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Numerals in italic typeface refer to the author’s commentary; numerals in roman typeface refer to Shakespearean excerpts.


Adams, John, 233

Adams, John Quincy, 233

adoption, 5–7


in Hamlet, 53–56

to soldiers, 143–47

aging, in Othello, 159–60

Allen, Mel, 63

All’s Well That Ends Well, 5, 7, 57, 122–23, 222

comic relief in, 123–24

death in, 239

forgiveness in, 177–78

jealousy in, 117

prayers for safety in, 128–29

war in, 125

The Anatomie of Abuses (Stubbes), 155

antithesis, xxv–xxvii, 29, 47, 109, 165–66, 218

Antony and Cleopatra, 34

birthdays in, 71, 72

brotherhood in, 35

death in, 237–38

eulogies in, 246–48

lust in, 96

news in, 211

parties in, 179–81

work in, 149–50

apologies, 175–77

in Hamlet, 177

in The Merry Wives of Windsor, 175

Arden, Mary, 24

Aristotle, 47–48

Ars Amatoria (Ovid), 47

Asimov, Isaac, 48

Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare (Asimov), 48

As You Like It, xii, xvii, xli–xlii, xxn, 30, 33, 63, 84, 92, 122, 156, 221, 222

adversity in love in, 116

antithesis in, 109

childhood in, 39

death in, 226

endless love in, 110–11, 114–15

fitness in old age in, 193–95

hopeful love in, 84–85

imagination in, virtues of, 57

parties in, 179

publication date of, 115

sisterhood in, 32–34

sisters in, 32–34

sports in, 58–59

staging for, 15

victory in war in, 140

weddings in, 100, 108–9

Autumn, Emilie, 96


bad news, 212

Barker, Harley-Granville, 10

baseball, 62–63

Bay of Portugal, 114–15

Becket, Andrew, 119–20

Beckett, Samuel, 5

Berra, Yogi, 52

The Bible, 14–15

birth, 1–5

birthdays, 70–72

in Antony and Cleopatra, 71, 72

in Julius Caesar, 71

blessings, 14–18

for daughters, 14–18, 20–22

for sons, 19–23

in The Winter’s Tale, for daughters, 14–18, 20–22

The Book of the Courtier (Castiglione), 126

bores, people as, 170–72

brothers, 34–35

in Antony and Cleopatra, 35

in The Comedy of Errors, 34–35

“Brush up Your Shakespeare,” 84–85

Buffett, Warren, 52

Burbage, Richard, 222


Cardenio, 175

Carter, Jimmy, 234

Castiglione, Baldassare, 126

Cervantes, 175

childbirth, 3–5

childhood, 36–40

in As You Like It, 39

children, 40–43

death of, 239–40

in Macbeth, 240

poorly-behaved, 42–43

as redemption for past acts, 40

in Richard III, 240

well-behaved, 40–41

in The Winter’s Tale, 40–41

in As You Like It, 40–41

chivalry, among soldiers, 125–26

Christmas, 68–70

Churchill, Winston, 52

Clinton, Bill, 66–67, 234–35

cold weather, 213

comedians, 167–70

The Comedy of Errors, 3, 34, 67, 123

brothers in, 34–35

hosts’ welcomes in, 183

jealousy in, 117

commedia dell’arte, 187–89

commencement addresses, 51–57

Hamlet and, 53–56

imagination and, 56–57

King Lear and, 52

Commonplace Books, xiv–xv

compassion, in justice, 164–66

The Complete Works of Shakespeare, xi, xix, 19, 70

Coriolanus, 25, 93

wit in, 166

Costello, Elvis, 95

Couric, Katie, 211

Craig, Larry, 130

Cranmer, Thomas, 15

Cruise, Tom, 121

Cymbeline, xii, 93

eulogies in, 242–44

jealousy in, 117

losing in, 139

making love in, 97

perseverance past illness in, 205

as tragicomedic work, 215

victory in war in, 141

wedding toasts and, 107


daughters, 12–18

