
Eve walked over to Hope and placed her hand on Hope’s flat stomach. “Hello, Emma. I’m your cousin, Eve. You’re going to like being Uncle Gideon’s little princess.”

The adults watched in utter fascination as Eve communicated with Gideon and Hope’s unborn daughter. From hearing Eve’s side of the exchange, they all realized that Eve and Emma were having quite a conversation.

Mercy had accepted the fact that her six-year-old was undoubtedly the most powerful being on earth, and that she and Judah had their work cut out for them. But they would have Sidonia and Sidra to help guide them. The two old women were already acting like rival grandmothers.

Eve gazed up at Gideon, and they smiled at each other. “It’s a good thing that I got in a lot of practice with you,” he said. “I just hope Emma isn’t half the handful you’ve been.”

“She won’t be. I promise. Emma is going to be the Guardian of the Sanctuary,” Eve announced, then settled her gaze on Echo. “But until Emma is old enough to take over, you’re going to be the keeper.”

“Who, me?” Echo’s eyes widened in surprise.

Eve laughed. “You really are going to have to work on controlling your abilities. You should have known that you’re going to be the new keeper.”

“I’m no good at seeing my own future.”

Sidra placed her hand on Echo’s shoulder. “Nor am I, my dear. And I count that a blessing.”

In the two days since the final battle between the Ansara and the Raintree, Judah and the high council had met with Dante, Gideon, Mercy and the highest ranking Raintree in the clan. Word had come in from around the world that numerous Ansara had perished in the cleansing, but many more had been transformed, becoming members of the new clan—the Rainsara, allies of the Raintree.

There had also been another meeting, this one between Mercy and her future sisters-in-law. She had immediately liked both women and sensed that Lorna was Dante’s perfect mate, as Hope was Gideon’s. Mercy knew that when she left the sanctuary, she left it in Echo’s capable hands. Even if the young seer questioned her ability to handle such an enormous responsibility, Mercy had no doubts. One day Echo’s empathic talents would equal her abilities as a prophet. Mercy also knew that she left her brothers in the capable hands of the women they loved and who loved them. She was free to enter her new life with Judah without guilt or remorse.

“It will be some time before I’ll see my brothers again,” Mercy told Hope and Lorna. “At best, Dante and Gideon tolerate Judah and he them. I don’t expect they’ll ever be friends, but…” Mercy cleared her throat. “Our children will be friends as well as cousins, and then the Raintree and Rainsara will truly be united.”

At day’s end, shortly before leaving the sanctuary, Mercy tried to return her battle sword to its place of honor above the fireplace in the study, but it fell off the wall and back into her hand. The same thing occurred with her second and third attempts.

“It is now Mercy’s sword,” Gideon told her.

“Take it with you,” Dante said. “And pray you never have to use it again.”

Reaching out from where she stood behind Dante, Lorna laid her hand on his shoulder. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to. Mercy saw the immediate change in her brother, a gentling of his spirit.

Judah placed his arm possessively around Mercy’s shoulders. “Are you ready to go?”

With tears glistening in her eyes and a lump of emotion caught in her throat, Mercy nodded.

When they turned to leave, Dante said, “Take good care of them.”

Without looking back, Judah tightened his hold on Mercy and replied, “You have my solemn promise.”

Hours later, as Judah’s personal jet flew the new Rainsara royal family from Asheville, North Carolina, to Beauport, Terrebonne, in the Caribbean, Eve slept peacefully, Sidonia snoring at her side. In the quiet stillness, high above the earth, Judah took Mercy into his arms and kissed her.

“You know that I love you,” she said. “I’ve loved you since we first met. Through all these years and everything that has happened… I never stopped loving you.”

He traced his fingertips over her lips as his gaze all but worshiped her. But he didn’t speak. Mercy laid her hand over his heart and connected with him.

I won’t allow you to read my thoughts, nor do I want to read yours, he told her.

But look inside me now and know how I feel.

When she turned, curled up beside him and took his hand in hers, he wrapped his arms about her and held her close.

You are mine. And I am yours. Now and forever. I need you the way I need the air I breathe. I love you, my sweet Mercy.

July 2007 by Beverly Beaver