Chapter Eleven
Juan drove Cynthia to her home, and she invited them inside. “Will you stay and have dinner with me later? Right now, I just want to have a shower and get rid of the feel of their dirty hands,” she explained.
“How would it be if we showered with you?” Juan asked.
Cynthia’s body said yes, but her mind wanted answers to her misgivings about their shape-shifting. Just saying the word brought back the surreal sight of Juan in werewolf form in the middle of a deadly fight. She didn’t know that side of him, or Derek. She needed Juan’s pleasure-giving hands on her, as well as Derek’s, all over her. Maybe then the unreality of what she’d seen would go away, and life would regain some sense of normalcy.
“Yes, I’d like for you both to shower with me.”
Juan’s eyes held the first look of confidence she’d seen in them since just before she was kidnapped.
“Would you like a glass of wine?” she asked them.
“I’ll have what you’re having,” Juan said.
“Me, too,” Derek agreed.
She poured them each a glass of white wine. “I often have wine while bathing,” she explained, smiling self-consciously.
“You do? Sounds like a good deal.” Juan raised his eyebrows and smiled at her.
Cynthia led the way to her bathroom. She’d had it redone after her divorce. She’d wanted as few reminders of her ex as possible. Now she was so glad she’d turned the spacious bath into her own retreat. She sat down on her dressing-table bench and placed her glass of wine on the small silver tray resting on the table.
When she reached to remove her shoes, Juan knelt in front of her. “Let me,” he offered softly, as he put his wineglass next to hers.
He removed her sandals and smoothed his big hands over her feet and up her ankles to her calves. It felt wonderful.
“Let’s get you out of these clothes,” Derek said.
“Let’s all undress,” she countered, as she stood.
“Great idea,” Derek agreed, and grinned at her.
She couldn’t help smiling back. Juan and Derek sounded like themselves. They all made short work of undressing.
Cynthia took another swallow of wine. Was she making the right decisions? Or the biggest mistake of her life? It was clear what Juan and Derek wanted.
Juan slipped his arms around her, and his erect cock nudged her belly. She re-placed her glass of wine on the silver tray as he hugged her close. When his hard chest rubbed her bared nipples, shock waves surged to the already swelling folds between her thighs. My God, this definitely helped replace the frightening events earlier in the day.
“You’re driving me crazy, querida. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”
“In that case, we’d better get in the shower.” She pushed gently against his chest. He released her, his arms slipping from around her with warm, inviting caresses.
She crossed the room to the tile-enclosed shower and turned the water on to her preferred temperature. Not too hot, but just warm enough. Clean white towels and washcloths were close-by in a basket on the side of the Jacuzzi, and white terrycloth robes, as soft as velvet, hung on leaf-shaped hooks nearby.
Ready to step under the shower, she glanced back at Juan and noticed she could clearly see his lean, muscled back and narrow buttocks in the mirror of her dressing table across from the shower entry. She gazed a moment longer at his trim, tight backside, and the wolf tattoo across his upper back, and stepped under the spray of water. Was she doing the right thing?
Juan followed her and reached for the soap. He lathered his hands. “Let me,” he said.
She moved from under the shower spray, smoothing back her dripping wet hair, and smiled at him.
He glided his hands over her, starting with her hair. It felt incredible. He helped her rinse and soaped his hands again before moving downward. When he reached her breasts, he took his time cupping each one, rubbing and gently flicking her nipples. More hot pulses heated her opening.
His hands slicked over her ribs and down to her waist. His progress stopped as he dipped a finger playfully into her navel. She chuckled and squirmed under his touch as she remembered previous sexual play with him.
He grinned at her and lathered more soap on his hands, continued his caresses down her hips, over her sensitive labia and between her thighs.
“Querida, your pussy is so juicy.”
Derek joined them in the shower and moved close to her backside so that her shoulders fit against his chest, and the head of his hard cock rested at the small of her back. His hands held her close around her waist. She balanced herself with her palms against the shower walls. The cool tile made her shiver. Or was it Derek’s hands as he smoothed them over her shoulders and down her sides to her hips, to cup beneath both cheeks? His hands stroked the backs of her legs. It felt amazing.
Juan’s dark, hungry gaze met hers as he lowered his head. His lips brushed hers softly. When she parted her lips, his tongue delved deep and touched every surface. She sparred with him. She was lost in the kiss, mesmerized by his touches.
