Sierra Nevada Mountains, California
The sky above them was stained grey and overcast
as they stumbled awkwardly along the silted bank of the gently
burbling river. The water seemed as black as ink and moved smoothly
and calmly past them, showing the way out of the mountains, west,
towards safety.
‘Shit, I need another rest, please!’ gasped
Rose eased him down onto the ground. ‘Aghhh! Shit!’
he cried. ‘Leg’s killing me!’
‘It’s broken in several places,’ said Rose. ‘I
think I can hear it grating.’
He winced as he lay back in the coarse grass
looking up at the sky. It was tumbling with thick winter clouds
that threatened to open up at any moment.
‘Yeah, thanks for telling me that, Rose. I can damn
well feel it grating,’ he grunted through gritted teeth.
She offered him a pitiful smile. ‘Hang in there,
Jules. I’ll get you out of here. You thirsty?’
He nodded.
She opened the backpack. It had belonged to Agent
Barns. Inside was a survival pack: foil wrap, a couple of
high-protein bars and a flask of water. She pulled out the flask
and gave it to Julian.
She caught sight of the linen sack inside and eased
it carefully out, opening it to reveal half a dozen corroded plates
of metal. Beneath her fingers, she felt the indentations and bumps
of unintelligible letters and shapes stamped into the metal.
‘What do you think?’ she asked, passing him one of
Julian turned the plate over in his hands,
inspecting it sceptically. ‘Some kid’s metalwork project, looks
like,’ he snorted wearily, passing it back. ‘A sheet of scrap metal
with a few interesting shapes banged into it. I’m going to be
honest here . . .’ he said. ‘I’m pretty sure it’s not the word of
God written in the language of angels.’
‘And this?’ she asked, pulling out the threadbare
canvas sack. The bones inside clinked softly.
‘Ten quid says they were once somebody’s bloody pet
‘They’re old,’ she said. ‘The canvas bag looks like
it’s seen a lot of years.’
Julian shrugged. ‘I don’t know. An old pet cat,
Rose laughed. ‘Yeah, maybe. What’re we going to do
with ’em?’
‘Dunno. We’ll get someone to take a look. If
they’re genuinely Joseph Smith’s scrolls, then I suppose they have
some historical value. I’m sure the Mormon church wouldn’t mind
having them back.’
Rose nodded. ‘I guess. Ridiculous, though, isn’t
‘That there are people out there, people like
Shepherd, who would kill for a bag of old cat bones and a few
pieces of scrap metal.’
Julian laughed weakly. ‘It’s a world full of crazy
She looked up at the sky. The first few snowflakes
were coming down towards them, light and carried like pollen on the
gentle breeze.
‘Starting to snow,’ she said. ‘C’mon, we better get
going. I don’t want to be caught out here overnight.’
‘No.’ Julian winced.
She put the two cloth sacks back in the pack and
slung it over her shoulder, then, grimacing at the pain she was
about to inflict on Julian, began to help him to his feet.
‘Shit!’ he howled. ‘Ow! Slowly, Rose . . .
‘Sorry, sorry,’ she cooed apologetically.
He gasped, took a few deep breaths. ‘Okay . . . all
right, I’m good to go.’
‘This river will lead us down to the camp site,’
she assured him. ‘We’ll make it there by evening, I’m sure.’
He nodded. ‘Yeah.’
They proceeded along the silted riverbank, puffing
clouds of laboured breath and watching the winter sky above unleash
the first tentative snowfall of the season.
Julian managed to conjure a faint, sanguine smile.
If it wasn’t for the jarring agony in his leg, this would be quite
a pleasant hike. It was peaceful, almost silent except for the
gentle, muted hiss of the river, the swish and thump of the
backpack against Rose’s shoulder with each staggered step, and
something else . . . the soft, reassuring whisper of a breeze
through the naked branches of elms and cedars along the riverbank;
a whisper that sounded almost human . . . almost like words.