them move in to the place up the hill. This house is a good choice; they have chosen well. It is a secluded place, slightly out of sight and surrounded by a thick forest. But as much as this is good for them, it can also be a detriment. If others cannot see them, they cannot see others, including this evil thing I am hunting. Sitting in the tall trees today, I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Sophia and Matilda in the garden, thanks to the extreme coverage in the forest, and the overcast. I also saw Danika watching them from her room. Her need for acceptance and belonging is what worries me. It makes her an easy target. I will need to keep a close eye on her for a while...and whatever may come for her.
Tonight I will scout the area and re-familiarize myself with the town. And I simply must find something to eat.
I close my journal and tuck it away in a safe place, and I prepare for the night ahead.
Chapter Four
New Beginnings
Today is our first day of school at Wenham High, complete with new books and school supplies and the same old façade. I step out the front door of our home, reluctant to embark on this new adventure. I take in the beauty of the land we have purchased, the deep green hues of the grass and many trees; it is so beautiful I can taste it, like a fresh, ripe melon. The sun is beginning to rise, turning the sky beautiful shades of pink and lavender. Watching as Alexander pulls out of the garage in his pearl-white Cadillac Escalade, I grab my bag that’s resting on the porch swing. Matilda and Danika are already in the vehicle, and he stops at the front steps to let me in.
As we drive through town, I see a sign: WELCOME TO WENHAM, MASSACHUSETTS
POPULATION 4615. The streets are busy with parents bringing their children to the first day of school and older students stopping to pick up friends on their way. I enjoy the chance to make these observations, for over the years, people’s mannerisms have changed drastically. What better way is there to blend in than copying the traits of those I watch?
I turn my attention to my new ‘little sister’ to get a feel for her state of mind. She appears excited; with an ear to ear grin she twirls the straps of her knapsack around her fingers. She looks about ready to pop right out of her seat. “Are you sure you are ready for this?” I ask.
“Seriously, Sophia, it has been a year already. Aren’t you ever going to trust me?”
Her snarky tone drives me batty. “I am ready to start the day, to be a high school student. Please do not ruin this experience for me.”
“Fair enough. You should enjoy high school, and I will give you the benefit of the doubt. Just don’t screw this up for all of us.” At least I will have Alexander and Matilda to help keep her in line.
Stepping out of the car I instantly feel hundreds of eyes on us, and I try to ignore the whispers in case of any judgmental remarks about the new family in town. On the contrary, my siblings appear to be enjoying the attention. I am happy being slightly more obscure. I follow my siblings through the school grounds. I will not let all the prying eyes bother me, for I am only here to support Danika and ensure the safety of those around her. People are too trusting these days and should be more aware for their own protection.
We take our time walking to the main office. The school building is picturesque. It looks to be about a century old, made of rustic brick, with a large staircase leads to the front doors. There is well-developed greenery, some kind of ivy, climbing the walls and framing the windows. So much detail, I think to myself. They don’t make buildings like this anymore.
A charming smile beams across my brother’s face, and his brown eyes sparkle in the morning light. “Well, kids. Are we ready for this?”
Matilda gives a slight wink of her ocean blue eyes. “Back to the land of the living.”
“Let's just get this over with. I hate not knowing what will happen. I hope people will just stay away from me. Why do we even bother?” I grumble.
“You know why, Sophia. It’s because of me, though frankly, I don’t give a—”
“Danika! I will not tolerate you speaking like that. You will act like civilized human being. As for you, Sophia, if you are not careful with your negative talk, you will be the one that causes Danika to fail. We must keep her calm.” Matilda’s ocean blue eyes grow darker with her anger.
She is right; it is time for me to lighten up a little bit.
“Come on, Sophia. Try to enjoy yourself, maybe even make a friend or two.”
Matilda encourages in a calmer voice than a moment ago.
“Who in their right mind would...?” I stop myself without finishing my sentence.
Alexander is mad this time. “Try to be a little more positive and support Danika.”
“I’m sorry. I will try not to be so skeptical and miserable.”
Walking into the building I notice the walls are a pale yellow and lined with blue lockers. To my left is the library, framed with glass walls, as if to invite people in. Inside it are many cubicles and rows of student iMac computers. I am sure I have read most of the books on those shelves, but I look forward to finding the ones I have yet to read.To my right is the main office. It is very bright, with white walls and large windows so they can observe the happenings outside. Everyone’s going about their business. A middle-aged man heading over to the wall covered by small mail slots, one for each staff member or school group; he retrieves his memos for the day. A chest-high counter separates the room on one side from chairs on the other to create a waiting room, of sorts. In the work area, there are several cubicles and four larger offices, I assume for the higher officials of the school. The engraved nameplate on the front counter says Ms.
Jennifer Hunt.
A nice-looking woman with a warm, welcoming smile greets us. Her strait blonde hair and blue eyes put Matilda to shame. “You must be the Pierce family. Welcome to Wenham High!”
At that exact moment, everyone in the office stops what they are doing to catch a glimpse.
“It is not very often that a new family moves to town. Most families have been here for generations,” she adds.
Alexander smiles back. “Thank you. My name is Alexander, and these are my sisters, Mati, Sophia, and Danika.”
As she hands us our class schedules, locker assignments, and school maps, Ms. Hunt smiles again and says, “I trust you will enjoy our little town.”
“Thank you,” we say as we exit the office.
We stand in the hallway outside the office as the students begin to file in for their first class.
Alexander passes our schedules and information out while announcing everyone’s first class. “Mati, you have chemistry. I only ask that you do not blow up the school on our first day. Sophia, you get to enjoy history. That should be easy enough for you.”
“Ha ha. Very funny,” I say with a hint of sarcasm, still slightly bitter that I have to be here at all.
“Well, Danika and I have English in our respective grades. We can meet at lunch in the cafeteria. Enjoy your day, girls,” he snickers.
We part ways and began to look for our locker assignments and classrooms.
Alexander helps Danika find her way. This allows him a chance to check up on her without the tension between Danika and me.
I have my head buried in the school map, trying to keep a low profile and avoid the curious whispers around me as I search for my classroom. I really just wish they would pay no attention to me. I must keep my cool and avoid bringing attention to myself.
Suddenly, I managed to embarrass myself. When I bump into him, my books fly out of my hands. Although I could catch them, I allow them to hit the ground. I need to remember that not everyone has super reflexes, and I want to appear normal. That is when I hear it for the first time: the most beautiful, friendly voice I have ever heard. I don’t understand how or why, but his voice changes my mood from the very first syllable he speaks.
“I am so sorry! Are you alright?” the enchanting voice asks, already beginning to retrieve my books off the floor like a true gentleman.
Never have I been so distracted before. As he kneels beside me, I catch a whiff of him. He has the most incredible scent, so perfect I can taste it. He is like a perfectly aged wine, sweet and robust. He is like nothing I have ever smelled before – simply intoxicating. Maybe Danika is not my biggest concern. I want him more than anything I have ever desired before. I should worry about myself for a while. Will I be able to resist this incredible man? It is almost as though he is perfect for me. It has been years since I have been so tempted, and now with hundreds of eyes burning into me, I am tempted once again. I want to run, to scream, but I can’t. What can I possibly do? A long time ago, I made a vow–a pledge to never again follow through with such a temptation. I must remain true and strong, but...but I am so unsure of my ability to do so. He is like a bright candy apple at the state fair. I know I shouldn’t, but it is so hard to resist. How long can I resist a temptation such as this? I take a slow, deep breath–as my heart beats a little faster, but I want to, just so I can intake his amazing scent and enjoy the mouth-watering moment a little longer.
Then I look up. “I am. Thank you, although it was my fault for not paying attention.
Please accept my apology. Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry about me. Name’s Nathanial McCord, but everyone calls me Nate.”
As I look up at him holding my books that he’s gathered, I realize he is magnificent.
This young man is the most amazing creature I have ever come across. He offers his hand to help me off my knees and brushes his finger through his creamy chocolate-brown hair. Each strand falls back in place and reminds me of an expensive French truffle. His eyes are the most beautiful sapphire eyes I have ever seen. I am completely enamored by him, rendered speechless. This tall, athletic, perfectly muscled wonder with beautiful broad shoulders stands in front of me with a puzzled look upon his face.
“Are you sure you are alright? You look slightly out of it. Did you hit your head?”
This is not good. I attempt to talk myself down, but there is so much adrenaline running though me. Okay, Sophia, just get this over with and move on to class. Forget about him, this could be real trouble. You have worked too hard to throw it all away now. “Yeah, sorry. Just a lot on my mind. I guess I better get to class.” Mind your manners and don’t be rude, I scold myself. “You said your name is Nate? I’m Sophia Pierce. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“And you as well, Sophia. I can see by your schedule we have first-period history together. May I show you the way? You know...for the protection of the other students?” he jokes while already leading the way with my books still in hand.
His joke relaxes me just enough to smile and follow him to class. “Thanks...and very funny, by the way.”
Chapter Five
The Struggle
“This is our class.” He hands me my books and introduces me to the teacher before taking his seat.
“Welcome to Wenham, Ms. Pierce,” Mr. Wilson, a short, proud, middle-aged man says. “Okay, everyone. Take your seats.”
“Thank you,” I mumble as I proceed to the only open seat left, beside Nathanial, and politely smile at him. I notice him shooing away anyone else who tried to take the seat next to him.
I can’t believe I will have to sit next to him for the entire year. My feelings toward the boy are so conflicting. I want to be near him, but for all the wrong reasons, which makes me want to stay as far away from him as possible. I guess the choice is out of my hands now. He smells so good–deliciously appealing. I will have to figure this out before the inevitable happens and I can no longer resist the temptation.
He smiles back. “This is great, and now we can get to know each other better.”
“Yeah, great. You are the first person I have met, aside from Ms. Hunt.” I try hard to sound entirely sarcastic, but fate is working against me. I am just going to have to remain calm and remove these thoughts from my head. I will have to ignore his incredible scent, how he appeals to my every desire. I am so confused, wanting to know him and wanting him to know me, the real me. How is he making me feel this way? I have always been so good at keeping my distance. I have worked very hard to maintain the life I live, and I cannot throw it away over one silly boy! I think to myself. I need to stay away from him and keep my distance before I go down faster than the Titanic and take my family with me.
Mr. Wilson stands in front of the class to address us. “Welcome back, everyone. It is nice to see all of you again, along with a new face who’s moved to our town. Sophia, can you tell us a little something about yourself? We have all known one another for years now, and it is a pleasure to have someone new in our midst.”
I feel twenty-five pairs of eyes staring at me, awaiting my response. “Um, okay. My name is Sophia Pierce, and my family and I just moved here from British Columbia, Canada. I live with my parents, three siblings, and my aunt and uncle. I enjoy leaning about the history of the towns we move to, and...um, well, I guess that’s about it.” In the background I hear some of the girls whispering about Nathanial’s attentive demeanor toward me. From the information I can collect, Nathanial is well liked, popular, and the object of many girls’ affections, though he never seems to return the affection. He is more concerned about getting good grades, football, and the scholarship he is hoping to land to help pay for college. From the whispers I caught they can’t help but wonder, what makes the new girl so special?
“Thank you, Sophia. Now, class, let’s watch a short film on Stalin, a prominent figure in Soviet history. He ranks as one of the world’s worst dictators.”
Mr. Wilson starts the movie, grabs his coffee mug, and exits the room. Most of the class visits quietly, talking about their summers, but my thoughts were elsewhere.
I have never met anyone so kind before. He so helpful and polite. Nathanial McCord is a true gentleman and a pleasure to be around. I glace over at his notebook as the movie is playing. He is taking detailed notes, thorough and neat. I can tell he is a good student and eager to help me, the fragile new girl in town. (That’s funny. “Fragile” is possibly the worst adjective to describe anyone in my family.) Nathanial notices me reading his notes. “So how long has your family been in town?”
I can’t distance myself from him when I get lost in those amazing sapphire eyes. The best I can do is to try to keep my answers basic, while I contemplate the best way to resist him. “We got here last week.”
“Have you been able to check out the town? We have some great history here.”
“We have been busy unpacking, but I have been reading up on the town history a little.”
“If you ever need a tour guide, I would be happy to show you around.”
“That’s so kind of you. I think I just need to make it through today first. Everyone seems a little...well, intrigued with my family’s presence here. I’m not sure if I can handle much more attention.” I have a habit of blabbing a little too much when I get nervous.
The bell rings, and the sound reminds me of a banshee’s scream. I’ll have to get used to the sound clanging away between classes, because the noise is hard on my ultra-sensitive hearing. Class went by fast, thank God. Now I have an escape! I will be in my next class soon enough, and then can get my bearings. I survived first period, and what is more important the class survived me.
“Hey, look, Sophia! We have photo shop together next,” Nathanial says, crushing my escape plan with his enthusiasm.
I know I must be very careful. How am I going to protect him from me, when he renders me downright incapable of hiding the truth? My day is not starting out very good. Let’s hope it gets better before it gets worse...a lot worse. I really need to get a grip on this. I feel like my head is about to explode, and I can just imagine what I must look like to everyone since I tend to over think things, and I am sure it shows. Nathanial seems to be a great guy, and I cannot do anything about being in the same classes. I decide I just have to tolerate it and move on.
We partner together in photo shop. I just am not capable of staying away from him, no matter how hard I try. I need more, I want more, and I want him. How can this be? I have never encountered anyone like him before. I begin to think that maybe moving to Wenham is not going to be as great as I had hoped. There is something about Nathanial, and I will figure it out.The teacher sends the class to wander the campus and take pictures using digital cameras. As I look around the exquisite grounds, I notice Nathanial snapping some candid shots of me, and I let out a smirk. “Careful. You don’t want to break the camera on the first day.”
“No camera breaking here. I am more concerned about a heart breaker,” he says, laughing.
We start talking a little more, and he asks all the usual questions. “So you’re from Canada? What brings you to Wenham? What does your family do? Do you miss your boyfriend?”
“Wow. What is this, some kind of inquisition? Ask as much as you can in one breath, not allowing me to over think my answers?” I joke.
“Sorry. Just curious.”
“No problem.” I begin to answer using my well-practiced lines. “We moved from Canada, Whistler, British Columbia because there are too many tourists there and the commute was too far. My father is a lawyer, my uncle and his wife are both doctors, and mother is a homemaker. My brother, two sisters, and I are all students. There’s no boyfriend to miss. Besides, who would want to date me anyways?” Considering it is such a poor choice, a downright bad idea, I thought to myself. I can tell my final comment threw him off a little.
He whispers under his breath, thinking I won’t hear. “Who wouldn’t want to?”
I am shocked by his comment, but I cannot reveal that I heard him. I pretend to scour the campus for something to photograph. I cannot let his whispered compliment get to me, and I have to stick to the game plan: finish out the last two years of high school, make sure Danika behaves, move somewhere else, go to college, and fight for what we believe in. I cannot allow him–or anyone else, for that matter–to change the plan. It has worked for my family until now, and there is no use fixing something that isn’t broken. Continuing with the task at hand, photography, I try to forget what he said and peruse the area for the perfect snapshot. I get in a few good shots of Nathanial just as one of his football buddies tries to sneak up behind us.
“Gotcha!” the football friend shouts. “Now I have proof you like the ladies,” he jokes as he snaps a picture of Nathanial and me and runs off laughing.
“Don’t mind Ben. He’s just teasing me. I usually concentrate on my studies more than I do the ladies. The boys all think I need a girl in my life to keep me balanced, but I just never had any interest...at least not until now,” he admits sheepishly. “I have never found a girl who interested me quite as much as you. Sophia, I know we just met, but I think you are amazing, interesting, and intriguing. I believe there is more to you than you let on, and I want to know what you are hiding,” he says, clearly laying his intentions out on the table for me to process.