blessings for, 14–18

death, 158, 221–50. See also eulogies

in Antony and Cleopatra, 237–38

of children, 239–40

grief and, 241–42

in Hamlet, 226–27

in Henry IV, Part I, 227

in Henry IV, Part II, 227

in Henry VIII, 228–30

of husbands, 236–38

as inevitable, 231–35

in King John, 240

of loved ones, 235–40

in Macbeth, 230–33

in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 235

as natural part of life, 227–30

in Othello, 227

in Pericles, 235

in The Tempest, 224–25

in Twelfth Night, 226

in The Two Noble Kinsmen, 228

of wives, 239

in As You Like It, 226

declarations of love, 81–85

in Othello, 82–83

in The Tempest, 81

defeat, after war, 141–42

in Henry IV, Part II, 142

de Sade, Marquis, 97

Devereux, Robert (Earl of Essex), 123

Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Tilley), 136

distinction in war, for soldiers, 127

Don Quixote (Cervantes), 175

Dylan, Bob, 52


Edison, Thomas, 48

education. See schooling

Edwards, John, 130

Einstein, Albert, 52

Elizabeth I (Queen), 123

endless love

in Romeo and Juliet, 111–13

in As You Like It, 110–11, 114–15

engagement rings, 98–99

English Renaissance, 222–24

role of religion during, 251

enjambment, xxiv n

eulogies, 241–50

in Antony and Cleopatra, 246–48

as celebration of life, 244–49

conclusions for, 249–50

in Cymbeline, 242–44

in Hamlet, 245, 250

in Julius Caesar, 245–46, 250

in Romeo and Juliet, 250

Euphues, or the Anatomy of Wit (Lyly), 169

exercise. See sports and exercise


faith, 254–55

in The Winter’s Tale, 255

fathers, 26–30

advice from, in Hamlet, 53–56

in King Lear, love for, 28–29

love for, 28–30

Favre, Brett, 62

A Few Good Men, 121

Fields, W.C., 40–41

fitness, during old age, 193–95

Fleetwood Mac, 181

Fletcher, John, 175, 227

Flynt, Larry, 77

football, 62

forgiveness, 175–78

in All’s Well That Ends Well, 177–78

Franklin, Benjamin, 52

Furness, Horace Howard, 118, 120


Gale, Richard, 143

Gandhi, Mahatma, 52

Gibson, Charlie, 211

Gigante, Vincent “the Chin,” 225

global warming, 217–18

Globe Theatre, 15

God, 251–55

in Hamlet, 253–54

in Henry IV, Part II, 251, 252–53

in Henry VIII, 252–53, 252n

good news, 212

Gore, Al, 216

grandmothers, 196–97

grandparenthood, 195–97

grandmothers, 196–97

in King John, 195

Greenblatt, Stephen, xix

grief, 241–42

Guinness Book of World Records, 114


Halloween, 67

Hall, William, 89

Hamlet, 18, 23, 48, 62, 63, 123

antithesis in, xxvi

apologies in, 177

bad news in, 212

Christmas in, 68–70

cold weather in, 213

death in, 226–27

eulogies in, 245, 250

fatherly advice in, 53–56

God in, 253–54

heightened language in, xxvii–xxviii

military preparedness in, 144

paraphrasing for, xxiv

phrasing in, xxxiii–xxxvi

poetic justice in, 162–63

revenge in, 134–35

spirituality in, 251

thanks in, 172, 174

Valentine’s Day in, 66–67

Hart, Gary, 130

Hart, William, 89

Hathaway, Anne, 13

Haughton, William, 89

health care, 202–5

futility of, 207

in Henry IV, Part II, 203

in Henry V, 202

medical professionals and, 203, 207–10

natural cures and, 206–7

in Pericles, 207

for toothaches, 203–4

Henry IV, Part I, 42, 72, 113, 141

bores in, 170–72

death in, 227

tribute to older males in, 198–99