One of Derek’s long fingers slid between her thighs and delved slowly inside her channel. He brushed his lips along her spine. A moan escaped her as he removed his finger. One of his hands slicked over her hip. His fingers stroked between her cheeks, circled her tight hole, smoothed under one hip and around to her belly as he held her steady with his other hand on her waist.
She drank in Juan’s kiss, sighing with the increased pleasure. Suddenly, his hands slipped between her thighs and one long finger slid between her nether lips and deep inside her vagina. He touched that excruciatingly pleasurable place.
A short, sharp whimper escaped her. “Juan!” Her knees turned to jelly. She almost collapsed. Intense sensation drew up the muscles and flesh around her opening. “Oh, God. Juan.” She was close to coming. Just a little more.
His tormenting fingers left her. “My turn,” he said, and handed her the soap as he smiled.
What? She blinked in surprise and steadied herself against Derek’s chest, as Juan’s supporting arm left her. How could he do that to her?
Derek chuckled.
Okay. If that’s the way they wanted to play, she’d go along. She’d be happy to take Juan just as far. Two, or three, could play this game.
“My turn.” With her hands covered in suds, she stroked from Juan’s strong neck over his muscled shoulders to his hard chest. She circled his nipples, tweaked them, and was rewarded with his soft grunt of pleasure. She turned him to face away from her and glided her soapy hands over his back, admiring the movement of his muscles beneath the large tattoo of the wolf’s head, a true reminder of his reality.
She didn’t hesitate but smoothed her hands past his narrow waist and hips and finally cupped his butt cheeks. At his low moan, she slid her fingers along the backs of his thighs and felt a tremble go through his limbs. His buttocks jerked and tightened beneath her touch.
Satisfaction at her ability to give as good as he gave made her smile. Derek steadied her with his hands holding her waist as she bent down and slipped the fingers of one hand up the inside of Juan’s leg while she kept her other hand at his waist. She touched the sensitive flesh behind his balls and drew another sharp grunt from him. Slowly, she slipped her slick fingers between his buttocks and over his tight hole. Soap bubbles streamed down the valley of his back and met her fingers as she slid them inexorably upward until she reached his lower back.
“Dios, Cindy. What you‘re doing to me.”
“I’ve never done things exactly like this before,” she said softly.
“I’m about to explode in your shower, querida.”
Cynthia grinned behind his back, hugely pleased that she’d brought him to the same place he’d taken her.
With her hands on his hard muscular shoulders, she turned him to face her and smiled at him sweetly. “I think we’re all clean now. What would you like to do next?”
“Fuck you senseless, querida. But first, let’s make sure all the soap is rinsed away.”
Just as he said that, she heard Derek soaping his hands behind her. He started at her shoulders and smoothed his hands over every inch of her back and butt cheeks. He dribbled more soapy water down her spine, and she felt the soap bubbles tickle between her cheeks all the way to her swollen opening. His fingers stroked deep again and caressed her sensitive nether lips. He circled her tight little hole before moving to the top of her crack and her lower back. She moaned as she shivered.
Derek wrapped his arms around her so her back was to the shower spray. Holding her around the waist with one hand, with the other hand he swished water over every inch of her body.
Juan turned her to face him. His fingers delved between her labia and circled her clit. He slid his hand over her back and between her legs while she licked and nipped gently at his puckered nipples.
“Enough,” Juan growled. He turned off the water.
She steadied herself and raised her eyebrows at his abrupt decision. “There’s robes on hooks outside the shower door. One for each of us. They’re really soft and cushy.”
“Sounds perfect.” Juan reached for the shorter robe and helped her into it.
She left the shower, watching him in the mirror as he slipped a robe on. He was so good-looking, a huge temptation, a man she could gladly spend her days and nights with. But what about the werewolf in him? Could she deal with that side of him?
Already, she’d begun to accept that side of Juan and Derek. She’d ask Juan more about the phenomenon later. Right now, she wanted Juan inside her. Deep inside. But it was time for dinner, and they were probably hungry.
She took her glass of wine and sipped, wondering what new experience they’d share with her tonight.
Derek took a sip of his wine. “Are you ready for bed?”
“Bed? But we haven’t had dinner,” she said.
“Dinner can wait,” Juan said. “I’m ready to take you to bed and make love to you.”
