Chapter Sixteen
As he enters, the prickling sensation intensifies. The smell of unwashed bodies mingles with that of feces making the resulting odor nigh on unbearable.
James looks at the surrounding mass of people and takes notice of motionless forms lying here and there about the floor. More of her followers who have died.
Bringing his attention to bear upon the platform, he sees a dark globe sitting next to her on a pedestal looking to have been made of marble. A dark stone three feet high, it allows the globe to sit perfectly for her to rest her hand upon it.
“Listen to my words,” she says and the crowd grows hushed. Laying her hand upon the globe, James feels a sudden spike in the tingling sensation. The globe must be the source of her power and control over these people.
“It’s the globe,” he says to the others with him.
Nodding, Jiron replies, “Can you destroy it?”
“Need to be closer,” James tells him as they continue toward the platform.
“Protect James,” he hears Illan say to the others. They then form a circle around him as he continues forward.
“The demon walks among you,” her words float upon the air from the platform. His mind suddenly begins to cloud as the magic from the globe makes its way into his thoughts.
At the foot of the dais, the innkeeper becomes docile as his struggles against his captors cease. Her eyes are directly upon him.
James calls forth the magic and pushes it from his mind, erecting a barrier which causes the magic from the globe to flow around him. It’s the same principle as the concealing spell he developed for hiding the Fire. Suddenly, he realizes the others with him have stopped. He almost runs into Jiron who was ahead of him.
“Jiron!” James says, as he shakes him by the shoulders.
Jiron turns his head and looks at him but his eyes don’t appear to really focus on him.
James summons a burst of power and erects shields around the others’ minds as well. Snapping out of their lethargy, they look around confused for just a moment before realizing what had almost happened.
“Thanks,” Jiron says.
James nods and takes the fore as he moves further toward the platform. Looking to Serenna, he sees her eyes locked on him. She’s aware of his presence.
Pointing to him, she cries out, “The demon has come!”
As one, the followers turn their attention to him. A growl can be heard coming from them as the throng closest to the stage closes off the aisle, preventing him from continuing further.
“Thou hast come to thy doom!” Serenna cries out. Magic crackles in the air and the prickling sensation suddenly spikes. “Kill him!” she screams to her followers.
“Ready!” cries out Illan as he draws his sword. The others follow a split second behind.
James looks at the people coming toward him, townsfolk and farmers, simple folk. When they reach the men protecting him, they begin to fall as swords strike out. Limbs fall to the ground, heads are separated from shoulders and still they come. Trusting to Illan and the rest, he turns his attention to the platform.
Serenna stands there, eyes blazing hate as she watches her followers being cut down like stalks of grain to the scythe.
From the corner of his eye, James sees the innkeeper fall to Jiron’s knife as he reached out for him. Anger suddenly flares up within his breast, taking a slug from his belt he launches it toward her. Before it comes close, he feels a surge of power erupt from the globe and his slug explodes before it even reaches her.
The pile of bodies surrounding the men protecting him is beginning to rise. The remaining followers who are trying to get to him have to step over the dead which allows the defenders to take them out more easily. From the tent opening, more of her followers enter as they join with those already attacking.
“James,” Jiron hollers as his knife takes a woman through the chest. Kicking her back into the ones behind her he continues, “Do something!”
The globe is the source of the power here. It’s going to defend itself and Serenna against whatever I try to do. Just then, the darkness within the globe begins to pulsate. A dark light seems to emerge from it and then suddenly, a shadow is standing next to Serenna on the platform. She appears to take no notice of it.
A shiver courses through him as the shadow turns its head in his direction. Dread fills him when he recognizes the shadow as being similar to the ones in that other world where Igor found him. He can’t even begin to imagine the ramifications of that.
Steeling himself, he summons the magic and unleashes a wave of energy. When the wave hits the shadow it appears to have little effect. Taking a step forward, it begins making its way directly toward him.
