Well, yeah I did, but I spent most of my time occupying various, um, administration buildings-YOUNG MAN
Heh-heh- DUDE
—smoking thai-stick, breaking into the ROTC-YOUNG MAN
Yes, heh-DUDE
—and bowling. I’ll tell you the truth, Brandt, I don’t remember most of it.—Jeez! Fuck me!
Our continuing track and pan have brought us onto a framed Life Magazine cover which is headlined ARE YOU A LEBOWSKI ACHIEVER? Oddly, the Dude’s sunglassed face is on it; we realize that, under the magazine’s logo and headline, the display is mirrored.
We hear the door open and the whine of a motor. The Dude, wearing shorts and a bowling shirt, turns to look.
So does Brandt, the young man we’ve been listening to. He wears a suit and has his hands clasped in front of his groin.
Entering the room is a fat sixtyish man in a motorized wheelchair—Jeff Lebowski.