Analyzing the situation that has popped up so unexpectedly, I begin to wonder, How am I going to get myself out of this mess? I can’t resist him. I can’t get enough of him, and I can tell he feels the same. But I’m sure he’ll get over it soon. I am just the new girl, a mystery.
When he does forget about me, it will be easier for me to forget about him.
I’m glad when second period is over. Printing off a picture of Nathanial for myself, and I tuck it in my bag. I’m completely enamored by him, and I wonder what it is about him that is so intoxicating. It scares me. I fear not only for him, but also for myself around him. I know I cannot allow a boy I have only known for two hours to affect me like this. It feels as though I have known him forever, as if we belong together. If I become too close to him, everything could come out, and my darkest secrets will be revealed. I must not allow that to happen. Someone may get hurt. He could get hurt. I have to find a way to keep my distance from him, to find a way to resist the irresistible.
That’s my new task, and I challenge myself to succeed. I’ve had enough for one day.
Chapter Six
The next two weeks of classes drag by, but Danika is responding rather well. I am grateful to have Alexander in my algebra class, although it is getting old watching all the girls swoon over him as usual. I will admit to my brother’s stunning appearance, but enough is enough. Sometimes it turns my stomach.
“Sophia, why do you let what others think bother you so much? You need to learn not to pay attention and just let it all roll off of you.”
I hate when Alexander noses into my thoughts like that, and I tell him so. “First off you need to stop doing that. Sometimes my thoughts should be private. I know I am miserable, but this is how I keep my distance from people,” I say while gathering my books to get ready for my next class.
With a soft, calm voice Alexander stares right inside me, right to my very core. “I understand why you don’t want to get close to anyone. You’re afraid that what happened to Caspian will happen to you. But, Sophia, the people here are nice and you need to give them a chance. That Nate guy seems very welcoming, and I know he wants to get to know you better. Start with him. Get to know him and let him know you, even if it’s only a tad.”
“He frightens me. I have never wanted anything as much as I want him. He does something to me. I can’t hide from him. Something about him encourages me to enlighten him to our situation.”
“That could be a problem if you are not smart and careful, but why don’t you just trust yourself a little? You are stronger than you think.”
As we walk to our lockers, every girl we pass does a double-take of Alexander. I try not to let this upset me. Alexander is right, and I do need to relax. To some extent, their infatuation is amusing. Most teenage girls think of Alexander as some kind of celebrity, a sweet temptation. He is tall, strong, and built like a rock with a slight five-o’clock shadow around his face. His blond hair matches the sand on a Caribbean beach, which makes his piercing brown eyes stand out. It’s an unusual combination, but it works; he is stunning. Nevertheless, he is not available, so they need not bother–though they don’t know any better.I try to remember a time when I let someone from outside the family in. It was Ashley. She was an exceptional woman, although we never did share the family secret with her. She knew we were different, just not how different. Since her passing, I have tried to keep others at a distance, and I have been good at it–until now. Nathanial is different from others. Nathanial appears genuine and truly interested in me. He wants to know everything he can find out about me. I feel his brain working overtime in an attempt to figure me out. There is another reason I must stay away from him: he is special, and I want to keep him safe–safe from harm and safe from me!
When lunch rolls around, Alexander and I find Matilda and Danika in the cafeteria quite easily. No one ever seems interested in joining our table.
I freeze with surprise. “Are you kidding me?” I ask quietly.
Alexander stops and asks, “You okay, sis?”
“It is just Nathanial. I know you said to give him a chance, but I’m still reluctant.
He’s everywhere. I can’t seem to shake him, and I feel like he may be the one to get everything out of me. I want to be near him. I like him, and I want to know him. I just don’t trust myself with him, and now he is sitting with the girls.” I let out a sigh.
“I still think it’s a good idea to get to know him, but be careful, Sophia. You don’t want to give in to your temptations. We are here to help you control yourself.”
Alexander reassures me as we continue to the table where Matilda and Nathanial are sitting, deep in conversation.
Danika appears to be smitten with Nathanial as well and is flirtatiously twisting and twirling her vibrant red hair on her index finger.
We reach the table, and Nathanial stops mid sentence. “Hey, Sophia. I met your sister in Advanced Trig. I hope you don’t mind me joining your family for lunch?”
“No, that’s fine. We have lots of room, but your teammates over there look a little confused.”
I figure I can try being more pleasant and friendly. Nathanial is a good guy, and it might be nice having him around.
Nathanial begins fidgeting with the ketchup bottle that is on the table. “Your sister invited me to join you for lunch. She sure thinks highly of you.”
With a slight glare, I look over at Matilda. “Do I dare ask why you think that?”
“Never mind. I don’t want you getting an ego,” she interrupts and smiles.
I can tell by Matilda’s mannerisms that Nathanial is trying to gather as much information about me as possible. Lucky for him, Matilda is overly friendly and spills just enough to keep him interested.
Matilda whispers to me, “I get the feeling he is hard to keep secrets from. He is the type of person everyone wants to confide in.”
“Yes, me included. There’s just something about him that caught my attention right off. I don’t even understand why.”
Nathanial is very compelling. After knowing him for only a little under a month, Matilda admits to opening up a little about our family dynamics. “Danika is the newest member to join the family. We are not related by blood. Alexander and I fell in love, and we are accepted as a couple within the family rather than siblings. This is okay since we weren’t raised together nor officially adopted.”
I am shocked she is revealing so much; I guess I’m not the only one that needs to be careful around him. His ability to relax others and extract information from them is unfathomable, and getting any of us to open up so willingly is an extraordinary feat indeed.
“May I try to explain?” requests Danika.
With complete surprise, Matilda encourages, “It would be wonderful to hear your point of view.”
Danika looks for approval from the rest of us as she begins. “Our family was not raised together. We came together later in our lives. We had nowhere to go, and the Pierces took us in. They have raised us ever since. Only Sophia and Alex are related by genetics. From what they have told me, it was evident from day one that Alexander and Matilda belonged together.”
Talking about the others and their relationships, I begin feeling a little lonely. I have been alone for so long now. I had stopped believing my soul mate even exists until I met Nathanial. Sitting across the table from his incredible scent, I find myself contemplating the possibility that my soul mate is right here in front of me. I know Matilda has a keen sense about souls and is always searching for someone special for me. She has this gift of seeing inside people’s souls and can tell if they belong together.
Until now, she has never had any luck finding someone for me. From the look on her face, I can tell she feels differently now. This cannot be a good thing, no matter how much I want it to be true. There is no way he is the one. Our differences are too much to handle in a relationship. It will never work out, at least not in a good way. He may be right for me, but I am more than wrong for him. I try to clear these thoughts from my head. I do not want to raise any more questions and should pay attention to the conversation going on around me.
With my siblings near, I decide to throw away my inhabitations and be myself. The five of us goof around. We click really well, laughing and joking around. It makes it easy to forget about the entire school watching us, and I even relax a little. It feels good to loosen up and not be so tense around Nathanial. I am beginning to see myself in a new light with him around. Trying to make normal conversation while still checking up on our new sister, I ask, “How are you enjoying high school so far Danika? Are you making any friends?”
“I really like it here. People are very friendly, and nothing has been too difficult yet.”
“That’s great to hear. I am always here if you need help with anything.” We all understand the subliminal talk, but we don’t want Nate catching on. I’m even beginning to relax a little with Danika. Maybe I should give her a chance; she is trying very hard.
The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch period. We gather our belongings and prepare to finish our day. I look over to Alexander, and we silently agree that a sit-down with Danika is in order. It has been a month, and we need to make sure she is handling everything alright. I will try to give her the benefit of doubt. She may be mentally stronger than I ever thought.
Chapter Seven
Gathering around the mahogany dining table for our daily meal, I decide to share about the past month of school. “This guy in a few of my classes Nathanial, or Nate as everyone calls him, concerns me. He seems to relax all of us and release our inhibitions.
I’ll admit I’m extremely attracted to him and can’t get his scent out of my head. I am concerned about what he may learn or what I may do because of this somewhat embarrassing infatuation.”
“I must agree with Sophia. There is something unusual about him, something alluring and disarming. Although I really like him, he is kind, and Sophia’s and his souls match better than any I have seen before,” Matilda adds as she pours a ladle full of the blood gazpacho Florence has prepared for dinner into her bowl.
In his traditional fatherly tone, Elijah says, “We should meet this boy then, to ensure the safety of the family.”
“There is a football game tomorrow night. He’s the quarterback,” I announce, slightly blushing.
Elijah grins. “It’s settled then. We’ll attend the game as a family. What about the rest of you? How has school been working out?”
We all look at Danika, waiting for her response. She is quick to oblige. “I love it there. Oh, Sophia forgot to mention how cute Nathanial is too.”
“Seriously? You’re thinking about that? You are new to this lifestyle, and we have just begun to integrate you back into society. I think you have bigger concerns than a cute boy.” My frustration with Danika’s adolescent outlook is quick to take over.
“Oh relax a little, Sophia. I am just a teenager, and I want to enjoy being one while I really am.”
Why did we have to welcome her into our family? She just knows how to get under my skin, and I don’t trust her. As I eat my dinner, I try to calm myself and avoid jumping across the table to strangle her. I wonder if she deserves more credit than I have been giving her, but I realize I just can’t give it to her.
Alexander gives me a little look. “I think Danika has been doing very well. She has not had a difficult time dealing with temptation and she has maintained our cover.”
“Thank you, Alexander. It has been difficult at times. I just don’t want to disappoint any of you. Sophia already hates me and this family is all I have. Constance could have left me outside the hospital that night to fend for myself or so someone else would claim me. I am happy to have a second chance.”
“Danika, I’m sorry. I do not mean for you to think that I hate you, although I understand it may seem that way. I guess I’m just having a hard time letting someone in after losing Caspian and Ashley.”
With wide eyes searching for approval, Danika begins to plead, “I understand, but don’t you think if I was going to do something to harm this family, Constance would have seen it?”
“She’s right. I only saw her as part of our family, ever since the night I found her. I think we all need to regroup as a family unit. This should be a memorable experience for all of us. Being back in Wenham again will bring us closer together.” Constance begins to clear the table as Florence brings in dessert.
“Anyone interested in some blood sorbet? I infused the donor bags with citrus to give it a nice twist.”
We all dig in. Florence is an amazing chef, and after so many years of having to feed directly from the source, she has come up with many new ways for us to feed.
“Florence how is our blood supply? Should I order more from the Hematology clinic?” Isaac offers.
“No. I think we are alright for human blood, but maybe you boys should get some more animal blood tonight. I like to mix the two so we don’t cause a shortage with the blood banks. That could raise suspicions.”
I admire Florence so much. She’s meant to be a mother, always ensuring things are in order. I smile just thinking about her. “Can I come? I could use a night out hunting.”
“Sure. Why don’t you help me gather the materials?” Isaac suggests.
Matilda gathers the dessert dishes for the table as the boys and I retreat to Isaac’s office.
“Okay, Sophia. We need to gather supplies. I need the twelve-gauge needles. The sixteen-gauge are used for humans, but I find that a larger needle allows for faster recovery of the blood with animals,” Isaac explains.“You cannot help but act like a teacher, can you?” I giggle.
“I believe in lifelong learning, and you have already had a longer life than any mortal, so it’s time to learn something new.”
I smile as I look for the needles. “What next?”
“We need the poly bag, that blood bag that has a little fluid in it. The fluid you see is the anticoagulant, to prevent clotting. We also need the tubing and the cooler. That about covers it.”
“I thought you sedated the animals to make it easier?”
“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We need the tranquilizer gun. Good catch, kid.”
“Did you seriously just call me ‘kid’?”
Isaac chuckles. “Yep. To me, you are a kid. Now come on and let’s hunt.”
Alexander and I load the supplies in the back of Elijah’s H2 and close the tailgate. I love this Hummer.
Chapter Eight
I walk into the school with a smile today. I feel so fresh and renewed after hunting with the boys last night. I can’t stop thinking about the amazing hiking trail they took me to. I am always grateful for our nocturnal vision; I can still see the lush trees, the wildflowers, and the streaming waterfall. This place reminds me of British Columbia. I think that was the most beautiful area we have ever lived. When I see the beauty of the world, I sometimes think it is not such a bad thing having to walk it forever. I get to see change and development and meet new people like Nate. I am beginning to see what Matilda sees. Maybe he is the one. I am getting excited about the rest of the family meeting him tonight.
“Hey sis, snap out of it. I know what you mean. I love it up there, too, but you are going to run people over if you don’t watch where you are going and stop daydreaming,” Alexander points out.
“Are my thoughts ever my own?”
“Nope. I could share them with everyone if you want to complain.” He grabs me around my waist, right in my ticklish spot, knowing he will get a reaction.
I jump and let out a giggle as I turn and smack him playfully. Danika and Matilda both chuckle as we head to our respective lockers and prepare for the day’s classes.
On my way to history class, I see Nathanial. “Hi,” I say.
“Hey gorgeous. Can I take your books for you?”
“Thanks, but I can manage. Wanna walk with me though?”
“Of course. Hey, are you coming to the game tonight?”
“Sure am, my entire family’s coming too.”
“Perfect. I’ll look for you,” he says while opening the door to our class.
Class is over before I know it. Nathanial walks with me to Spanish, this time grabbing my books for me before I have a chance to stop him.
“Thanks, but isn’t that a little old fashioned? Does anyone really carry books for girls anymore? I thought chivalry was dead.”
He smirks, “Not when the right girl is involved.” He lightly brushes a loose piece of hair from my face. I turn my head inward toward his hand and wrist, enjoying the wonderful scent that emanates from his body. It feels as though an electric shock, a brightly charged lightning bolt, is shooting through my entire body as he touches me. It is like nothing I have ever felt before. I’m sure he can tell by the look on my face that something is up, and I can see the same look on his face. He feels it too. So many emotions pass through me in a single moment. I am not sure what to do. The feelings going off within my own walls are beginning to tear them down even more. How does he do this to me? While I am elated by the feelings he brings alive in me, I am so nervous and fidgety around him. This is all so new to me, and I don’t know whether to fight it or accept it.
“Are you okay? You seem a little cold. I have an extra sweater in my bag if you would like it,” he offers.
“No, I’m fine but thank you for offering. It must be the excitement. Believe it or not, this is the first football game I’ve been to.” I laugh, knowing the real reason for my chills.
“Yeah. High school sports are not that big in Canada.”
“Oh, you’re gonna love it. I will make sure of that.”
“Sweet! I’m looking forward to it. Thanks for walking me to class. It’s nice to have a friend.”
“My pleasure. Catch you later,” he replies.
I know I should stay away from him, but I just have to get to know him better. What a day this is turning into–my every dream and nightmare all wrapped up in one. Nathanial is incredible, and he has dreams and aspirations. I do not want to cloud those or change them. I need to protect him, to keep him safe and on the road he has chosen. My road will lead away from him eventually. I just hope I can control myself with him until then.
Regardless of all this, I will not let my emotions or insecurities ruin my day. I feel great after last night. It has been a long time since I have enjoyed myself like that and just let loose. Hunting is in our nature, but because of the way we choose to live, the way we have evolved has caused us to remove our primitive nature. Doing so leaves us vulnerable; at least this is my reasoning. I am happy my family has chosen to live as members of society, and I hope that one day, more of our kind can do so as well. As I take my seat in class, I try to clear my thoughts and prepare for my day with a smile on my face.
Chapter Nine
Nathanial is already beginning to knock down the walls I have built around myself, so maybe I can be a little friendlier. I don’t need to carry around such a chip on my shoulder. At the same time, I still don’t want to get too close to anyone, too dangerous, but friendly should be okay. I can try to be less uptight and just be pleasant to those who decide to express an honest interest–to those like Nathanial.
