There’s a small list of people that deserve a
mention for the help they gave me in putting together this book.
There’s no particular order in which I want to do this, so I’ll
dive right on in.
Robin Carter for extensive proofing and valuable
comments. Yes . . . his name does appear in the book as you, dear
reader, will soon see. Obviously for legal reasons, I need to say
something about this being utterly coincidental and any resemblance
. . . blah, blah, blah. A damn good character name that. I also
want to thank Andy Canty for his proof reading and comments as
well, and again . . . that’s another Christian name that has turned
up in the book! Funny old world.
My thanks also go out to someone I can’t name for
security reasons, who gave me some useful ‘on the streets’ details
of life in Iraq. He knows I’m thanking him anonymously like this,
and that’s how it needs to be.
I want to thank my wife, Frances, for reading the
first draft. I must extend my apologies for making her cry with the
second draft. Her comments were many and varied; you’ll never truly
know how valuable her feedback is. Dad, Tony, and brother, Simon,
thanks you two for your encouragement. Additional thanks go to
Jerry Stutters for some background military details.
Finally, a thank you to my editor, Jon Wood, and
agent, Eugenie Furniss, for working with me on this and helping me
to finesse the story and take it up to the next level.