Chapter Eight
The following morning, Juan headed out to his car after the delicious breakfast Cindy cooked him. He’d been tempted to spend more time with her this morning, but he needed to find Derek. They had to stay on this case until all of the Hawks were put in jail.
Something flickered on the outside of his car’s windshield. He reached his car and leaned across the hood to grab the paper tucked under the wiper. What the hell?
A scrawled message in black ink covered the sheet of paper. “Stay the fuckin’ hell out of our business or you and your lady will disappear.”
Shit. The Hawks knew where Cindy lived. They’d obviously recognized his car parked in front of her home. He crumpled the paper.
He’d been an idiot to make such a mistake. Now Cindy was in serious danger. He needed to warn her. Turning toward her home, he crossed the distance to her front door in several long strides.
Cindy opened the door before he grabbed the handle.
“We’ve got a problem, babe.”
“What’s the matter?” Her eyes darkened with her concern.
Juan crushed the crumpled paper in his fist. “The Hawks threatened us in this note they left on my car. I’m sorry I’ve brought this on you. Is there some place you can go, family you can stay with until it’s over?”
“No one close by.” She put her fists on her hips. “And I wouldn’t run scared from those goons if there was. They’re not going to chase me from my home.”
“Querida, this is serious.”
She shook her head at him.
Damn. He had to convince her. “The Hawks mean what they say. They’ve killed before, and they wouldn’t hesitate to again. You’re not safe living alone, and you may not be safe with me around. You’ve got to be more careful. Is there a friend you could move in with for a while?”
“No. But you could move in with me. At least until that gang is behind bars. Unless you don’t want to.”
Her doubt tore at him. “No, querida. I want to be with you. I’m just not sure that’s the best solution for you. I hate that I’ve endangered you.”
“No, you haven’t. It was my choice to help you that night, and it’s my choice to have you in my home. No one is going to run my life ever again.”
“Babe, even if I move in with you, I can’t be with you twenty-four-seven. Promise me you’ll be more careful when you leave your house.”
“I promise, but I won’t quit working on my projects for the homeless because of the Hawks’ threats.” The look on her face was pure female stubbornness.
She had as much backbone as his aunt had had. The Hawks had killed his aunt. His hand grasped the wolf’s head pendant his aunt had given him. How could he protect Cindy?
“When you’re home, keep all the doors and windows locked. Don’t answer the door for anyone you don’t know. When you go out, keep your car doors locked. Don’t get in or out of the car before you check your surroundings for any suspicious vehicles or people. If you see something or someone suspicious, call me immediately and stay inside.”
She nodded.
He released the breath he’d been holding. She slipped her arms around his waist and hugged him. “I’ve got to meet with Derek now. Lock the door behind me, and remember what I’ve said.”
“I’ll be fine.” She smiled at him. “Don’t worry about me. Take care of yourself. See you tonight?”
“See you tonight if not before.” She tilted her head and pursed her lips for a kiss. He covered her mouth with his, wishing he could forget everything, especially the damn Hawks. Wishing he could stay with her forever.
* * * *
After waving good-bye to her friend, Darlene, who helped with collecting clothing, Cynthia crossed the walk to her car. Another load of clothes for the homeless filled the back of the vehicle to the roof. She needed to return home now, sort through the bundles, and fill boxes according to size and gender.
She pressed the unlock button on her car key and opened the door, settling in the front seat. As she reached to put her key in the ignition, the passenger door opened. Who in the world—?
A vaguely familiar Hispanic man wearing a dark suit and dark glasses pointed a gun at her. My god!
“Don’t move, lady, or I’ll shoot.” He slid onto the passenger seat, never taking the muzzle of the gun he aimed, or his eyes, from her.
She reached for her door handle.
“Stop, or I’ll shoot.”
Cynthia stopped and looked at him. His mouth was a straight slash across a scarred face. He’d been in plenty of fights. He reeked of cigar smoke. “What do you want? If my friends see you in my car, they’ll call the police.”