I’ve been sitting next to a girl named Ebony for the past month. She seems to be friendly. I have been observing her and those around her; she does not appear to have many friends, but she also seems okay with that fact. I don’t understand it, but maybe we have more in common than anyone might think. Spanish class is a no-brainer. I have become fluent in many languages. Noticing that Ebony is struggling, I lean closer to her.
“Can I offer you some help? I know a few tricks.”
She smiles. “Thanks. I have never been good in Spanish.”
I don’t normally let anyone know how diverse I am, but something draws me to her.
I wonder what her story is. We begin to chat a bit during class. It soon becomes evident where she is heading.
“So Nate McCord, huh? He is quite the catch.”
“Nice guy. I literally bumped into him the first day and we have a few classes together. He has been showing me around, but it is not like that,” I insist.
Inside I know it’s not true. I am not sure exactly what I feel for or about Nathanial, but I do know he interests me. I will have to see what happens. For now, I will try to keep him at a reasonable distance without fully closing myself off to him.
“You do know he is a major commodity around here, right? All the girls want him, but he is only interested in football...or at least he was until you came along,” she announces.
“What do you mean?” I am a little annoyed with her implications.
“Well, not only is he the hottest guy around, but he’s also the best quarterback this town has seen in years, if not ever.”
“And your point is?” I ask.
She continues, “Well, every girl in school has been fighting for his attention since grade school, with not one success story.”
“Okay. But I still don’t get your point,” I say, still trying to understand.
“I don’t mean to offend you. I’m just explaining that there may be a few jealous girls around here. Nate’s focus has been on receiving a football scholarship and having the grades to go with it. He comes from a wonderful family, but like most of the families around here, they work hard for what they have and do not have much left for extras like college. Therefore, that is all he has cared about for years. He doesn’t want to be any kind of burden to his family. Since you arrived, Nate has redirected his attention.
Everyone seems curious because everyone knew his goal, but the way he follows you around like a lost puppy is kind of throwing a few people off,” she explains.
I lower my head, slightly embarrassed–a feeling I don’t get often. “I don’t know what to say.”
“We have never seen Nate so attentive to anyone else before. It’s like the opposing team sent you as a distraction.” She giggles.
“Nope, it was just my parents. No one has anything to worry about. I can’t imagine us being anything more than friends,” I insist and I start to loosen up again and joke back.
I realize that Ebony is not trying to insult me. She is just warning me. It is nice to gain the new and valuable information about Nathanial as well.
“Well, just take it easy on him. Our football team needs him, and he has never had a girlfriend before,” she tells me, almost as if she knows just how bad it would be for me to get close to him.
At that exact moment, she notices my necklace, an heirloom of sorts. “My God!” she gasps.
Reluctantly I ask her, “What’s wrong?”
“That necklace. Where did you get it?” She quivers.
“It has been in my family for almost a century. Why?” How could she know anything about it? I wonder. My necklace is white gold wrapping around my day crystal, or black diamond which is shaped as a heart as if the gold is embracing the gem in a hug. It is one of a kind; Alexander made it for me before we had it blessed. The witch that blessed the stones gave them to Alexander to prepare in the useable jewelry for us prior to her ceremony. He is a very talented artisan.
“I have seen it before, a picture of it. Grams told me about it. I just thought it was a story. I never thought it actually existed.”
I watch as she takes a deep breath, awaiting my explanation. “It is nothing really–
just an old family treasure.” I try to calm her, but it’s not working; she knows the truth. How?
I don’t understand. I have to think of something, but I can’t, and I start to panic.
What am I going to do? This girl I met only a few weeks ago knows something is up. How do I explain it to her without letting the cat out of the bag? This cannot be happening. Why me?
Why not Alexander? He is much better prepared to handle a situation like this than I am. I have to think fast. How could Ebony have seen pictures of our stones before, and how did her Grams know the story behind it? We are in the right area. Could her Grams be...? Then I realize it’s true. “Wait a second. Is your Grams Ms. Edwina?” I ask quietly.
“Yes!” Ebony replies, completely shocked. “How do you know?” she asks.
I pause for a moment and blurt out, “My grandmother told me stories of this young girl she knew and her mother too. They resided in the area back in the day. I know my father has been hoping to contact her.”
Although it is partially a lie and I am sure she is aware of it, her eyes say it all. Ebony knows, and our secret is out! We both let out a small gasp and stare at one another for a few moments.
“I think I am okay. Are you? Maybe our families should get together and talk later.
You have nothing to worry about,” I say softly.
“I know. Grams explained that, but I just never believed it was true. I just thought they were stories of an old woman.” Ebony shakes her head in disbelief, sending her long black hair swaying from side to side.
“After the football game tonight we can meet at your Gram’s house. Does she still live nearby, in that same manor she moved into when she married?” I ask. We have been there to visit over the years when passing though.
“Let’s do it tomorrow. Enjoy the football game tonight. I need some time to think all this through. And yes, Grams still lives at the manor. We all do. Will your whole family join us? How many are there?” she asks.
“There are eight of us, four teens and four adults,” I reply.
“That’s different from the stories I heard. Grams said five adults and three teens, although I also remember one left. Is that about right?” she asks.
“Yes. Our family dynamics have slightly changed, but we will explain that tomorrow.”
I remember Ms. Edwina is the granddaughter of the witch that ‘blessed’ our gemstones, making life, as we know it, possible. If her Grams is a witch, then so is Ebony. “Are you about sixteen years old?” I ask her.
“Yes. I just turned sixteen a few weeks ago.”
This means she is coming of age. Sixteen is the age when a young witch realizes their powers. That must be what Ebony meant by ‘changes’. This revelation means she knows our secret as well as us knowing hers. I wonder if she knows what is happening to her. This is something I am not prepared to deal with. Inside I am terrified that someone at the school in this town knows our secret already. It is only our first month here, and it is already out or at least suspected. We may need to move already. On the other hand, Ebony may honor her family legacy. My head feels as though it is about to explode, but I have to keep it cool.
We both sit in class quietly and just listen to the lecture the teacher is giving. I know I am in shock and have to assume Ebony is too. I actually want to run out of class at this very moment and talk to Alexander and Matilda. Part of me wonders if I should try to get her alone and take care of this problem and make sure no one ever finds out the truth. As much as I would like to handle things the old way, I can’t. I must remain true.
I hope that because of who her family is, everything will work out for the best.
I wish Alexander were closer so he could put my fears at ease. Instead, I find myself trying to gauge Ebony’s reaction. She seems to be okay. I notice her doodling on her notebook, the same symbol over and over again. I know that symbol and recognize it from somewhere, but I do not recall from where. It must have been something I saw years earlier.
Once the bell rings I say, “Ebony I’ll see you tomorrow. I will have Elijah call your Grams.” I gather my books and run out of class. I need to speak with my siblings...NOW! Sixth period is cancelled due to the pep rally in the gym to get everyone geared up for tonight’s football game. This break will give me the opportunity to meet up with Alexander, Matilda, and Danika so I can fill them in on what just happened.
I find them within moments.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Matilda asks. She can always tell when I am the least bit upset.
Alexander lets a small gasp sneak out; he already knows what’s worrying me.
Today I am grateful for Alexander’s unique gift, for it is actually better than just a gift.
He enters others’ thoughts, reads them, and interjects his own thoughts. He can also connect whomever he wants to these thoughts, and within a certain radius, he can see into every corner of a person’s mind. Right now, he’s looking into mine. With Alexander around, we can communicate telepathically without saying anything aloud.
It is very cool and useful gift at times like this. Anyone can do this with him, even though most people would not understand what is going on and would just think it’s some kind of odd daydream. Alexander is very good at controlling who he connects to his telepathic web.
As all the excited and noisy students are herding into the gymnasium, we Pierce children stand in a closed circle, having a conversation no one else can hear. Alexander controls our thoughts tightly so that no one else can intercept. I explain the events that came about in Spanish class–all about Ebony being Ms. Edwina’s granddaughter.
“I think we all realize that she knows way too much. This could become very dangerous to our family. We all agree with the way you handled things,” Alexander comforts.
Matilda adds, “Now we just need to stay calm. Everything will be fine. She is from a good family and they have been our friends for generations.”
“Is this not the family we need to see about getting me a day crystal?” Danika questions.
“Yes it is. Now we will just have to see them sooner than we originally planned.” I put my arm around Danika’s shoulder. Now is not the time for grudges, for we need to remain a solid family unit. I can see the shock on my siblings’ faces as we head toward the pep rally, somewhat at ease that we at least have a plan.
Although we all agree to stay calm and that there is probably nothing to worry about, we are concerned, but we each try not to let the others see. We’re all scared she may share this with her friends. She promised to keep it quiet, but until we see it with our own eyes, we can’t be sure.
Just around the corner from the gym doors, I spot Ebony. “That’s her.” I watch as she appears to be backed against a locker.
Then she shouts, “I told you to leave me alone! You know nothing about my family.”
I prepare to intervene, but there is no need. The blonde-haired girl falls over backwards, and about a dozen lockers fly open, sending a shower of papers and pencils spewing every which way.
Chapter Ten
Walking out of class with my head low, I try to process the information I just received. Is everything Grams told me true? If that is Sophia in the picture with Grams as a child, then it’s true that vampires exist, and if they do exist, that means Grams is a... a witch.
What does this mean for me? Am I a witch too? As I get to my locker and begin to put my books away, I have so many questions. I just wish this day would end. Soon enough, I tell myself.
“Hey, witch girl! Why don’t you hop on your broomstick and fly away?” a voice shouts.
I glance up; it is that awful cheerleader, Mel. She is always trying to get under my skin–and today of all days. “Mel, just leave me be. You know nothing about my family.”
“I know what you are. My family has history here too, you know.”
Trying to forget about her, I feel a crowd of emotions raging within me. Why did our friendship have to end? We were always so close, until high school. I can’t understand what happened to change everything, but nothing seems to change things back to the way they were.
“What are you going to do now, witch? Put a hex on me?” she jokes.
Keeping my head slightly down, I look her in the eyes. “I did nothing to you, Mel.
Can’t you just leave me and my family alone?”
“You mean you did nothing yet. I know about your family and all they can do.”
“I told you to leave me alone! You know nothing about my family.” I feel as if I am about to boil over. In an attempt to calm myself, I turn back to my locker and try to forget about Mel and her unfounded accusations.
Out of nowhere, she pushes me, and I fall against my open locker. Slowly picking myself up, I turn and look Mel in the eyes. I focus every emotion within me on her, and the anger takes over. Every locker around me flies open, and she blows over backwards.
A tingling overcomes my body as I wonder, What the hell just happened? Dozens of spectators stand there, watching every move I make. A few girls help her to her feet.
“Ebony, come with me!” a familiar voice calls.
“Matt, I—”
“No, not now and not here. Let me get you out of here.”
I feel comfort in his hand as he leads me away. Walking past Sophia and her siblings, I give a pleading look. “What’s happening to me?”
Sophia reaches her hand out to me. “Tomorrow.”
I’m lucky to have someone like Matt in my life. He does not pass judgment on anyone. Last year when he moved here, I didn’t feel so lonely anymore, because he befriended me.“Are you okay now?” he asks while wrapping his jacket around my shoulders.
“I...I...I don’t understand.”
“You will but until then, I am here for you.”
“Thank you.”
“Let me drive you home. Forget about the pep rally today.”
“I think you are right. I am sorry, but I think it’s best if I skip the game tonight as well.”
“No problem. Would you like me to stay with you?”
“That is not a good idea. I think I just need to be alone. Please go enjoy the game.”
Tonight I want to call a family meeting. I need to tell Grams everything about Sophia and her family and this episode with Mel. Grams will know what to do.
Chapter Eleven
I look over at my siblings, shocked at what we’ve just witnessed. “Can you believe that?”
Danika is stunned. “What exactly was that?”
“You just witnessed what can happen to a supernatural being when emotions get too strong. This is why we worry about you. Ebony is just coming of age, learning of her powers as a witch. She is obviously telekinetic, meaning she can move things with her mind,” Alexander explains.
“Okay. Well, the pep rally is about to begin. We can talk about this more at home,” I insist.
As we enter the gymnasium, a voice booms over the loudspeaker. “And here they are the newest members of our school. Please help me welcome the Pierce family, Mati, Sophia, Danika, and Alexander.” The entire school population starts applauding and cheering to welcome us.
Although I do not like being in the spotlight, I feel very welcomed, and there are no more judgmental whispers. Now there is nothing but warm, welcoming cheers. Is this what it will be like here? Are the people of Wenham really happy to have us join their community? This could truly become home–something no place has ever been before.
Nathanial sneaks up behind me and whispers, “Welcome” as he grabs my waist to tickle me.
I giggle and smile at him. He is doing it again. He has this way of breaking through my wall, but I know I have to figure out a way to keep him away.
“Come on! You can sit with the team since you and your siblings seem to be the guests of honor.” He hurries us to our seats and joins in the rally.
I really don’t know if I will be able to keep away from him–or anyone here for that matter. I am beginning to enjoy it here, perhaps a little too much. The last thing I want to do is let my guard down. There are too many loved ones at stake if I do.
Nathanial is called to the stage, and I begin to cheer as though we have been going steady for years. Not only do I shock myself with my whooping and hollering, I shock my siblings too. What in the world am I doing? What am I thinking? This is not the way to keep him at bay. The pep rally was a ton of fun but now that it is over and everyone is dispersing, we decide to go home and fill in the other members of our family on the possibly life-changing events of the day.
We explain everything about Ebony and my encounter with her.“We knew Ms. Edwina’s granddaughter attended Wenham High, but we thought we had a little more time before you’d run into her. I saw her in a premonition,”
Constance explains.
I remember Constance telling me about her visions. She sees the future, but she doesn’t always know when the things she envisions will happen. She also does not share everything she sees; she is protective of us and does not want us to worry needlessly. She shares only what she feels is important to our well-being. Constance once told me that she believes things left to fate work out for the best. It is more normal that way.
“I still cannot believe that Ebony openly used her powers like that, right there in the school hallway,” Matilda adds.
I look around at each family member. “From what she told me, this is all very new to her. She may not know how to control them yet.”
“Although you made arrangements for tomorrow, I will call Ms. Edwina tonight and ensure that all is okay for our visit. She may want us to come by sooner rather than later.” Elijah heads toward the study to make his call, while the rest of us continue talking. We confirm the details of our meeting tomorrow.
After he’s off the phone it is clear Elijah is excited to see his old friend Ms. Edwina and to finally meet the granddaughters he has heard so much about. “She is concerned but said Ebony has retired for the evening. She says tomorrow will be better for her.”
He can sense the tension we all have. “Kids, you need not worry. This is a good family.
We would not be who we are today without them,” he assures us.
We trust him explicitly, but we are still concerned about the day’s events. He can tell how uncomfortable we “kids” are with the situation and it annoys him slightly.
“Kids, I do not want you to worry about this. You know what a long-standing history we have with Ms. Edwina. Her family will not do anything to harm us or to reveal our secrets. Everything is safe with their family. We knew this would happen when we came back here. As for Ebony, we will help her through this transition. So please try to have a good time tonight,” Elijah strongly insists. “You will see when we meet with them. You have known their family as long as I have and you know it will be fine.”
“Okay. But what do you suggest I do about this young man Nathanial? Should I not worry about him either?” I question.
“That I am not sure about. We will have to meet him, but you will have to be careful around him, as he sounds very compelling,” Elijah adds.
“Sophia, we would not have come here if I had sensed anything that might endanger our secrets,” Constance reassures.
