Praise for TimeRiders:
‘A thril er ful of spectacular e ects’ – Guardian
‘Insanely exciting, nail-biting stu ’ – Independent on Sunday
‘This is a novel that is as addictive as any computer game’
– Waterstone’s Books Quarterly
‘Promises to be a big hit’ – Irish News
‘A thril ing adventure that hurtles across time and place at breakneck speed’ – Lovereading4kids.co.uk
‘Plenty of fast-paced action … this is a real page-turner’ –
‘Plenty of fast-paced action … this is a real page-turner’ –
‘A great read that wil appeal to both boys and girls …
you’l nd this book addictive!’ – redhouse.co.uk
‘Contender for best science ction book of the year … an absolute winner’ – Flipside
ALEX SCARROW used to be a graphic artist, then he decided to be a computer games designer. Final y, he grew up and became an author. He has writ en a number of successful thril ers and several screenplays, but it’s YA ction that has al owed him to real y have fun with the ideas and concepts he was playing around with when designing games.
He lives in Norwich with his son, Jacob, his wife, Frances, and two very fat rats.
Books by Alex Scarrow
TimeRiders: Day of the Predator
PUFFIN BOOKSPublished by the Penguin Group
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First published 2010
Copyright © Alex Scarrow, 2010
All rights reserved
The moral right of the author has been asserted Except in the United States of America, this book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-141-95106-5
To Frances, Jacob, Max and Frodo – Field O ce, Norwich And as for you, dear reader, the fol owing message is encrypted for your eyes only:
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: 2026, Mumbai, India
CHAPTER 2: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 3: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 4: 2015, Texas
CHAPTER 5: 1906, San Francisco
CHAPTER 6: 1906, San Francisco
CHAPTER 7: 2015, Texas
CHAPTER 8: 1906, San Francisco
CHAPTER 9: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 10: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 11: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 12: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 13: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 14: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 15: 2015, Texas
CHAPTER 16: 2015, Texas
CHAPTER 17: 2015, Texas
CHAPTER 18: 2001, New York
CHAPTER 19: 2015, Texas
CHAPTER 20: 2001, New York