The ground under the front edge of the platform where the shadow stands explodes outward, causing the platform to buckle and break. Serenna cries out as she stumbles away from the pedestal and breaks contact with the sphere. As soon as her hand is no longer in contact with the sphere, the pressure on the shields around their minds disappears.
James stops maintaining the shields around their minds which frees up a lot of power and concentration.
The shadow remains unaffected by the explosion and continues toward him.
As the shadow steps off the bottom step, the ground once again erupts. Still not being affected by the blast, it continues on. Serenna is nowhere to be seen and the globe begins to pulsate again as another shadow disengages itself from the globe.
“Dear god!” Jiron exclaims when he finally takes notice of what’s transpiring upon the platform. Serenna’s followers begin losing the will to fight. Some continue unabated, while others begin wandering away as if lost in a daze. Still others seem to come to their senses and race from the tent.
The first shadow has now reached the followers who are standing dazed and confused. When it brushes up against someone, they cry out and fall to the floor as if they had the life sucked out of them.
Jiron stands his ground, attempting to keep his fear of the approach of the shadow from taking over and causing him to flee. Both knives, red with the blood of Serenna’s followers, are in hand as he readies himself to meet this new foe.
“James!” Jiron yells as he kicks a follower away from him. “The Star! Use the Star!”
The Star! Of course! Reaching into his shirt, he brings forth the Star which bursts into a blinding white light. The followers who are attacking suddenly break off as they shield their eyes from its brilliance.
“Stand your ground!” Illan cries as Qyrll was about to step away from the group and continue the attack on the dazed people. Qyrll glances to Illan and then resumes his place in the circle around James.
The two shadows emit a scream as the light from the medallion touches them. A slug flies from James’ hand and passes harmlessly through the first one.
They have no substance! They really are just shadows, but deadly nonetheless. Holding the medallion above his head, he begins moving toward the platform. The globe begins pulsating again.
The section of the platform upon which the globe’s pedestal sits suddenly explodes upward. Launched into the air, the globe leaves the pedestal and flies for several yards before hitting the ground. It rolls for a few more feet before settling to a stop.
“Jiron!” James hollers. “Smash the globe!”
“With what?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” he replies. “It’s the source of the power.” Keeping the medallion held aloft, he continues toward the first shadow. “But don’t touch it!” he warns.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Qyrll making his way through the crowd toward it. His swords out and ready but none of the followers seem to even take notice of him in their midst. Without Serenna’s will to control them, they’re nothing more than mindless zombies.
The shadows screech painfully as the light from the medallion burns into them. James almost imagines he can see smoke rising. Illan appears at his side and asks, “What is it?”
“Not entirely sure,” replies James. “Demon maybe. Encountered them once before.”
Fifer has joined Qyrll who has climbed up onto what’s left of the platform. Together they’re lifting the pedestal upon which the globe at one time sat. The second shadow appears to be moving in their direction but the light from the medallion seems to be affecting it so badly it can barely move.
They take the pedestal over to the globe and raise it high. Then they bring it down as hard as they can, smashing it onto the globe. With a crack, the globe shatters.
The shattering of the globe releases a massive explosion which lifts them off the ground and throws them across the room. Followers fall to the ground, James and the others are knocked from their feet by the force of the explosion.
Landing on his back, he still retains hold of the medallion and the light still shines forth. One final shriek and the two shadows dissolve into nothingness. The light from the medallion goes out and the tent is suddenly quiet.
As Illan gets to his feet, he hollers to Miko, “Go see about Fifer and Qyrll.” Turning to James he asks, “Are you okay?”
“Think so,” he replies. “Anyone hurt?”
Illan glances around and sees Fifer and Qyrll beginning to get to their feet. Jiron is already standing near James as he keeps his eye on the remaining followers in the tent. “Looks like other than some minor cuts and bruises, we’re alright.”