I do feel better after talking with the family, and Elijah told the truth. We have known Ms. Edwina forever, and she and her family have earned our trust. I know I am panicking for no reason. As for Nathanial, I will just have to wait and see how everything pans out with him. It will be no easy task to resist his incredible appeal, but I think I have enough confidence in myself.
It is time to start getting ready for the game. It’s getting a little chilly tonight, and I agree to allow Matilda to help me get ready. I would normally dress down with my hair in a ponytail and my vanity glasses on, but as hard as I try, I cannot fight the feeling Nathanial is giving me. I have to be myself and leave the loner façade behind; I want to look nice for a change. Matilda picks out some nice jeans, a fitted top, and a three-quarter-sleeve button-up sweater with an oversized belt. It’s not too far off from what I would have picked, aside from the fact that she dresses me head to toe in designer labels. I would have put on my UGG’s, but she insisted on a pair of Jimmy Choo knee-high boots. It is nice, albeit flashier than I prefer, but then again I did tell her I want to look nice and she is accomplishing that.“Let’s keep your hair down, the way you love.” Matilda begins to straighten the long brown layers that look as if they’ve been kissed by the sun.
Matilda has a gift when it comes to fashion. “I can’t believe how good you are at this, Mati. You have the layers framing my face perfectly. I love it. Thank you.” I wonder if Nathanial will even recognize me.
“You are most welcome. You know I love doing it.”
When we are all ready, we head to the game. I can’t believe how nervous I am, as if I were a real schoolgirl with a crush on a boy. Two out of three ain’t bad, I guess.
“You are a real schoolgirl – just one stuck in time. Congrats. You have accomplished every woman’s dream.”
“Alexander, if you plan on reading my thoughts, you can at least drop the sarcasm.”
Chapter Twelve
At the game, we score some great seats in the first few rows at centerfield, right behind the home team bench. We all enjoy football; it is a great contact sport. The excitement of attending my first high school game is building up in me, or maybe it’s just the excitement of seeing Nathanial again. We join the crowd as they jump to their feet and cheer while the team runs on the field, ripping through a big paper banner the cheerleaders have made for them with markers and poster paints. The entire team is hungry for the first win of the season, and the excited and screaming crowd is pumping the energy they need right their way. Nathanial leads the team to centerfield, and once again, he astounds me.
Feeling a dull poke in my side, I turn to find Danika elbowing me. “What?”
“He’s looking through the crowd for you. God I wish it were me he was looking for.”
Ignoring her later statement I look up at him, and then, out of nowhere, he stops and drops his helmet right in front of me. His mouth is hanging open like a Saint Bernard staring at a steak. I don’t know how else to react so I just smile and wave, as my heart nearly leaps out of my chest.
He smiles back and mouths, “This one is for you, gorgeous!”
I can hear him breathing the words ever so softly above the crowd’s cheers. Keeping him at a distance is going to be harder than I ever expected. I am experiencing feelings I have never had before. I feel giddy about Nathanial’s reaction to me tonight and excited to watch him do what he is so passionate about, what he loves. I have such a feeling of confidence and pride, and it seems Wenham is giving me a sense of security that I haven’t felt in decades. I even feel like it may be okay to let Nathanial in, at least a little.
That way, I can keep an eye on him and make sure he remains safe. I am overly protective of him, even though I cannot explain it. Can it be true? Could he be the one? We only met last month. Is that what they mean about love at first sight? About finding your soul mate? No, it couldn’t be. I do not want him to be a part of this. I want nothing more for him than a long and happy life, free from danger, secrets, and drama. Why does he confuse me so much? I have never experienced such conflict within myself before.
Constance whispers, “It’s meant to be, my dear. If you fight it, things will just be worse. This is what he wants as well.”
Once again, Alexander shares my thoughts with the others. “How can he want this?
He does not even know what this is!” I reply.
“He will,” she confirms.
“I see it, too, Sophia. Your souls match perfectly, like no match I have ever seen before” Matilda adds.
I sigh and turn to watch the game, but in spite of all the action on the field, the sidelines and in the stands, I mostly watch Nathanial. I can’t help wondering if my family could be right, if Nathanial really is my soul mate. Are we meant to be together? I just can’t understand how he could ever want this. I would not wish this kind of existence on anyone–and that’s all it is...an existence and not any kind of life.
“The game is going great,” Isaac observes.
Everyone is excited as the halftime whistle blows. The halftime show begins, and in the backdrop behind the band and the cheerleaders, the bright orange numbers on the scoreboard shows that our team is up by fourteen points.
“Wow! Those cheerleaders are really good,” Alexander says with a sadistic smile.
“Are you kidding me?” Matilda smacks him upside the head.
We all chuckle and Alexander jokes, “Come on, darling. We have been together over a hundred years, and you still get jealous. How cute.”
“My love, there is a difference between jealous and annoyed,” she smirks. “It is a thin line of course, but it may be a line you want to avoid walking on.”
Florence shakes her head. “I don’t know about you two, but can we please just enjoy the rest of the game?”
In less than an hour, the game ends, and our team is victorious by thirty points. This is just what Wenham High needs for its morale.
“I can’t believe Nathanial made five touchdowns! He was on fire tonight!” I exclaim, bursting with unbridled excitement and pride.
The entire crowd starts chanting his name, “Nate! Nate! Nate is great!” as the other players parade him around on their shoulders. The local newspapers are snapping pictures and preparing for interviews.
I am so happy for him and the team. He looks even better than he usually does, if that is even possible. Nathanial is so happy and excited, and his eyes are sparkling with joy. I never imagined they could shine so brightly, but as he looks at me, his eyes light up like bright blue shooting stars dancing across the sky. I stand next to my family as we all watch this magnificent man who is hailed a hero by his teammates and the onlookers. But I can’t let him in, and this is going to be one of the hardest things I have ever faced.
“And we will all be here with you, sis.” Alexander wraps his arm around my shoulder.
The team parades in front of us. Nathanial pats the shoulders of his teammates to put him down. I watch as he pushes his way through the crowd and runs up to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and swings me around. I melt into his strong sweaty arms.
When he finally places my feet ever so gently back on the ground he kisses my forehead and with his index finger lifts my chin up ever so slightly so I am looking right at him, right into him, and he into me. “You are my lucky charm, you know. Now I can never let you go.” He smiles.
“I doubt that,” I reply.
“I gotta hit the showers. Will you wait for me?”
“I wish I could but I have plans with my family tonight, and they’re kinda important. I’m so sorry, Nathanial. I wish I could help celebrate your victory.” I pout, knowing once again I am not being fully honest. We need to be clear headed for tomorrow, so I do not want to cloud myself with Nathanial.
“No worries gorgeous. It won’t be the same without you there, but maybe we can catch up on Monday,” he suggests.
“Until Monday then...and congrats. You were amazing out there tonight.”
“Aw, it was nothing. I was just showing off for a pretty girl.” We both chuckle, and he gives me another hug and runs off to the dressing room to take of his pads.
This is it. Every time I see him, I let him in a little more. I can’t fight it much longer. Maybe Wenham is the wrong place for us. I am starting to wonder if we should leave and find another place to settle for a few years. I truly don’t want to hurt Nathanial, but it seems like no matter what I do, he’s bound to face some pain on account of me.
There I go again, flipping back and forth with my emotions. I wish I could just decide what to do and stick with it. He just has me feeling so many new things that I don’t know if I am coming or going. I can’t wait for this day to be over. Maybe I will be able to clear my head. I just need to be alone and think, maybe read a little. That always helps me when I’m at a crossroad.
“Sophia, we all know you are worried about this boy, but we all agree he is okay. I have never encountered such good in a person in all my years. You have nothing to worry about, and everything will work out. Do not be afraid to let him in a little. He may like what he finds, and you may as well,” Constance tries to reassure me.
I decide to try to relax about the situation a little. A few more things to deal with and then the day will come to its end.
It’s just so hard. After knowing Nathanial for only a few short weeks, I cannot get this boy out of my head. He is truly incredible, and that’s why I think I need to keep him at a distance.
Nathanial McCord is intended to do great things, and he’ll never find those things if he is tied down to me.
“Sophia, you are the most incredibly insecure immortal I know. Most hold their head high and have such confidence but not our little delicate Sophia, always worrying and concerned about others,” Alexander states.
“I am not delicate! I just cannot understand why anyone would want to be friends with someone like me. It is better to keep others at a distance. That way no one can get hurt!” I yell. I close my eyes for a short moment and collect myself; I am able to calm myself easily. “Don’t worry about me anyway. There are more important things to deal with right now. You can hire me a shrink later.” I joke, trying to lighten the somber mood I’ve brought upon everyone.
“She’s right. We have things to deal with now and we can talk about this later,”
Florence says.
I’m grateful we are the only ones left in the stadium and others can’t hear our conversation over the celebrating cheers echoing from the parking lot. The last thing we need are stories floating around the grapevine.
Once we leave the stadium and get in the car the excitement of seeing Ms. Edwina rises in me. It is almost palpable. It has been a long time and it is more than overdue.We agree that maybe we should have contacted her and her family when we first decided to move back to the area. I reminisce of our time with Ms. Edwina, one of the most intriguing women I have ever known. She is more understanding, knowledgeable, and caring than anyone in the world. If Ebony turns out to be half the woman her Grams is, she will make it very far in this life.
Danika says, “I don’t understand why or how our family is such good friends with a witch. I thought you said vampires don’t get along with other supernatural beings.”
“Ms. Edwina is different. Her family has always been allies with vampires of our kind–the ones that choose to live civilly and not bring harm to the mortals,” Florence explains.
It’s not really that we don’t get along with supernatural’s, it’s just many believe they are the superior race.
Elijah adds, “She is very old fashioned. She always knows where we are and always sends us Christmas and birthday cards. We enjoy having someone to keep in touch with, and all of us send her letters throughout the year. We are aware of the difficulties of her life, but we do not truly understand the struggles she has faced. This will give us the chance to catch up and reminisce as well.”
I already like Ebony, even if I worry too much. Therefore it will be nice to meet the rest of her family and deal with all our secrets out in the open. I hope Ebony is as understanding as her Grams. It would be so nice to have someone at school that I could trust with the truth. For so long, it has seemed like my family against the world. Now maybe, just maybe we will have a confidante.
Chapter Thirteen
We take the fifteen-minute drive to the most charming old manor. I notice the old oak tree out front; I think the manor is at least a century old. The beauty and history of this home is breathtaking. Ms. Edwina and Ebony are on the front porch, awaiting our arrival. Everything is just as I remember it, and I find it amazing that the manor has stayed in the family for so many years.
We exit our cars and head up the walkway. Ms. Edwina is wearing the most welcoming smile, and Ebony seems very relaxed as well. Seeing the two women together puts my concerns at ease. I wonder what Ms. Edwina has said to the girls thus far.
“Hello, Ms. Edwina. It is a pleasure to see you again. You are looking well.” Elijah greets her with a hug. Even though Elijah said she looks well, to me she seems fragile and weakened by her many years.
“Not as well as you, young man. Why, you have not aged a day,” she jokes, and we all giggle as she adds, “It is good to see you, my old friends. It has been far too long.
Please come in,” she offers, opening the door for us.
“Thank you,” we say in unison.
Following the two women through the large oak door, we take a seat in the family room of their lovely home. It is just as I remember it from years ago. I notice the fireplace mantel filled with pictures taken throughout the years. I notice a picture of our family with a young Ms. Edwina alongside of the family pictures she has.
“I would like to formally introduce you to my granddaughters, Ebony and Eliza.
These girls are my pride and joy,” Ms. Edwina announces.
We enjoy catching up over tea and biscuits that Eliza brought out for us. One of the benefits of a day crystal, it helps us digest human food, in order to fit in better.
“Well, we have been moving around every few years, enjoying the many sights the world has to offer. As I mentioned in my letters, Caspian left the family about thirty years ago. Although I would like to introduce you to the newest member of our family, this is Danika,” Elijah introduces.
“It is a pleasure to meet you Danika. You are very lucky to have found such a family.”
Danika smiles as she looks around the room. “Yes, I am lucky...only I didn’t find them. They found me.”
“Oh? I’m sorry. Would you mind sharing the story with us?” Ms. Edwina requests.
Constance stands. “I would love to share.” We nod, and she continues. “Last summer, when I was leaving work after a late shift at the hospital, I found Danika in the back alley to the rear of the institution. I was ready to rush her into the emergency room when I noticed the nature of her injuries. There was a vampire bite mark on her neck, and I noted dried blood around her mouth. It was obvious that a vampire had embraced her and then left her to fend for herself. I had two choices. I could have destroyed her then or bring her home to join the family. Danika was so young, just a little girl. I could not destroy her, so I did what had to be done. I brought her home with me. Once I arrived the family agreed with my decision, and we began to train her.
Danika has more determination than I have seen in years, and we felt it was time to introduce her back into society.”
Ms. Edwina examines the new member. “I can see you have done a good job with her, and I assume she is in need a crystal.”
“You assume correctly. She is using Caspian’s for now, but one of her own would be appreciated,” answers Florence with a smile.
“Then my dear, we shall bless one for you before the evening is complete,” she says, casting a friendly smile toward Danika.
“Shall we get back to the girls for a moment? They really seem to be lovely young women. Ms. Edwina, I must say it appears that you have done a wonderful job raising them alone.” Elijah walks around the room, looking at the many pictures.
“Yes, they are magnificent, though I may need your assistance explaining this to them. Ebony is just coming of age, and she was more than a little shocked to realize all my stories are true when she saw Sophia’s necklace. She was also quite terrified by the incident at school yesterday.” Ms. Edwina looks toward Ebony with pain and concern.
“Of course. It would be our pleasure. You know we will always be here to help your family. You are the ones that gave us a fighting chance when fate did not allow it,”
Elijah says.
I find it nice to hear the stories Ms. Edwina shares with us. There is one particularly sad story, the one of her daughter and son-in-law, the girls’ parents. She had written us about the tragedy, but it is different to hear her tell the story herself. I don’t think she has told the girls the entire story yet, as she mentioned needing help to explain things.
“After Ebony was born and it was known that a new pair of ‘Magnificent Ones’
were here, it became very dangerous. Eden, the girls’ mother, swore to protect them from harm as any mother would. Normally a witch can show signs of their powers right from birth, but they are not aware until they come of age. Eden decided to hide the girls’ powers until that time, and this would conceal any signs of their magnificent powers. A very powerful demon came to attack, one that only the power of Magnificent Ones could destroy. He killed Eden and the girls’ father, before I was able to assist. She had put a protection spell on the girls until they both gained powers. She completed it just before her death. I was not able to extinguish the demon’s powers and he swore to return one day. I do worry about the girls, and I need help to prepare them for that day,” Ms. Edwina explains.
I can tell by the girls’ reaction that this is the first time they have heard the whole story. They appear surprised and a little frightened. They have always believed their parents had died during a break-in. They don’t understand their own power and why their mother and father had to die to protect them.
“Because Ebony is coming of age now, both girls are beginning to receive their powers. The power-hiding spell is now releasing. They have a few questions and I have many fears that the demon will return now since he can probably sense their powers like a beacon in the night,” she continues.
“May I try to explain?” requests Florence.
Everyone is in agreement. Ebony and her sister take a seat and quietly await the explanation.
“Girls, as you know by now, you are decedents of Salem witches. Most people falsely believed them to be evil because they did not understand the amazing powers they possessed. When a descendent of those witches comes of age, they start to realize their own powers, which they inherit from their ancestors. This usually occurs around the age of sixteen, and the change from mortal to witch begins.”
“Is that what has been happening to us, this coming of age? I just thought we were going crazy.” Ebony admits.
“Yes, my dear. I did not know how to explain it properly to you girls, so I have just been waiting for you to come to me with your questions,” Ms. Edwina confesses.
