2015, Texas
Edward Chan and the rest of the touring party sat in the visitors’ reception room, munching on doughnuts and breakfast bagels and slurping orange juice from cartons as their tour guide, Mr Kel y, gave them an introductory presentation.
‘The Texas Advanced Energy Research Institute … or TERI, as we cal it for short, was established three years ago in 2012 when President Obama was re-elected. As you youngsters have been taught in school, the world is entering a new, tough and very chal enging time. The world’s population is nearly eight bil ion, carbon emissions have gone o the chart, the world’s traditional energy sources – oil and gas – are rapidly running out. We need to change the way we live or … wel , I’m sure you’ve seen enough doom and gloom forecasts on the news.’
He paused. The reception room was silent except for the shu ing of one or two feet and the slurping of orange juice through straws.
‘So, as you no doubt know, the institute was set up as part of the president’s advanced energy research programme. And over the last three years we’ve used the bil ions of dol ars of taxpayers’ money set aside by this bil ions of dol ars of taxpayers’ money set aside by this initiative to develop the wonderful facility you’re visiting today.
‘We have some of the nest quantum physicists and mathematicians working here, and most of our research work has been to do with a thing cal ed zero-point energy. I’m sure some of you must have heard that term in the news.’
Edward looked around at the other kids. A few heads were nodding uncertainly. One of them – a boy a couple of years older than him, short and chubby with curly ginger hair parted at the side and brutal y combed so that his hair kinked in waves to one side, reminding Edward of a Mr Whippy ice cream – raised a hand.
‘Yes, er …?’ said Mr Kel y, raising his eyebrows.
‘Go ahead, Franklyn.’
‘My dad says zero-point energy is just a bunch of wishful thinking. It’s like get ing something for nothing. And that’s impossible in physics, nothing’s free.’
Kel y laughed. ‘Wel , Franklyn, that’s a good point, but you see that’s exactly what it is. It is a free lunch. And the idea that there’s such a thing as a free lunch isn’t a new one either. Remember Albert Einstein and his theory of relativity. Wel , he argued that even in a complete vacuum there’s a great deal left there. It isn’t just empty space, there’s energy too, endless energy waiting to be tapped. Even the ancient Greeks suspected that we walk through an endless soup of energy. They cal ed it “ether”. But the an endless soup of energy. They cal ed it “ether”. But the trick, kids … the trick has always been being able to isolate it, to measure it. Since it exists everywhere, it’s homogenous, isotropic … That’s to say it’s uniformly the same everywhere and in every direction.’
The students stared at him in confused silence.
‘Trying to measure zero-point energy is a bit like trying to weigh a glass of water under the ocean. You know? It’s the same inside the cup as it is outside … and therefore since there’s no measurable di erence between what’s in and outside the cup, the logical statement to make would be the “cup has nothing in it”. Which would of course be wrong. So, we have a similar issue with measuring zeropoint energy. Only by creating a proper vacuum – and I don’t mean just sucking the air out of a space, I mean a proper space-time vacuum, a tiny one – can we observe what it is that remains.’ He smiled his polished public relations smile. ‘The energy itself.
‘And that’s what we have here at the TERI labs, a device that can create a proper space-time gap. A genuinely empty space.’
Another hand went up.
‘Keisha Jackson.’
‘Go ahead, Keisha.’
‘How big a hole have you got?’ asked the girl. ‘Is it big enough to step inside?’
‘Good Lord, no! No. It’s tiny. Very smal . It doesn’t need to be big. It’s a pinprick.’
to be big. It’s a pinprick.’
One of the boys at the back giggled.
‘Shortly, we’l be going through into the main laboratory, where you’l see the containment shielding that surrounds the area of experimentation. I believe the team is due to be opening a pinhole vacuum in the next halfhour.’ He splayed his hands. ‘Wanna go take a look-see?’
Every head in the room wagged enthusiastical y.