He wanted to make love to her? Did that mean he was in love with her?
“Let us pleasure you, querida.” He crossed to the bedside table and put down his wineglass. Returning to her where she waited in front of the bathroom door, he swept her into his arms.
“Juan!” His name came out in a squeak as she held onto her glass of wine to keep it from spilling all over them.
He chuckled and lowered her to the bed, took the glass of wine from her, and set it beside his. “We’ll save the wine for a little later. Right now, I want to taste you.” He pushed her robe down her arms and pressed her gently down on her pillow. He stripped off his own robe and stretched out naked beside her.
Derek set his wine down and stretched out on her other side.
Kissing her softly at first, Juan cupped and molded her breasts, rubbing his thumb across her nipples. She undulated her hips. “You want me there?” he asked. He parted her legs and pressed his muscular thigh against her soft mound.
Taking one of the wineglasses, Juan tipped it a bit and dribbled wine over her nipples. As she gasped, he rubbed his thigh against her wet pussy, and quickly lapped up the wine from her breasts. His gaze met hers as he slowly poured more wine down the middle of her torso, lapping it as he moved lower. He slid the bottom of the wineglass over the trail he’d followed with his tongue.
She shivered and her body arched off the bed. As she tipped her hips toward him, she told him silently she craved more. He dribbled wine over her pussy. When wine touched her folds, her hips bucked. Juan moved lower, pressed his chest down on her thighs as he placed the glass of wine back on the table. He watched her as he lowered his head, finally nuzzling her swollen folds with his lips and spearing his tongue between to lap the wine and taste her clit.
She jerked and almost came off the bed.
A growl vibrated deep in his chest. “I need to taste your pussy, sweetheart.” He lowered his head and licked from her dripping opening, delved inside with his tongue, and lapped upward to her folds, tormenting her clit with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh my God. Juan!”
Derek’s hand stroked the length of her torso. He cupped her breasts and rolled one nipple between his fingers as he suckled the other nipple. She gasped and writhed.
Juan hooked her knees over his shoulders. She inhaled swiftly as he spread her thighs wider. The heat in her eyes told him that she didn’t care that with her legs raised over his shoulders she was completely open to him. She welcomed his pleasure-giving kisses and nibbles, his tongue tweaking and licking her most delectable flesh.
With her body bared beneath him, Juan parted her dark pink labia with his fingers and gazed at her swollen flesh. “You’re so beautiful, querida, so wet and rosy. You drive me crazy. I need you.” He slid one long finger inside her pussy, in and out until he once more found her most sensitive spot.
She gasped and bucked. “Juan!”
He handed Derek one of the condoms he’d left nearby. As she panted, Juan eased her legs from his shoulders. They sheathed themselves. He moved up her damp torso, turned her on her side to face him, and positioned his body with the head of his rock-hard erection touching her slick pussy.
“Wrap your legs around me, querida.”
She did as he asked, lifting her free leg over his hip and taking him between the dripping wet lips of her opening.
He slowly pushed inside her tight, hot, silken pussy and sank balls deep. His mouth covered hers but couldn’t keep her sharp little moans quiet. She curled her free leg around him and undulated her hips, sliding against his sweat-dampened body. She clutched his upper arms and pulled him closer, tilted her hips, and took him deeper.
He broke the kiss and blazed a hot trail of kisses down her throat, curving his back to suckle each firm nipple, drawing hard. He groaned as he pushed deeper inside her. When he felt his balls touch her sweet ass, he slowly pulled out and plunged home again.
He was vaguely aware of Derek moving against Cindy’s back, one of his long legs covering the length of her leg. Juan sensed that Derek’s gentle fingers spread her butt cheeks and smoothed her fluids along her crack, over her small hole. From their previous sharing experiences, Juan knew that Derek would massage her and position the head of his sheathed cock against her tight little asshole, gently pressing. Derek would slide backwards and forwards, stopping to press gently against her little hole. The friction and pressure created would heighten sensations for her.
She moaned and moved her hips back and forth. Derek held her still with his hands on her hips as he positioned his cock at her tight hole, pushing gently. Slowly Derek’s stiffened cock slid deep into her rectum. “Does that feel good, Cindy?”
“Oh, God. That feels incredible,” she said, sighing softly. She shivered and her pussy clenched.
Juan growled as he filled her. “I love how you squeezed my cock, querida.”