“That’s okay, Grams. You gave us hints with all your stories about the witches. We understand that you might have been concerned about how we might find out,” Eliza comforts.
Florence continues, “Your powers will increase in strength as you learn to control them. You are beginning to recognize these powers. You have always possessed them, but until you were old enough to use them properly, the powers remained weak, and normally only an experienced witch could recognize them within you. Because of the spell your mother used on you, not even an experienced witch could see them. Your powers were completely hidden from all until recently. Once you master one power, it sometimes releases another power within you. A well-trained witch can possess many different powers,” Florence informs the girls. “The Salem witches you are direct decedents of were the most powerful of their kind. Like them, you will be protectors, fighting for the greater good and protecting innocents from evil. Within the witch community, you girls will be like celebrities or heroes, and everyone will know who you are. It is truly an honor, and it should prove to be very exciting. Are you following me so far?” she asks.
“Yes. Please continue,” Ebony responds, slightly shocked. “Please go on,” she requests again.
Florence smiles. “Of course. It would be my pleasure. You sisters are the
‘Magnificent Ones,’ a pair or more of witch siblings born from the most powerful witches of our time. There are a few like you throughout the world, and they are always born on the sixth of the month at the stroke of midnight. Your ancestors were very strong and foresaw your powers. On your own you are great, but when you combine your powers, the two of you will be unstoppable. Your powers complement each other and can link together to help you use the power of the moon, the power of ‘triquetra.’
Only witches born into a family of great magickal history on the sixth of the month can match this power. The triquetra power is here for when the universe most needs it.
With this power, you can fight evil and possibly save humanity.”
“The Salem witches have an amazing history. I recall a time when Salem witches were hanged or burned. The women persecuted were wrongly accused, for Salem witches were too intelligent to be caught, and they kept their secrets well hidden. These are the most powerful witches the world has ever seen. The biggest misconception is that witches are evil, but as in everything, there is a balance–good and evil in this case.
A good number of Salem witches worked to protect the innocents, the mortals. Most do not know about all the creatures and dangers of the world, and they believe it all to be fiction, a myth. The majority of it is true to some extent though, and that is why they protect others,” Constance adds.
“Wow,” Eliza says, trying to take it all in. “How do we know how to use this power or when to use it? And do we know who the other triquetra witches are?”
“Your ancestors left you with a cookbook, of sorts–your own Book of Shadows. This is a book of spells, potion recipes, and information on how to destroy certain evils. It lists the various entities your family has encountered, both good and evil. Our family is probably included in this book. The various potions you can make can help you along the way. There is really only one rule and that is that you must not use your power for personal gain. If you do, this could be very detrimental,” Florence explains.
“Where does your family fit in to the picture? Aren’t vampires evil? Are we supposed to fight you?” Ebony asks, grasping her sister’s hand.
“That’s easy. Some vampires are evil, but only if they were evil in life. There is a lot of history that explains it, but we were good people in life and try to be in the eternal life as well. I hope you would rather fight with us than against us.”
“May I show them our story?” Alexander requests.
“Yes. That is an excellent idea,” Elijah says, and we agree.
“Show us?” Eliza asks with a puzzled look on her face.
“Just relax. I can show you everyone’s thoughts and memories. It kind of plays out like an old movie, and it may seem as though you are daydreaming. Some vampires have powers, too, and mine is telepathy. Not only can I read others’ minds, but I can also share my thoughts and the thoughts of others with whomever I choose. This is our story as I remember it, from right before I became a vampire.” Alexander sits back, relaxes, and opens his mind to everyone in the room.
The young witches follow his lead and try to relax as well.
Chapter Fourteen
Alexander’s Memories
It was the late nineteenth century in Italy, a warm night on the seventh of August in 1894. Shortly before the witching hour of midnight, I started on my way home from a friend’s house. As I walked down the dark street, a woman’s scream rang through the deathly silent night. There had been many odd disappearances in the area in the weeks prior, keeping the masses inside after dark. So much fear came through that scream (though the familiarity of it did not yet register in my head), and it chilled me. The urge to help this woman overpowered my own fears. I needed to find her, to help her.
I began running toward the alley in the direction of the scream. On the damp, dark alley floor, I found her beaten, bruised, and bleeding to the point that her loved ones would not have recognized her. She was a young woman–no more than seventeen or eighteen–and she was fallen, broken, and helpless. I ran toward her and placed one of my hands over her neck, where her blood had drained. One of her arms appeared be broken and was contorted in a way that arms should not bend. In an attempt to stabilize it, I carefully held near the largest break with my remaining hand, but I felt her battered bones crumble between my fingers. Looking over the woman as I held her wounds, I noticed the ring on her hand. It reminded me of one my twin sister had received from the Duke. I released her arm and brushed the long mess of brown hair away from her face. I instantly felt every bit of her pain as I realized I was trying to save my own twin sister, Sophia. My heart ballooned into my throat. A feeling of sickness and panic took over.
When my throat cleared, I yelled for help. I held her close. I did not want her to see the absolute panic burning inside of me. Attempting to calm her, I insisted I would help her. I could not lose the person who was closest to me in the entire world. Unsure of how she would ever survive such a cruel attack, I tried to keep her calm and secure, safe and loved in her final moments on Earth.
I began to think of our loved ones and what her passing would mean to them. She was to be married on the weekend. What is she doing out here? I knew she had been unhappy about her upcoming nuptials, and I thought maybe she needed to take a breather, a moment for herself. The family was likely wondering where she was at this very moment. I continued to scream for someone to help me, to help her.
Then from out of nowhere, a man came. He was short and thin, and I did not believe he could help carry her, so I begged him to go get help. As he approached us, he walked in a measured, composed pace, as if nothing were wrong. Could this man move any slower? Doesn’t he see and hear that there is a problem? Then I abruptly became apprehensive, and an uneasy feeling came over me that he was planning to harm me.
Sophia’s breathing became heavier and more rapid and she appeared slightly panicked.
In that exact moment, he pounced on top of me and began biting me and drinking my blood. Several painful moments later, he left us both for dead.
This thing, this monster was what hurt Sophia, ripping her arm apart and crushing every bone in it. He chewed her neck apart as if it were a piece of raw meat. His eyes were a deep crimson red with the darkest black outline around his iris, as if the middle was burning with fire. He was like a vicious wild animal gone mad, with gnashing teeth as sharp as razors. He was a creature like nothing I had ever seen before.
I was terrified for both of us, and I began to realize I would never be able to save my sister...or myself. I began to look for peace, my last comfort, and tried to forget the horror of this monstrous being, but I was not successful.
In an instant, something came over me, and I began seeing everything he saw. I could not explain it, and I did not enjoy it. The visions I began having would not stop, and I couldn’t control whose mind I entered or who entered mine. At least we were together in life and in death; it was just my twin sister and me. What disturbed me the most about the visions was that he was only doing it for fun, for pure entertainment, and not for survival. This man–this monster–was the cruelest of masochists.
“Would you like to take a break?” Alexander pauses.Ebony and her sister’s eyes are huge as they ponder the same terror Alexander and I experienced in that alley that first fateful night.
“Just let me get some water for everyone,” Eliza stammers.
Matilda decides to join her in the kitchen and help. We can hear them discussing the story we are all reliving, “Eliza, if this is too much for you to handle, Alexander can stop. You can read about it in your Book of Shadows rather than relive it as though you were there and it is happening to you,” Matilda tries to explain. “It can be too much to bear.”
“Thank you. It’s hard, but I think we will better understand by experiencing it this way.”
Once they return to the family room with a tray of drinks for everyone, Eliza encourages Alexander to finish.
Alexander continues right where he left off.
Everything around me was starting to go dark, and I was growing weak. I no longer had the strength to go on, to survive. That is when I heard their voices: two men and two women who told us everything would be okay. “Here...drink this. It will help,” one of the females said.It was thicker than water and had a strange taste, difficult to explain. It was sweet like nectar, so refreshing and so good. As I drank, I began feeling stronger. I opened my eyes to find myself drinking from her wrist, drinking her blood. I looked for my injured sister and saw she was doing the same. I couldn’t understand why we were drinking her warm blood, pumped right from her veins, without being mortified at the idea. I couldn’t fathom how it could taste so good.
Suddenly the two men grabbed us and carried us away with no effort at all, as if we weighed no more than a feather. They took us back to their cottage to heal and I wondered why they didn’t take us to a hospital instead. It did not take long for us to transform and heal, but we did spend several weeks at the cottage, I don’t really remember much of our first days there. Little by little, our saviors explained what had happened to us. We learned that their names were Elijah, Florence, Isaac, and Constance, and they were vampires.
They had explained that a rebel vampire (even vampires rebel against their parents) had attacked us. They had been trying to hunt him down and stop him for a while, but they were always just a few moments late. That is how they found us, because they were out looking for him. Constance also had a vision of our special abilities and of us joining their family, so when they found us and realized we were the ones she had seen, they completed the Embrace and began to teach us their ways.
“See, some mortals have special qualities they are unaware of,” he explains, looking at the girls. “There are also a few who are aware of their abilities. When one with such abilities becomes a vampire, this ability grows and strengthens. For instance, if a person is a good judge of character as a mortal, they might be able to see others’ intentions very clearly as an immortal. Does that make sense?”The two coming-of-age witches nod silently, encouraging him to go on with his tale.
Throughout the next few weeks, Elijah and his family provided us with the blood we needed to survive, animal blood, just until our transformation was completed and we could learn to feed ourselves. Our broken bones healed in mere days, and the bruises and cuts were miraculously gone in only a few hours. Everything we needed to stay alive slowed. Our hearts slowed beating, and I noticed we did not need to breathe as much and would sometimes go long periods without taking a breath. We started to lose our appetite for human food and gain an appetite for blood. At this point we don’t have our day crystals yet, and to digest human food can be painful, similar to those with lactose intolerance or celiac disease. Thanks to the day crystal your family blessed for us, it is possible to ingest food, although for us it has no nutritional value. Vampires are not dead like most myths believe, we are the undead. We still require the basic necessities to survive; it is just much harder to kill us, because of our healing abilities.And we don’t age, so that we can always look good to attract or prey.
Being thirsty was a difficult new experience. A horrible pounding would start in our heads, a burning in our throats, noses, and guts. As our fangs began to emerge, our jaws ached. We became very irritable; I remember feeling as though I could have ripped someone’s head off if they so much as glanced at me wrong. This is the best way to describe bloodlust, and why they kept us inside. That way they could teach us to control our thirst and prevent us from harming anyone the way we had been hurt.
“We still can get like that now, but we learned very quickly not to let it get to that point. After more than a century, we know how to control our thirst and are usually good at ensuring we do not experience it while we are around mortals. We try to avoid compromising situations that might tempt us to harm anyone to satisfy our needs, but we are occasionally tempted to drink, and in those cases, we have to control our natural urges,” Alexander adds to his memory before continuing.***
Sophia and I began to notice other changes as well. We began sleeping less and less, as we don’t require more than a few hours, but there’s not much else to do when the sun is out. We began gaining incredible strength and speed, and we became so light on our feet that we could sneak up on each other. That only worked for a short amount of time, though, because we were soon equipped with super hearing. Our amplified hearing could be enough to drive a man insane, and it was one enhanced skill we had to quickly learn to control. We became photosensitive, to the point that the sun would burn us, which was extremely painful. Our physical appearances began to change slightly as well. Our skin lightened to a flawless porcelain shade. We also began to expel extra pheromones that would help attract prey, making us irresistible. Our eyes were a bright red color with a dark ring around the iris. They were not as dark as our attacker’s, but they were red nonetheless. This improved when our thirst was controlled, and our eyes returned to their normal color. The only time they turned red again was when our thirst or bloodlust returned.
During the evenings, our new family taught us how to use all our newfound powers and super senses. They taught us how to survive and thrive in our new lives, if you could call them “lives” anymore. We were shown how to improve our reflexes, how we could run faster than anything creature on Earth and not hit a single thing while doing it. We could do almost anything: scale walls, climb, jump great distances, or even swim across the ocean. We learned to use every corner of our minds. Most mortal’s use only ten percent, but we use between eighty and hundred percent at any given time. We learned about the power of persuasion, and we became more powerful than anyone could ever imagine.
It may not sound so bad so far, but it is. Really, we are nothing more than monsters with a bloodlust–a need to kill. We are doomed to spend our eternity on Earth, and every day of that eternity, we must fight a war against our own instincts so that we do not harm anyone. We need blood, and we crave the blood of humans. Animal blood will never satisfy us the way human blood does, nor does it keep us as strong. To make matters worse, we can smell the blood pumping through human veins and hear their hearts beating. We can also sense the pulse and the blood flow of animals, but it is just not quite as tantalizing as those of humans. Elijah’s clan, or “family,” as we call it, taught us that we don’t have to be monsters. We can live civilly and be invaluable members to society. We learned how to combine animal and human blood into meals that satisfy us and keep us strong, all without causing harm to humans.
Once we were strong enough, we traveled Europe for a few years, trying to find a place to call home. Our new family continued to teach us every day, and we learned about the six traditions. These are a sort of vampire law that a council of vampires came up with so we could live civilly amongst the mortals. We decided to try North America since that was where Constance saw us settling. Once we arrived in America, we began our search to find a better way of existing, and we ended up in Salem.
It was there that I found Matilda or Mati as we now try to call her. She was being held prisoner, and the mayor at the time believed she was a practicing witch. Although persecution was no longer practiced, he was determined to destroy her. He had done things to her against her will, and she threatened to tell his wife and the town. The vengeful mayor conjured up a story and brought back some planted evidence from the Salem witch trials. The townspeople all turned on her and prepared to burn her at the stake. Constance was convicted in 1899, centuries after the Salem witch trials that took place in 1692, where twenty people were executed by hanging. Many people still believed that witches existed and they were correct. Therefore, they continued to execute anyone who they determined was a witch, and since Mati looked very similar to one of the women who was convicted in 1692, people believed her to be the reincarnated soul. This made the mayor’s revenge even easier. They may have been correct about some, but many of the women hanged during the trials were not actually witches.
In an attempt to save herself from a horrible, painful death, she tried to hang herself.
She was almost dead, and her mortal body was beyond saving (due to the lack of medical advancements at the time), but I needed her; I knew she was meant for me.
When I bit her neck to allow the venom to enter her system, close to her heart, it was the most wonderful thing I had ever tasted. I did not want to stop, but knew I had to if she was going to join us. As difficult as it was, I pulled myself away before draining her of too much blood, and then I bit my own wrist and gave her a drink of my own blood to complete the Embrace. We took her to our settlement to begin her transformation and teachings right away.
After we got Mati to our settlement and trained her, we continued our search for help. This was difficult because we could only go out at night. We began looking for a mystical witch we had heard about. She helped our kind, but she had rules as to whom she would help. We spent years searching for her and finally found her in the 1930’s.
About ten years earlier, we had found Caspian. Caspian was eternally twenty-two when we found him, and he had already been a vampire for about 200 years. Caspian told us he was tired of living alone, feeding off any poor soul that crossed his path. He had been trying to live like us, off animals, but he was having trouble and needed support. He joined our family, and we supported him and helped him through the transition.
Caspian did well, but it was difficult at times because he had already tasted so much human blood that it tempted him all the time. The meals Florence prepared helped slightly, but there is no taste like the fresh feed. We kept a close eye on him, knowing he was a member of our family and he had good intentions. He was a good addition to our family because he taught us things and brought a new insight, as only Elijah and Florence were older as vampires. They were both about 350 years old when they found us. Isaac and Constance had joined them about 100 years before us, and they all had something to teach Sophia, Mati, and myself.