“Good,” he sighs in exhaustion. Replacing the medallion beneath his shirt, he gets to his feet and surveys the damage. Dozens of dead men and women lie in heaps from their ill fated attack on James and the others. Others wander aimlessly through the tent while a few continue regaining their senses and make their way outside.
“Where is she?” James suddenly asks. Looking around, Serenna is no where in sight. “Damn! We’ve got to find her!”
Raising his voice, Illan hollers, “Fan out! Locate the woman.”
As James and Illan head toward the shattered remains of the globe, the rest move out and hunt for Serenna. Coming to the shards, James bends down to examine them. No presence of magic or a malignant presence remains. He reaches out and picks up a two inch long piece. Holding it close it appears just a simple glass shard. Tossing it back with the others, he gets back to his feet.
“What happened here do you suppose?” Illan asks him.
“I don’t know?” he replies. “Maybe she tapped into a force which got the better of her? Who knows?”
Jiron comes running back in and says, “There’s no sign of her.”
“Continue the search,” Illan tells him. “Fan out through the city if you have to but we must find her.”
Jiron nods his head then returns to the hunt. Illan turns to James and asks, “Can you find her with magic?”
“Too tired to attempt it now,” he says. “Let’s go back to the inn.”
As they make their way back toward the entrance, they pass by the pile of bodies lying on the floor and he catches a glimpse of the innkeeper’s dead face where he’s wedged in among the others. Sadness overcomes him as he realizes he’s going to have to tell the innkeeper’s son that his father is dead.
Outside the tent, they see a group of townsfolk at the edge of town looking toward the pavilion. “What should we tell them?” Illan asks.
“As little as we can,” he replies. “In the morning let’s get out of here as fast as possible. I would leave now but I’m just too tired.”
“Understandable,” he says. “Fifer!” Illan hollers when he sees him poking through the ramshackle houses which have sprung up around the pavilion.
He looks up to see Illan waving him over. Making his way to him, he asks, “Yes?”
“Tell the others to keep searching,” he says. “We’re going back to the inn. If you can’t find her soon, head on back as well.”
“I’ll tell them,” Fifer assures him as he heads off to find the others.
James looks to the townsfolk as he and Illan draw closer, each have the look of fear and uncertainty on their faces. When he reaches them, he says, “Serenna and her followers will no longer be bothering you.”
Seeing the blood on his clothes which Illan acquired during the battle, one lady asks, “Did you kill them all?”
Shaking his head, Illan replies, “No. No more than we had to.” Gesturing back to the pavilion, he adds, “Many are coming out of the hold she had on them and are going to need your assistance.”
Suddenly one of the men cries out, “Hera!” and rushes toward the pavilion. A woman is emerging from the tent and he runs to her, wrapping his arms around her. The others begin seeing others whom they know emerge or are already wandering around on the outside and go to them.
“Let’s go,” James says.
He and Illan work their way through the town until they see the inn appear down the road ahead of them. Entering through the front door, they make their way up the stairs to their rooms.
The door to where Dave and the innkeeper’s son had remained is ajar. Illan places his hand on James’ shoulder and draws his sword. Motioning for James to remain where he is, he moves closer to the door. Placing his hand upon it, he slowly pushes it open and gasps when he sees what’s inside.
The innkeeper’s son, or rather what’s left of him, lies on the floor. At his gasp, James comes forward and takes in the scene. Glancing around, he says, “Dave’s gone.”
The room is a shambles, the table is overturned and only one chair remains. The shutters for the window are broken and James moves to the window to find the other chair lying broken on the ground below. “Dave!” he cries.
“Damn!” curses Illan. “Where could he have gone?”
“I don’t know,” replies James as he turns from the window. “If they broke in here to get them, he might’ve made it past and escaped. Hopefully he’s holed up somewhere. When the sun comes up and he sees the townsfolk on the streets, he should return.”
“Let’s check the other rooms just in case,” suggests Illan.
