Where would we be in this world without revolutions, protests, and strikes? Depending on which side of the argument you find yourself, it is safe to say that some revolutions, protests, and strikes have been good for society and some maybe not so good, but one thing is certain: humans were meant to revolt, to protest, and to speak out. So if you have issues with the rules and suggestions in this book, I fully understand. Actually, I agree with you! You and I are artists, and history has shown that artists have effected great change over time. As evidence, just look at the social change wrought by the iconic images of Robert Capa, Larry Burrows, and Eddie Adams.
Most of us do recognize “rules” of photography, yet as artists, we may also march to the sound of a different drummer. Yes, at times you will place the horizon line in the middle and deliberately center your subject. You may make it a point to create mergers, and even shoot exposures that are way too dark or light. Welcome to the world of anarchy!