The mystical witch we found in the 1930’s was Ms. Edwina’s mother. We told her and her young daughter, your grandmother, our story. We had passed her test, for we have been surviving on animal blood and donated human blood since 1894, when Sophia and I became vampires–the rest of them even longer. Although we did have a few slip-ups in the beginning with some evil beings, we truly tried our hardest to abstain from all mortals. Caspian was the only exception, as he had only been “pure”
for about fifteen years minus the occasional slip-up.
The witch knew this was true because of your Grams, for even as a young girl, she was able to detect honesty. Ms. Edwina did not know it yet, but her mother knew how to tell by the reactions she gave. She was a bit concerned about Caspian but trusted that with our help he could remain pure.
Your great grandmother agreed to help us and provided our family with a mystical gem we wear in our jewelry. It is a rare black diamond called veneficus lamia sol solis partonus, which is Latin for “magickal vampire sun protector,” but we just call it our
“day crystal.” Your great grandmother placed a spell on it that allows us protection that not many other vampires have.
“That’s pretty much it,” Alexander says.“What do the day crystals do for you exactly?” Ebony asks.
“With the protection of the day crystal, we can live similar to mortals. It enables us to walk in the daytime and eat human food without an ill feeling. It also raises our body temperature to something that can seem a bit more normal–still cooler than mortals, but not as cold as ice. Our eyes are not blood-red like those of most vampires, and they remain the original color until we become hungry or smell blood, at which time they will turn red or black, sometimes they can change in accordance to our moods as well.
The day crystals also help decrease our cravings for human blood. When we are wearing them, holy water, various herbs and garlic cannot harm us, under normal circumstances these things don’t really hurt a vampire, but make them week or ill.
Everything the day crystal provides us, keeps us from being detected as easily, though there are some vampire traits that still apply.”
“Like what?”
“Well, for starters, we do not age and are immortal. Wooden bullets can slow us down and are harder to heal from than other injuries, but we can be killed with stakes and all the normal things that kill a vampire. Although the best way to destroy a vampire is to behead and burn before the body heals, although if a major life function such as the heart, or brain function cease the vampire will die. We have to be invited into a person’s home before we can enter. Also, we have to be cautious and fight the urge to drink human blood, as the day crystal just decreases our cravings, and we still have the need. It is more difficult around open wounds, and it takes a lot of practice.
That is why it is so amazing that Isaac and Constance are doctors. They deal with it regularly and are always expose to blood. Anyway, I hope all this helps you understand us a little better,” Alexander says.
“Sure does,” Ebony says.
“Well girls, that is pretty much our story and how we became involved with your family. We have been living amongst the mortals civilly since about 1935. Your Grams was only about five years old when we first met. She did not know of her gift of honesty until she was older, but mothers always know their children, so her mother knew and could tell as long as Ms. Edwina was in the room. We have remained allies with your family ever since. Although it has been over twenty years since we last saw one another, we have a strong bond and remain in touch through letters,” he finishes.
“Wow,” says Eliza. “Just...wow.”
Chapter Fifteen
Book of Shadows
“I hope you are not too freaked out over this. I think we can all be great friends now that we know the truth about each other,” Matilda suggests.
“Yeah. It will be nice to have full disclosure with someone outside of our family,” I admit, glancing over at Ebony.
She smiles and replies, “It will be nice to have someone we can trust with our family secrets. I would be up for trying to be friends, as long as you don’t like witch blood.”
We all begin laughing.
“Nah. It’s a little too bitter for my liking,” Isaac jokes.
“I was just wondering where Caspian went. You said he left?” Eliza asks.
“Well, that is a whole story of its own, but the condensed version is that he fell in love with a mortal. They became very close and decided to become intimate. Caspian could not control himself, and in the end, he accidentally killed her. It upset him so much that he decided to run away. He gave us his day crystal and left. It all happened about thirty years ago. Last we heard, he was in Inuvik, Canada,” Elijah says as he shares a pained glance with Florence.
“Wow. That must have been horrible for all of you.” she replies with sympathy.
“It is always difficult to lose a family member, but he lost so much more in her death. We hope to find him and have him rejoin our family one day,” Florence admits.
Ms. Edwina rises from her chair and heads to her private office down the hall. When she returns, she is carrying a large leather-bound book. I notice the book has hundreds of pages; all old parchment with some smudged gold edging, and on the cover, there is a triquetra symbol. Both of the girls perk up with excitement when she addresses them.
“Girls, now that you are old enough and have some understanding, this belongs to the two of you now. This is your Book of Shadows. Anything you may need is in here. If and when you come across something that is not in here, add it for future generations.
Study this and learn it, for this book will teach you and give you a few surprises too.
You can also learn about those before you, as there is history in these pages, so make sure to add some notes about yourselves as well,” Ms. Edwina explains.
“Really? What kind of spells does it have?” Ebony asks.
“Anything you can imagine, my dear. You must always remember though that you must never use any magick to improve your life or make things better, easier, wealthier, or happier for yourselves. That would be considered personal gain or black magick, and being self-serving with your craft can prove very dangerous. You must only use magick to help others.”
Ebony releases a smirk from the corner of her mouth. “So I can’t use it to deal with that awful girl at school? That really sucks.”
In a very stern and intimidating tone, Mrs. Edwina looks at the girls and says,
“Ebony Triggs, this is no joking matter. Can you not understand that magick is serious?
I trust you girls, and Wenham needs you.”
“I’m sorry, Grams. I was just kidding. I would never do anything to disgrace you like that–even though, that Mel is her own kind of witch most of the time. You and Eliza are all I have. I am serious about receiving this information and great power, and I am ready to help people however I can.”
“I am glad to hear that. Now both of you girls come here.”
The two girls stand in front of their Grams, ready to receive the power that is rightfully theirs. As they reach for the Book of Shadows together, the triquetra symbol in the center of the cover illuminates with a green glow, and when they both touch the book, everyone in the room can see the energy that flows from the tome to each girl.
Almost frozen, we all watch as before our very eyes the most amazing thing happens. Ebony and Eliza both look up to the ceiling, their eyes never leaving the light that radiates from the book. It is similar to the light on top of the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas, albeit on a much smaller scale.
That is when I notice the girls’ eyes are almost completely white; they are in a trance of sorts. In that very instance, the light retracts, and the girls drop the book to the floor and fall to their knees around it. The area around them begins filling with their steamy breath, as if they have just stepped outside on the coldest night of winter.
“Are they okay?” Matilda asks.
“Yes, my dear. What you are witnessing is the transfer of power from all the ancestors in our family. The girls are feeling no pain–just a miraculous serge of power and energy. They are now fully connecting as the Magnificent Ones and can begin learning their craft,” Ms. Edwina explains in a very soft voice, so as not to interrupt the energy transfer.
Once the girls become lucid and coherent again, we help them to the sofa. They both appear exhausted, and we allow them time to compose themselves. Florence, Constance, Matilda, and I decide to help them to their rooms so they can prepare for bed.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Ebony. If you want to talk, I left my cell number on your nightstand. Call me anytime,” I whisper softly.
It has been a long day. We say our goodbyes and excuse ourselves. Our family needs to go scout some animals and prepare for the week ahead by stocking our supply again.
Since Isaac brought donated blood home from the clinic yesterday, we should be good on human blood for a while. I can’t face the same temptations as that first day. I need to be stronger. But a new sense of relief rushes over me. I am glad to have Ebony to trust, for I was so scared yesterday when she figured it all out. I have never truly trusted anyone outside of my family before, and now I know I might be able to trust others–to let some of them in, if only a little.
Chapter Sixteen
Settling In
Over the next several weeks, my siblings and I continue to settle in to our routine.
Ebony and Nathanial both are becoming huge parts of that routine. I am even letting go of the average girl façade, and I am just Sophia. Ebony and I are becoming the best of friends she is amazing. After school and on the weekends, I enjoy helping her work on her powers, spells, and potions. She is telekinetic and is getting better and better at moving things with her mind. Eliza works with her as well. The two sisters, the power of the moon bonded by the triquetra symbol and blood, is shaping up well. They have the power to become the most powerful witches the world has ever seen. They practice with the family Book of Shadows, but it must be protected as well because if it falls into the wrong hands, the book could end the world as we know it.
I begin to dwell on the biggest problem I face, and that is not being able to stay away from Nathanial. I need to get to know him better, though I still can’t understand why I have this constant yearning. Although I have tried to keep my distance, I can’t fight it any longer. I simply must be near him. In the back of my mind, though, I always remember how things worked out for Caspian and his lover, Ashley, and I do not want to find myself putting dear Nathanial in that situation. He deserves someone better–someone safer–than me.
Lunchtime arrives, and we hang out with Nathanial and Ebony. Her boyfriend Matt joins us today as well. I really feel the need to talk to Nathanial. He must think I am crazy, always struggling with my feelings for him, which I know are quite obvious. I try to push him away, but every time he utters one word to me with his perfect voice or looks at me with his captivating eyes or even comes near me with that alluring scent, I am sucked right back in to wanting him again.
“Nate, you’re a really good guy,” I tell him. “I’m trying to keep you at a distance for reasons you might not understand, but I...well, I just can’t. What is it about you that makes you so irresistible?” I ask.
“I don’t know, but I feel the same way about you. You are someone I want to know, and I want you in my life so bad. Why should we fight it? Look at what you are doing to me...you are turning me into nothing but a big sap. My whole vision of what I want for my life has changed because of you, you know?” he admits.
My thoughts and worries begin to take over again. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want him to readjust his life because of me, especially because I know there is no future for us and never will be. I will never be able to explain that to him, yet I feel so drawn to him. He really is a wonderful person, and I wonder if I can really trust him enough to tell him everything. If I could, and he doesn’t find me completely insane, maybe we could enjoy a few years together without this tension hanging over us. No, no...it’s just not a good idea. Who would ever knowingly want a vampire for his girlfriend? I remember that Caspian did not even tell Ashley when they were together, and in the end, that did not work out for anyone. “I don’t want you to change anything for or because of me, Nate. You don’t know what could happen, and it would not be good for either of us,” I insist.
“Well, I really think it’s too late for backing out now, don’t you? We are just going to have to roll with the punches. This is where life is leading us, Sophia, so will you please just stop fighting it already?” Nathanial reaches his hand out to mine.
Lightly touching his fingertips, I answer, “I refuse to promise anything, Nathanial.
Your friendship means everything to me.”
“Well, that’s something, I guess. Now let’s just see where that takes us,” Nathanial rebuts.
After school, I excuse myself to my room. I can’t stop thinking about Nathanial.Maybe he is right and I shouldn’t fight it. Maybe we are meant for one another, however long we may have together. I learned from Caspian and his mistakes, and I also have the help and support of my family. I have never found anyone that brings joy to my life the way Nathanial does. Is it possible that I should just enjoy this for as long as I can?
Nathanial and I become closer every day. I want to tell him everything, but I can’t. I need to protect him from the truth. Matilda confirms that he is my soul mate and that he is pure, but I don’t need her conformation, because I already know this on my own.
He is a more amazing person than I could have ever fathomed could exist. He’s even a true gentleman. What high school guy opens doors and pulls out chairs? Nathanial has old-fashioned manners, and that’s a refreshing changes from the other self-serving, impatient, disrespectful kids that I know in this generation.
I begin thinking about all the things he has shared with me. When I look at him, I just get lost in the sapphire waves of his eyes. With every passing moment, I feel myself giving in to him and letting go of all my inhibitions. I even start to accept that fact and wonder if maybe my fate set out to be as horrible as I originally thought it would be.
My mind is turning to mush as I over-think the possibility of a relationship with Nathanial, so I do the only thing I know to do: I call it a night.
It is the first of November, a nice overcast day. It’s about forty degrees, brisk but not cold, or at least not for me. As I walk to the car, I decide to share with Danika a little, who is turning out to be less of a problem than I first suspected (aside from her obvious crush on Nathanial). “This is my favorite time of year, just before the snow sticks to the ground for the winter. It smells so fresh, like clean fresh linens hung out to dry, or a small babbling brook coming off the snow-capped Rocky Mountains.”“Yeah, you’re right, Sophia. It’s beautiful, and I must admit I’ve never noticed the smell of air before.” Danika smiles as she takes in a long, deep sniff.
“As you get older, you will notice many things you never did before. You senses are still maturing. The older a vampire is, the easier things come to them. You know...like practice makes perfect.” I chuckle at my own cliché.
I’m really beginning to like this town. It is a nice place with lots of history, old buildings that are hundreds of year’s old and well-formed family trees. But even with everything I enjoy, I am still trying not to become attached or get too comfortable because I know all too well that it can all change in an instant. It’s difficult to avoid making myself at home here, though, especially with such great and welcoming people around.
“My older brother Luke is away at college,” he tells me. “He received a full-ride scholarship to Harvard. Of course my parents are very proud of him, and I hope to follow his footsteps. My parents always hoped for another baby, but due to complications while delivering me, they couldn’t have one,” Nathanial says with a sad look on his face that lets me know he blames himself for their heartache.From everything I have been learning about the McCord family, it seems his parents believe it wasn’t in their destiny to have another baby and are happy with the two sons they have. “Your family seems to be just as amazing as you are. From what you have told me, I think your parents are very content with their lives. Do both of your parents work?”
“Yes, and they work hard. My mother is a nurses’ aide, and my father works in construction. They do everything they can to provide a dream life to both of us boys.
We are very lucky to have them as our parents.”
I don’t think Nathanial realizes that he and his brother mean everything to their parents; I noticed it the first time I saw the way they looked at him, the night of that first football game of the season. It was our first major outing in Wenham, and even from a distance, I could feel the love they had for him. I have dreamt of love like that. I just never imagined I would ever find it, and now it is sitting right in front of me.
Nathanial explains how his parents save every penny they can for college. This is why receiving a scholarship is so important to him. He does not want to drain their savings, especially since Luke received a full-ride scholarship. Nathanial wants to achieve the same. Family is everything to the McCords, and they are always so thoughtful and considerate of one another’s needs and wants. When I was a mortal, I always wanted a family like that, but I guess I can be grateful for the amazing family I have now in my immortal life.
Aside from my big secret, Nathanial and I are getting to know everything about each other. I love learning all the little things and make mental notes of them: His favorite band is Nickelback; his favorite show is House; his favorite color is green; his favorite book is The Da Vinci Code; and as far as movies go, he adores Star Wars almost as much as I adore him.
“You know Star Wars is in everything.” he adds with a chuckle.
I am starting to learn his little mannerisms, like how when he is confused about something, he bites on his lip and smirks, turning up the left corner of his mouth and showing off his adorable dimple, or the way I often catch him staring at me when he thinks I am not paying attention. Everything about Nathanial is amazing, and it all just makes me want him even more.
With each passing day we grow closer, and nothing can stop it from happening.
After more than a century, I am finally allowing myself to fall completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with someone, with Nathanial. I sometimes forget about my situation and feel like the luckiest girl in the world, if only for a brief moment.
Chapter Seventeen
Letting Go
“So, Sophia, the winter formal is only a few weeks away, and I was hoping you would allow me the privilege of escorting you,” Nathanial asks with complete confidence.
“I would be honored,” I agree.
“Perfect.” He smiles, and we both let out a little chuckle. He excitedly moves closer and hugs me.
At this moment, time seems to slow. We gaze into each other’s eyes. As we move slowly toward each other, I can feel his breath and hear his heart racing. I begin to feel weak. I have to be careful, and every instinct I have tells me to turn away, but whatever piece of a heart I have left wants to hold him and never let go. As we move closer, our lips touch ever so softly. Nathanial’s arm slowly tightens around my waist, pulling me even closer. This is the most amazing feeling, like millions of fireworks exploding inside my body. The kiss continues with his left hand cupping the back of my head, moving around to my cheek, and stroking along my cheekbone. His right hand is still wrapped around my waist. This kiss is so soft, gentle, but utterly passionate. A crowd starts to form, and everyone is in shock. Nathanial has never been interested in anyone, let alone kissed anyone before.