James nods and they begin searching the inn room by room. Neither on the top floor nor the bottom do they find Dave. The downstairs looks the same as when they left earlier so whatever occurred happened upstairs.
They finally return upstairs and enter the room across from the one with the dead innkeeper’s son. Illan suggests leaving the door open so they can keep an eye out for the others. James concurs.
“Get some sleep if you can,” Illan tells him. “I’ll stay up and watch for the others.”
“Alright,” he says as he goes over to the bed and lies down. As active as his mind is right now, he has little hopes of falling asleep any time soon. What happened to Dave? He worries about him all alone out there and hopes someone will run across him and bring him back. The fact that he’s here in this world at all is his fault so it makes him his responsibility.
If he should run across her, he’s going to kill her. Jiron made that decision the instant he saw the inside of the tent. Miko walks beside him. It was decided that it would be prudent if they broke up into pairs. He and Miko would search inside the town while Fifer and Qyrll hunt her in the outer section.
“Do you think we’ll find her?” Miko asks while they’re checking an abandoned storehouse.
“I don’t know,” he replies. “I doubt it, the town is simply too big.”
The townsfolk have all come out into the streets to see what’s going on, many have made their way down to the pavilion after hearing Serenna’s been dealt with. Crying and wailing can be heard throughout the town as loved ones are found either dead or with vacant eyes. Some come out of it, but for those who were under her spell the longest, it might take longer, if ever.
“We’ll try a few more places then head back to the inn,” Jiron tells him.
Miko nods as he follows him to a rundown tavern on the outskirts. The windows have been boarded up and the shantytown of the followers has grown up around it. “This would be a good place to hide,” he remarks.
“Does look like it doesn’t it,” agrees Jiron as he approaches the front door. A couple boards have been nailed across the entrance and it’s easy enough for them to rip them off. He then tries to open the door and finds it locked. Kicking out with his foot, he breaks the door in. It flies inside as one hinge breaks off and lands crooked as it’s only being held by one hinge now. Partially blocking the doorway, they have to step over the door as they enter.
The interior is dark, the light coming in through the broken doorway is little help in dispelling it. Moving inside, Jiron keeps a knife in one hand while he feels his way with the other.
Miko stays right behind him as they make their way around the inside of the walls. Jiron keeps his hand against it to feel for doorways. When he comes to one, he tries to open it but finds it locked. Using the same key as he had on the front door, he kicks it. Swinging open, it smashes into the wall with a resounding thud.
Jiron stays motionless for a few seconds, cocking his head to the side he tries to hear if the sound of the door slamming against the wall disturbed anyone. A slight rustling noise can be heard coming from down the darkened hallway.
“Jiron…” Miko begins and is cut off by Jiron.
“Shhh…” he says. Moving cautiously forward with knife at the ready, he softly walks toward the sound. Unable to see anything, he has to use his other senses to find the source of the noise. Step by slow step he moves down the hallway, ears alert for even the slightest sound.
Suddenly, a body lurches from a side room and knocks him backward a few steps and then he hears footsteps running away. Regaining his balance quickly, he breaks into pursuit, the person ahead of him but a dim shadow in the dark as Jiron races to catch him.
The person fleeing smashes through the door at the end leading outside and they see that it’s a lad of about twelve as he races off down the street in the moonlight. Coming to a halt, he lets the boy go.
“That wasn’t her,” he hears Miko say from the back.
Turning back to him, he says, “I realize that.”
Moving down the street they come across another dilapidated building that has seen better days. Jiron comes to a halt as he stares at the building. “What?” asks Miko quietly.
Pointing to the rear of the building, he says, “There’s light coming from the rear window.”
“So?” Miko asks not sure why that would require special attention.
Jiron glances back to him as he says, “The building looks like it’s about ready to fall apart. I wouldn’t be in there unless I had no choice.”
“Could be just another street kid like we found back there,” suggests Miko.