Henry IV, Part II, 68, 92

death in, 227

defeat after war, 142

God in, 251, 252–53

good news in, 212

health in, 203

lawyers in, 162

nostalgia in, in old age, 192–93

old age in, 191

rain in, 214

Spring weather in, 214

victory in war in, 140–41

warm weather in, 213

wit in, 166–67

work in, 151

Henry V, 24, 30, 127, 222

antithesis in, xxvi

honor in, 132–33

military preparedness in, 144

motivation for soldiers in, 143–44

soldiers in, 125

Henry VI, Part III, 19, 38

tributes to older females in, 201–2

Henry VIII

authorship issues for, 175

children as redemption in, 40

death in, 228–30

God in, 252–53, 252n

hosts’ welcome in, 181–82

parties in, 179

thanks in, 174

Henry VIII (King), 15, 16

Herbert, William, 89

Heston, Charlton, 205

holidays, 63–72

birthdays, 70–72

Christmas, 68–70

Halloween, 67

in King John, 64

New Years Day, 64–66

Thanksgiving, 67–68

Valentine’s Day, 66–67

honor, 131–33

in Henry V, 132–33

hosts, welcome from, 181–83

in The Comedy of Errors, 183

in Henry VIII, 181–82

hot weather, 213

Hughes, William, 89

husbands, death of, 236–38

in Antony and Cleopatra, 237–38


iambic pentameter, xxx–xxxiii

stresses in, xxxi–xxxii

illness, perseverance through, 205

in Cymbeline, 205

imagination, 56–57

in As You Like It, 57

“Imagine,” 57

infancy, 1–12

newborns, 4–5


Jackson, Andrew, 119–20

jealousy, 117–20

in Othello, 117–18

in The Winter’s Tale, 117

Jefferson, Thomas, 233

Jonson, Ben, 12, 215

judges, character of, 154–56

Julius Caesar, xiv, xxxii, 92, 127, 214

antithesis in, xxvi

birthdays in, 71

eulogies in, 245–46, 250

memorials in, 241

response to threats of violence in, 138–39

swimming in, 61

taking advantage of the moment in, 145–47

victory in war in, 140

work in, 147

justice, 151–57, 160–66

compassion in, 164–66

judges’ character and, 154–56

poetic, 162–63

from wisdom, 152–53


Kennedy, John F., 233, 250

Kennedy, Robert, 250

King John

death in, 240

grandparenthood in, 195

holidays in, 64

New Years Day and, 64–66

King Lear, 4, 28, 49, 51, 62

antithesis in, 29

commencement addresses and, 52

death in, 226

jealousy in, 117

learning from life experiences in, 49

love for fathers in, 28–29

middle age in, 158–59

newborns in, 4–5

soldier preparedness in, 145

threats of violence in, 137

work in, 147

kissing, 93–96

in Troilus and Cressida, 93

in Twelfth Night, 94–96

Kiss Me Kate, 84

Kline, Kevin, 177

Koppel, Ted, 127


Laine, Cleo, 95

lawyers, 162

Le Carré, John, 89

Lennon, John, 57

Leonard, Robert Sean, 177

Lewinsky, Monica, 66–67

Lincoln, Abraham, 52, 233–34

Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans (Plutarch), 141

losing, in Cymbeline, 139

love, 73–81. See also declarations of love; making love; weddings; wedding vows

adversity in, 116–20

as endless, 111–15

for fathers, 28–30

hope for, 83–84

jealousy v., 117–20

in Love’s Labor’s Lost, 77–81

lust v., 96

marriage proposals and, 98–99

for mothers, 24–25

in Othello, 82–83

through poetry, 85–91

proposals for marriage and, 98–99

in Sonnet 18, 85–87

as timeless, 102

unrequited, 77

in Venus and Adonis, 76–77

weddings and, 100–115

Love’s Labour’s Lost, 68

comedians in, 167–70

love as theme in, 77–79