We don’t even notice until Alexander taps Nathanial’s shoulder. “Hey, get a room, bro, or else we should start charging admission for this,” he jokes.
We part and realize we are in the school courtyard with an audience. As is par for the course for his usual class clown antics, Nathanial turns to the crowd and shouts,
“Thank you, thank you! Hope you all enjoyed Act 1. Please tune in next week.”
I bury my head in his chest and giggle a little.
“Sophia, sweetie, I am sorry. Are you alright? I shouldn’t have disrespected you that way. Please forgive me,” he begs.
“I am great–just a little overwhelmed. There is nothing to apologize for,” I insist. I wonder if he regrets our kiss and asking me to the dance.
“I should not have showed off like that. It was very disrespectful of me. I feel horrible. You deserve so much better.”
“Nate, you have nothing to worry about. I am fine.” I give him a small kiss on the cheek, and in usual form, he grabs my books. This time is different, though, because he also grabs my hand, and we walk to history class together. Today, November 26, I am finally hand in hand with the love of my life–a love I never thought existed or that I deserved...and I only met him a few short months ago.
History is more exciting than it has ever been because Nathanial gently holds my hand under the table as we watch a movie about the cold war. I am so glad he is in so many of my classes. This movie is boring, but we are building a history of our own, and I must admit it’s an exciting feeling to not have to fight my urges for Nathanial anymore.
After class, as Ebony and I are chatting about today’s events, I notice Danika talking to a guy. I don’t recognize him, so I ask Ebony who he is.
She takes a good long look at him. “Hmm. He doesn’t look familiar, but I don’t know everyone. Ever since my magickal incident that day, no one really crosses my path anymore.”
“I noticed that too. It must be nice to finally have some peace from all the bantering and teasing,” I reply.
“Yeah, they leave me alone now. There’re a few people who are curious and kind to me, but I think it’s just because they’re scared I’ll put some kind of hex on them or something.” She lets out a laugh. “Come to think of it, that could be kinda fun,” she adds.
“It could. Maybe we should look into it,” I joke.
“As much as I would love to, I have to avoid personal gain and focus on the greater good. I am afraid I have to let it be.” Ebony rolls her eyes and laughs.
“I am wondering about Danika and this guy. I hope she is not getting involved with him. She is just too young.” I begin to worry, yet feel a sense of relief that she may let go of her obsession over Nathanial.
“She will be fine. She’s probably just making friends,” Ebony reassures me.
“Worrying so much isn’t good for you or all the people you worry too much about. Plus you don’t wanna get wrinkles.” She jokes.
The bell rings, and we all start to head to our classes. I watch Danika say “Goodbye”
and go to class as the boy she was with turns and walks out the door. I find this a little peculiar, but I will ask her later at home.
After the wonderful blood meal Florence prepared, I ask Danika to join me in the music room. “I just wanted to check in with you, girl to girl. We have been in Wenham almost three months now. How have you been coping?” I ask, attempting to find out more about I saw today.“Pretty good. I will admit it is tough at times. One kid cut his finger in biology when we were dissecting frogs. I felt my fangs coming out, so I covered my mouth and ran to the restroom as if I were sick,” Danika explains with a sense of pride over how she handled the situation.
“Good cover. Are you making some friends? I noticed you with a boy today.” I had alerted Alexander of my concerns and he agreed to listen in without alerting Danika.
“Oh, him? He is just a guy, nothing to worry about. He asked me to hang out with him. I told him I couldn’t, end of story,” she says, appearing a little uneasy with her vague explanation.
“I understand. Just know I am always here for you. I know I was hard on you at first, but I realize I was wrong, and hope we can be friends.”
“Thanks. That would be great.” Danika stands with excitement and gives me a hug.
Alexander keeps a tight hold on our thoughts and informs me that Danika was truthful and is excited about me accepting her. He adds that she is concerned about letting the family down and that she wasn’t thinking details, but her thoughts did have something to do with the mystery guy. He found it awkward that he couldn’t get a full read on her. I decide to let it go for now and try to keep some trust between Danika and myself. I will look for this guy later and try to reveal his intentions.
Chapter Eighteen
Danika’s Distress
“You can’t keep coming around. My sister Sophia saw us talking yesterday and started asking questions.” I look over my shoulder nervously.
“I’m sorry for that. If you come with me, you will not need to keep all these secrets any longer. You can live the way our kind is meant to live,” the short scruffy male says.
“I can’t. They are all finally accepting me as one of their own. The Pierce family is great to me, and I don’t wanna disappoint them.”
“Come with me, and you won’t ever disappoint any of us. You won’t believe the rush you will get with your first live feed, Danika. The fresh stuff is the best,” he continues to pressure.
I start to think of what it would be like just to give in to my natural instincts for once. The glands in my mouth begin to water at the thought of a fresh feed, or “a hit,”
as he sometimes refers to it. I wonder what it must be like living underground like his clan does. My biggest question though is, “How are you able to be out in the daytime?”
“Although you are young, I am sure you know about the many powers in the world.
I have the power of a light walker. I still have to avoid direct sunlight, but these cloudy days make it somewhat safe for me to walk about somewhat freely.”
The bell rings to signal the start of class.
“I have to go.” I demand.
“Okay, but promise me you will come with me to the club one night. You will not be disappointed,” the young man insists.
“Fine, but don’t come here anymore,” I warn him.
As I enter the school through the main doors, I cannot get the man’s offer out of my head. What was his name again? I can’t believe I have forgotten. I am so bad with names, Drake, his name is Drake. I gotta remember that. I need to think of something else before Alexander decides to check in on me. I have to wonder if things are as wonderful as my mystery man, Drake describes. The Pierce family has been good to me, but this is no different than my mortal life. I was attacked, Embraced, and turned into a bloodthirsty monster, and they will not even allow me to fulfill my needs. They have provided well for me, but I find myself wondering how others like us live.Entering the class, I greet a few friends I have made and try to push these thoughts out of my head. We all make a little small talk before the teacher enters. One of the boys I have befriended, Jack, even asks me to the winter formal. He is a nice guy, not to mention very cute. But I think maybe I will check out this so-called underground vampire club after the formal. As the class settles, we all pull out our books, ready for a new day of learning.
Chapter Nineteen
Girls’ Day Out
It’s been a few days since Nathanial asked me to the winter formal, and me, Ebony, Matilda, and Danika, will go shopping for dresses. Constance will join us later. The boys decide tonight is a good night to play pool. I know Alexander will be analyzing Nathanial’s mind, just to ensure he has proper intentions. Alexander is extremely protective of me, just as a brother should be.
My new relationship is actually quite frightening for everyone involved. Anyone and everyone can get hurt if my relationship with Nathanial goes bad. We all watched a relationship with a mortal destroy everything Caspian had worked for. I can only hope to learn from his mistakes. There is also the fact that I have never fully lived off human blood as he had for centuries. I try not to think about the repercussions that our relationship may have and try to believe in myself as we girls head to the mall and to hunt for the perfect dress. We search for hours, trying on all kinds of dresses.
Ebony picks a beautiful red dress and heads to the fitting room. “What do you think about this one?” she asks.
“It is perfect. The red looks so nice against your dark skin, and the cut frames your body perfectly,” Matilda replies, showing off her keen fashion sense.
“What about this one for me?” Matilda asks, as if she did not know already.
“You are beautiful as always.” I confirm.
Both Ebony and Matilda have found dresses, but Danika and I are still empty handed. It is hard since I am not into fashion the way Matilda is, or the way most girls are, for the matter. I enjoy looking nice, but in a more practical sense. I mean, what would I do with a Dior haute couture dress? I’ve always wondered who really wears that stuff. I threw out my corsets years ago.
Danika walks out of the fitting room, much to my surprise. I had not even noticed her going in there. “I think I may have found a dress,” she says with complete excitement.
“Oh my, Danika! It’s...it’s just magnificent!” I can’t take my eyes off her because she looks so grown up, a beautiful young lady. I have always liked her cute reverse bob hairstyle, longer in the front than the back. She is a very attractive girl, but right now she is beautiful. Everyone in the store stops to admire her in a gorgeous white gown, fit for a snow princess.
“The white of the dress on your fair skin makes your red hair blaze like the fire of the sun above. You are the prettiest thing I have ever seen,” the saleswoman dotes in complete honesty, in spite of the commission she’ll make on the sale.
“Thank you. I think we will take this dress as well,” Matilda interjects.
Now I am the only one without the perfect dress and the formal is coming up quickly. Then it hits me, and I remember the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen. It belongs to Constance, left over from her party days at Studio 54 in the 1970’s. I guess we could consider it vintage now. I start to daydream about the amazing emerald-green halter-style dress, knee length in the front and floor length in the back. It has a V-neck bodice lined with silver accents. She also has the perfect pair of silver Dolce and Gabbana stilettos to match. The extra height will help since Nathanial is so much taller than I am. I start to get a little excited at the thought of having the perfect dress.
Thankfully, Constance and I are both petite, she’s about five-six and 110 pounds, I am only a few inches shorter, so we often raid each other’s closets. Matilda is different, as she is almost six feet tall with the slender body of a super model. She actually looks like a young Grace Kelly.
As soon as Constance arrives, I ask her about the green dress, and she is excited about the idea. “That dress deserves a night out!” she says, gladly willing to let me borrow it.
After that’s all settled, we head to the health food store. Ebony needs some herbs for her spells and potions, and the easiest way to get them without going into the city Wicca or pagan store is to buy herbal remedies and teas.
“So what are we looking for?” I ask.
“I just want to try out some truth, memory, and luck spells. I need to get some angelic root, hawthorn berries, and snake root. I also need to buy some candles–red, white, black, and green,” Ebony explains.
Chapter Twenty
Hanging Out
“Well, now that we are finished with everything we had planned, why don’t we meet the boys down at the local pool hall?” I suggest.
Everyone agrees, and when we arrive, they are all there: Elijah, Isaac, Alexander, Nathanial, and Matt. Ebony had told us that Matt had moved to Wenham in the spring of sophomore year and was the new kid until we came along. He is a really nice guy.
He fought for her when she attempted to shut people out of her life after finding out she was a witch. She needed to figure things out for herself, but he adores her and waited for her to be ready to open up again. I remember he was the one who took her home the day she used her powers at school to put that nasty Mel in her place. Ebony has great timing, too, for she is finally coming out of her shell and letting him back in–just in time for formal. Matt has never given up on her. He even hangs out with us at lunch to prove to Ebony he will always be there for her. Just like I gave up pushing Nathanial away, she is doing the same. Last week, when Matt asked her to the formal, she agreed to go with him. They were friends before they became a couple, but Matt told Alexander and Nathanial one day that he has always felt a connection to Ebony. Matt is different, and Alexander cannot read him, as if there is some kind of road block to his brain.
Matilda, on the other hand, sees much about him, as if his soul is an open book, pure and genuine. She calls him a “white soul,” as pure as they come. Matilda has only ever seen one white soul once before. I remember the story like it was yesterday. Our family moved back to Europe during the 1950’s. We met a young man by the name of Walter, a worker at the local orphanage.
“I was just thinking about Matt and how Mati told us he is a white soul. Do you remember Walter?” I ask.
“Oh yeah. Who could ever forget Walter?” Matilda says.
“Who is Walter?” Ebony inquires.
Matilda smiles at the memory. “We met Walter back in Europe. He had a similar soul to Matt’s.”
“What is his story?” Danika asks with sincere interest.
“Walter was one of the most caring men our family has ever met. He ran the local orphanage, where he, himself had grown up. Once he was old enough, he decided to give back to the only place he knew as home. He cared for each and every one of the kids that lived in that orphanage. Walter made it his life’s work to help as many of those orphans find homes as humanly possible. Our family became benefactors to the orphanage after Isaac and Constance met Walter in the hospital one night. He stayed with a sick orphan all night long, holding the young boy’s hand as he died,” I explained.
“It was because of Walter and this young boy that Isaac became a hematologist.”
Constance says as she looks to see if anyone is interested in the story and then continues when she sees that they are. “Back in the 1950’s, cholera was a major problem. The boy Walter brought into the hospital had a rare homological form of the disease, and we were unable to save him. His death took a toll on Isaac. After that, we became benefactors to the orphanage. That is when Mati met the young Walter and realized his soul was white, just like Matt’s.”
“That is a sad but interesting story,” Ebony states.
Constance smiles at the thought. “After that, Isaac decided to learn more about blood. He never wants to be put in another situation like that again.”
“Walter and Matt are the only two white souls I have ever met. The weird thing is, I still don’t know what causes a white soul or what it means. Maybe one day I will figure it out,” Matilda admits.
We arrive at the pool hall through the window we could see the boys; they are horsing around as boys always do. I can see the smile on Elijah’s face, beaming like a spotlight from outside. He enjoys normal human interaction and is happy we have made some connections in Wenham. This is the first time in a long time when we have actually been able to put down some roots and live with some semblance of peace and happiness.When we enter the pool hall, Nathanial’s back is to the door, and he does not notice us come in. I admire him. I can see just by his interaction with others and with my family what a wonderful man he truly is. As I get closer, I begin to take in the wonderful aroma coming from him. I stand and watch as he takes his shot and runs his fingers through his truffle-brown hair.
I sneak up behind Nathanial and wrap my arms around him from behind, running my hands from his waist up his rippled abdomen to rest on his amazing pectorals.
Lifting myself up on my tiptoes, and I gently blow in his ear.
He slowly spins around and wraps his arms around me as well. “Hello, beautiful.
Did you find a dress?”
“I have something that will do.” I grimace, and he gives me a soft kiss on my cheek.
“Now that my good luck charm is here, I just might win a game,” he says, hopeful.
“Well, I am here, but I am not too sure you could call me a good luck charm,” I reply with a chuckle.
He just smiles and gives me a big squeeze. “You have got to stop being so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful human being, and I just wish you would realize that.”
He is so sweet and convincing, to the point that I almost believe him myself. I smile back at him, knowing that no matter how convincing he is, it is not true. I can’t be a wonderful human being because I’m not even human anymore.
It is now December, and it’s getting colder outside, but the pool hall has a nice stone fireplace. Although the cold does not affect us, we decide to curl up in front of the fire, and we all order some hot drinks. Once the boys finish their game, (which Nathanial won), they come over and join us. Only those who are close to us know that Alexander and Matilda are a couple. Since we are hidden in a corner booth by the fire, Alexander slides beside Matilda, wraps his arm over her shoulder, and gives her a little kiss on the cheek–nothing too obvious, in case someone sees. That way, it still looks like they are nothing more than siblings.
I look at my watch and realize it is about nine o’clock, time to head home. After all, we still have two more days of classes before the winter formal. “How about I walk you home, Nate?” I ask.
“Is it not customary for the man to walk the lady home?” he jokes back.
“Nathanial, you live about two blocks away from the pool hall, and my house is a few miles away, just on the outskirts of town. Don’t you think this makes more sense?”
He nods in agreement.
We take off slowly down the dimly lit street toward the McCord house. Hand in hand, we begin chatting, always trying to learn more about each other.Tonight it is his turn to ask questions. “Favorite color and song?” he blurts out.
“Red and I like a variety of songs. I could list a favorite from any decade really. I like anything Frank Sinatra, ‘ Alberta Bound’ by Paul Brandt, most classical music and even stuff like Pink. I find classical very calming. I have always hoped to have it played at my wedding...maybe a beautiful waltz or something like that.” I stop, realizing I am revealing too much.
