
Rick makes a good living running Rick’s Place in Chinatown, catering to a reliable stream of tappers, but to make extra cash he takes the occasional off-hours private tap-in job, which he scrounges up on the seedy old Internet. Servicing nervous dreamers who want to crash some porny construct they’re too embarrassed to ask for by name in the light of day. So Rick’s like the kid who opens the back exit to the movie theater, lets you sneak in and sit in the front row for free. Minus his fee, of course. He taps you in, takes his fat envelope, and quietly lets himself out.

Mina is convinced Rick’s cheating on her, which he is, so she tries to follow him to these jobs and spy on him, which she can’t.

Take tonight.

Rick’s on his third house-call when he decides to shake her, which isn’t too hard, given that if you stood across the room from her and asked her to walk toward you in a straight line, about half the time she’d get lost on the way.

Compared to that, the back alleys of the Lower East Side are a labyrinth. Rick doubles back a few times, then pops loose, free of his tail, a block from his destination address. He’s way south of Rivington, in the crummiest part of a crummy neighborhood. Tired tenements slump by the sidewalk, black-iron fire escapes stitched down their bellies like ugly sutures.

He heads into a walk-up with an apartment number on a scrap. Finds the door open so he lets himself in. He has enough time to register that the apartment is dark and entirely bare, save for a wooden rocking chair. But not enough time to turn around before Simon the Magician steps out of the darkness and slashes a sjambok across the back of his knees, which feels to Rick roughly like getting horsewhipped with a live high-voltage wire.

Another nifty trick. Most magicians disappear.

Simon appears.

Rick half-turns and manages to get his hands up this time but that only makes it worse. The sjambok is like a bullwhip that’s all handle, no whip, and on the second pass it slices a whistling gash across both of Rick’s upheld palms, the skin splitting raggedly, as though gasping in surprise.

Simon then calmly bull-rushes him, sjambok held lengthwise up against his neck and arms, Rick stuttering backward until he slams into drywall.

The cheap wall shudders.

Simon gets to the gun in Rick’s belt before Rick does.

Steps backward.

Bounces the pistol lightly in his palm.

It’s a snub-nose, for self-protection. Ironic.

Looks like a padlock with a tumor on it.

He waves Rick over to the rocking chair.

Once Rick’s hands are bound behind him with plastic cuffs, Simon commences the speech-making.

See, for me? I don’t trust guns. Too messy. All forensics and fingerprints. It’s much too easy to connect a body to a bullet, and a bullet to a gun, and a gun to a man.

He turns the gun over, studying it, like it’s an heirloom.

Not that anyone bothers about that sort of thing anymore, am I right? These days you pop someone in cold blood in broad daylight, FedEx the murder weapon to the cops, it will end up in a folder on a pile somewhere, shrugged off as someone else’s problem. But still.

He pockets the pistol.

Old habits. You understand.

He hefts the sjambok.

Now this—

Sends its tip whistling across Rick’s face. Tip bites. Halves a tattoo.

—this is more my kind of firepower. They were made to kill snakes. Most are flexible, like a whip. Made of rhino hide, just leather wrapped on leather. This one’s custom though—

Bends it. Bounces back to attention. Sounds a metallic twang.

—got a little something extra inside.

Whip whistles back the way it came. Matching slice.

Rick sputters.

Wait—I can—don’t you know—just talk to Milgram—

One last slash to shut Rick up.

Sorry. We’re long past the let’s-make-a-deal phase.

Shakes the sjambok slightly, held upright. Watches it wobble.

Then puts it down.

Retrieves a duffel bag. Pulls out a roll of duct tape. Tears off a piece. Mouth-sized.

As I said, I don’t trust guns.

Lays the tape over Rick’s mouth. Tape edges grip his cheeks where the cuts are. Tugs them wider.

I’m more of a non-lethal man myself.

Pulls out a penknife. Opens it. Cuts a slit in the tape. Second mouth.

Then he pulls a can of pepper spray from the gym bag. Jumbo-size. For crowd control.

See, this? This you can buy on the Internet. Get it sent to a PO box. No names, ID, nothing. Legal. Untraceable. And non-lethal.

He shakes the can.

For the most part.

Rests the toe of his boot on the chair’s rocker. Tilts it forward.

Tips Rick’s chin up with the nozzle.

Of course, this is the kind of thing that’s used to disperse riots. Entirely safe and more or less harmless when used on large gatherings in the open air. Isn’t that what they say?

Simon stoops and pulls a pair of plastic goggles from the duffel bag. Straps them over his eyes.

Then slowly works the nozzle of the pepper-spray can into the slit in the tape over Rick’s mouth.

Rick’s legs kick, trying to topple the chair backward, but it doesn’t topple. Just rocks.

Simon’s boot stills the rocker.

But you know what I’ve discovered?

Works the nozzle further into Rick’s mouth.

Best way to make a non-lethal weapon lethal?

One last jam. Rick gags.

Just treat the man like a crowd.

The hissing of the spray goes on long enough that the neighbors assume it’s the roach-guy making his regular visit. At least until their own eyes start to water.

When Mina catches up to him, Rick is bent double on the floor, toppled, still bound to the chair, coughing up foamy blood.

Not coughing. Coughed.

She falls and cradles his head until her palms burn. Eyes raw. She coughs, cries.

Simon stands over her.

Gives the empty can one last rattle.

Death rattle.

Then dumps it in the duffel bag.

Stows the goggles too.

Then retrieves a knife that’s nasty enough to have no other use than cutting people.

She looks up at him, eyes swollen, welling, and spits.

The fuck are you. Fuck you. I’ll fucking kill you.

He stands her up.

His own eyes puffy and raw at the rims, in some parody of mourning.

He smiles.

Don’t worry.

She spits again. Not words this time.

He puts his meaty hand behind her head and clutches her skull. Then with his right hand he presses the long blade vertically against the thin skin of her forehead.

She barely squirms.

Rotates the blade counter-clockwise.

Presses again.

Sign of the cross.

Leans in. Whispers.

Go tell them what I’ve done.

On his way out, duffel bag slung over his shoulder, Simon stops briefly on the street to berate himself, like a man on his way home who forgot to buy milk.


I should have asked him what the tattoos meant.