As with all my previous books, this one would never have left shore without the help of a great many people and organizations. They gave freely of their time, knowledge, and expertise and supplied me with the informational gold mine I rummaged through as I wrote. If there are errors as a result of this process, however, go no further than the messenger. The fault will be mine, and not the fault of those listed below. To them go only gratitude and best wishes.
John Applegate
Carol Boone
David Ainsworth
Euclid Farnham
John Martin
Paco Aumand
Von Labare
Letha Mills
Herb Maurer
Evan Hodge
Dana Bonar
Garry Lawrence
Eric Buel
Kathryn Tolbert
Karen Carroll
Richard Guthrie
Robert McCarthy
Bob Kirkpatrick
Kali Erskine
Bill O’Leary
Yvonne Shukovsky
Paula Yandow
Karen Carroll
Dan Davis
Mike Crippen
Peter Shumlin
Castle Freeman, Jr.
Julie Lavorgna
Wyn Glover
Peter Langrock
Darlene Littlefield
Tammy Martell
The Brattleboro Police Dept.
The Vermont State Police
The Vermont Forensic Lab
Court Reporters Assoc. Inc.
The Vermont Dept. of Public Safety
The Tunbridge World’s Fair
Windham Co. SA’s Office
The Gloucester Police Dept.