“I will have to listen to it so I can learn to dance to it. Do you give lessons? I would not want to embarrass you.” He gives me a little nudge and smiles.
At this moment, even though I think he is joking, we have an amazing connection, and I can tell he feels it too. It could be a possibility. I have all these feelings I never knew existed until he came into my life.
He continues with the questions. “Have you ever been in love before?”
“Ask me that one again later.” I give a little smile.
“What is your biggest weakness?”
“Me?” He looks a little concerned.
“Yeah. I can’t seem to stay away from you, and I can’t hide anything from you.
Around you, I feel like an open book that has no cover,” I admit.
“Hmm. Well, isn’t that a good thing? Do you want to stay away from me and hide things? Is there some deep dark secret you are keeping from me, young lady?” he asks.
“Maybe just a few,” I say in a joking manner, even though it’s the truth. Even though I love being with him every minute that I can, I am glad we are finally at his house, because his questions are getting more dangerous than he knows.
We say our goodnights and our goodbyes, but as I turn to walk back to the pool hall, he pulls me back, spinning me around to face him. Then he gently kisses my forehead, then my nose, and then our lips meet, pressing ever so gently against one another.
“Goodnight, my sweet Sophia,” he whispers, weakening my knees with his breath.
I turn again to leave, still holding Nathanial’s hand. Our fingers start to slide through each other’s until we are fingertip to fingertip.
“See you in my dreams.” I wink.
He enters his house, and I take off as fast as I can.
I am back at the pool hall in seconds. Matt has already taken Ebony home, so our family decides to go hunting for food. Isaac just got another fresh batch of donated blood from the hematology clinic. Because our house is near the outskirts of town, we are near the forest, which is perfect for our hunting trips. There is a vast array of animals to choose from, so we always catch something, but we are careful never to drain them to death.
“I have all the supplies to bank the animal blood in the trunk of my car. Do you ladies want to come or just go back to the house?” Isaac offers.
“I would like to come tonight. I am in the mood for a good chase,” Florence says, and the rest of us agree.
After the hunt, tonight, like so many other nights, I dream of Nathanial and the life we could have had if we had only met a hundred years earlier. I dream of growing old with him, of having a family and children and grandchildren of our own. It is wonderful and perfect, but then reality sets in. Vampires only get the ever after–without the happily.
Chapter Twenty One
Dreams and Nightmares
Two days have flown by, and it’s already time for the winter formal. Constance and Matilda help me get ready, because they love to dress me up like a Barbie doll.
Matilda curls my hair in loose ringlets. “Sophia, will you stop fidgeting? I don’t want to burn you!” Matilda demands.
“Who cares? It’s not like it would hurt!” I joke back.
With slight annoyance, she responds, “That’s not the point.”
Constance brings in the outfit I asked to borrow, along with an amazing tiffany headband. She volunteers to do my makeup for me.
“Thank you so much, Constance and Mati. I have the best sisters.”
Suddenly, I hear a slight gasp, followed by Florence announcing, “Oh, Sophia! You are stunning, absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. I always knew it. You shouldn’t try so hard to hide it.”
“Thanks. I guess I’m trying to just be myself and not hide my true personality anymore,” I defend myself.
“Don’t forget your day crystal,” Florence reminds.
Matilda grabs my necklace off the vanity and assists me in putting it on.
“I guess we are all ready. Shall we go?” I ask.
Alexander, Matilda, Danika, and I all jump in to Isaac’s sports car, a beautiful black Jaguar with tinted windows. Alexander told Nathanial he will drive all of us, since Nathanial’s house is on the way to the school. That way, Nate won’t have to borrow his mother’s car. We pull up in front of the McCord house, and Nathanial comes running out.
“What a sweet ride!” he announces, admiring the Jaguar.
“It is our uncle’s,” Alexander explains.
We all get out and head up the walk toward the house. Once Nathanial catches a glimpse of me, he stands motionless, like a deer caught in headlights. If I could, I would blush in this very moment. He looks so handsome in his tuxedo; once again, I am stunned by his perfection.
Nathanial finally catches his breath and stutters, “I have never seen such a beautiful sight in all my life. You are much more beautiful than all the stars in the heavens.”
I gasp, wondering how he can think so highly of me. I am nothing more than a murderous animal that could easily take away everything as he knows it. “Thank you.
You look amazing too,” I say and run into his arms.
“Come meet my parents. I have told them all about you,” he encourages.
As we approach the door, Nathanial’s parents greet us. “Please come in from the cold, kids.”
We all smile at each other before entering, and Alexander telepathically adds,
“Thank God they asked us in. I hate that we have to be invited before we can enter another’s dwelling, and it’s always hard to make excuses for it. I’m glad Nathanial and his family are so polite.”
The McCord home is very modest, but warm and inviting. I feel so much love within these walls.
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. McCord. My name is Sophia, and this is my brother Alexander and my sisters Mati and Danika. It’s nice to meet you.” I am glad Danika’s date just lives a few houses down, so he will be meeting her here to escort her to formal.
“The pleasure is all ours. We have heard so much about all of you, and it is nice to meet teenagers with such wonderful manners,” Mrs. McCord replies. “Nate speaks very highly of you, Sophia. It is nice to see him so passionate about something other than football and school,” she adds.
“Mother, do you mind?” Nathanial blushes.
“Sorry, love. You kids have fun tonight and be safe. Please call if you need a ride home or anything,” she offers.
“Thank you. That is very kind of you, ma’am,” Alexander replies.
After a few pictures, we say our goodbyes and head back to the car. Danika’s date is waiting for her on the front walk. She introduces everyone and hops in her date’s car to head to the formal. Nathanial opens the car door and helps me into the back seat.
Alexander follows suit and assists Matilda into her seat, then gracefully shuts the door.
The two of them walk around to the other side of the car and hop in. Alexander drives cautiously to the school, so as not to alarm Nathanial with his usual speed-demon driving skills.
Once we arrive, I observe the beauty around us. We proceed to walk under a canopy of white lights that looks like stars. It is enchanting, and every couple pauses for a portrait lit by the hanging lights and the full moon that hangs perfectly in the horizon of the night sky. Nathanial and I pause for our portrait, followed by Alexander and Matilda, and then the four of us together. It is perfect. I know I will never get to see heaven, but this is what I imagine it would be like if I did.Matt and Ebony arrive just after us, in Matt’s ’69 Shelby Cobra GT 500. It belonged to his grandfather, and Matt rebuilt it by himself, something he is extremely proud of.
He did an amazing job, as if the car was rebuilt by Foose himself. He even thought of entering it in a car show, and now that I see it, I understand why and think he most definitely should.
We all enter the gymnasium under an archway wrapped in spruce branches and accented with white roses and red berries. Inside, thousands of little white lights twinkle, and lighted snowflakes hang from the ceiling. A disc jockey is playing a variety of music that almost everyone is dancing to. Throughout my years, I have seen many dances, formals, and proms, but nothing has ever compared to the perfection of this one. I wonder if it is because of the scenery or the company I am sharing the evening with. I now understand that love does brighten the world. Everything is better when you have love.
Nathanial guides me to the dance floor; it is like the parting of the red sea, as everyone moves to either side to make room for us. The music slows, and Nathanial extends his arm, offering me his hand. “May I have this dance?” he requests.
“You may.” I smile as he places one hand on the small of my back and raises our joined hands up. I place my other hand on his broad shoulder.
Just when I am thinking this is a perfect first dance together, I realize what song is playing, and I look at him in amazement.
“I told you I would remember.” He smiles.
“Thank you,” I whisper. “I can’t believe you got them to play good old Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra, for me!”
“This is beautiful. I think I have even heard it before. But it is not nearly as beautiful as you are. I understand why you like it. Maybe it can be our song now?” he suggests.
“Hmm. That would be okay, but I heard another song that suits us much better,” I reply.
“Really? And what song is that?”
I wink at Alexander, and he goes to request it.
Seconds later, Nickelback’s “Never Gonna Be Alone” begins to play, and Nathanial smiles at me. “This is perfect. It describes exactly how I feel, especially if I were to lose you.”
“I feel the exact same way. I could have written the song lyrics myself.” I lean in and give him a small kiss, happy that we have found our perfect song. I can’t stop myself from looking into his big ocean-blue eyes as the song ends and he embraces me in his arms so tightly. The music picks up again, and everyone begins bobbing to the beat and cheering. We decide to escape and go for a walk in the park to be alone. We can never get enough alone time. People still stare at us, shocked that Nathanial finally has a girlfriend.
I look over at Alexander to tell him our plan, and he nods in agreement. I know he will be listening in at least a little; he is very protective of me. It’s like he doesn’t think I can take care of myself, but I know he is really just concerned that I can’t control myself.
Sometimes I worry too. Nothing has ever appealed to me with such force and strength before. I refuse to give in to the temptation, no matter how hard I have to fight myself. I would rather leave him and know he is safe than to harm him with my love and desire.
For that reason, though, I am grateful that Alexander will be close by. I want to taste Nathanial’s blood. I crave it. But even more than that, I want to be with him. That is the main thing that keeps me from going on a complete and utter feeding frenzy. This man means everything to me, and over the course of just a few months, I have found everything I have ever wanted, and I found it in him. I do not mind the extra precautions, though, I’d rather be safe than sorry.
After losing Caspian everyone is secretly concerned about my relationship with Nathanial. They know he appeals to me even more than Caspian’s girlfriend had to him. They feel my pain and torment when Alexander connects us all. I will make them understand. Nathanial is the only one for me, and now that I have accepted him as my soul mate, I am comfortable letting myself go, knowing that he will never let me fall.
With Alexander close by, I feel even more confident with that fact.
Chapter Twenty Two
We sneak out of the dance and cross the street into the park. It is dark, lit only by the moon, which is shining like a big blue diamond, reflecting off the blue in Nathaniel’s eyes as if they are a piece of each other. The park is quiet and very peaceful with only the faint booming of the bass coming from the school gymnasium. The sound mimics a beating heart and turns into a faint pulse the further we get. In an unusual way, the beating calms me and helps curb my urges.
From what I have learned, Wenham is a typical small town, a safe town, the kind of town where people leave their doors unlocked at night. Nathanial and I don’t speak much. We just enjoy the starry sky and being in each other’s company. Nathanial, being the gentlemen he is, offers me his jacket, but I am fine because the weather does not affect me. It is one of the perks of being immortal, I guess.
We get about halfway through the park when I suddenly freeze where I stand.
“What’s wrong?” he questions with concern.
“I hear something,” I whisper.
My eyes widen. I can’t read minds like Alexander can, but I have a bad feeling, and I feel it heading straight toward us. In my head, I scream for Alexander, hoping he is spying on us and will be here soon. This feels bad–real bad.
Then, out from behind the bushes, a man appears. He is not from around here, and he is very rough around the edges. He has long, stringy hair, tattered old clothes, and he is very dirty. The man looks as though he had been traveling a while, and he seems tired and hungry.
“Stay where you are!” he orders.
“Keep behind me,” Nathanial whispers as he braces his arm in front of me. “Can we help you?” Nathanial asks in a monotone voice.
Any member of my family could take this idiot down in a nano second, but that would draw unwanted attention to us and raise questions I am not quite ready to answer.
I begin to panic. Should I protect Nathanial and deal with this moron, or should I wait for Alexander to come? I do not want to give away my secret, but I can’t stand the fact that Nathanial is in immediate danger while I can protect him.
That is when I hear Alexander, who is finally linked with my mind. “I am on my way. Be there in a second,” he says.
I know everything will be okay. We can take this man down as a team, and Nathanial will not even realize what happened.
The man approaches us and presses a knife to Nathanial’s abdomen. He demands our money and possessions.
Just then, Alexander runs up, startling the man, but suddenly Nathanial collapses to the ground. I can smell his blood spilling everywhere, it is intoxicating.
Before I even realize what is happening, the man jumps on Nathanial, and I notice a flash of red eyes and fangs glistening in the moonlight. He bites Nathanial’s neck and tries to feed. Almost as fast, Alex rips the rogue vampire off of Nathanial.
“Sophia, are you okay? You have to take care of Nathanial. I will handle this scum.”
Alexander orders.
Matilda is already on the phone with our family. They will be here in a moment.
This is about to become the biggest fight of my existence thus far–the fight to save the man I love, to save Nathanial.
Nathanial is lying helpless on the ground beneath me, bleeding to death from the knife wound and injured from the vampire bite. I start to worry about the venom and then realize it will not harm him as long as he doesn’t ingest any vampire blood. When Alexander startled the attacker, he reflexively jabbed the knife in to Nathanial’s abdominal cavity, twisting it and pulling it out in a downward motion before trying to feed on him.
“Everything will be okay, Nate. I will take care of you.” I comfort him and try to hide my concern.
He begins to moan and grunt in pain. His blood continues to spread, and it fills my nostrils, smelling better than I ever imagined it could. I want his blood so badly, but NO! I want him more. I place my hands over his wound and began to visualize it repairing from the inside out. My throat begins to burn, and my jaw aches, I feel my teeth growing from the bone. I continue by visualizing a bright gold light around him, protecting him and healing him.
He opens his eyes and weakly smiles at me.
“You're...okay?” He can barely get the words out.
“I am and you will be too. I promise.”
I do not want him to look in my eyes. They are not green anymore, but jet black because of the presence of his blood. His blood is affecting me, and it is so hard to resist I must fight it because I love him and never want to harm him. I can only hope Isaac gets here soon.
I look around to see what is happening with Alexander and the other vampire. They have gone deeper into the woods, but I can hear them and faintly see them. It looks as though Alexander needs help. A hungry vampire is strong and desperate. He tasted Nathanial and wants to finish feeding.
The rest of my family arrives just in time. Isaac runs off to help Alexander finish the job and destroy the vampire. It ends quickly, and they both return to the park.
“Sophia, that’s enough. We need to keep a small wound to explain things. Work on the bite now.” Isaac instructs me to finish the healing, as he takes over care.
Matilda pulls me off to the side to talk me down. A crowd is starting to form, and I am so thirsty. Constance is on the phone with 911 and Florence begins working on Nathanial’s memories of the attack. He cannot have any recollection of me healing him and Alexander getting to us so fast–not to mention the vampire jumping him and feeding. I don’t think he noticed Alexander fighting because they went into the forest pretty fast. I feel so weak, emotionally and physically, and the temptation of Nathanial’s blood has taken everything out of me. What little energy I have left is draining from when I healed him. I am sick with worry, and panic is setting in again. I collapse to my knees, completely weak and helpless. I need to feed and to free my mind. I need to remain strong for my Nathanial.
The ambulance arrives at the same time as Elijah, who had gotten the McCords. He began to explain what he knew from Matilda’s phone call.
Mrs. McCord runs to Nathanial’s side. “Thank you for helping my baby,” and she climbs into the ambulance with Nathanial, as does Isaac.
Constance and the rest of us will quickly go for something to eat before we go to the hospital. We have to eat before heading there, if for no other reason than to get the scent of Nathanial’s blood out of our systems. Isaac and Constance want to be his doctors, since no one else will be able to make sense of his injuries and would have many questions. This way they can protect our secret.
Once we disappear into the woods, my family tries to calm me. Tonight we will hunt the old-fashioned way, feeding directly from the live animals we catch.
“Sophia, everything is alright. Nate is going to be fine. You did what you needed to do to help him, and you resisted the temptation. I am proud of you.” Florence holds me in a motherly fashion. She has always been an amazing mother figure for us.
“It was so hard. I wanted his blood so bad. I wanted to change him so I could keep him forever. I just could not do that to him, to his family.” I confess.
“It is all over now. Let’s get you fed and go check on Nate. We can talk more later on, but right now, we need to be there for him,” Constance says and holds my hand momentarily.