Derek held her hips as he pushed deep in her and pulled almost all the way out. Juan worked with him, giving Cindy as much increased pleasure as possible. Little cries of passion escaped her.
Pressure built. She gave a sharp cry as Juan slipped his hand between their bellies and found her clit. He circled the nub and increased the tension.
Juan watched her reactions as Derek slid one hand up her side and cupped her breast, and his thumb and finger pinched her nipple. Her back arched and her body shook. With a cry she climaxed. Juan felt the pulsing of her inner walls as her orgasm slammed through her, rocking her.
Their deep groans vibrated against each other as their bodies tightened around each other. Derek climaxed, his cock pumping inside her. Juan followed, shoving balls deep, his low growl escaping as his body tightened. His cock erupted, his cum shooting out, as his hips bucked against her, driving deeper inside her hot pussy, igniting another orgasm in her. She screamed this time, her body shivering and convulsing inside, milking his cock of every last drop of fluid.
Finally, they rested, replete and lethargic within each other’s arms.
“That was incredible,” she said, panting. “I can’t move my arms or legs.”
“You’re amazing, querida.”
“God, yes,” Derek said. “Thank you. That was fuckin’ awesome.”
Sensations eased as they relaxed, completely spent. Derek pulled carefully from inside her and between her cheeks, gave her a kiss on the nape of her neck, and disappeared into the bathroom.
Juan hugged her tight. “I could stay like this with you all night.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” she said. “I’d like you to stay.”
“Then I will,” Juan said. “There’s nowhere else I want to be.” He kissed her gently on her lips, and she kissed him back.
Derek returned from the bathroom with a damp washcloth, and Juan eased himself from her and headed that way. He returned with a towel, and the two of them removed any residue left on her from their lovemaking. Their sweet consideration and gentle ministrations touched her deeply.
Derek finished dressing.
“I’m starving,” she said. “Time for dinner.”
Juan smiled at her. “Sounds good to me.”
“Need help dressing?” Derek asked, smiling at her with mischief in his eyes.
“No.” She smiled at him. “I think I can manage by myself for now. Go in the kitchen and help yourself to whatever you want to drink. There are chips in the pantry. I’ll be right there.” Juan smiled warmly at her, and both guys headed for the kitchen. Cynthia grabbed a shirt and a pair of slacks from the closet and threw them on.
As she entered the kitchen, the phone rang. “Yes?” she answered. She put her hand over the phone. “It’s my friend Darlene,” she said to Juan and Derek. “Darlene, we were just about to get some dinner. She did? That’s interesting. Derek and Juan are the private investigators who saved Kelly at the Rescue Mission, and the same ones who saved us today. Would you like to speak to Derek? He’s right here.” She turned the phone over to Derek. “Kelly Smith and Darlene Lovejoy want to talk to you.”
Cynthia smiled at Derek and Juan. As Derek took the phone, she said softly to Juan, “I think Kelly is interested in Derek.”
Juan raised his eyebrows and nodded in understanding. “Interesting,” he said, smiling at her.
“Wow,” Derek said as he ended the call. “Darlene said that Kelly wants to meet the sandy-haired one. That would be me.” He grinned. “They want me to come up for beer and snacks.”
Cynthia could tell by the animated look on Derek’s face that he wanted to join Darlene and Kelly. “Go! They’re nice. Have fun!”
“I will,” Derek said. He crossed to Cynthia and cradled her arm in his big hand. “Before I go, I want to tell you both how much it has meant to me to be included in your lives, to be part of Juan’s triumph over the Hawks and to share some great sex play with you, Cindy. It’s a privilege to know you.”
She smiled at Derek. “I feel the same, Derek. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, too. You‘re welcome in my home any time.”
“I’ll catch up with you all tomorrow,” Derek said. “Can I borrow your car, Juan? I’ll come pick you up tomorrow when you’re ready to trade cars.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Juan agreed.
“I have to say, I’m stoked to meet Kelly. She seems like a very cool lady. See you all later.” Derek opened the front door and closed it behind him.
Cynthia looked at Juan and returned his big smile.
Juan moved close to her and put his arms around her waist. “Derek needs someone in his life. I think Kelly may be good for him. But right now, I’m ready for dinner, and then I have plans to spend the night with you, okay?”
“Sounds wonderful,” she said.