When you’re out shooting lightning, please keep in mind these safety tips, compliments of the good folks at the Kansas State University Research Extension.
• Listen to the weather and heed warnings. The National Weather Service offers this rule: When lightning is seen, count the seconds until thunder is heard. If it is 30 seconds or less, seek shelter and stay there until 30 minutes after you hear the last rumble of thunder.
• When seeking shelter, do so in a substantial building or enclosed metal vehicle. Avoid open metal buildings or canopies, such as a picnic shelter, that may attract lightning.
• If you are outdoors, avoid water, open fields, and high ground, as well as metal objects, such as power tools or farm machinery.
• If lightning is striking nearby, crouch down. Place your feet together and your hands over your ears to minimize the noise from the thunder.
• If you are inside, unplug appliances. Minimize use of the telephone (which can transmit an electrical charge), and wait to take a shower or bath until the storm has passed.
• If you are trying to assist someone who has been struck by lightning, check to see if he or she is breathing, administer CPR, and ask someone to call 911. People who are struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge. The charge can, however, damage or destroy internal organs and cause death.