23. Be Grateful
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank you”, it will be enough.
Meister Eckhart
As a kid I often asked the question, “If God is so wonderful, why would He care if we say thank you? Why give thanks at mealtimes? What is the point of those bedtime prayers: ‘Thank you for Mummy and Daddy and a warm bed.’? Why is gratitude important?”
“When I’m happy,
then I’ll be grateful!”
Why did Abraham, Zoroaster, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Yogananda and my Mum all recommend being thankful? And why is it that so many people make time for gratitude journals?
It’s because gratitude changes you. There is no faster way to elevate your vibration. Gratitude is the fast track to the life you want.
The more often that you have the feeling, “I have what I want”, the more often you get what you want. Appreciation is as good as meditation.
How do you practise gratitude? Here are simple things any six-year-old can do.
EACH NIGHT: As you go to sleep, review your day and make a list of everything you are thankful for: family, friends, sunshine, medication, deodorant, your laptop, a safe flight, a great lunch, a laugh with a neighbour, a walk with your dog, stars …
EACH MORNING: Give thanks for one more day.
KEEP A GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Make lists of everything that you are thankful for and keep adding to it.
MAKE A GRATITUDE BOARD: I have a pinboard by my desk. It is covered with about 50 photographs of family and friends I love the most, photographs of places Julie and I have enjoyed the most, highlights of vacations and events for which I feel blessed. I look at it every day and tell myself, “I AM so lucky!” I put it together when I was feeling stuck and not very grateful.
A gratitude board is a joy to make. And here’s the key – each time you look at it, be sure to say “I AM so fortunate,” and not “How happy I WAS.”
“When I was your age I was proud to
be seen with my parents!”
GIVE THANKS FOR EVERY SMALL THING: Whatever gives you joy – dogs at play, a glass of clean water, a hug from your wife – make it a habit to say a silent “thank you”. If a stranger gives you a smile, say a silent, “thank you”. If you are broke and you find a dollar, say “thank you”. Gratitude for even tiny things makes you a magnet for more good things.
WHEN THINGS SEEM TO BE GOING WRONG: Ask yourself, “What is one good thing about this disaster?” And if you can find nothing good, say “thank you”, anyway: “I have no idea how this could possibly be good, but ‘thank you’ in advance.”
Once you understand that gratitude transforms lives, you become a gratitude warrior.
Once you believe that nothing is an accident and every event is helping you on your journey, you give thanks for everything. That’s when the Universe really starts plotting to make you happy.
In a Nutshell
Average people say: “When I’m happy, then I’ll be grateful.”
Joyful people say: “When I’m grateful, then I’ll be happy.”