For those of you who have consistently asked for more Helva stories, here is “Honeymoon.” Only it’s an un-story. I call it that because it cannot stand without a lot of explanation which really makes the minor incident that is the meat of the story much too top-heavy. You really ought to have read at least “The Ship Who Sang,” the story, if not the full novel, to understand what is left out.
I have often called Helva my alter ego. “The Ship Who Sang” is my favorite story; I still cannot reread it without weeping, for I wrote it in an unconscious attempt to ease my grief over the death of my father, the Colonel. The other yarns in the novel were therapy for other personal problems, none of which actually figure in the plots. So, although this tale should have been the starting point of a new volume about Niall Parollan and Helva, I don’t really yet know if Helva will sing again. “Honeymoon” does tie up the one loose end which the majority of my readers have complained to me about.