victory in war in, 141

lullaby, 9–12

in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 9–12

music composition for, 10–11

lust, 96

Lyly, John, 169


Macbeth, xxii, 26, 40, 49, 92

antithesis in, xxvi

Clinton influenced by, 234–35

death as inevitable in, 230–33

death of children in, 240

Lincoln influenced by, 233–34

maternal protection in, 26

motivation in, 143

paraphrasing for, xxiv

Reagan influenced by, 234

revenge in, 134

soldiers in, 125

weather in, 213

making love, 92–97

in Cymbeline, 97

kissing, 93–96

in Measure for Measure, 97

in Othello, 97

Margaret (Queen), 201

marriage, in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 98

marriage proposals, 98–99

engagement rings and, 98–99

Martin, Ned, 63–64

Measure for Measure, 85

making love in, 97

thanks in, 174

tributes to older males in, 199–201

medical professionals, 203

failures of, 207–10

in The Rape of Lucrece, 208

memorials, 241–42. See also eulogies

in Julius Caesar, 241

The Merchant of Venice, 85

antithesis in, 165–66

jealousy in, 119

justice in, 160

mercy in, 164–66

news in, 210

wedding rings in, 110

wit in, 166

mercy. See also compassion, in justice

in The Merchant of Venice, 164–66

The Merry Wives of Windsor, 40

apologies in, 175

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 47, 77

meter, xxix–xxxii

iambic pentameter, xxx–xxxiii

Michaels, Al, 63

middle age, 157–60

death and, 158

in King Lear, 158–59

in Othello, 157

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 9–12, 26

adversity in love in, 116–17

antithesis in, 218

change of seasons in, 217–20

death in, 235

varied interpretations of, 11–12

wedding vows in, 109

work in, 147, 150

Miles Gloriosus (The Braggart Soldier) (Plautus), 123

military, in Shakespeare works, 122–25

real-life inspirations for, 122–23

Miller, Arthur, 210

mothers, 23–26

absence of, in Shakespeare works, 23

love for, 24–25

protection by, 25–26

Mountjoy, Christopher, 161

Mountjoy, Mary, 161

Moussaoui, Zacarias, 163

Much Ado About Nothing, xxxi, 122, 169, 222

distinction in battle in, 127

jealousy in, 117

toothaches in, 203–4

music composition, for lullabies, 10–11


natural cures, 206–7

natural sciences, 6–7, 48

natural stresses, in iambic pentameter, xxxiii

newborns, 4–5, 7–12

in King Lear, 4–5

in Sonnet 3, 8

news, 210–12

in Antony and Cleopatra, 211

bad, 212

good, 212

in The Merchant of Venice, 210

New Years Day, 64–66

New York Post, 132

New York Times, xxii

Nicholson, Jack, 121

North, Thomas, 141

The Norton Shakespeare, xix

nostalgia, in old age, 192–93

in Henry IV, Part II, 192–93

in Romeo and Juliet, 192

in The Taming of the Shrew, 192


old age, 186–95. See also tributes, during old age

fitness during, 193–95

grandparenthood in, 195–97

in Henry IV, Part II, 191

with infirmity, 205

nostalgia in, 192–93

in The Tempest, 205

“O Mistress Mine,” 95

O’Neal, Shaquille, 60

Othello, xx–xxi

aging in, 159–60

death in, 227

declarations of love in, 82–83

jealousy in, 117–18

making love in, 97

middle age in, 157

reputation in, 130–31

Ovid, 47–48, 77

Oxford English Dictionary, 218

The Oxford Shakespeare, xix


Papp, Joseph, 37

parties, 179–85.