“Perhaps but we better check it out anyway.” Moving toward the window, Jiron steps quietly. The light is none too bright, most likely coming from but a single candle.
They reach the edge of the building several feet away from the window and he motions for Miko to remain there while he goes to investigate. When he sees Miko’s nod, he moves to the window. Peering inside, he sees four men standing around another seated in a chair. His breath catches when he sees who it is seated in the chair, James’ friend Dave. He has half a mind to leave him there.
The men are saying something to Dave but Jiron can’t quite make it out. Suddenly, Dave looks toward the window and sees him there. “Jiron?” he asks.
The four men as one turn to see him there at the window and they draw their swords.
“Damn fool!” he exclaims as he backs away from the window and draws his knives.
“What?” asks Miko when he hears him curse and sees him draw his knives.
Jiron glances back to him for just a second and says, “Trouble.”
The door to the building crashes open as three of the four men rush out onto the street. Jiron moves to engage them and hears Miko’s sword leave its sheath as he too joins the fray. “They have Dave!” he tells him.
The first man to reach him tries to bull his way through his defenses as he hacks down with both hands on the hilt of his sword. Jiron easily sidesteps and lashes out with a return strike as the man passes and scores a deep cut on his left shoulder.
The second man comes at him with a thrust which he dodges backward to avoid. He hears the first man cry out as Miko takes him through the chest with his sword and moves to engage the third.
Now one on one, Jiron is able to block the man’s attacks. After three exchanges of attacks, he has the man’s measure. When the man thrusts as he knew he was going to, he sidesteps the sword and strikes out with an attack so fast it’s but a blur. His knife sinks into the man’s throat and severs the larynx. Choking on his own blood, the man is unable to properly defend himself and Jiron kicks out, connecting with his knee and shatters it. Falling to the ground, the man gurgles as blood fills his lungs.
Miko parries the third man’s attack and follows through with one of his own. His reflexes having been honed by his time with the Fire, his sword flies at the man horizontally and severs his leg at the hip. As the man topples forward, he strikes out one more time and runs his sword through his chest. His sword gets wedged in between the man’s ribs and is ripped from his hand.
After the man hits the ground, he puts his foot on his ribcage and draws out his sword. Looking around quickly, he sees Jiron wiping his blades on one of the dead men’s shirts.
“Dave!” Jiron says and moves toward the doorway. He stops suddenly when he sees Dave peering around the corner.
“Are they dead?” he asks, a tremor of fear in his voice.
“You can come out now,” Jiron tells him. “Where’s the other guy?”
“He ran out the back,” he says. Looking at the dead bodies, he can’t help but hide his revulsion at the sight.
“Let’s get back to the inn,” Jiron says.
“Yes,” he says, “I’d like that.”
“Who were they?” Miko asks as they begin moving back toward the inn.
“From the Empire, I think,” he says. “They said they were going to kill me if I didn’t tell them where the Fire is.”
Jiron glances to Miko who gives him a knowing look.
“Just what is the Fire?” he asks. “They knew I was his friend. How could they know that?”
“I don’t know, but we better hurry and tell James about it,” Jiron says. Picking up the pace, they make their way straight toward where the inn lies.
When they go upstairs they find Fifer and Qyrll have already returned, having no better luck in finding Serenna than they had.
James gets to his feet as Dave walks into the room ahead of Jiron and Miko. “Are you alright?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” Dave replies, sinking into one of the chairs by the table. Illan gets up so James can sit next to him.
James turns his attention to Jiron and asks, “What happened?”
“Found him in some old building on the outskirts of town,” he replies. “Looked like he was being questioned.”
Turning back to Dave, James says, “Tell me everything.”
“Several minutes after you left, more of those people showed up,” he tells them, a haunted look coming over him. “They demanded us to go with them and when we refused, they fell upon the boy and started killing him. I grabbed a chair and smashed open the window and climbed down to the street below. I didn’t know what to do or where to go. There were more of them on the streets so I just starting running, I was hoping to find you.”
