Praise for the Noble Dead Saga by Barb and J. C. Hendee
Rebel Fay
“A real page-turner.” —Booklist
“Filled with plenty of action, romance, and intrigue.”
—Midwest Book Review
Traitor to the Blood
“A rousing and sometimes creepy fantasy adventure . . . this is one of those books for which the term ‘dark fantasy’ was definitely intended.”—Chronicle
“There is a lot of intrigue in Traitor to the Blood, which is one of the reasons it is so hard to put down. . . . Readers will eagerly await the next book in this terrific series.”—The Best Reviews
“Winning. . . . Fans of the series are sure to be pleased, while the novel stands well enough on its own to attract new readers.” —Publishers Weekly
“A unique tale of vampires and half-vampire undead hunters set against a dark fantasy world ruled by tyrants. The personal conflicts of the heroes mirror the larger struggles in their world and provide a solid foundation for this tale of love and loyalty in a world of betrayal.” —Library Journal
Sister of the Dead
“A spellbinding work that is creative and addicting.” —Midwest Book Review
“A treat on the bookshelves.”—SFRevu
“[A] wonderful addition to the Noble Dead series . . . Sister of the Dead leads us on an amazing adventure that will keep you engrossed until the final chapter. . . . This is a series that will appeal to both horror and fantasy fans.”
—SF Site
“The Hendees continue their intelligent dark fantasy series by cleverly interweaving the sagas and personal demons of their heroes with rousing physical battles against the forces of evil. Much more than a medieval ‘Buffy does the Dark Ages,’ Sister of the Dead and its predecessors involve readers on a visceral, highly emotional level and fulfill a craving for nifty magic, exciting action scenes, and a strong heroine who defies genre clichés.”
—Romantic Times (4 stars)
Thief of Lives
“Readers will turn the pages of this satisfying medieval thriller with gusto.”
“Fans of Anita Blake will enjoy this novel. The characters are cleverly drawn so that the several supernatural species that play key roles in the plot seem natural and real. Supernatural-fantasy readers will enjoy this action-packed, strong tale because vampires, sorcerers, dhampirs, elves, fey-canines, and other ilk seem real.” —Midwest Book Review
Thief of Lives takes the whole vampire slayer mythos and moves into an entirely new setting. The world the Hendees create is . . . a mixture of pre-Victorian with a small slice of eastern Europe flavor. . . . Magiere and Leesil are a really captivating pair. . . . [The Hendees] handle the ideas and conventions inherent in vampires really well. While, thanks to the clever setting and characters, they make it feel like a very different twist on the subject.”
—SF Site
“The Hendees unveil new details economically and with excellent timing, while maintaining a taut sexual tension between Magiere and Leesil. The multifaceted personalities of these two are what make this series so enjoyable. The mysteries . . . add texture and depth.” —SFX Magazine
“A great fantasy adventure, an intriguing mystery, and a chilling gothic tale, weaving a complicated but ever-alluring literary fabric. If anything, this one was even better than [Dhampir], which is no small feat.”—Sequential Tart
“A vampire story set in a high-fantasy world—sound interesting? Then you would enjoy what the Hendees have created. . . . The story is complex and will keep you guessing until the end. Each character is finely crafted, like the weapons they carry. The Noble Dead series is sure to please both fantasy and horror fans. Its unique premises keep your interest level up, and nothing is rushed.”—Sime~Gen
“Any list of the best writers of vampire novels working today must include the dynamic duo of Barb and J. C. Hendee.”—Rambles
Dhampir maintains a high level of excitement through interesting characters, both heroes and villains, colliding in well-written action scenes. Instead of overloading us with their world-building and the maps and glossaries typical of so much fantasy, the Hendees provide well-rounded characters that go a lot further than maps in making a lively fantasy world.” —The Denver Post
“An engaging adventure that is both humorous and exciting.”
—New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson
“Take Anita Blake, vampire hunter, and drop her into a standard fantasy world, and you might end up with something like this exciting first novel. . . . A well-conceived imagined world, some nasty villains, and a very engaging hero move this one into the winner’s column.” —Chronicle
“An altogether compelling and moving work . . . these are characters and a world worthy of exploration.”—Brian Hodge, Hellnotes
“A rollicking good romp, it’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust meets Anita Blake meets The Vampire Lestat in a realm reminiscent of Dungeons and Dragons. . . . The Hendees have taken the best of vampire pop culture and given it new un-life.”—Sequential Tart
“This Buffy-like story in a medieval setting won’t disappoint vampire aficionados.” —Booklist
“Barb and J. C. Hendee have written a refreshingly innovative horror novel. . . . The plot is meaty and juicy with unexpected turns so that readers are anticipating the next surprise.” —Midwest Book Review
“This Buffy-in-medieval-Transylvania novel is fast-moving and fun.”

Blood Memories