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adoption, 5–7

adversity in love, 116–20

advice, 53–56

aging, benefits of, 159–60

apologies, 175, 177

appreciation, 173–74


bad news, 212

baseball, 62

birthdays, 70–72

blessings, 14–19

for daughters, 14–18

for sons, 19

bores, 170–72

breaking news, 211

brothers, 34–35

buzzkills, at parties, 183–85


celebratory eulogies, 244–49

childbirth, 3–7

childhood, 35–43

children, 40–43

death of, 239–40

ill-behaved, 42–43

well-behaved, 40–41

choosing a college major, 45–48

Christmas, 68–70

cold weather, 213

comedians, 167–70

commencement addresses, 51–57

advice in, 53–56

imagination in, 56–57

compassion, 164–66

crying, of newborns, 4–5


daughters, 12–18

blessings for, 14–18

future prospects for, 14–18

death, 221–50. See also eulogies

of children, 239–40

eulogies after, 241–50

of husbands, 236–38

as inevitable, 230–35

of loved ones, 235–40

as natural part of life, 227–30

of wives, 239

declarations of love, 81–83

defeat, after war, 141–42

distinction in battle, 127


education. See schooling

employment. See work

endless love, 110–15

engagement rings, 98–99

eulogies, 241–50

celebratory, 244–49

conclusion for, 250

at funerals, 242–44

exercise, 57–63

running, 60–61

swimming, 61

walking, 59–60

yoga, 62


faith, 254–55

families. See also children; daughters; fathers

brothers, 34–35

daughters, 12–18

fathers, 26–30

grandmothers, 196–97

husbands, death of, 236–38

mothers, 23–26

resemblance within, 8–9

siblings, 30–35

sisters, 32–34

sons, 18–22

wives, death of, 239

family resemblance, 8–9

fathers, 26–30

advice to sons, 53–56

sons and, 19–22

female tributes, during old age, 201–2

fitness, in old age, 193–95

football, 62

forgiveness, 175–78

funerals, eulogies at, 242–44


giving thanks, 172–74

global warming, 216–17

God, 251–54

good news, 212

grandmothers, 196–97

grandparents, 195–97


Halloween, 67

health care, 202–5. See also fitness, in old age

physician ineptitude and, 207–10

toothaches, 203–4

holidays, 63–72

birthdays, 70–72

Christmas, 68–70

Halloween, 67

New Years Day, 64–67

Thanksgiving, 67–68

honor, 131–33

hosts, 181–83

hot weather, 213

husbands, death of, 236–38


ill-behaved children, 42–43

illness, perseverance through, 205

imagination, 56–57


jealousy, 117–20

judges, 154–56

justice, 152–57, 160–66

mercy in, 164–66

poetic, 162–63


kindness, 172–74

kissing, 93–95


lawyers, 162

life experiences, education from, 49–51

love, 76–81. See also making love; weddings

adversity in, 116–20

for brothers, 34–35

declarations of, 81–83

as endless, 110–13

for fathers, 28–30

hopeful, 84–85

as infinitely powerful, 77–81

jealousy and, 117–20

kissing and, 93–95

lust and, 96

marriage proposals and, 98–99

for mothers, 24–25

poetry and, 85–91

for sisters, 32–34

lullaby, 9–12

lust, 96


making love, 92–93, 96–97

kissing and, 93–95

lust and, 96

male tributes, during old age, 198–201

marriage proposals, 98–99

engagement rings and, 98–99

medicine, 202–5

futility of, 207

natural cures, 206–7

physician ineptitude and, 207–10

memorials. See eulogies

mercy, 164–66

middle age, 157–60

mothers, 23–26

maternal protection of, 25–26

motivation, for soldiers, 143–47


natural cures, 206–7

newborns, 4–5, 7–12

news, 210–13

bad, 212

breaking, 211

good, 212

New Years Day, 64–67

nostalgia, 192–93


oceans, 113–15

old age, 191–95

fitness in, 193–95

health care in, 202–5

infirmity during, 205

nostalgia in, 192–93


parties, 179–85

buzzkills at, 183–85

calls for, 180–81

hosts’ welcome to, 181–83

physicians, 207–10

poetic justice, 162–63

poetry and love, 85–91

prayers, for soldiers, 127–29

pride in work, 150


rain, 214

religious faith. See faith


honor and, 131–33

of soldiers, 129–31

rest, from work, 150–51

revenge, 134–36

running, 60–61


schooling, 43–51

choice of study in, 45–48

commencement addresses, 51–57

from life experiences, 49–51

seasons, change of, 216–20

seizing the moment, 145–47

siblings, 30–35

sisters, 32–34

soldiers, 121–29

defeat for, 141–42

distinction in battle for, 127

honor of, 131–33

motivation for, 143–47

prayers for safety for, 127–29

reputation of, 129–31

seizing the moment for, 145–47

victory for, 139–41

sons, 18–22

fathers’ advice to, 53–56

spirituality, 251–55

sports and exercise, 57–63

baseball, 62

football, 62

running, 60–61

Springtime weather, 213–14

storms, 214–16

swimming, 61


taking a break, from work, 151

thanks. See giving thanks

Thanksgiving, 67–68

threats of violence, 136–37

dismissal of, 138–39

toasts, for weddings, 100–107

toothaches, 203–4

tributes, during old age, 197–202

for females, 201–2

for males, 198–201


victory, in war, 139–41

violence, 134–39

revenge and, 134–36

threats of, 136–37


walking, 59–60

war. See also soldiers

defeat after, 141–42

victory in, 139–41

weather, 213–20

change of seasons and, 216–20

cold, 213

global warming and, 216–17

hot, 213

rain, 214

in Springtime, 213–14

storms, 214–16

wedding rings, during vows, 110

weddings, 100–107

celebration after, 107–9

wedding toasts, 100–107

wedding vows, 109–15

endless love as part of, 110–15

ring exchange and, 110

welcome greetings, 181–83

well-behaved children, 40–41

wit, 166–70

wives, death of, 239

work, 147–51

breaks from, 150–51

enjoyment of, 149

pride in, 150

respect for necessity of, 148–50


yoga, 62