I’m grateful to Leonard Maltin for letting me take liberties with his indispensable guide; to The Guinness Book of World Records for roughly the same reason; to Gavin Lambert and the late Dodie Smith for the inspiration of Inside Daisy Clover and I Capture the Castle; to Marie Behan, Patrick Janson-Smith, Susan Moldow, Joseph Montebello, Nancy Peske, David Rakoff, Deborah Rogers, Bill Shinker, Binky Urban, and Irene Webb for their tireless efforts on behalf of this book; to Jerry Kass for reading an early draft and offering comments; to Glen Roven for the use of that discarded lyric; to Greg Gorman for introducing me to Michu; to David Sheff for sharing his insight; to my old friend Steve Beery for holding the fort while I was in another hemisphere; and to my beloved Terry for making life wonderful in both.