See also hosts, welcome from

in Antony and Cleopatra, 179–81

buzzkills at, 183–85

in Henry VIII, 179

hosts and, welcome from, 181–83

in Romeo and Juliet, 179

in The Taming of the Shrew, 179

in As You Like It, 179

The Passionate Pilgrim, 88

Pericles, 24

death of loved ones in, 235

futility of health care in, 207

storms in, 214–16

Phelps, Michael, 61

phrasing, xxxiii–xxxvii

enjambment and, xxivn

with verse lines, xxxiii–xxxvii

Physician’s Desk Reference, 206

Plautus, 123

Plutarch, 141

poetic justice, in Hamlet, 162–63

poetic love, 85–91

Porter, Cole, 84–85

prayers, for soldiers, 127–29

in All’s Well That Ends Well, 128–29

prose, verse v., xxix

prosody, 2–3


rain, 214

The Rape of Lucrece, 89, 209–10

failure of medical professionals in, 208

Reagan, Ronald, 52, 234

reflection, in old age, 192–93

through tributes, 197–202

religion, during English

Renaissance, 251

religious faith. See faith

reputation, 129–33

honor and, 131–33

in Othello, 130–31

in Richard III, 129

of soldiers, 124–25

revenge, 134–36

in Hamlet, 134–35

in Macbeth, 134

Richard III, 40, 222

antithesis in, xxvi

death of children in, 240

engagement rings in, 98–99

grandmothers in, 196–97

reputation in, 129

soldiers in, 125

work in, 147

Rizzuto, Phil, 63

Romeo and Juliet, 93

endless love in, 111–13

eulogies in, 250

lust in, 96

natural health cures in, 206–7

nostalgia in, in old age, 192

parties in, 179

publication date of, 115

Roth, Philip, 12

running, 60–61

in The Winter’s Tale, 60

Russell, Bertrand, 89


Sanchez, Ricardo, 143

“Say You Love Me,” 181

Scalia, Antonin, 157

scansion, xxx–xxxiii

schooling, 43–51

choice of study in, 45–48

from life experiences, 49–51

in The Taming of the Shrew, 46–48

in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 49–51

seasons, change of, 216–20

in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 217–20

Seven Ages of Man, xli–xlii

Shakespeare (Van Doren), 143–44

Shakespeare and All That Jazz, 95

Shakespeare, Edmund, 31–32

Shakespeare, Hamnet, 13

Shakespeare, John, 30

Shakespeare, Mary, 30

Shakespeare, William

absence of mothers in works of, 23

bible as reference for, 14–15

collaboration with other writers, 215–16, 227

death of son, 13

legal experience of, 161–62

natural sciences and, 6–7, 48

relationship with daughter as inspiration for, 13–14

She’s Gotta Have It, xx

siblings, 30–35

brothers, 34–35

sisters, 32–34

Sir Thomas More, 219

sisters, 32–34

soldiers, 121–29

advice to, 143–47

as chivalrous figures, 125–26

defeat for, 141–42

distinction in battle, 127

emotional volatility of, 124

in Henry V, 125

in Macbeth, 125

motivations for, 143–45

prayers for safety for, 127–29

preparedness for, 124–25, 129–33, 144–45

reputation of, 124–25, 129–33

in Richard III, 125

sprezzatura and, 126

taking advantage of the moment for, 145–47

victory in war for, 139–41

Sonnet 3, 8

Sonnet 18, 85–87, 90

Sonnet 23, xii

Sonnet 65, 241

Sonnet 104, xii, 72

Sonnet 111, 148

Sonnet 116, xii–xiv, 103, 108, 241

rhyme scheme in, 103

as wedding toast, 100–105

Sonnet 126, 90

Sonnet 135, 91

Sonnet 138, 88

Sonnet 144, 88

sonnets, 88–91

mystery of authorship of, 88–89

sons, 18–22

blessings for, 19–23

The Sopranos, 134

spirituality, 251–55

in Hamlet, 251

Spitzer, Eliot, 130

sports and exercise, 57–63

baseball, 62–63

football, 62

running, 60–61

swimming, 61

in The Tempest, 59–60

yoga, 62

in As You Like It, 58–59