“You’d better pray they don’t, or I’ll snuff you in a second and take care of them afterward. Now drive up the street to the mansion at the end nearest the mountain. Drive into the driveway. Don’t try anything. I’ve got my gun on you.”
Quaking with fear and dread, she started the car and backed out of Darlene’s driveway. She hoped her friend had noticed the man get into her car. Maybe she’d call the police if she had.
She drove up the street toward the house at the end, slowly.
“At the end of the driveway there are places to park. Park your car nearest the house.”
She had a sick feeling in her stomach. This couldn’t be good for her or her friends, including Juan. The parking area was hidden from the neighbors but obviously visible from the street.
This was a trap for Juan. She had a feeling this man was one of the Hawks. He looked vaguely like one of the goons who had beaten Juan that night in front of her neighbor’s house. She bet they intended to lure Juan here using her as bait. Somehow, she had to escape before they could do that.
“Turn off your car and get out.” He held the gun pointed at her.
There was nothing she could do but follow his orders for now. She left her keys in the ignition of her car. Another goon headed toward her from the house. If she tried to run, they’d catch her. She must wait for a better chance.
“This way.” The man with the gun grabbed her arm and pulled her along with him toward the house. The second man walked at her other side. He opened the side door of the house.
When they entered, cigar smoke assailed her. The two men ushered her into a small room with a desk and chairs. Strong men’s cologne mixed with the smoke and made her queasy. The man behind the desk picked up a phone.
“Our newest guest has arrived. Come and get her.”
So they had planned this. They’d watched her and made their move. What did they intend to do with her?
A tall, blonde woman with straight hair hanging below her shoulders entered the office. Older than Cynthia, she wore plain clothing consisting of a cotton shirt, buttoned up the front, and slacks, both in shades of brown like her flats.
“Come with me,” she said.
Cynthia had no choice at this point but to do as the woman said.
She was escorted to another room nearby. A massage table stood in the center of the room. Evidently, cigar smoke permeated every room.
The woman took a photo album from the drawer of a bureau across the room under a window. Metal bars caged the outside of the window, with no visible way to open them.
“Look through this and tell me if you have any questions.”
Cynthia took the notebook and opened it. At first she couldn’t focus, but when she finally made sense of the photos, she couldn’t believe what she saw. Along with pictures of a young woman massaging a half naked man reclining on a massage table, there were photos of sex acts between a man and the same woman.
“What is this?” she demanded, disgust making her voice shake.
“That’s your instruction book. Take a good look at it. You’ll be expected to do the same things as in those photos. Any questions?”
“I won’t do this. I refuse.”
“I wouldn’t, if I were you. The owners of this business aren’t known for patience. They have rather nasty ways of teaching captives what they want from them.”
At this woman’s warning, anger filled Cynthia. Somehow, she must escape this place, fast.
“Put this on.” The woman held out a small wad of black lingerie fabric she’d taken from the closet near the bureau.
Cynthia didn’t need to unfold the garment to know it was a skimpy bit of clothing with a little lace edging. No way was she wearing that.
The woman’s cell phone rang. “Yeah? I’ll be right there.” Pocketing her cell, she looked at Cynthia. “If you know what’s good for you, put that on.” She turned away and left the room.
The door didn’t close tight. Cynthia moved close to it to listen. Now might be her best chance of escaping.
“Let go of me!” The loud voice of an irate young woman sounded in the hall. The sounds of a scuffle followed. “I told you I wouldn’t come with you. This is kidnapping!”
Cynthia recognized the voice of the young woman from the Rescue Mission who’d been approached by the men in the car the night she’d witnessed the brutal fight in the parking lot. How dare they drag the poor young woman here!! Fury shook Cynthia. She threw the skimpy dress on the floor and opened the door. A Hawk standing outside it turned toward her and shoved her back inside.