“But instead, I ran into those other guys. They recognized me as being your friend,” he says, bringing his eyes to meet James’. “How could they know that?”
Startled at that, James glances around to the others in the room and then says, “I don’t know. It wouldn’t seem likely.”
“They’ve probably had spies on us for awhile now,” offers Illan. “It wouldn’t have been too difficult for them to find out who we all are and our relationship to you.”
Nodding, James says, “Possibly.”
Laying his hand on James’ arm, Dave says, “They wanted to know about something called ‘The Fire’. Do you know what they’re talking about?”
James sits back in his chair and contemplates what he just heard.
“They haven’t given up,” states Jiron.
“No they haven’t,” he replies. Looking to Dave, he can see the questions behind his eyes but can he afford to give him the answers? “The Fire is an artifact of power here in this world. I have it on good authority that should the wrong people acquire it, this world could end. Or at least those who live here would wish it had.”
“So you have it?” he asks.
“Not any more,” he answers. “It’s hidden away for all time.”
“Where?” he asks.
James looks to his friend for a minute as he considers his reply. Finally, he says, “I can’t tell you.”
“But I’m your friend!” he exclaims. “My life is in jeopardy because of it, I have a right to know!”
Shaking his head, James says, “Dave, you are my best friend. We’ve been through a lot together but I can’t tell you. I can’t tell anyone.”
Indicating the others, he asks, “Do they know?”
Shaking his head, James says, “No, they don’t. No one does but me and it’s going to stay that way.”
Somewhat mollified at knowing he isn’t the only one who doesn’t know, he calms down.
James hated to lie to his friend, but he’s too vulnerable. This latest escapade shows him that not only himself, but those around him are likely to be sought. And how did they know he was here. Something’s afoot and he needs to figure out what.
He gets to his feet, tired and exhausted. Looking at everyone in the room he says, “As much as we all need to rest, we better get out of here. If there are agents from the Empire here, there’s no telling what they may be planning next.”
“I agree,” Illan says. To Fifer and Qyrll he says, “Go down to the stables and get the horses ready for travel.” As they move to leave the room, he adds, “Be alert.”
“Count on it,” Fifer says. Then he and Qyrll pass into the hallway and move to the stairs.
Turning back to James, he says, “Now that they’ve tipped their hand, we’ll be on guard.”
“That’s something at least,” James replies. Getting up from the chair, he says to Miko, “Go down to the kitchen and fill several packs with food.”
Miko looks at him askance as he says, “Isn’t that stealing?”
“Stealing from whom?” Jiron asks. “The innkeeper and son are dead and we haven’t seen anyone else around the whole time we’ve been here. Likely as not, if we leave the food it’ll just spoil.”
“Right, I hadn’t thought of that.” Miko grabs his bag and heads down to the kitchen.
James glances to Jiron and says, “I hope there’re no tarts down there or that’s all he’ll get.”
Breaking out into a grin, he says, “I better go help him.” Taking his pack, Jiron leaves the room and follows Miko down to the kitchen.
James, Illan and Dave make their way down to the stables where they find all but two of the horses already saddled. Fifer and Qyrll are getting the saddles ready for the remaining two.
Taking the reins of his horse, he leads him out into the inn’s courtyard as does Dave and Illan. They wait there a moment before Miko and Jiron exit the back door of the inn, each with two bulging sacks of food for their journey back. One small pouch hangs around Miko’s neck and Jiron nods toward it and mouths, ‘Tarts’.
James gives him a grin and by the time they have the food secured to the horses, Fifer and Qyrll come out with the others. Once mounted, they follow the north road through town.
Several townsfolk watch them as they ride by. Whether or not they realize they were the ones who took care of Serenna or not, they make no move toward them nor do they offer a greeting. It’s going to take some time before this town is back the way it was before all the unpleasantness.
They finally reach the outskirts and break into a fast trot as they leave Willimet behind.