sprezzatura, 126

Spring weather, 213–14

Stewart, Patrick, xxii

storms, 214–16

stresses, in iambic pentameter, xxxi–xxxii

Stubbes, Philip, 155

swimming, 61


The Taming of the Shrew, xx, 43, 44, 92

antithesis in, 47

choice of study in, 46–48

nostalgia in, in old age, 192

parties in, 179

thanks in, 173

work in, 147

The Tempest, xiv, 12, 62, 175–76, 214

age with infirmity in, 205

as autobiographical, 175–76

death in, 224–25

declarations of love in, 81

fitness in, 59–60

jealousy in, 117

refusal of formal schooling in, 45

thanks in, 173

as tragicomedic work, 215

wedding toasts and, 104–7

thanks, 172–74

Thanksgiving, 67–68

Theobald, Lewis, 119

theophanies, 15

Thorpe, Thomas, 89

threats of violence, 136–37

in King Lear, 137

response to, 138–39

Tilley, Morris, 136

Titus Andronicus, 197

toasts, for weddings, 100–107

toothaches, 203–4

tributes, during old age, 197–202

for females, 201–2

in Henry IV, Part I, 198–99

in Henry VI, Part III, 201–2

for males, 198–201

in Measure for Measure, 199–201

in Titus Andronicus, 197

Troilus and Cressida, 85

jealousy in, 117

kissing in, 93

Twain, Mark, 52

Twelfth Night, 60, 92, 113

death in, 226

kissing in, 94–96

party buzzkills in, 183–85

thanks in, 173

work in, 148

The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 49–51

jealousy in, 117

marriage in, 98

The Two Noble Kinsmen, 175

death in, 228


unrequited love, 77


Valentine’s Day, 66–67

Van Doren, Mark, 143–44

Variorum Shakespeare, 118–19, 136

Venus and Adonis, 76–77, 89, 209


iambic pentameter in, xxx–xxxiii

phrasing with, xxxiii–xxxvii

prose v., xxix

victory, in war, 139–41

in Cymbeline, 141

in Henry IV, Part II, 140

in Julius Caesar, 140

in Love’s Labour’s Lost, 141

in As You Like It, 140

violence, 134–39. See also threats of violence

revenge and, 134–36

as threat, 136–37


Waiting for Godot (Becket), 5

Walken, Christopher, 177


in All’s Well That Ends Well, 125

defeat after, 141–42

distinction in battle, 127

victory in, 139–41

War of the Roses, 201

Washington Post, 66

weather, 213–20

changing seasons and, 216–20

cold, 213

global warming and, 217–18

hot, 213

in Macbeth, 213

rain, 214

in Springtime, 213–14

storms, 214–16

wedding rings

in The Merchant of Venice, 110

during vows, 110

weddings, 100–115

celebrations of joy after, 107–9

vows, 109–15

in As You Like It, 100, 108–9

wedding toasts, 100–107

Cymbeline and, 107

Sonnet 116 as, 100–105

in The Tempest, 104–7

wedding vows, 109–15

endless love as part of, 111–15

exchange of rings during, 110

in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 109

Weinstein, Jack, 225

well-behaved children, 40–41

Wilde, Oscar, 89

Wilkins, George, 215

Williams, Brian, 211

The Winter’s Tale, 8, 14, 20–22, 41

blessings for daughters in, 14–18, 20–22

children in, 40–41

faith in, 255

jealousy in, 117

running in, 60

as tragicomedic work, 215

wisdom, justice from, 152–53

wit, 166–70. See also comedians

in Coriolanus, 166

in Henry IV, Part II, 166–67

in The Merchant of Venice, 166

wives, death of, 239

work, 147–51

in Antony and Cleopatra, 149–50

in Henry IV, Part II, 151

in Julius Caesar, 147

in King Lear, 147

in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 147, 150

respect for necessity of, 148–50

rest during, 150–51

in Richard III, 147

in Sonnet 111, 148

in The Taming of the Shrew, 147

in Twelfth Night, 148

Worth, Irene, 177–78

Wriothesley, Henry, 89


yoga, 62